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How long will Israel exist?

As Long as it Keeps Whipping the A S S of these Islamic Countries:D

One Attack

Two Attack

Four Attack:sniper:

Seven Attack :sniper:

But still Israel Rapes all of them.:D

did they forget indonesia or malaysia or what??
But still Israel Rapes all of them

Just as the Sun rises in the morning, and set down in the evening.....Israel's time will come....then we will see who will do the spanking of who.

Anyway why does a Indian get so happy did you forget when the Muslims conquered India, for a 1000 years....or is your memory, that of a fish.
Dear all, There's an ancient verse that states "nothing under the Sun is permanent... not life, not possessions, not empires, not even life". Every state has started, existed, destroyed and reborn thousands of times throughout the history.

The same is applicable to all countries whether it is Israel or Pakistan or Arab states or USA or whichever country you choose to talk about.
Dear all, There's an ancient verse that states "nothing under the Sun is permanent... not life, not possessions, not empires, not even life". Every state has started, existed, destroyed and reborn thousands of times throughout the history.

The same is applicable to all countries whether it is Israel or Pakistan or Arab states or USA or whichever country you choose to talk about.

Yeah we all know that, but what we wanna know is, who's gonna go first?:what:
Of course India is last in the list of extinction, so guys just carry on with your research.:smokin:

Lets see ummm well in my opinion, yup I am sure its gonna be, with out any doubt, it starts wit aww forget it...Read Nostradamus, he has the answer.:D
Just as the Sun rises in the morning, and set down in the evening.....Israel's time will come....then we will see who will do the spanking of who.

Anyway why does a Indian get so happy did you forget when the Muslims conquered India, for a 1000 years....or is your memory, that of a fish

You know what you shouldn't be proud of being a Muslim. You are just another descendant of a Converted Chap. Those Afghans were whipped 16 Times. They were successful only 17th Time due to some of our foolishness as we didnt kill Ghori. If he had been killed, there would have been no you nor anything called Muslim in the subcontinent.

We have risen back to the world. And Muslims are dying(Read Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir). Muslims are suffering in every land they did the same in the past.

Tell me any Muslim country which can challenge the likes of USA, Russia, India, China, EU, Israel???

Put together all the Muslim countries together. Even then the above are miles ahead than the whole Islamic world put together. You are no match to anyone.

Can any Muslim country produce Abdul Kalam?

There is no Muslim country capable to launch satellites(forget moon). No nuclear or thorium technology research.

Remove oil, you all will die good deaths:D

Without oil or Outside help, What you are?

Muslims ruled India for 1000 years. India is now above the whole Islamic world put together in just 50 Years.

Today We invested 10s billion$ in Iran.
We put Saudis, Indonesias satellites in space.
Oman, Indonesia, Malasiya, Morocco buys weapons from us.
Iran comes to India for making their film industry.
We are the second biggest Donors to Afghanistan, Tajikistan.
Kazakashtan wants cooperation from us.
We gave Bangladesh their life.
We feed the 2nd largest Muslim population hmm 150 Million Muslims.

We are Ruling you Today.:D :D

Proud to be an Indian.
You know what you shouldn't be proud of being a Muslim. You are just another descendant of a Converted Chap. Those Afghans were whipped 16 Times. They were successful only 17th Time due to some of our foolishness as we didnt kill Ghori. If he had been killed, there would have been no you nor anything called Muslim in the subcontinent.

We have risen back to the world. And Muslims are dying(Read Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir). Muslims are suffering in every land they did the same in the past.

Tell me any Muslim country which can challenge the likes of USA, Russia, India, China, EU, Israel???

Put together all the Muslim countries together. Even then the above are miles ahead than the whole Islamic world put together. You are no match to anyone.

Can any Muslim country produce Abdul Kalam?

There is no Muslim country capable to launch satellites(forget moon). No nuclear or thorium technology research.

Remove oil, you all will die good deaths:D

Without oil or Outside help, What you are?

Muslims ruled India for 1000 years. India is now above the whole Islamic world put together in just 50 Years.

Today We invested 10s billion$ in Iran.
We put Saudis, Indonesias satellites in space.
Oman, Indonesia, Malasiya, Morocco buys weapons from us.
Iran comes to India for making their film industry.
We are the second biggest Donors to Afghanistan, Tajikistan.
Kazakashtan wants cooperation from us.
We gave Bangladesh their life.
We feed the 2nd largest Muslim population hmm 150 Million Muslims.

