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How much skill is required for Su-30 pilot to evade AMRAAM missile from enemy pilots firing missiles


Apr 14, 2019
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How much skill is required for an Su-30 pilot to evade AMRAAM missile that enemy pilots fire from an optimal distance?

Chris Morgan, Global head, credit and business development. (2018-present)

You can’t really, if you’re in the NEZ of an AMRAAM then a big Su-30 cannot evade. Your only hope is countermeasures. An AMRAAM is radar guided so it will come down to what toys your Sukhoi has fitted. The Indian birds have a different ECM suite to the Russian birds.

Thing is the NEZ is relatively narrow so the AMRAAM uses passive data linking for the shot itself and only turns on its active radar in the terminal phase. Depending how good your TWR is, you likely won’t know the missile is inbound until it goes active.
The Tarang TWR that India uses isn’t as good as the latest Russian TWR.

Anyway it’s not down to how good your pilots are it’s about how good your electronic sensors are. The better they are the longer you have to react. Standard doctrine is you light the burners and try to put as much distance between you and the inbound. You point your tail at the threat as that’s where your jamming gear is, you make sure it’s unmasked and has the best probability of throwing off the missile.

Note : the original website Quora where article of this nature, are being deleted by Indians monitoring those website! The PDF article I published on Arjun main battle tank has now confirmed been deleted from internet but you can check yourself, the source is missing?
Just watch this US pilot talk about how easy it was to shaft these Gandu's during an exercise...LOL!!!

In first 14 minutes he doesn't insult the su-30 but instead he says it's better than F-15 and F-16... How did Indians **** it up on 27th? We may never know
In first 14 minutes he doesn't insult the su-30 but instead he says it's better than F-15 and F-16... How did Indians **** it up on 27th? We may never know

He says it's a tad bit better. But fact is because of RCS and engines it stands out like a soar thumb on radars.
On the 27th, they probably pulled the cobra move using thrust vectoring as they had hallucinations of Hanuman which made it all to easy for PAF to Drill them...LOL!
He says it's a tad bit better. But fact is because of RCS and engines it stands out like a soar thumb on radars.
On the 27th, they probably pulled the cobra move using thrust vectoring as they had hallucinations of Hanuman which made it all to easy for PAF to Drill them...LOL!

Yeah, try evading a mach 4+, 40 G capable missile if you will...

You need extreme skills, sheer luck, and the ability to tolerate a lot of Gs to evade an AMRAAM. Thrust vectoring is not going to help you with any of that. In fact, you cannot use thrust vectoring at supersonic speeds as it will likely shred the airframe pretty badly. That is one of the reasons why TVC is still considered impractical for fighter aircraft.

The mki that was downed, never had the time to employ the TVC as it all happened within seconds.
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Its really hard to evade modern air to air missiles. One option is electronic counter measures. But i think the best option is deploying decoys, smart decoys can fool the seeker and guide it towards itself and away from the plane.
Su-30 is a big aircraft and because of that lacking good agility. Once it is on the move it is a beast and also very manoeuvrable as displayed by Russian pilots. IAF is a different story.

Evading a missile is a nightmare for any aircraft this size. It is basically sitting ducks once the countermeasures fail. A missile is simply too fast and reaction time is next to zero. Especially if the missile has penetrated countermeasures.
Yeah, try evading a mach 4+, 40 G capable missile if you will...

You need extreme skills, sheer luck, and the ability to tolerate a lot of Gs to evade an AMRAAM. Thrust vectoring is not going to help you with any of that. In fact, you cannot use thrust vectoring at supersonic speeds as it will likely shred the airframe pretty badly. That is one of the reasons why TVC is still considered as an impractical.

The mki that was downed never had the time to employ the TVC as it all happened within seconds.
*If it was downed*. Dodging 5 amraams seems like a dodgy claim
With high speed vertical dive,you can evade amraam as well.with full power and afterburner and with two engines,su-30 can evade.iaf not the best so I hope it hit the Target.
With high speed vertical dive,you can evade amraam as well.with full power and afterburner and with two engines,su-30 can evade.iaf not the best so I hope it hit the Target.
what illogical/retard post amraam is 3 time faster then Su-30 , Su-30 top speed is Mach 2/ 1456 MPH, if amraam could fire within appropriate NEZ (NO ESCAPE ZONE) Su-30 have 0 chance to evade AMRAAM, only option left for su-30 to use ECM/EW against amraam @Arsalan 345
Su-30 is easier to kill than killing a mig 21. As you see su-30 at twice the fistance and can estBlish lock on twice the distance as compared to mig-21 or f-16 even su-35 cannot do it.

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