Erdogan is rattling cages worldwide, because Turkish military complex is gaining ground rapidly. This naturally worries current world powers and to undermine Turkey immense propaganda worldwide is orchestrated against Erdogan and Turkey, no world power wants Turkey to cut the shackles around its neck. This doesn't worry us though, because regardless of our internal strifes, real patriot Turks would never be a part of this orchestration against us, just traitors. And we are demonstrating to the world, of our capabilities.
Good luck undermining this nation. I'm all for democracy and rights, but nations undermining invading and destroying other nations have no say in our politics. They can kindly gtfo. We didn't invade and make a mess out of Middle East, Turkey didn't orchestrate modern genocides unlike angel like West. Press of freedom in these countries function only when the established global media wants to undermine powers they want to shackle like dogs, when criticism and spies are directed against their own government, they are branded traitors who expose national security and tried, executed and prisoned. Therefore, hypocrits meddle in your own affairs, we are capable to take care of our own nation, don't worry you. You can't teach us lessons, if you want to be taught lessons on civilization, politics and rights, you are welcome