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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

What cultural traits are common between say south and north india and east and west india?

As for "Allah Hafiz" is spoken among indian muslims too.

Most visible similarity is the dress culture.
What cultural traits are common between say south and north india and east and west india?

As for "Allah Hafiz" is spoken among indian muslims too.

Lots of things, for example, both Bharatnatyam and Kathak are inspired by ancient mythical stories.
The themes of the ballads are similar although the narration maybe different!
There are similarities in sculptures as can be seen in various ancient temples.
Plenty more...
1. Israeli have Christianity culture if you didnt notice... Look at Jerusalem.
2. what istanbul people claim is not our problem
3. WE can calim IVC as its our culture, and it was in our region, you cannot because you are dravidian. goodbye

I seems like you didn't read my post clearly
let me put it in simple words 'Pakistan owns that land and India owns the culture'

Culture is not a materialistic thing like a piece of land or a building its embedded in your day today life and i am unable to figure out IVC culture among Pakistanis{which they are claiming as theirs}
No we don't inherit Indian culture.

We have a Pakistani culture and we are proud of it.

The current India, which got its independence in 1947, is trying to seek its culture in old India's history.

Old India's history is here in Pakistan. The Indus Valley Civilization. We hold its cradle and we are the scions.

Who are you guys?

You got it wrong...my friend. We Hindus are the keepers and preservers of the ancient texts and rituals. We call ours... sanatana dharma, meaning eternally hold all together. Our Hindu philosophy have underpinnings in Vedanta and Upanishads. Evidence of various symbols of IVC like swastika and yogic posture of Shiva are still revered today in India.

It was just a physical division of the subcontinent and nothing else. You guys do not possess the same psychological frame like we do to understand the guiding beliefs and ideals......what I call Hindu ethos, whose characteristics have been passed from one generation to another going back to IVC. This continuity of thought going all the way back to Aryans is unique to our subcontinent.
You tell me...I find Indians shoving it up our noses that we are being ARABS because we are following Islam! Or we have ADAPTED ARABIC CULTURE!

Because Islamic culture somehow is associated with Arabs! Narrow mindedness at its best!

Did you read all comments before posting here.
I guess not thread is created by Pakistani & if you read initial posts to OPs you will clearly understand how wrong you are in concluding whats being discussed or debated here.

I request you to read atleast first 8-10 pages then decide what pakistanis & indians are exactly doing.
I am not speaking for you. I am speaking for me and us when I say that when Indians say Indian, we include you as well more often than not. Yes, we do not include the north western and western finges because we recognize that they share more with Afghanistan and Iran than you or us.

I hope you will allw me to speak for myself and us at least ......

Which brings me back to my early in the day assertion.

Islam is not Indian.

YOU are. Islam is NOT.

When you or others are at pains to prove that Islam integrated into India, you miss the point.

Islam did not change. Islam did not Indianize.

You Islamized. While still remaining Indian.

Some more, some less, of course.

Exellent Post Doctor !!
Of course they don't.
I do not want to sound smug, but the thing is most of the cultural aspects of Pakistan, can be found India (including your most prized dance form, mujra). But the reverse is not true.
In short, Pakistani culture is a subset of the much larger and varied Indian culture.

There are various cultural dances, but your example is not exactly correct.

Punjabi bhangra can be found on both sides of the border, but attan dance cannot be found in India.

All people have different customs within marriage as well. If India has inherited culture from Pakistan, through partitioners, that is one thing, but to say Pakistani culture belongs to an Indian subset is ridiculous.
Its you who is living in the past because i have clearly said that TODAY Islam is the fastest growing religion in West among natives.

It wasnt me who started debates on how and why your ancestors got converted.Now you are whinning about TODAY, so let me tell you Hinduism/Buddhism/Jainism will never be in rat race of increasing head counts following our religion by converting non-believers, killing non-hindus, breeding like animals, inspiring conversions of infidels by religious texts & heavenly rewards, even by influencing peoples peacefully, etc be it TODAY, YESTERDAY or TOMMORROW.

And I do not care how Islam was introduced to the region, I am just glad that I am not part of Hinduism which my ancestors practiced because they were dumb!

HYPOCRISY at its best. Pakistan dont need external enemy with people like you.

Yes I can see what your grandchildrens will talk about you if, Allah na Kare, Pakistan is occupied by America or China or Afghanistan in future.

One one hand you feel pride about IVC & claim it while on other you say your ancestors were dumb you are totally different from your ancestors whose genes biologically defines you. Nothing different than overthrowing Jinnah concept of democratic secular state & creating present day mess which is unfortunately our neighbouring country.

So think of Pakistan that just landed from planet mars and non of the heritage of the region belongs to us. Typical brain washed cry baby Indian.

Its doesnt need to be genious to read & comprehend posts properly.

I said was Pakistan should not claim every islamic thing happened in PRESENT INDIAN BORDERS as their own, we indians means hindus muslims christians.Islamic things that flourished or originated from our lands are legacy of Indian muslims. No Indian muslim claim MInaar-E-Pakistan as his cultural stuff.

