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How The Mig-21 Once Saved The Life Of Former Chief Of The Indian Air Force, NAK Browne


Jun 2, 2016
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Published June 9, 2016


For many years the Soviet era Mig-21 was the Indian Air Force’s premier fighter. The first supersonic jet of the Air Force the Mig-21 was as feared by the enemy as is was loved by the pilots who flew the formidable plane.

The tail delta wing design, slim bullet-like fuselage and a powerful engine, gave it a top speed of close to Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound). It played a role in the 1971 war and even during the Kargil conflict. And when the Pakistan Navy Atlantique violated the Indian airspace in 1999, it was a Mig-21 of the 45 Squadron that let an R-60MK air-to-air missile fly off the rails.

And though it got a bad rep as the ‘Flying Coffin’ because of the number of accidents that the type was involved in, a lot of the times it was down to pilot error and a lot of times poor maintenance. But during the peak of its operational life, the Mig-21 was the one that most Indian Air Force fighter pilots wanted to fly.



One of the pilots who flew the ‘21’ was the former Chief of Air Staff, NAK Browne, also called ‘Charlie’ Browne. As a Fl. Lt. with the 4 Squadron in Bareilly, the former Chief had a close shave. In an article in IAF’s Aerospace Safety magazine, Browne said that after a training mission that they ‘won’, he and his No 2 were heading back to base. As he lined up the aircraft on approach, he felt the engine speed drop. Instinctively he throttled up to gain airspeed, but the revs soon dropped again. Once more he fed her some throttle. By now, Browne was concentrating on getting his approach correct to make the landing and made sure everything was in order – correct air speed, a slightly overshooting perspective and enough space to roll out. As he reduced the throttle to check his speed, he heard a ‘pop’. And then, silence.

The engine was dead. When it came to a dead stick landing (landing without engine power) on the Mig-21, it was considered better to bail out instead. The small wings meant that it needed a high landing speed to generate enough lift. But without the engine, it was as good as a brick. So the choice for Browne was clear. Eject.



Then, the C-1118 (the tail number of the Mig 21 he was piloting) did something that made him change his mind. The nose dropped down steeply to allow him to see the roof tops of the village and the runway ahead. Browne picked up the nose, nursed the aircraft and stretched the glide. The Mig was taking him home.

Undercarriage of the aircraft nudged the fence of the airbase, which buckled under the weight and the Mig glided towards the runway. Browne touched down near the halfway mark and came to a stop on the left lane near the 8-to-go marker. Browne reckoned it was a new short landing record on the Mig-21. After coming to a stop, he radioed the ATC about the flame out. Emergency vehicles made it to his plane and he gratefully tapped the cockpit railing of the C-1118, thanking it for saving his life.

After the incident, investigations revealed a crack in the pipeline which led to a major fleet wide modification.



Years later, Browne’s son Omar was completing his MOFT (Mig Operational Flying Training) syllabus on the Mig-21. The air chief asked him after the first solo – ‘How was it?’ His immediate reply was ‘It’s too fast’. That invariably was the response of a number of fighter pilots who had flown the Mig. In Browne’s case, there were a number of things that saw him make it back in one piece. He was on a curved approach, his speed was around 380 km/h and the nose of the particular variant of the Mig-21 that he was flying – the T-77 (now decommissioned) was lighter than the others. All these factors worked in his favour. And obviously his flying skills and the trust he showed in the plane together contributed to the safe landing.

In a few years, all types of the ’21’ still in active service will be retired. But for those who flew it, it will always be special.
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