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How the U.S. and Its Allies Got Stuck with the World’s Worst New Warplane

Which war US has won since WWII? Fielding top notch technology and in swarms against pathetically -equipped and poorly -trained North Koreans and North Vietnamese was a win? or fighting against a decade embargoed Iraqis? or Libyans? or a professional military-less Afghanistan?
They won all the military campaigns.

South Korea exists to this day.
They evacuated from Vietnam due to popular pressure from the Home front. They had solid positions till then.
Iraq was defeated in 2003.
Libya Government has fallen.
Afghanistan is a puppet state.

For Iraq and Afghanistan, the Muslims were not defeated. But the US never wanted to do it. They wanted unstable regions that would remain a threat more to themselves than to anyone else. Which is why you hate them. Because they have been highly successful.
This is getting ridiculous! The only people more deluded than those who think the F-35
program is perfect are those that think the fighter itself to be useless.

Let me state that I am not a JSF fan; I wrote a piece recently deeming it a bad program …
in direct comparison to the Rafale one as of now. But there's a catch, -program-.
The F-35 will enter service and will be of use. The problem is in evaluating performances
to costs ( both financial and structural ) ratio.
Somewhere between USMC induction ( end of July ) and that of the Navy variant ( 2019 ),
most if not all difficulties should be resolved. The question is more how much will have been
sacrificed to get there.
But a bad program may still yield a good plane. Take a non-mil aviation example : Concorde
was a bad program since external factors ( fuel costs after oil crisis ) ended its run prematurely.
But Concorde the aircraft was a marvel of engineering no one has duplicated.

As for that Rand simulation, it is neither good nor bad in and of itself.
The Rand corporation is most likely the best think tank America has ever had. What they try to
do with such prospective work is to voluntarily find inherent weaknesses so that their consequen-
ces may be prevented. The aim here is to help fix problems before they happen in situ/context.
Scenarii drawn often exceed credible threats in order to prepare for all eventualities.
Despite all their good work, War Is Boring tend to ignore such details because they have a par-
ticular dislike for the F-35 and so to consider some tests as perfectly representative. In doing so,
they ignore that the F-35 potential will only be known once it is in regular production and used in
accordance to the tactics designed around it. Red Flag 18-03 say may answer that. Until then,
it's all opinions and conjectures.

I strongly and sincerely believe that the F-35 program was laden with mistakes and will be remembered so.
This does not mean that the F-35 will never be worthy however.

Besides, considering how much so many folks hate America for its world domination …
should they not be wary that if the F-35 real life perfs end up too low, the USA will simply
design a new solution? Lock-Mart is not their sole armament maker.

Keep calm and have a good day, Tay.
Which war US has won since WWII? Fielding top notch technology and in swarms against pathetically -equipped and poorly -trained North Koreans and North Vietnamese was a win? or fighting against a decade embargoed Iraqis? or Libyans? or a professional military-less Afghanistan?

the only adversary who could give us a run for our money from the 50's to 80's was the Soviets. all other wars was just bush wars for us.

war between two superpowers or even great powers would be devastating to the world. especially when they have 1000s of nukes.

U.S military has to fight with one hand tied behind it's back because of rules of engagement and the worlds opinion.

if Russia or China wants to test us then fine, but it'll be the final test :wave::whistle:
Which war US has won since WWII? Fielding top notch technology and in swarms against pathetically -equipped and poorly -trained North Koreans and North Vietnamese was a win? or fighting against a decade embargoed Iraqis? or Libyans? or a professional military-less Afghanistan?
Hey...You are perfectly free to 'dis' US any way and as much as you like. I hope more and more people thinks like you do.

The sad reality for you is that those who actually served or are still serving, they do not think like you do. Back in 1991, who other than US and the Soviets could have handled Iraq ? Can Pakistan ? :lol:
The sole purpose of F-35 is to avert selling the F-22 raptor to israel
:o:how ? :o::cuckoo:

its hypothatikali like i invested a 100 million $$s in R&D of a new sports car so that my younger brother never lays claim on my old 10000 $$s worth sports car :sarcastic: :omghaha: :omghaha:
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yep, no need to do anything about it, its the world's worst warplane, we suckered everyone into buying it, including the US navy and U{S airforce, who couldn't give 2 shits about their mission and purpose of being if it fattened the corporate pockets!
China and Russia have absolutely no need to worry, your J-30 and Pak-FA will blow us out of the water, hell you can invade Ukraine, Poland, Taiwan,Japan and Guam at will! we can't do anything!


