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How many of you believe in Spirits and all that ??

translation is for understanding -- they can not take place of actual holy book -- thus the essence is in arabic

kalay jaddo walay are prevelant in india-- they can also call forth spirits----- in pakistan these people are called aamils.. you dont know if they use quran or black magic for this stuff ------ my advice keep away from aamils

we are fighting against this evil in the society .. only last month an activist against superstition was killed in maharastra... and maharastra govt has passed a bill which sort of criminalizes this behaviour.

Is it true that the Peers who heels people who are suffering from evil spirits can show you the image of the Djinn on a thin piece of oil soaked paper he is using to rectify the problem?

there are many process, to be honest you will get heart attack and die if your heart is weak after seeing them in naked eye.
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there are many process, to be honest you will get heart attack and die if your heart is weak after seeing them in naked eye.

So they're butt ugly, what about the beautiful ones, there are beautiful ones right?
@seiko ... your presence is required... we all know cross is the best defence against spirit ..:D
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They can take any shape or look they need to right? So no problimo, now the process.

Btw what did you see, describe it.

yes they can take any shape or look but it does not mean they will to meet with in different shape, most important thing they also have both good and bad among them.

do you know the story when satan appeared and had a dialogue with hazrat abul qadir jeelani?

plz share ..
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