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How Pakistan secures its nuclear weapons

And please would you elaborate why UNO will ask for this?

Why UNO ask for that?????

A very simple reason, you can find the answer from below question:

Why UNO ask IRAN to show his ATOMIC PLANTS?
Why UNO ask IRAQ to quite his ATOMIC PROGRAM?
And Why ISRAEL attack on Syria's ATOMIC PLANT, and no action taken by UNO!!!!?

And Why not UNO Ask ISRAEL to open and show his ATOMIC Plant to UNO???

Hope you already find the Answer!!!!

I am actually not too worried about techincal & policy point of view. I have a different concern.

What if some people in the chain of command have nexus with extremist elements? When & if your nukes fall to Taliban, it is crystal clear that they would not achieve it without active support from various elements in your administration. It will sure be one hell of an insider job.

So when & if such situation arises, how difficult will it be for the extremists to break the technical system & own the nukes?

My dear indina friend...how can u expect that some goofy taliban can access pakistans nukes by doing an insider job??? A two man rule is implied so that two or even three people in some cases have the access to launch codes and other security combinations....secondly the nuclear warheads themselves....the missiles or delivery system.....and the other mechanisms are all stored in different storages very far away and are not in control of one person.....so they are perfectly safe.....by the way the USA had live nuclear bombs flying above their air space adn had those been launched then god knows what would have happened.....that too without even the pilot or engineers knowing!! Sojust because pakistan is a muslim nuclear state does not mean that pakistan sympathizes the muslim radicalists.....so please focus on your own country well being!!:pakistan:
Why UNO ask for that?????

A very simple reason, you can find the answer from below question:

Why UNO ask IRAN to show his ATOMIC PLANTS?
Why UNO ask IRAQ to quite his ATOMIC PROGRAM?
And Why ISRAEL attack on Syria's ATOMIC PLANT, and no action taken by UNO!!!!?

And Why not UNO Ask ISRAEL to open and show his ATOMIC Plant to UNO???

Hope you already find the Answer!!!!


UNO will not ask because those nations were low key nations with no international backng and strategic influence whatsoever....on the other hand pakistan is very much on the forefront and china:china: has vetoing powers!hope that YOU have found the answer:woot:
MANY American companies were involved in nuclear proliferation to Iran north Korea and Libya but they put all the blame on A.Q khan and Pakistan

that's true :pakistan:
i personally believe that UNO is a non-effective institute for world peace. They are hypocrites. If they are truly sincere to the peace in the world, then they must know that Pakistan has developed its weapons only for maintaining equilibrium of power in the region and our N-resources are safe. There is no question that we will allow UN or any other nation to interrogate or look into our N-arsenals. Pakistan Armed forces must look into this affair seriously for what one of my friend said that will occur in near future. We are responsible nation, and we know how to protect our N-arsenals....
AQ Khan is just a token to blame everything on.
Nuclear profiltration rings are not operated like your typical drugs / currency smuggler. But there are highly professional and well trained intelligence officers. Pakistani nuclear program would never be sucessful without Turkish intelligence assitance in persuing the German suppliers and some sympathic officers in CIA. While this is a little talked secret it is true that Turks and their moles in CIA indirectly contributed a lot to our program.
The Institute for Science and International Security, a Washington-based nuclear watchdog, has obtained satellite images showing that a row of cooling towers at Pakistan's secret Khushab-III reactor has been completed. This suggests the plant could begin operation within months, allowing Pakistan substantially to increase its stockpiles of weapons-grade plutonium.

Last year, Barack Obama, US president, called for "a new treaty that verifiably ends the production of fissile materials". In response, the Conference on Disarmament, a 64-nation coalition that negotiated the 1992 Chemical Weapons convention and the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, agreed to negotiate a Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty, intended to cap production of weapons-grade enriched uranium and most forms of plutonium.

But Pakistan, which is deepening its nuclear ties to China, has blocked the Conference on Disarmament from starting discussions, saying a cut-off would hurt its national security interests. Ashley Tellis, a scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said: "Pakistan thinks its going to be forced to cap its fissile material stocks and wants to make sure it has as much as it can get before then." The country's position has frustrated many states. Rose Gottmeiler, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, recently warned that her country's "patience is running out".

Khushab-III is the latest in a series of reactors built to feed Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme. Khushab-II, located next to its new sister plant, became operational in February. The plutonium produced at the complex allows for the construction of small but lethal weapons: a single kilogram can produce an explosion equal to 20,000 tons of conventional explosives.

Work at Khushab III has forged ahead even as Pakistan struggles to cope with floods that have inflicted damage estimated at £27 billion–and amid mounting concerns over the long-term security of the strife-devastated country's nuclear arsenal.

