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How Suburbs Destroyed America

lol, what utter BS

its a nicer life in the suburbs than in the big cities, which are also very expensive apart from being hectic.
Did you watch the videos? it's not about whether they are nicer or not, it's about sustainability and impact on the economy.
Bloomberg LOL
Instead of a mindless 'LOL', maybe you could challenge what the article said. But then again, 'mindless' is the perfect descriptor for your participation in this forum.
And in China...:lol:

It's an exaggeration, Chinese cities do have some single house neighborhoods outside the urban regions, but they are not very common, Chinese people love urban cities way more than suburbs, people would like to pay more for a bed in the city than a single house in the suburbs, this is actually a popular Chinese saying.
Instead of a mindless 'LOL', maybe you could challenge what the article said. But then again, 'mindless' is the perfect descriptor for your participation in this forum.

Says the American fool who is about to wage a war for it's existence. Just wait and see what happens after Trump is jailed. I can't wait for your kind to pick up guns and go apeshit. American suburbs are the least of your concern fool.
It's an exaggeration, Chinese cities do have some single house neighborhoods outside the urban regions, but they are very rare, Chinese people love urban cities way more than suburbs.
No exaggeration. People the world over want the American style of suburbs. They may modify to suit specific social and cultural variations, but ultimately, everyone want a little bit of land and privacy for their families, and the suburb design offers that.

These are not homes but prisons...

No exaggeration. People the world over want the American style of suburbs. They may modify to suit specific social and cultural variations, but ultimately, everyone want a little bit of land and privacy for their families, and the suburb design offers that.

You are full of yourself just like the typical American redneck. You are not a real American, are you?
No exaggeration. People the world over want the American style of suburbs. They may modify to suit specific social and cultural variations, but ultimately, everyone want a little bit of land and privacy for their families, and the suburb design offers that.
Don't take other coutries for granted based on your own experience, how many countries have you lived to say so?


A subdivided unit at No. 121 Lanman Hutong, about 10 minutes’ drive from Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, changed hands on November 11 for 1.28 million yuan (US$182,400) after 136 rounds of furious bidding during an auction in Beijing.

The new owner bought a 5.6-square metre (72 square feet) cubicle covered in bathroom tiles large enough to fit a bunk bed, with standing room only.
Don't take other coutries for granted based on your own experience, how many countries have you lived to say so?


A subdivided unit at No. 121 Lanman Hutong, about 10 minutes’ drive from Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, changed hands on November 11 for 1.28 million yuan (US$182,400) after 136 rounds of furious bidding during an auction in Beijing.

The new owner bought a 5.6-square metre (72 square feet) cubicle covered in bathroom tiles large enough to fit a bunk bed, with standing room only.

This fake American thinks that the world revolves around his hillbilly village. Probably hasn't come out of his redneck village for a good part of his life. Stupid redneck needs to get a reality check.
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