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How Long Till I Get Food Poisoning in India? (not long)

All foreigners living in China put food a big plus for living in China, not so for India, why?
Bat soup is chinese and east-asian delicacy.
She is just one individual and the video was not filmed in China, unlike India, it's part of their daily diet

The "bat girl" incident in China

The girl was making a food TV program in South East Asia , not in China, and she was required to take a bite of the local cuisine , which is bat soup, this incident soon went viral on Chinese social media and caused a huge nationwide outcry, the girl apologized on her Weibo to the public .

But of course I know your media would never let you know the details of this incident


Letter of her apology on Weibo


Indian Hindus Eating Bats​

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All foreigners living in China put food a big plus for living in China, not so for India, why?
C'mon ! Everyone loves butter chicken and Naan with Basmati Rice , Indian Food is much more flavourful than chinese food

unlike you Indians, eating them as your daily diet. 5 roupee.

Goes on to show a video of indonesians eating bats ..... I really don't know what to say.

Because you are.
Ideally , Hindus are expected to be Vegetarian. Maybe a few tribes in the north east or central india eat bats but it's nowhere near as common as china. No one serves you bat soup at restraunts in india. I've got a friend who went through southern china in 2012 and told me about the weird cuisine there including pangolins
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