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How Much China Is Investing In Pak, Just Look At Karachi

If you can think that way then the defenders of Pakistan must have also thought the same, its not some bollywood deal. We must have some fixes for these Risks as many professionals involved in this and we have to Trust China, we cannot trust India ....

"Beggars are not choosers ", sorry to say, though this is not the best quote, but very much apt in recent turmoil of Pakistan. To keep up with development need, Pakistan needs not only money but technology also and with not many other hands coming to help, you are left with much of China only. Even if CPEC achieves its 50% of objectives it will help Pakistan to survive with much better health in near term. Hoping that Industrialization kicks in and rotates the economy with more educated youth coming into system. Otherwise Pakistan could be a flashpoint of indirect aggression of US against China. Like it did to setup grounds in Afghanistan to keep eye close to both Russia and China.
"Beggars are not choosers ", sorry to say, though this is not the best quote, but very much apt in recent turmoil of Pakistan. To keep up with development need, Pakistan needs not only money but technology also and with not many other hands coming to help, you are left with much of China only. Even if CPEC achieves its 50% of objectives it will help Pakistan to survive with much better health in near term. Hoping that Industrialization kicks in and rotates the economy with more educated youth coming into system. Otherwise Pakistan could be a flashpoint of indirect aggression of US against China. Like it did to setup grounds in Afghanistan to keep eye close to both Russia and China.

Kid, it is China that is set to become the world's 1st ever global hyper power and not india. China is all but set to become just as technologically advanced if not more than America. Already Pakistan has access to advanced technologies and sciences thanks to our Chinese brothers & sisters. That is why Pakistan was been able to test MIRVs, SLCMs and has had the capability to produce H-bombs for at least 6 years:


Thanks to Chinese expertise, advanced technologies and sciences, local Pakistani industries and instituted have benefitted immensely. Especially those within the main CPEC vicinity. It has also helped bring our industrial, science and technological capabilities up to more world class standards. This is set to increase as CPEC advances, strengthens and expands.
"Beggars are not choosers ", sorry to say, though this is not the best quote, but very much apt in recent turmoil of Pakistan. To keep up with development need, Pakistan needs not only money but technology also and with not many other hands coming to help, you are left with much of China only. Even if CPEC achieves its 50% of objectives it will help Pakistan to survive with much better health in near term. Hoping that Industrialization kicks in and rotates the economy with more educated youth coming into system. Otherwise Pakistan could be a flashpoint of indirect aggression of US against China. Like it did to setup grounds in Afghanistan to keep eye close to both Russia and China.

LOL You seem to be in real pain realizing that China will not only contribute to Pak economy, but also contribute in areas such as tech and defence. Too bad your wish for isolating Pakistan has amounted to zilch.

LOL at not many helping hands. The last time I checked the world was queuing up to be part of China's one belt one road initiative. Pakistan is going to reap the benefits in the process. You seem to be very ill informed.
Kid, it is China that is set to become the world's 1st ever global hyper power and not india. China is all but set to become just as technologically advanced if not more than America. Already Pakistan has access to advanced technologies and sciences thanks to our Chinese brothers & sisters. That is why Pakistan was been able to test MIRVs, SLCMs and has had the capability to produce H-bombs for at least 6 years:


Did anyone denied China's growth story and there future capabilities?
You are getting happy like a peasant, who is happy that his Zamindar has given him loan and is helping him to build his hut, roads and will develop village where as in reality Zamindar is seeing his benefit of keeping the peasant under his dominance and gaining access over his land. Come out of that mentality, China has done this kind of economical investments across the globe, probably this one is one of the best one because its backed by government with a fixed payout rate.

Getting back to what i said, CPEC or any other project that brings in technology and money into infra always drives economy and growth and its upon how much the natives can take from it and move ahead and whats cost it has to pay.

Thanks to Chinese expertise, advanced technologies and sciences, local Pakistani industries and instituted have benefitted immensely. Especially those within the main CPEC vicinity. It has also helped bring our industrial, science and technological capabilities up to more world class standards. This is set to increase as CPEC advances, strengthens and expands.

