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How to concentrate on studies

Disconnect from Internet

Stay with the book even you can not concentrate until you finish your daily scheduled study

Stop doing anything else

Try to understand what you are reading clearly

Follow more than one book for one topic and compare the differences, to bring some challenge and concentration in you

Lastly, again do not do anything else or concentrate on anything else, until you are done with your study

Very lastly, take the study as a challenge and target someone so that you can get more marks than him/her
His problem is not how get good grades, but how to concentrate on studies!

Lack of concentration can be a serious issue if not dealt properly and early. Once you go off the track for a long time it takes equally long to get back. Try to figure out your addictions and the reasons that keep you away from studies or things that keep your mind distracted from studies. Could be anything, from internet, TV, sex to fear of failure. So figuring that out is the most important part. Once you do that try to get rid of it and change your lifestyle accordingly. But if it still doesn't improve your situation go see a psychiatrist. lack of concentration can lead to serious mental disorder, anxiety, depression etc. Better to treat it properly than suffer silently.

The answer I was looking for

Thx very much
OMG!! please help me too.......Other than having concentration issues i have OCD so i cannot stop my freaking mind from thinking about stupid and irrelevant things over and over. Gave one paper today, but it was a hell of a task to even concentrate while writing and penned down wrong roll number as well.......sincere suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Should i continue or not?
p.s have been on anti depressants and anti psychotic drugs for more than 3 years now, thought could do this freaking CSS but cant focus on studies, What do i do please HELP!!!!!!! mental torment is excruciatingly annoying :cry:

Start building body/exercise/jogging/hard working/taking challenges/optimistic, these work as anti depressant as these bring some results/successes. These worked in my case. But if your depression is related to love/death of someone, then my idea may not work.
1)Read the topic at hand and try to understand as much as possible without being stressed.

2)Close your books.

3)Try to remember what you studied. You don't have to follow the sequence. For example, you just studied 10 points of a topic, try to remember as much as you can. Don't bother whether you could remember all the 10 points or in the desired order.

4)Write down on paper as much as you managed to remember.

5)Then open your books again and check for the missing points, any error or any alteration of sequence.

6) Repeat steps 1 to 5.

The point is not everyone is good at all skills required for a proper study. You may get exhausted by trying to memorize or understand the whole topic at once without success. The above procedure allows switching between exercising each skills, thus alternates use of different parts of your brain so that you don't get tired, while all the time giving you a sense of accomplishment. Try to utilize every minute by engaging with any topic of choice big or small. Always try to find a balance between what you need to study and the level of stress on a particular part of your brain.

Best of luck.
Just got my result

Maths - 87
Economics - 96
BST - 86
English - 92
Accounts - 89
I cannot study my exams are almost on my head
I am a commerce + maths student
What to do I cannot concentrate

Members please help

Perhaps you have an undiagnosed condition like ADD OR ADHD.

See a shrink at your earliest.
I have my electrical engineering midterm upcoming Monday. Its a second year data structures course. Bro just concentrate and avoid sleep sit in a library instead of your room. Moreover stary away from PDF.

No, don't ever :no:
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