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How large is Chinese military?

Bussard Ramjet

Nov 10, 2014
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I saw this fantastic lecture, and what it says is this:

Chinese armed forces consist of
  1. PLA which are 2.3 million (now less after reduction)
  2. PAP which is 1 million
  3. Militia, and Reserves
But what the lecture also points to is that PLA consists of all active services, including uniformed civilians like the ladies for health services, and entertainment troupes etc. That is, all of this combined equals 2.3 million.

While, US has 1.35million as regular, active Army. But this doesn't include the 700,000 DOD officials who should technically be under US army by PLA standards.

Plus US has 800 k some reserves which are actually very well trained, and can serve the army next week, while Chinese reserves are largely just civilians, most of whom have never got any training.

Taking into account all this, it seems that the US army is larger than the Chinese army!!!!

@Beast @cirr @AndrewJin @TaiShang
I'm not into military, sorry.
That's why I am absent in Chinese defence forum.
I'm not into military, sorry.
That's why I am absent in Chinese defence forum.

But you must ideally know far more than me, and you can easily find out more.

I also think there is too much politicization of the Armed Forces. Why have a political department in the military? Why have political commissoners in every small unit?

Isn't it time for China to grow up and leave that ideological tainted glasses of yesteryears? Ideology never brought China any good, did it?

The Chain of command in China, and the succession of command is also weak. Look at how well organized the US military is in this regard.

Chinese military still has a huge way to go man!

US has been investing time, money, efforts, and attention on its military now for over a century. All the US positions and bases around the world are fortifications of the wars that it has won, and the positions it has consolidated.


I saw this fantastic lecture, and what it says is this:

Chinese armed forces consist of
  1. PLA which are 2.3 million (now less after reduction)
  2. PAP which is 1 million
  3. Militia, and Reserves
But what the lecture also points to is that PLA consists of all active services, including uniformed civilians like the ladies for health services, and entertainment troupes etc. That is, all of this combined equals 2.3 million.

While, US has 1.35million as regular, active Army. But this doesn't include the 700,000 DOD officials who should technically be under US army by PLA standards.

Plus US has 800 k some reserves which are actually very well trained, and can serve the army next week, while Chinese reserves are largely just civilians, most of whom have never got any training.

Taking into account all this, it seems that the US army is larger than the Chinese army!!!!

@Beast @cirr @AndrewJin @TaiShang

umm, no...........

US Armed Forces only referred to Uniformed Services of the United States. Which of them, only counting the 7 uniform service of the United States. Which were

United States Army
United States Navy
United States Marine Corp
United States Air Force
United States Coast Guard
United States Public Health Service
United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Which numbered approximately 1.6 million in all uniformed service

That 700,000 civilian employee is not part of Armed Service, they are civilian contractor for either administrative duties (From office manager to janitor) or data process duty with respective to DOD intelligence service (DIA). They weren't even considered an non-combatant.

And the 800K reserve is not well train, they are either state militia (which is not trained at all) or individual reserve. US army have the largest reserve of all branch with 540k regular soldier, 203k active reserve and 380k national guard. All other reserve are not uniform service...They are at or less equal to local police force.
But you must ideally know far more than me, and you can easily find out more.

I also think there is too much politicization of the Armed Forces. Why have a political department in the military? Why have political commissoners in every small unit?

Isn't it time for China to grow up and leave that ideological tainted glasses of yesteryears? Ideology never brought China any good, did it?

The Chain of command in China, and the succession of command is also weak. Look at how well organized the US military is in this regard.

Chinese military still has a huge way to go man!

US has been investing time, money, efforts, and attention on its military now for over a century. All the US positions and bases around the world are fortifications of the wars that it has won, and the positions it has consolidated.

If ideology has not brought any good, then India should totally abandon the fake democracy, Demon-crazy.
Since British gave independence, democracy makes the society stagnant.
U should have a bloody revolution to clear all disastrous factors.
If ideology has not brought any good, then India should totally abandon the fake democracy, Demon-crazy.
Since British gave independence, democracy makes the society stagnant.
U should have a bloody revolution to clear all disastrous factors.

India is a modern case of timocracy.
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