Coming to point that you have access to advance technologies makes no sense until we see private or government companies coming up as feeder companies to high tech requirements. Can you list the few companies that have benefited immensely and has developed technologically or any local Pakistani Industry that has grown up to face the challenges of Chinese counterpart.

LOL You seem to be in real pain realizing that China will not only contribute to Pak economy, but also contribute in areas such as tech and defence. Too bad your wish for isolating Pakistan has amounted to zilch.

You are naive to feel that way, in todays world everyone is going to develop, someone will develop slowly other might develop fast. What matters is at what cost this developments comes.

LOL at not many helping hands. The last time I checked the world was queuing up to be part of China's one belt one road initiative. Pakistan is going to reap the benefits in the process. You seem to be very ill informed.

No doubt there are benefits of the process, what matters is how much pie is served to you and whats the cost.
Pakistan had much better opportunity to develop had it not messed up after 80s with both US and China on its side and India almost going bankrupt in 90's and USSR breaking down. But then your choices to support terrorism led to where you are our choices to support growth and development led to where we are.
LOL You seem to be in real pain realizing that China will not only contribute to Pak economy, but also contribute in areas such as tech and defence. Too bad your wish for isolating Pakistan has amounted to zilch.

LOL at not many helping hands. The last time I checked the world was queuing up to be part of China's one belt one road initiative. Pakistan is going to reap the benefits in the process. You seem to be very ill informed.
You are right, I concur with you.
You see after this news of massive injection of money from China into Karachi. Haters and sourgraped start their discord r/s motive rapidly. Patriotic Pakistanis beware of these serpent spreading malicious lies and talking down of China. If Pakistanis still believe western and USA is the real Hope of pakistan future. What has they done to upgrade the living standard of Pakistan for the past 50 years?
Did anyone denied China's growth story and there future capabilities?
You are getting happy like a peasant, who is happy that his Zamindar has given him loan and is helping him to build his hut, roads and will develop village where as in reality Zamindar is seeing his benefit of keeping the peasant under his dominance and gaining access over his land. Come out of that mentality, China has done this kind of economical investments across the globe, probably this one is one of the best one because its backed by government with a fixed payout rate.

Getting back to what i said, CPEC or any other project that brings in technology and money into infra always drives economy and growth and its upon how much the natives can take from it and move ahead and whats cost it has to pay.

Coming to point that you have access to advance technologies makes no sense until we see private or government companies coming up as feeder companies to high tech requirements. Can you list the few companies that have benefited immensely and has developed technologically or any local Pakistani Industry that has grown up to face the challenges of Chinese counterpart.

You are naive to feel that way, in todays world everyone is going to develop, someone will develop slowly other might develop fast. What matters is at what cost this developments comes.

No doubt there are benefits of the process, what matters is how much pie is served to you and whats the cost.
Pakistan had much better opportunity to develop had it not messed up after 80s with both US and China on its side and India almost going bankrupt in 90's and USSR breaking down. But then your choices to support terrorism led to where you are our choices to support growth and development led to where we are.

More deluded retarded indian bollywood fantasies. indians like you were saying pre-May 1998 that Pakistan could NEVER EVER absorb or have the technology to become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. Yet not only have we achieved that (despite ALL the world's most powerful nations bar China trying their very best to stop us) but we can now produce SLCMs, MIRVs and H-bombs:


Of course we will champion and praise China. Thanks to China, Pakistan is the ONLY nation in the entire history of humanity that has successfully repulsed an eternal enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege, for nearly 70 years. That is something virtually IMPOSSIBLE that we the Pakistanis have achieved. Much to the pain, anguish and dismay of our enemies.............:azn:

Pakistan is doing very well at absorbing advanced world class sciences and technologies that is why we were able to test a MIRV and SLCM within a month of eachother..........:azn: that is the evidence of how advanced we are. We don't need a paper list to prove anything. Actions speak louder than words.

