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How long will U.S. stand by Israel?

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Guys look at this is an intresting letter regarding the situation in ME Isreal's brutality


How long will U.S. stand by Israel?

July 19, 2006
It appears to me that Israel, our close ally and the leading recipient, worldwide, of U.S. aid, is running out of control. While itself holding 9,000 Palestinians captive, including women and children, Israel has launched full-bore warfare, first against Gaza and now, in a giant escalation, against Lebanon, in order to retrieve three captured Israeli soldiers, and to retaliate against the erratic rocket attacks it has been enduring.

In densely populated Gaza, a humanitarian crisis is developing for the two-thirds of its inhabitants whose central electric transformers were just destroyed by Israeli fire. Besides illumination and refrigeration, the provision of water itself, in the hottest weeks of the Mediterranean year, has been crippled. And with Gaza's borders sealed and supplies of cooking gas running out, Gaza families may soon be unable to cook their grains and bake their bread, the elemental foods to which the poor have been reduced. A regime of stark collective punishment has been imposed on all of Gaza.

Has Israel gone mad, and is America, by its complicity, now abetting that madness? Israel's refusal even to consider negotiating the exchange of prisoners requested by Hamas has brought about a catastrophic escalation of mutual violence which could have been foreseen — and averted, if Israel's big-brother-in-arms, the U.S., had said a stern word or two on the matter. That escalation has now embroiled neighboring Lebanon, whose major airport was just bombed by the Israeli airforce, in retaliation for the capture by Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon of two Israeli soldiers, and for Hezbollah's sporadic rocket fire into Israeli territory that has just killed two Israelis.

Forty Lebanese deaths, so far, have resulted from Israel's retaliatory assault on Lebanon; among them two entire families, numbering seven and 10 members.

If Israel disdains the good opinion of her Arab neighbors, does she also have no regard for the opinion of the rest of the world? And where do we stand, who are Israel's foremost ally and enabler?

Jules Rabin


Washington is well aware that Israel will not survive without her full support and that Israeli's know that too.
So she'll be there forever..
Neo said:
Washington is well aware that Israel will not survive without her full support and that Israeli's know that too.
So she'll be there forever..

Its the US support for Israel which makes US citizens the targets for Al-Qaeda and other groups. Israel is like a dagger in the heart of arab land and will always be targeted from time to time.
I guess the question needs to be rephrased!! How long will the zionist entity keep sucking America's money, technology, resources..etc!!

my personal answer is till America becomes a fleshless bone!!
Palestine said:
I guess the question needs to be rephrased!! How long will the zionist entity keep sucking America's money, technology, resources..etc!!

my personal answer is till America becomes a fleshless bone!!

Why not, Jews have full control over US Govt from Parliament to defence ministry.

And Neo and Palestine both are right, The support is gonna remain there till they have that control.
Palestine said:
I guess the question needs to be rephrased!! How long will the zionist entity keep sucking America's money, technology, resources..etc!!

my personal answer is till America becomes a fleshless bone!!

As long as palestine remains a thorn in their flesh.:D1
melb4aust said:
Why not, Jews have full control over US Govt from Parliament to defence ministry.

Why do insist in staying in this crap? I told you before. Explain ANZAC! Explain the War of 1812. Explain the American Civil War. Explain the Vietnam War. You were mighty silent on these issues.
melb4aust said:
Why not, Jews have full control over US Govt from Parliament to defence ministry.

Don't agree with you Mel!
Jewish lobby is quite powerfull but she doesn't have full control over Washington.
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