Pakistan argues that its nuclear weapons programme is necessary to counter the superior conventional forces of India, its historic adversary. In a recent report published by the prestigious Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Hans Kristensen and Robert Norris estimated it had assembled 70-90 nuclear warheads to India's 60-80, and had produced enough fissile material to manufacture another 90 more.

The Obama administration is also disturbed by Chinese plans to build two new nuclear reactors in Pakistan, bypassing Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) rules that bar sales of nuclear equipment to states that have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). India, which along with Israel and Pakistan has refused to sign the NPT, recently obtained a waiver from the NSG allowing sales under international safeguards.

China, however, says it does not need NSG permission to sell reactors to Pakistan, arguing it had committed to the deal before it joined the NSG in 2004–a claim the United States disputes.
AQ Khan is just a token to blame everything on.
Nuclear profiltration rings are not operated like your typical drugs / currency smuggler. But there are highly professional and well trained intelligence officers. Pakistani nuclear program would never be sucessful without Turkish intelligence assitance in persuing the German suppliers and some sympathic officers in CIA. While this is a little talked secret it is true that Turks and their moles in CIA indirectly contributed a lot to our program.

infact AQ may well be a scapgoat putting cover on lots of other people whom we dont even recognize and who are working on the project.
having AQ inn lime light do serves the purpose of keeping the other VVIPs under shadows,

It is as possible as some Hindu extremist or some American survivalist/neo-Nazi elements gaining access to their respective nuclear assets.

There are effective background checks, profiling and monitoring that goes on for people in the program.

Your point "when your nukes fall..." is typical of the paranoia about this capability. Have you seen any cases of Pakistani military defecting over to the other side? It has not happened and neither will it happen so why do people automatically assume that some folks on the inside will immediately become turncoats and hand these things over to the Taliban on a platter?

The delivery systems are with a different formation, the weapon codes are secured via the standard 2-man rule employed in the West etc. etc. So this talk of this and that falling in the hands of the Taliban is misplaced.

There is a bigger concern about Russian weapons falling into the hands of the arms dealers in CARs and being shipped to the highest bidder but because Pakistan is the punching bag for all, this stuff is talked up by every Tom, Dick and Harry regardless of how clueless they are.

well i guess pakistan has nuke not some lolly pops or jelly beans i guess which someone can just pic up from a shop and run ........ u need a proper equipment and alot of other stuff to use a nuke so i guess it isnt some joke that pakistani nukes could be sabotaged they arent some utility items in a grocers shop that could be carried in a shponig bag ......:rofl:
what ever the case.......pakistans nukes are stored in places such as mountains of murree........dera ghazi khan....and 2 more places i cant remember,and these places are built by the technology bought from america adn they first ask that where is this going to be put in,but now the nuclear storages are made somewhat indegeniously and the americans dont know the locations of many new ones,so how can the taliban or extremists know there hideouts:what:????GET REALISTIC!!:pakistan:
Well for security in war time the nukes are stored in deep underground tunnels at ---------
Today i visited the factory where gates of these tunnels are being made and boy they were awesome!
Heavy sheets of metal and --------- are used in the gates! The gates are made strong enough to withstand a direct hit from a ----- pound bomb. I think it won’t be appropriate to mention the bombs size it can withstand due to security reasons but tell you what, it is a huge load of explosives, more then anything that can ever come and hit it directly!
The tunnels themselves are deep down the earth and no bunker buster or any sort of bomb can damage the tunnel.
All this is first hand information and I hope that is useful for you people!

Brother, security measures around Nuclear weapons are always good. So your information is not surprising at all. Nonetheless, good share. :tup:

However, remember that enemies are always preparing something new to counter our ambitions.

Look at what this small penetrator can do to its target:

This thing is BLU-109 (a 2000 pound bomb).

The latest penetrator being developed by US is called MOP (a 30,000 pound killing machine).

Also, US have already demonstrated the capability to send a 15,000 pound bomb in a tunnel in Afghanistan to destroy a well hidden complex.

Therefore, safety measures for such strategic assets are never sufficient for long term basis. This is why nuclear weapons are never permanently kept in one place.

As far as western propaganda regarding safety of our nukes is concerned; it is just a ploy to get more insight about our nuclear assets.
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starter of this thread is banned so what discussion could be?
i've heard there's the rule of Joint Chiefs Of Staff committee. They need the authorization from the heads of three armed forces and the head of states now.
And there are about more than 200 places in Pakistan where our nuclear weapons can be kept and even the US cannot find it.
And Mr. nuclearpak why would we use American technology to hide our nuclear arsenal. When we are hiding it from them...:D
Yeah and Israel also attacked and destroyed Iraqi nuclear reactor.
Afterward they came for kahutta with the alliance of Indian Air force but PAF is not immature so they ran back.:D
Then Israelis sold Nuclear Tech to the South Africans but we can't help Iran or Libya for there peaceful Nuclear Reactors.

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