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How Iran Was Swindled Out Of $3.2 Trillion


Mar 12, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
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By Simon Watkins - Jun 13, 2019, 6:00 PM CDT
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Underlying the one-year anniversary in mid-August of the signing of the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ is one of the greatest oil industry swindles in recent years. When representatives of the five Caspian littoral states meet on the 11th and 12th of August, Iran intends to seek some redress from Russia on Moscow’s manoeuvring last August. The Islamic Republic believes that it was robbed of its historical rights in the Caspian, conned out of a US$50 billion per year income, and left without Russia’s support against the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions.

Little of any apparent consequence was decided last August when the five Caspian littoral states – Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan – signed the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’. The limited publicity that surrounded the signing stated only that the agreement stipulated that relations between the littoral states would be based on the broad principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity, equality among members, and the non-use of threat of force.

It refrained from specifically going into details about share allocations in the Caspian Sea resource and talked only vaguely about giving the area ‘a special legal status’. However, a senior oil and gas industry source who works closely with Iran’s Petroleum Ministry told OilPrice.com that there was a secret second part to the deal that has proven explosive for the perennially fractious relations between the Caspian states.

At stake is the massive Caspian Sea hydrocarbons resources prize that has been fought over since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 resulted in three additional partners – Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan - to the original partnership of Russia and Iran. Prior to the fracturing of the USSR into its constituent independent states, Iran and the USSR had struck the original agreement in 1921 to split all ‘fishing rights’ in the Caspian area 50-50. This was amended in 1924 to include ‘any and all resources recovered’, meaning in practical terms that all hydrocarbons resources would be shared equally between Russia and Iran. “Iran should have said back then that Russia should have shared its Caspian stake with the three former USSR states, but it [Iran] was content to wait for the official legal dispute to be settled,” underlined the Iran source. Related: Chinese Rare Earth Exports Tumble As Trade War Accelerates

At stake is the allocation of revenues from the wider Caspian basins area, including both onshore and offshore fields, that is conservatively estimated to have around 48 billion barrels of oil and 292 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas in proved and probable reserves. Around 41 percent of total Caspian crude oil and lease condensate and 36 percent of natural gas exists in the offshore fields, with an additional 35 percent of oil and 45 percent of gas estimated to lie onshore within 100 miles of the coast, particularly in Russia’s North Caucasus region.

The remaining 12 billion barrels of oil and 56 Tcf of natural gas are believed to be variously located further onshore in the large Caspian Sea basins, mostly in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. The area accounts for an average of 17 percent of the total oil production of the five littoral states that share its resources, on average totalling 2.5-2.9 million barrels per day (mbpd).

Before the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ agreement was signed last August, oil output targets for each country were set three months in advance, with all revenues paid into a central Caspian oil account, which was then split in equal proportions of 20 percent between the five littoral states, said the Iran source. The revenues, at least prior to the re-imposition of sanctions against Iran by the U.S. late last year, usually comprised 95 percent U.S. dollars and Euros, but with some local currencies in the mix.

Against this backdrop, the legal designation of the Caspian as either a ‘sea’ or a ‘lake’ would have far-reaching repercussions on the assignment of revenues from it. If it was designated a sea then coastal countries would apply the ‘United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’ (1982), in which event each littoral state would receive a territorial sea up to 12 nautical miles, an exclusive economic zone up to nautical 200 miles, and a continental shelf. In practice, this would mean that countries such as Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan would have exclusive access to offshore assets that Iran would not be able to access.

If it was designated a lake – and this was the informal designation before the August agreement – then the countries could use the international law concerning border lakes to set boundaries, by which each country effectively possesses 20 percent of the sea floor and surface of the Caspian.

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In the preparations for the signing of the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ last August, Iran had engaged lawyers to challenge the established 20 percent share that each littoral state had informally agreed upon, based on the fact that Russia should have used its own original 50 percent share to make good stakes for its former USSR states.