We are Ruling you Today.:D :D

Proud to be an Indian.

Take it easy my friend, its the way of life on this forum.
Majority of Pakistanis consider themselves direct descendants of Moghuls(Understand they have to have some identity) So you will hear a lot of delusional remarks, such as we ruled you for 1000 years blah blah blah ..;)
Just check the size of Israel and Whole Islamic world in the above map of mine.

Israel's scientific output is twice that of whole Arab World.

It has the most disciplined army in that part of the world.

The terrorists kill us. We kill the terrorists.

The terrorists kills Israelis. Israel kills the terrorist, terrorists father,mother, wife, children, terrorists friends and their father,mother, wife, children.

Terrorist would piss of if he is given a mission to do sucide bombing in Israel:D
I feel Israel has just as much right to exist as the Palestinian state. However, there actions past and present have not won them any friends either in the Muslim world or the wider community.

A lot more needs to be done from the Israeli side to achieve peace and re-enforce sustainable development.

That will only happen when Usrael contents itself with a much smaller land mass in the Area, All they can claim is some land around Jerusalam, and than they will have to share it with the other two faiths who have religious sanctities there too, that was the only kingdom they ever had with king David. Apart from that they used to have small tribes dispersed throughout Arabia and tolerated by the Arabs, before and after Islam.
Their chance of existence is directly proportionate to the chance of their backing by the US.
In 1973 the Arabs were so prudent in their war preparations and executions, to limit that war to a quick victory accompanied by some face saving maneuvers for Israel, because like Sadat put it at that time:" Israel, I can fight, but not the US".
Remember that after only 4 days of war, American Pilots and planes were already in Israel (since Usrael had to call on civilian pilots to fight, for lack of remaining military pilots), along with every American weapon system in the US inventory including nuclear devices, forcing Sadat to open a gap between his armies to allow a limited Usraeli incursion, and the Syrians to withdraw back to their lines of defenses. The pouring of these weapon systems did not stop till the end of the hostilities, Which shows how weak Usrael is in reality, and that if left alone one day it will collapse on its own.
You know what you shouldn't be proud of being a Muslim. You are just another descendant of a Converted Chap. Those Afghans were whipped 16 Times. They were successful only 17th Time due to some of our foolishness as we didnt kill Ghori. If he had been killed, there would have been no you nor anything called Muslim in the subcontinent.

We have risen back to the world. And Muslims are dying(Read Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir). Muslims are suffering in every land they did the same in the past.

Tell me any Muslim country which can challenge the likes of USA, Russia, India, China, EU, Israel???

Put together all the Muslim countries together. Even then the above are miles ahead than the whole Islamic world put together. You are no match to anyone.

Can any Muslim country produce Abdul Kalam?

There is no Muslim country capable to launch satellites(forget moon). No nuclear or thorium technology research.

Remove oil, you all will die good deaths:D

Without oil or Outside help, What you are?

Muslims ruled India for 1000 years. India is now above the whole Islamic world put together in just 50 Years.
Today We invested 10s billion$ in Iran.
We put Saudis, Indonesias satellites in space.
Oman, Indonesia, Malasiya, Morocco buys weapons from us.
Iran comes to India for making their film industry.
We are the second biggest Donors to Afghanistan, Tajikistan.
Kazakashtan wants cooperation from us.

We gave Bangladesh their life.
We feed the 2nd largest Muslim population hmm 150 Million Muslims.

We are Ruling you Today.:D :D

Proud to be an Indian.
You must be that Higgs's boson or God's particle, or maybe God himself.
The islamic world put together is far beyond what India can dream of or have any knowledge of, the Muslims do not Brag
about what they have. You can only have a glimpse of things Muslim. If you can operate basic mathematics you can try to add what the Muslim world has (and is known) , you will discover very soon that you are no match.
I won't go into what India buys from Muslim countries and immigration and so forth. Since I understand that your answer is out of frustration and anger about the 1000 year Muslim presence in India. I just wanted to state that it was a positive contribution with no malice.
India was invaded by Muslims, Greeks and the Brits, Muslims stayed longer and left a positive heritage, unlike the others who plundered India's resources.
put my 100 $ bet on 100 years for Israel survival :)
if i survive after 100 years , than you can take your money , if not than just have a laugh and Fcuk off :lol:
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