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How Putin outsmarted everyone


Oct 2, 2013
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First, Putin ordered Yanukovych to destroy the Ukrainian economy and then publicly announce going for a deal with the EU, only to back down at the very last moment. This angered western Ukrainians who love the EU to take to the streets to protest. Right Sector soon took over to violently overthrow Yanukovych. Putin then ordered Yanukovych to flee to Russia after making a deal with Right Sector. This makes Right Sector look like Right Sector broke the deal. This prompted Crimea to uprise against Right Sector. Amid reports of Right Sector about to invade Crimea, Putin swiftly annexed the peninsula without losing a single Russian soldier. Next, blasting Right Sector as Nazis on Russian TV, Donbas got the false confidence that Russia would annex Donbas just like Russia annexed Crimea. Donbas then uprose against Right Sector. Because a direct invasion of mainland Ukraine would for sure draw international condemnation even from China, Russia did not immediately deploy military to Donbas. Instead, arms were send to Donbas to halt the advance of Ukraine army and prevent the capitals Donetsk and Lugansk from falling to Ukraine. Now that the US is going to send arms to Ukraine because Ukrainian government got the false confidence that Russia will not militarily intervene if Ukraine army invades Donbas, Ukraine army will invade and in response Russia will have the excuse to deploy military to Donbas and annex Donbas in the name of protecting civilians without drawing international condemnation. And voila, two federal districts in two years, Crimean and Donbas, without losing a single Russian soldier because Ukrainian soldiers do not dare to shoot at Russian soldiers. Plus, it'll make Russians hate America forever because America sends weapons to Ukrainians to massacre Donbas Russians. Sooner or later, out of hunger and cold, Opposition Bloc which is remnant of Party of Regions or Communist Party gains power in Ukraine and relation between Russia and Ukraine is restored again.
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I'm Chinese. China is my native land. I work for no one but China.

People's Daily then! Or no, wait, that's too mainstream, you would do better at the scathing Global Times!

Your extensive analysis and the way how you reach conclusions and the conclusions themselves would surely soothe even the most rabbid CCP hawks.

I mean who in China, one of the most numerous and biggest nations on the world can argue against your theory that superpower = population + land mass?
That's right, noone. So, it is my layman's opinion that for this and many other reasons (your many positive attributes-honesty, loyalty, strict adherence to objectivity, utmost scrutiny of any and all data present in your posts) you are perfect material for an editor of such an established and trend setting enterprise as is the Global Times.
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People's Daily then! Or no, wait, that's too mainstream, you would do better at the scathing Global Times!

Your extensive analysis and the way how you reach conclusions and the conclusions themselves would surely soothe even the most rabbid CCP hawks.

I don't give a d about CCP. I am Chinese so I work for China. :china:
@Superboy You really think Ukraine will invade Donbas?

Without a doubt. Ukraine army is mobilizing 4th draft, doubling budget, recently got 100 refurbished, notice refurbished not built, armored vehicles. Once US arms arrive, at the latest the invasion would be February 2015.
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I don't give a d about CCP. I am Chinese so I work for China. :china:

Your love is just another reason in support of your potential candidacy.

May i also add, that the present op-editor of Global Times has the tone of a particularly vile mother in law, and your out of the box thinking would be like a breath of pristine fresh Yan'an air, more conducive to further constructive debate in the paper itself as compared to the pungent odour emanating from the present holder of the responsible position.
Yes, China should hire Putin to run their economic planning.
First, Putin ordered Yanukovych to destroy the Ukrainian economy and then publicly announce going for a deal with the EU, only to back down at the very last moment. This angered western Ukrainians who love the EU to take to the streets to protest. Right Sector soon took over to violently overthrow Yanukovych. Putin then ordered Yanukovych to flee to Russia after making a deal with Right Sector. This makes Right Sector look like Right Sector broke the deal. This prompted Crimea to uprise against Right Sector. Amid reports of Right Sector about to invade Crimea, Putin swiftly annexed the peninsula without losing a single Russian soldier. Next, blasting Right Sector as Nazis on Russian TV, Donbas got the false confidence that Russia would annex Donbas just like Russia annexed Crimea. Donbas then uprose against Right Sector. Because a direct invasion of mainland Ukraine would for sure draw international condemnation even from China, Russia did not immediately deploy military to Donbas. Instead, arms were send to Donbas to halt the advance of Ukraine army and prevent the capitals Donetsk and Lugansk from falling to Ukraine. Now that the US is going to send arms to Ukraine because Ukrainian government got the false confidence that Russia will not militarily intervene if Ukraine army invades Donbas, Ukraine army will invade and in response Russia will have the excuse to deploy military to Donbas and annex Donbas in the name of protecting civilians without drawing international condemnation. And voila, two federal districts in two years, Crimean and Donbas, without losing a single Russian soldier because Ukrainian soldiers do not dare to shoot at Russian soldiers. Plus, it'll make Russians hate America forever because America sends weapons to Ukrainians to massacre Donbas Russians. Sooner or later, out of hunger and cold, Opposition Bloc which is remnant of Party of Regions or Communist Party gains power in Ukraine and relation between Russia and Ukraine is restored again.
Now everything Putin needs is buy DSI from China. Then he will be a master of the world.
I don't give a d about CCP. I am Chinese so I work for China. :china:

The most patriotic and pro-China thing you could ever do in your entire life is to stop posting on PDF and go back to school. :wave:

People's Daily then! Or no, wait, that's too mainstream, you would do better at the scathing Global Times!

Your extensive analysis and the way how you reach conclusions and the conclusions themselves would surely soothe even the most rabbid CCP hawks.

I mean who in China, one of the most numerous and biggest nations on the world can argue against your theory that superpower = population + land mass?
That's right, noone. So, it is my layman's opinion that for this and many other reasons (your many positive attributes-honesty, loyalty, strict adherence to objectivity, utmost scrutiny of any and all data present in your posts) you are perfect material for an editor of such an established and trend setting enterprise as is the Global Times.

I vote that Canada deports Superboy to Switzerland.
The most patriotic and pro-China thing you could ever do in your entire life is to stop posting on PDF and go back to school. :wave:

Exactly. :lol:

That would be the best for China's interests. That's why he will 100% refuse to do it.
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