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How long will Israel exist?

Close this thread. Anybody living in the real world knows- Million's of Jews can NEVER leave Israel.

Pakistanis are once again being brain-washed in the name of Islam and "muslim brotherhood".

Well,not going to work this time! My people will never risk their lives for facist arabs who consider us inferior.....no damn way!!!1

Pakistani123 . . are you pakistan . . . I doubt it . . You are just another Israeli who is wearing a mask . .
Real Muslim Pakistanis
Would not prefer the Jewish than his Muslim Brothers
Would not prefer Israel than the Arabs . . and again learn more about the great brotherhood relations between Pakistan & Arab States

from wikipedia: Pakistan has enjoyed close and strong historical relationship with the Middle-Eastern region, particularly Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Jordan, Yemen and Lebanon.
Today there are over One million Pakistanis living and working in Saudi Arabia alone, with a similar number in other Persian Gulf region countries that constitute the Arab League.
These ties were put to the test when a massive earth-quake hit Pakistan's Northern Areas in 2005 with Saudi Arabia & UAE promptly dispatching critical aid, not only in terms of medicine & essential supplies but massive injunction of billions of dollars for the reconstruction of the region.
Pakistan also enjoys extensive cultural & defense/military ties with most of the Arab League member states.
Pakistan also has extensive trade ties with Arab League states, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE with Saudi Arabia ranking as Pakistan's second largest trading partner after the United States.
With such close association to the Arab League, Pakistan was also invited by Russian President, Vladimir Putin in 2006 to the First Session of the Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group in 2006 in a bid to strengthen Moscow's ties with the big players in the Muslim world.

Army, Naval and Air Force cadets from many of the Arab League countries routinely enroll in training courses in Pakistan's well-recognized military academies while Pakistan Air Force pilots have flown Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian and Saudi fighter gets both in war (1967 & 1973 against Israel) & peacetime as part of their 'foreign deployments'.
Units from the Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force also serve allotted time periods in their respective fields in Saudi Arabia and UAE as instructors, maintenance crews, etc.
while there are strong indications that a company of Elite Pakistani Commandos, the SSG maintains a permanent unit in Saudi Arabia to safeguard Islam's holiest sites as well as the Saudi Royal Family.

In 2007 Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf attended the Arab League summit held in Riyadh even though Pakistan had not yet gained 'Observer Member' status.
Pakistan is currently in the stages of finalizing a Free Trade Agreement with the GCC countries, many of whom are also part of the Arab League while talks continue to grant Pakistan the 'Observer' status in the coming months.
The country also has a long history of being an ardent supporter of several Arab causes, including Palestine, Iraq, Somalian crisis, etc.
I just did a bit of reading. Apparently many of you are under the belief that Israel will cease to exist when Jesus comes back. Or maybe after the battle of Armageddon? Much of the Israel hatred is of course stemmed from previous religious dogma, as all Israel has really ever done was defend herself against a whole bunch of people and beat their ***** and win some territory (gasp, like no one else has ever done this). Would Pakistanis not want the same for themselves after partition with India? So what's the real beef with Israel apart from the religious divide?

Oh, it also looks like the Christian world is preaching to stand with Israel. So if you gotta take out the Jews, you will have to go through millions of Bible thumpers too, as they've been hard at work crafting an alliance together against Muslims to make sure Israel doesn't disappear.
As Long as it Keeps Whipping the A S S of these Islamic Countries:D

One Attack

Two Attack

Four Attack:sniper:

Seven Attack :sniper:

But still Israel Rapes all of them.:D
As Long as it Keeps Whipping the A S S of these Islamic Countries:D

One Attack

Two Attack

Four Attack:sniper:

Seven Attack :sniper:

But still Israel Rapes all of them.:D

Just see the map, where israel is, if only muslim's start to piss towards it, it will drown.

Jokes apart, Israel will exist untill american tax payer's r sleeping.

It is a implant that west has surgically planted with out consent of muslim world, that's why it has become cancer.

The day american policy changes for the better, they will remove this cancer them selves.

Dajal will come in Israel to protect the zionists...
so Israel will exist as long as the revealation of Imam Mehdi or Hazrat Issa
I don't understand why....arabs look down on non-arab Muslims....quite pathetic really....

beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb . . . that only your own opinion:mod: the arabs looks for all muslims as thier own brothers :wave:
It's Oil Land:D

only 8 oil arab rich countrys . . what about the reat 14 arab countrys ???? :pop: . . they dont have oil . . . they represent 90% of arab world population :agree:
only 8 oil arab rich countrys . . what about the reat 14 arab countrys ???? :pop: . . they dont have oil . . . they represent 90% of arab world population :agree:

What do you have to say about te Map?

What do you have to say about te Map?


Good . . . but its not complete . . if its for the muslim world . . there must be Bangladish, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunie . . etc

This map proves one thing . . Israel's presence in the middle is Calculated . . it Is not by chance . . . Wise man only knows . . When viewing the map . . that Israel is a foreign body from the area
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