As far as IVC is concerned it belongs to Hindus.Because there was no Pakistan nor muslims at those time, it was just hindus India/Arywrat/Bharat/Jambudweep.
The number killed in the Mahabharata War

April 9, 2009 — Hariprasad

My previous article on the Akshouhini gave rise to some interesting discussions in the comments section. Sri Chiraan rightly pointed out that the actual number of people who participated in the war had to be much more. It was, after all, the “Maha”bharata war!

I recalled reading in the Tatparya Nirnaya that the number 18 Akshouhinis was just the core army. The actual army *had* to be much bigger! So I got down to doing some research on this and yes, the Bhaarata has captured this detail as well. We find details of the actual fatalities (and survivors) in the war in the Stri Parva. The Pandavas, along with Krishna, come to meet Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. At one point, Dhritharashtra asks Yudhishthira if he knows the number of people dead and number of survivors. The numbers that Dharma reveals are

• Fatalities : 1 billion, 660 million and 20,000!!!
• Survivors : 240,165

Today’s world population is 6 billion, 700 odd million. Even in today’s terms, about 25% of the population got wiped out in the war!

This piece of information is in the Stri Parva (11th Parva) of the Mahabharata. I reproduce below the original shloka(s) and Ganguly’s translation of the same.

dashayutanam ayutam sahasrani cha vimshatihi |
kotyah shashtishcha shat chaiva ye asmin rajamrudhe hataha ||
alakshyaanam tu veeraanam sahasraani chaturdasha |
dasha chaanyani rajendra shataam shashtis cha pancha cha ||

“One billion 660 million and 20,000 men have fallen in this battle. Of the heroes that have escaped, the number is 240,165″

Truly, the war was a Maha Yuddha!

The number killed in the Mahabharata War « Anandatirtha Prathishtana

Again Hypocrisy believing subset of few things for own convinience & decalring the superset or complete story totally absurd.

Good to see you believe in Numbers of War Victims in MAHABHARTA,
If something figures in mahabharata are credible to you I guess you should not hesitate to believe other things mentioned in Mahabharat too...

Like World is created by Brahma, Controlled by Vishnu & Destructed by Shiva.World is nothing but a smapurna swaroop of Vasudev Kutumban. concept like Karma, Purna Janam,etc

Pakistan has inherited a Indo - Muslim culture
One has to understand that culture is constantly changing and it diversifies by inner human interactions between communites


Wedding ceremonies example
a) The mehendi rasam etc , the dancing the jewelry etc the odd barat rituals etc
all are sorta indian inspired from my visual comparison , the `Shanhai - flute` at weddings etc

b) Music has also been influenced etc and many Muslim musicians have learned the basics of
music from interaction with Indian culture

c) The Shub-e-rat (lights celebrations) to me look very inspired from light festivals in indian culture
and its only celerbated to my knowledge in Pakisatan most other muslims donot have these
celebrations to a scale how its done in Pakistan
1) Lights
2) Lamps and oil

Its all too Indian from comparison wise almost like influenced by it

d) Kite festivals etc its been done thru generations

e) Sports similarites however we do see some differences emerging but it will take 100-200 years
for complete differences

Meanwhile India itself is a melting pot of cultures and people
You either live under a rock or simply cant think from yourself. As we speak, minorities are persecuted by Hindus for leaving Hindusim.

Well forget minorities in India, did you care about fellow muslims in Pakistan before pointing it?? Should I blame Islam for all bloodshed happening in quetta & Karachi. NO I wont blame religion for mess created by radicals a*sholes.

Secterian or Communal violence or Prosecuation of specific community is either a political strategy or job of a*sholes. NO verse or book in Hinduism allows killing of innocents.

Thats because Hindusim is a wrong religion which can not prove any other religion wrong.

You need a BOW man ... You are far more intelligent than Mohd.Ali Jinnah, Iqbal Sahab, Badshah Akbar, and many more historic muslims who are dumb by your definition.

Your argument is not even worth of an atom. Islam does emphasizes on proving other religion wrong however their is not a single verse which commands to convert people by sword. expecting a out of context verse in your rants.

Tell this to some who is unaware of Aurangazeb, Timur, Ghori, Ghaznavi, etc. May be he will believe you.

Exactly, thats the reason why im glad I do not worship human and animal gods.

Im am glad Im not a Hindu :)

Being Hindu means being a good human, seeing God in everything around you be it animals, plants or objects , seeing your AATMA (soul) as a particle of PARMAATMA (God). It also means respecting faith, religion, mother of every human being including your enemy.

World has now understood the importance of MOTHER NATURE, FLOURA & FAUNA ON EARTH, IMPORTANCE OF ANIMALS IN ECOSYSTEM, Hindus understood it thousands of years before & tried to preserve the nature by worshipping plants, animals, seeing God in everything around You.

Dont be glad much about you not being hindu, even if you want to be YOU DONT QUALIFY to be.
Any good & kind human (irrespective of his faith) can be a hindu but some fatas*holes can neither be muslims or hindus.
It is other way around, much of the Indian culture is adoped from Mogual, Central Asian, Persian and a number of other influences.






other indian dance

Gaudiya Nritya-West bengal


Andhra Natyam and Vilasini Natyam-Andhra pradesh



Kerala Natanam


Bhainso ke aage been mat bajaao... Ye log sirf bollywood aur Star plus ko hi indian culture samajhte hai... rehne do inhe waise hi.
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