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How some See "South Korea Warship Sinking Event"


Dec 21, 2008
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The answer has much to do with the electoral fortunes of South Korea’s ruling Grand National Party, and the party’s need to marshal support for a tougher stance on the North. Lurking in the wings are US arms manufacturers who stand to profit if South Korean president Lee Myung-bak wins public backing for beefed up spending on sonar equipment and warships to deter a North Korean threat – all the more likely with the Cheonan incident chalked up to North Korean aggression.

Lee is a North Korea-phobe who prefers a confrontational stance toward his neighbor to the north to the policy of peaceful coexistence and growing cooperation favored by his recent predecessors (and by Pyongyang, as well. It’s worth mentioning that North Korea supports a policy of peace and cooperation. South Korea, under its hawkish president, does not.) Fabricating a case against the North serves Lee in a number of ways. If voters in the South can be persuaded that the North is indeed a menace – and it looks like this is exactly what is happening – Lee’s hawkish policies will be embraced as the right ones for present circumstances. This will prove immeasurably helpful in upcoming mayoral and gubernatorial elections in June.

What’s more, Lee’s foreign policy rests on the goal of forcing the collapse of North Korea. When he took office in February 2008, he set about reversing a 10-year-old policy of unconditional aid to the North. He has also refused to move ahead on cross-border economic projects. (13) The claim that the sinking of the Cheonan is due to an unprovoked North Korean torpedo attack makes it easier for Lee to drum up support for his confrontational stance.

Finally, the RAND Corporation is urging South Korea to buy sensors to detect North Korean submarines and more warships to intercept North Korean naval vessels. (14) An unequivocal US-lackey – protesters have called the security perimeter around Lee’s office “the U.S. state of South Korea” (15) – Lee would be pleased to hand US corporations fat contracts to furnish the South Korean military with more hardware.

The United States, too, has motivations to fabricate a case against North Korea. One is to justify the continued presence, 65 years after the end of WWII, of US troops on Japanese soil. Many Japanese bristle at what is effectively a permanent occupation of their country by more than a token contingent of US troops. There are 60,000 US soldiers, airmen and sailors in Japan. Washington, and the Japanese government – which, when it isn’t willingly collaborating with its own occupiers, is forced into submission by the considerable leverage Washington exercises — justifies the US troop presence through the sheer sophistry of presenting North Korea as an ongoing threat. The claim that North Korea sunk the Cheonan in an unprovoked attack strengthens Washington’s case for occupation. Not surprisingly, US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has seized on the Cheonan incident to underline “the importance of the America-Japanese alliance, and the presence of American troops on Japanese soil.”

On August 2, 1964, the United States announced that three North Vietnamese torpedo boats had launched an unprovoked attacked on the USS Maddox, a US Navy destroyer, in the Gulf of Tonkin. The incident handed US president Lyndon Johnson the Congressional support he needed to step up military intervention in Vietnam. In 1971, the New York Times reported that the Pentagon Papers, a secret Pentagon report, revealed that the incident had been faked to provide a pretext for escalated military intervention. There had been no attack.

The Cheonan incident has all the markings of another Gulf of Tonkin incident. And as usual, the aggressor is accusing the intended victim of an unprovoked attack to justify a policy of aggression under the pretext of self-defense.
It seems it's deja vu all over again.

PRC and Russia better be prepared for a possible Korea conflict.

Just like the Gulf of Tonkin, PRC and Russia got together to repel country X.
electoral fortunes of South Korea’s ruling Grand National Party, and the party’s need to marshal support for a tougher stance on the North.

So, these have something to do with North Korea's justification to commit an overt act of war and murder 46 South Korean sailors in cold blood?
So, these have something to do with North Korea's justification to commit an overt act of war and murder 46 South Korean sailors in cold blood?

S Korea, U.S. kick off joint military exercise despite DPRK's strong opposition_English_Xinhua

" The exercise, which was set to end on March 20, are aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the allies to quickly reinforce frontline forces when South Korea was invaded, the organizers said earlier. "

Defense.gov News Article: Sharp Salutes South Korea?s Military Forces

there's 2 alternatives here:

the USN could not detect a 1950's era north korean sub during a full naval exercise. This shows that the USN is incompetent trash.

The alternative is, there was no north korean submarine, and the Cheonan was sunk by a USN torpedo.
S Korea, U.S. kick off joint military exercise despite DPRK's strong opposition_English_Xinhua

" The exercise, which was set to end on March 20, are aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the allies to quickly reinforce frontline forces when South Korea was invaded, the organizers said earlier. "

Defense.gov News Article: Sharp Salutes South Korea?s Military Forces

there's 2 alternatives here:

the USN could not detect a 1950's era north korean sub during a full naval exercise. This shows that the USN is incompetent trash.