Sure, you do know being a savvy salesman and better pitch could make a lot of people buy crap. Remember Pontiac Aztek, a lot of people bought that hideous looking piece of $hit.

That 's a crappy article.

The F-35 will dominate the skies for decades to come.

Yeah it will , IF it can stay airborne that is.

The only question left is when will they admit the F-35 is a failure.

Apparently never, and judging by the fan boy reactions across PDF. Even after these things will be falling right and left they still wont believe that it is an utter failure.

They won all the military campaigns.

South Korea exists to this day.
They evacuated from Vietnam due to popular pressure from the Home front. They had solid positions till then.
Iraq was defeated in 2003.
Libya Government has fallen.
Afghanistan is a puppet state.

For Iraq and Afghanistan, the Muslims were not defeated. But the US never wanted to do it. They wanted unstable regions that would remain a threat more to themselves than to anyone else. Which is why you hate them. Because they have been highly successful.

And here we go, someone with little to no knowledge of history is trying to rewrite history, again.
Exercises done by the US military make plenty of these kinds of assumptions. For example, the Red Air Force is allowed unlimited regeneration, assuming overwhelming enemy resources at hand, while the Blue Air Force is often attrit at varying degrees with no allowance of resupply and/or reinforcement at all.

These guys do not realize that when Americans play war games, at least how the USAF does it, we often rig the exercise to make the Blue force lose. The idea is to stress everything, from humans to machines to logistics, to their failure points. When I was active duty and in England, we had NATO inspectors walk the area telling maintainers who 'died' and who got 'wounded', and those who got 'wounded' became demerits for efficiency or simulated inefficiency. For example, if a jet was fixed in 1 hr, it was not allowed to be on the sortie list for 2 hrs, simulating inefficiency from the 'wounded' man. The idea was to see how many maintainers a squadron could lose, or how many supply trucks are 'destroyed', or how badly damaged is the ammo dump, before the squadron can no longer contribute flyers to the day's sorties. The longer any squadron can contribute, the closer that squadron is examined after the exercise to see why and if whatever it has can be replicated.

If we go by how people here know and perceive exercises, the US military should have lost every fight since WW II. I tried to explain in the past that we do not have exercises to make ourselves look good but often to see how far we can go before we fail. I suggested people should take news reports and commentaries with suspicions because usually the reporter/commentator do not have the necessary clue on how the military run things. Does not seems to sink in. They all seems to go to see how much they can post derogatory things about the US.

During my stint in Ranger School, we simulated combat patrol being made when you are in a humanly impossible situation, ie being starved and sleep deprived state, the reason for that is, you can launch a combat patrol when you are 100% ready to fight, but fight does not stop when you are less than ready, or even less than good shape, so you have to prepare for it.

And do you want to know how we fight starved and sleep deprived?? Simple, we are actually starved and sleep deprived. But if people were to judge the face value in Ranger School, then they will see a bunch of thin, feeble people cannot even complete simple task they are suppose to (do bear in mind most people are out in this phase by failing to perform simple task). Then they would say US Army ranger are bunch of stupid unfit people. lol
:o:how ? :o::cuckoo:

its hypothatikali like i invested a 100 million $$s in R&D of a new sports car so that my younger brother never lays claim on my old 10000 $$s worth sports car :sarcastic: :omghaha: :omghaha:

well does the rest of the things the US does for israel make sense? isreally not , not because it's america it's supposed to make sense
Sure, you do know being a savvy salesman and better pitch could make a lot of people buy crap. Remember Pontiac Aztek, a lot of people bought that hideous looking piece of $hit.

We are not talking about an individual person, we are talking about a military...
The US military has extensively tested the plane... Its the longest testing period in history for an aircraft as it coincides with LRIP.
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