And no matter how much our enemies bark like dogs that they are, they can't do anything about it.

It's laughable that an indian is calling us "peasants" and telling us about development, science and technology when they have 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished, deformed and extreme poor in their nation:





You see after this news of massive injection of money from China into Karachi. Haters and sourgraped start their discord r/s motive rapidly. Patriotic Pakistanis beware of these serpent spreading malicious lies and talking down of China. If Pakistanis still believe western and USA is the real Hope of pakistan future. What has they done to upgrade the living standard of Pakistan for the past 50 years?

TBH it's very hard to believe or take indians seriously. They also vehemently claimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. We all know what happened there don't we? :azn:

Since then we just let them bark like dogs and revel in their retarded deluded indian bollywood fantasies.
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By the way I said that. It was in 2011. And are you being sarcastic or really agreeing with me?

Karachi is still more developed than Lahore and islamabad. Its just the mismanagement. It still has best infrastructure in place but yes it needs to be improved.

Come on dude, what public transport is available? how is the traffic? is every road smooth and paved? what about bike lanes?

I mean there's an ancient circular railway going around the city which isn't even used, Karachi needs investment in its transport and it needs a competent government to oversee it.
Booming Karachi...:yahoo::yahoo:.....:pakistan:

Who would thought even 2 years ago the above would be happening in Pakistan?

China investing is good..but excessive profit repatriation can dry the economy..we have to ensure chinese have a competitive and safe environment to keep reinvesting profits..China has leaped light years ahead in building technology and together we can modernize architecture for 21st century.
More deluded retarded indian bollywood fantasies. indians like you were saying pre-May 1998 that Pakistan could NEVER EVER absorb or have the technology to become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. Yet not only have we achieved that (despite ALL the world's most powerful nations bar China trying their very best to stop us) but we can now produce SLCMs, MIRVs and H-bombs:


Of course we will champion and praise China. Thanks to China, Pakistan is the ONLY nation in the entire history of humanity that has successfully repulsed an eternal enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege, for nearly 70 years. That is something virtually IMPOSSIBLE that we the Pakistanis have achieved. Much to the pain, anguish and dismay of our enemies.............:azn:

Pakistan is doing very well at absorbing advanced world class sciences and technologies that is why we were able to test a MIRV and SLCM within a month of eachother..........:azn: that is the evidence of how advanced we are. We don't need a paper list to prove anything. Actions speak louder than words.

And no matter how much our enemies bark like dogs that they are, they can't do anything about it.

It's laughable that an indian is calling us "peasants" and telling us about development, science and technology when they have 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished, deformed and extreme poor in their nation:





TBH it's very hard to believe or take indians seriously. They also vehemently claimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. We all know what happened there don't we? :azn:

Since then we just let them bark like dogs and revel in their retarded deluded indian bollywood fantasies.

You know what, when you dont have facts to present about questions, you came back crying same thing that india has severly malnourished population, poverty etc etc ...

Do you know we have lifted more people out of Poverty then entire population on Pakistan, where do you stand on those lines now after almost 7 decades of independence.

Even with so much expenditure on reducing poverty levels, providing better infrastructure to everyone we are able to put up world class industrial hubs and can now talk about manufacturing things which is limited to elite nations.

To buy or assemble you dont need industrial base, but if you build, you need industrial and educational base to support it and you face challenges of failures too. Which for some reasons is missing totally from your approach of development, nor we see ground level industrialization of core technologies nor any of your tests failing, neither we see sub part or feature tests from your side.

So stop being Ostrich, pull out your head and see the world and then get back with facts that asked in previous post.
You know what, when you dont have facts to present about questions, you came back crying same thing that india has severly malnourished population, poverty etc etc ...

Do you know we have lifted more people out of Poverty then entire population on Pakistan, where do you stand on those lines now after almost 7 decades of independence.

Even with so much expenditure on reducing poverty levels, providing better infrastructure to everyone we are able to put up world class industrial hubs and can now talk about manufacturing things which is limited to elite nations.