The alternative is, there was no north korean submarine, and the Cheonan was sunk by a USN torpedo.
Riiiiiiiight! Of course, we Americans actually did it. LoL!
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So, these have something to do with North Korea's justification to commit an overt act of war and murder 46 South Korean sailors in cold blood?

You are being misguided by the American media. I remain skeptical of the whole situation because...

1) South Korea denied North's request to verify the investigation results.

2) South Korea has not invited the PRC to verify the results.

3) South Korea has only invited all-time "allies" (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Sweden) to verify the results. (Not even a single neutral)

4) Russia expressed skepticism over the credibility of the whole investigation and its results.

5) The words "disputed waters" were present in early American media, but then suddenly disappeared.
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Also they failed to mention how the USN and South Korea were conducting military exercises at the same time, and the Cheonan could've been humiliatingly sunk by a USN error... at best.
"Experts from the US, the UK, Australia and Sweden found that parts of the torpedo retrieved from the sea floor had lettering that matched a North Korean design. "

BBC News - Clinton warns North Korea on sinking of South's ship

I'm sure it must be the people from all those countries who are lying and not the North Korean government. After all, it's not like North Korea is an absolute police state run by a megalomaniac with a history of lying and unjustified violence against it's neighbour to the south.

List of border incidents involving North Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Experts from the US, the UK, Australia and Sweden found that parts of the torpedo retrieved from the sea floor had lettering that matched a North Korean design. "

BBC News - Clinton warns North Korea on sinking of South's ship

I'm sure it must be the people from all those countries who are lying and not the North Korean government. After all, it's not like North Korea is an absolute police state run by a megalomaniac with a history of lying and unjustified violence against it's neighbour to the south.

List of border incidents involving North Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

let me just say presently i think north korea did sink it but there are holes in this story
for one
if the evidence is so conclusive why cant they let china and russia investigate , i understand why they wouldnt want north korea looking but why not china and russia instead of only offering their conclusions to those two countries and the fact that they suppress the initial reports that USN and the south was conducting a exercise.
"Experts from the US, the UK, Australia and Sweden found that parts of the torpedo retrieved from the sea floor had lettering that matched a North Korean design. "

BBC News - Clinton warns North Korea on sinking of South's ship

I'm sure it must be the people from all those countries who are lying and not the North Korean government. After all, it's not like North Korea is an absolute police state run by a megalomaniac with a history of lying and unjustified violence against it's neighbour to the south.

List of border incidents involving North Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know, I can't debate with you. You take news for surface value. Refer to my previous post.
let me just say presently i think north korea did sink it but there are holes in this story
for one
if the evidence is so conclusive why cant they let china and russia investigate , i understand why they wouldnt want north korea looking but why not china and russia instead of only offering their conclusions to those two countries and the fact that they suppress the initial reports that USN and the south was conducting a exercise.

how did they sink it? did a north korean sub escape a USN naval exercise where multiple destroyers and nuclear subs were on high alert?

or was it more... creative?
The so called “overwhelming” and “irrefutable” evidence.

1. Someone wrote “number 1.” on one single piece of the salvaged torpedo…

The inquiry produced a torpedo propeller recovered by fishing vessels that it said perfectly match the schematics of a North Korean torpedo. “But it seemed that the collected parts had been corroding at least for several months.”

Finally, the investigators “claim the Korean word written on the driving shaft of the propeller parts was same as that seen on a North Korean torpedo discovered by the South …seven years ago.” But the “’word is not inscribed on the part but written on it,’ an analyst said, adding that “’the lettering issue is dubious.’”

2. they claim the torpedo remains are a “perfect match” of*a North Korean type of weapon, a “CHT-02D” torpedo.*

An earlier report stated that there were only 4 different types of North Korean torpedos that could have caused this damage.
Type EO-6 and ET-80A “Some experts downplayed the possibility of homing torpedoes, citing the low capability of North Korea’s Sang-O (Shark) class submarines.”
Russian Type 53-56
Russian Type 53-59

Another earlier report:
The metallic debris and chemical residue appear to be consistent with a type of torpedo made in Germany, indicating the North may have been trying to disguise its involvement by avoiding arms made by allies China and Russia, Yonhap quoted the official as saying.
how did they sink it? did a north korean sub escape a USN naval exercise where multiple destroyers and nuclear subs were on high alert?

or was it more... creative?

like i said there are holes in the story of the sinking, and i cant explain how a old north Korean sub was able to to evade a USN/southkorean fleet at high alert and sink a ship. but given how kim acts, he very well could have order the shot.
and if he had actually ordered it, the USN would've shot him down long time ago.

it is more likely that Obama or Mullen ordered the shot.
<like i said there are holes in the story of the sinking, and i cant explain how a old north Korean sub was able to to evade a USN/southkorean fleet at high alert and sink a ship. but given how kim acts, he very well could have order the shot.>

You're contradicting yourself. Your opening statement: "there are holes in the story of the sinking,"
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