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How safe are western nuclear weapons?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
Arsonist Ordered to Pay $400M for Nuclear Submarine Fire - Rob Ratcliff | IFSEC Global

A 25-year-old man from Maine has been sentenced to 17 years in prison and ordered to pay $400 million in restitution after admitting to setting two fires in and around the nuclear submarine USS Miami.

Casey James Fury, a civilian painter and sandblaster, pled guilty to two counts of arson. He said he set the fires on May 23 and June 16 while the vessel was being renovated at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine because he was suffering from extreme anxiety and depression and wanted to go home from work.


Inquest hears Royal Navy officer shot dead tackling rampaging sailor on nuclear submarine - Crime - News - London Evening Standard

A Royal Navy officer was shot in the head as he attempted to tackle a junior rating who went on a murderous rampage onboard a nuclear-powered submarine, an inquest has heard.

Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux would have fallen unconscious immediately after he suffered the gunshot wound in the incident on HMS Astute while it was docked at Southampton, Hampshire, on April 8 2011, the inquest heard.


List of sunken nuclear submarines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eight nuclear submarines have sunk as a consequence of either accident or extensive damage: two from the United States Navy, four from the Soviet Navy, and two from the Russian Navy. Only three were lost with all hands: two from the United States Navy and one from the Russian Navy. All sank as a result of accident with the exception of K-27, which was scuttled in the Kara Sea when repair was deemed impossible and decommissioning too expensive. All of the Soviet/Russian submarines belonged to the Northern Fleet. Although the Soviet submarine K-129 (Golf II) carried nuclear ballistic missiles when it sank, it was a diesel-electric submarine and is not in the list below.

Of the 8 sinkings, 2 were due to fires, 2 were due to explosions of weapons systems, 1 was due to flooding, 1 was weather-related, and 1 was sunk intentionally due to a damaged nuclear reactor. In 1 case, the cause of sinking is unknown. All of the subs are in the Northern Hemisphere, and there are none in either the Indian or Pacific Oceans.


Timeline: Worst nuclear submarine incidents | Reuters

Here is a timeline of some of the major accidents and incidents involving nuclear submarines in the 21st century:


HMS Affray: Mutiny or sabotage? New book offers explanation of subs disappearance | Mail Online


Nuclear Sub Revolt: Muntiny on HMS Trafalgar


With so many reported and unreported incidents or mutiny,murders,crimes and accidents onboard submarines carrying enough nuclear weapons to destroy a country or two...its uncanny how people of the world feel 'safe'' from their nuclear weapons despite being within rage at any given time....but feel unsafe from our nuclear weapons despite being out of range.
Propaganda is the best weapon...even better than nuclear weapons.
There is difference between accidents and firing off nuclear weapons. You would have to be aware of that basic distinction.
2007 6 nuke laden cruise missiles on-board B-52 flew the length of US between Minot Airbase & Barksdale Airbase, "Accidently"... & no one knew... When plane landed 5 were accounted for. They claimed it was only 5 & previously released figure "6" was mistake... Yeah right mistake... :)

In coming few months 6-7 of crew members working on those bases died in "Accidents"

I Quote:WASHINGTON — A B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown for more than three hours across several states last week,
Recently in America a large stock-pile of hydrogen bombs went out-of-surveillance for an hour
& how safe they are???!!! They blew up 2 cities in Japan & are radiating innocent Iraqis as we speak.
In original video of Fahrenheit-911 by Michael Moore, he simply walked into a stock site for chemical weapons,,, just one un-armed guard on security there...!!! :) Now, that part of documentary has been removed from versions available online...
2007 6 nuke laden cruise missiles on-board B-52 flew the length of US between Minot Airbase & Barksdale Airbase, "Accidently"... & no one knew... When plane landed 5 were accounted for. They claimed it was only 5 & previously released figure "6" was mistake... Yeah right mistake... :)

In coming few months 6-7 of crew members working on those bases died in "Accidents"
Recently in America a large stock-pile of hydrogen bombs went out-of-surveillance for an hour
& how safe they are???!!! They blew up 2 cities in Japan & are radiating innocent Iraqis as we speak.
In original video of Fahrenheit-911 by Michael Moore, he simply walked into a stock site for chemical weapons,,, just one un-armed guard on security there...!!! :) Now, that part of documentary has been removed from versions available online...

You should join the the scores of nations worried about US nukes. wait_ there aren't any ... awww
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