To buy or assemble you dont need industrial base, but if you build, you need industrial and educational base to support it and you face challenges of failures too. Which for some reasons is missing totally from your approach of development, nor we see ground level industrialization of core technologies nor any of your tests failing, neither we see sub part or feature tests from your side.

So stop being Ostrich, pull out your head and see the world and then get back with facts that asked in previous post.

You have allegedly pulled so people out of poverty yet it is a FACT that india has at between 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished, deformed and extreme poor. Here are the facts 8-):





Pakistan is an ostrich with it's head in the sand with regards to advanced sciences and technologies yet we can produce SLCMs, MIRVs and H-bombs :lol::


With regards to poverty in india and Pakistan being scientifically and technologically behind are you sure you are not getting your info from the same indian source that proclaimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance? ......:lol:

You are talking ad if india is the 100% indigenous inventor, pioneer, producer and manufacturer of advanced sciences and technologies. It is NOT. The ONLY nations that are, are the West, Russia and China. NO other nations are or even come close. If it were not the case than india would not be spending billions upon billions buying advanced weapons from the West and Russia.

Pakistan does not need to unnecessarily publicly show, tell or reveal how technologically and scientifically advanced we are. Our SLCM & MIRV tests did that. Actions speak louder than words.
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You have allegedly pulled so people out of poverty yet it is a FACT that india has at between 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished, deformed and extreme poor. Here are the facts 8-):





Pakistan is an ostrich with it's head in the sand with regards to advanced sciences and technologies yet we can produce SLCMs, MIRVs and H-bombs :lol::


Fact is you are still stuck at poverty figures, when i asked to you provide details on advance technology based industry that you have.

With regards to poverty in india and Pakistan being scientifically and technologically behind are you sure you are not getting your info from the same indian source that proclaimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance? ......:lol:

You are talking ad if india is the 100% indigenous inventor, pioneer, producer and manufacturer of advanced sciences and technologies. It is NOT. The ONLY nations that are, are the West, Russia and China. NO other nations are or even come close. If it were not the case than india would not be spending billions upon billions buying advanced weapons from the West and Russia.
Just to let youknow China has been in top 3 arms importers, does it mean its less developed?
Time have changed and there has been needfull collaboration for combined development. India is not close to where China or West is but it has proven industry thats growing very fast to meet the cutting edge technological innovation standards.

Pakistan does not need to unnecessarily publicly show, tell or reveal how technologically and scientifically advanced we are. Our SLCM & MIRV tests did that. Actions speak louder than words.

Well forget publically showoff, dont even see test for technology capability or feasibility.
On one fine day a rocket is push it into sky and say test concluded successfully.
Unlike other countries which test several components first and then rockets and fix the failures.
So yes your Actions speak much louder and clearer than words about whats cooking.
Fact is you are still stuck at poverty figures, when i asked to you provide details on advance technology based industry that you have.

Just to let youknow China has been in top 3 arms importers, does it mean its less developed?
Time have changed and there has been needfull collaboration for combined development. India is not close to where China or West is but it has proven industry thats growing very fast to meet the cutting edge technological innovation standards.

Well forget publically showoff, dont even see test for technology capability or feasibility.
On one fine day a rocket is push it into sky and say test concluded successfully.
Unlike other countries which test several components first and then rockets and fix the failures.
So yes your Actions speak much louder and clearer than words about whats cooking.

We suck at poverty figures yet it is not my nation that has between 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished, deformed and extreme poor but yours:lol::lol::rofl::





Your hypocrisy and delusions are hilarious.

Whatever your kind says or does, does not change the facts. indian kind also vehemently claimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance yet the reality is that Pakistan is WAY more advanced than it publicly admits to and is capable of producing MIRVs, SLCMs & thermonuclear weapons. Ever wondered why india was so powerless to attack Pakistan militarily after mumbai 2008? Even though you are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege? Because your military high command are fully aware.of our REAL capabilities :azn:
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