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How Pakistan can control World Media


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
As we know the current situations going on in Pakistan, many foreigners in all over the world easily react to the negative image of Pakistan through TV, internets, newspapers, and political retaliation. It is not about our country's reputation, Sacrifice for the War on Terrorism or twisting propagandas.

Most important question is how can we control world media positively? Best example would be Germany, Japan & Israel, Russia/Soviet Union, Middle East coverages (dictators).

It is our responsible to control all major medias, we witness we are enough intelligent resilent people & able to overcome many negatives propagandas, can we?

If yes, how?

Any senseless trolling would be report immediately and will ban by Moderators, be wise!
This is going to be a great thread. Thank you for creating it.
You cant control media in a democracy.

The media can control the country instead. Its the media, that can get a powerful man in the country jailed or punished.
Most important question is how can we control world media positively? Best example would be Germany, Japan & Israel, Russia/Soviet Union, Middle East coverages (dictators).

From this list, only Germany and Japan seem to get any positive press here in Britain.

Everyone is fed up with terrorism and extremist religious views which seem to emanate from that region. Your country should weed that out for its own sake. Positive press will follow.
its not really controlling the media, its managing it. and it is a multipronged approach where you develop and nurture alliances with media houses as well as think tanks to propagate pro-pakistani agendas. you also deploy lobbyies that make your case in foreign governments, let me also add it requires tremendous amount of sustained financing (which leads you back to the basic question: Economy)

So first step, develop trading ties with major economies including India, impart good education to youth, bring in able leaders and develop the economy.
I think its stupid, if you want positive media about Pakistan, then make sure Pakistan does good stuff.

For example, if amount of suicide bombs blast decrease in Pakistan, then Pakistan will have a positive media.

India and China had tonnes of bad media, but now look, most media are now saying China is the next USA and India will be a country, you dont want to mess with type of media.

So dont control it, as good and bad news will come into media regardless.
I think its stupid, if you want positive media about Pakistan, then make sure Pakistan does good stuff.

For example, if amount of suicide bombs blast decrease in Pakistan, then Pakistan will have a positive media.

India and China had tonnes of bad media, but now look, most media are now saying China is the next USA and India will be a country, you dont want to mess with type of media.

So dont control it, as good and bad news will come into media regardless.

like we have control over suicide attacks:offtopic:

and I don't think anybody wanna have a media like India have
like we have control over suicide attacks:offtopic:

and I don't think anybody wanna have a media like India have

Well India media have wayy to much freedom, it can be a bad thing sometime.

Does anyone remember, the bad press India had before the CWG, saying India is not ready yet to hold a major games, India is poor. Then as soon as the opening ceremony happened, everyone was left speechless and congratulated India.
One cannot control media which is influenced by marketing and financial factors.. At the moment, there is more money in showing the negative side of Pakistan, it supports the case of US and Allied nations, which in return rewards generously to media owners.. An example would be, the case of Shahbaz bhatti and protest against his killing was HIGHLIGHTED in all international press but the news about protest against drone attacks held in Peshawar by People of Pakistan is "missing" from all major news papers.. why?.. it goes against the "dictations" of "paying clients"..

That is the simple rule of thumb when it comes to media..
As we know the current situations going on in Pakistan, many foreigners in all over the world easily react to the negative image of Pakistan through TV, internets, newspapers, and political retaliation. It is not about our country's reputation, Sacrifice for the War on Terrorism or twisting propagandas.

Most important question is how can we control world media positively? Best example would be Germany, Japan & Israel, Russia/Soviet Union, Middle East coverages (dictators).

It is our responsible to control all major medias, we witness we are enough intelligent resilent people & able to overcome many negatives propagandas, can we?

If yes, how?

Any senseless trolling would be report immediately and will ban by Moderators, be wise!

bro this world is not safe . . .this world has no freedom . .most of hte media u mentioned as ISRAELI or US or GERMANY is being controlled by zionists of free masons. . there is noway we can make them portray something positive .. its just that we are on a war with them and that is what they want .. they want to control the world .. and our objective is to not let them succeed by not givin them unwanted attention and by not being amreeekas chamche :) . .
It is possible to control media but there must be person of authority who can crush all these fake & bad reputed, anti state media. Simply saying that to control media in our case not real. I don't think if in Pakistan there will be possibility to take action against media.

Rules & regulations, codes of conduct, specifications of media's job description are applied only for a month and then all is forgotten till next big scandal disturbing government's policies, after then again ban & again permission. This is what going on in our country.

In many issues media played destructive role on behalf of their foreign financiers, exaggerating national issues at level where not should be, Balochistan, Karachi, reporting style of tragedies, ethnic issues with over reporting, un professional attitude towards social & political matters, we can observe in our media.

Standard of print media, so tell me what quality news you can get from NEWS FOR 1 RUPEE OR 2 RUPEES?

Quantity decreases quality of press so what strategy can adopt a new established press in seek of high rate of selling? Yes, fake stories, conspiracies, yellow type news (yellow journalism), fabricated material and cost effective rate, result is miss information, ignorance from reality, generation of panic situation among people, frightening simple citizen for no reasons, divert people attention toward sensitive issues where people has not to discuss or think or giving classified information which could harm security matters & safety measures . Only to stood first in publishing news, press is ready to do everything not important how it useful for national cause or not & not important how it can harm country status on international level.

Foreign media representatives in Pakistan exactly whom we can say real threat for national cause in international community as their reports surely based over particular agenda so these representatives must be linked to government controlled press agencies to make surety that nothing beyond state policy transferred to international media through these representatives.

Moreover all national media correspondent’s inbound & outbound news must be filtered through government’s special representatives in major press organizations where for quality news there should be reduction in issuing licenses or terminate 50% news agencies which could not fulfill state information policies or regulations.

Same procedures for multimedia channels, bring all problematic channels under strict control, where no channel is permitted rights to broadcast from outside country and all should work existing in country otherwise ban them.

Free journalism phenomena is nothing but BS, no need to give such freedom whose results put rope in our neck and whose control indirectly in foreign hands.
Once you get control over domestic media then it is not so hard to control world media reporting in press, multimedia, internet sources, but we have to understand also that 100% control is not achievable therefore more than 70% control we can get. Pakistan needs this control over world media.
Sure you can....:tup:
Do Good...Be good, that's the only way to gain reputation.
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