Iran was confident at that point that Russia would show some flexibility as, after the U.S. pulled out of the nuclear deal last May, Moscow immediately made a deal with Iran that would effectively have given it control of all of Iran’s oil and gas resources. Specifically, the deal was that Russia would hand Iran US$50 billion every year for at least five years. This would cover all of Iran’s estimated US$150 billion of costs to bring all of its key oil and gas fields up to Western standard, with US$100 billion left over for the build-out of other key sectors of its economy.

“Russia also pledged to veto all attempts in the United Nations Security Council [UNSC] to have sanctions against Iran increased or to have the terms of the original nuclear deal re-drawn to include further sanctionable actions such as missile testing or not allowing snap inspections of all military facilities, which it could do as it is as one of just five Permanent Members on the UNSC,” said the Iran source.

In exchange for this, Iran, in addition to giving Russia preference in the oil and gas sector, was also to tighten its military co-operation with Russia, including buying Russia’s S-400 missile defence system, allowing Russia to expand its number of listening posts in Iran and doubling the number of senior ranking Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) officers that are seconded in Moscow for ongoing training, to between 120 and 130. Related: Russian Energy Minister: Oil Could Still Drop To $30

The catch for Iran was that, under the terms of the agreement, there was no clause that allowed Iran to impose any penalties on any Russian developer firm for slow progress on any field for the next 10 years. The Russians, though, during this entire 10-year period, would still have the right to dictate exactly how much oil was produced from each field, when it was sold, to whom it was sold, and for how much it was sold. Russia also had the right to be able to buy all of the oil – or gas – being produced from fields that their companies were supposedly developing at 55-72 percent of its open market value for the next 10 years.

“The Iranians naively thought this meant that they had entered into a genuine two-way partnership with Russia but Russia didn’t see it that way,” the Iran source said. “In the Russian way of seeing things, once it had secured Iran in this deal, effectively making it a client state, it had no reason to honour any other of its previous obligations,” he added. “The situation was also worsened for Iran by the fact that Russia had its own problems with U.S. sanctions and didn’t want to make things worse by siding so thoroughly with Iran,” he highlighted.

Given these considerations, and the fact that Russia wanted to strengthen its relations with the previous USSR states, Moscow was the prime mover in having the Caspian designated as a sea, not a lake. This was on the basis that because Russia had opened up the channel from the Volga River into the Caspian to prevent the levels dropping, the Caspian no longer conformed to the legal definition of a lake, which is that it is a localised water deposit standing independent of any river that serves to feed it.

“This meant, effectively, that Russia could divide up the shares as it saw fit, and the way it saw fit was to benefit its existing ally, Kazakhstan, which was assigned a 28.9 percent share, and its wished-for ally, Azerbaijan, which secured a 21 percent stake, while Russia saw a slight increase, to 21 percent, while Turkmenistan’s share goes down to 17.225 percent, as it is seen as a softer touch by Russia, and Iran’s share goes down to just 11.875 percent,” said the Iran source. “This switch from 50 percent to just over 11 percent means that Iran will lose at least US$3.2 trillion in revenues from the disputed and lost value of energy products going forward,” concluded the Iran source.

By Simon Watkins for Oilprice.com
Even more reason for Iran to go nuclear....

put a serious naval contingent in the Caspian. And defend our share with force if need be. this is especially the case with Azerbademjan. inviting foreign and American companies and spies to steal Iranian resources and spy on Iran.

Its about time Iran got more assertive protecting her rights. The UN is controlled by 5 states, and the world is a lawless jungle. the last thing we need is to get stiffed by a shit artificial country like azerbademjan.

may the qajars rot in hell
Gawd. How can a country blessed with so much oil and gas fcukin screw itself so effectively? Getting fcuked left, right and centre. Time you guys threw the mullahs out ......
Why would you want that? Mullah's keep the US distracted. A regime change means we're the only ones in this region with a mind of its own. That invites trouble.
I have looked on at this Iran thing pan out since the revolution in 1979 when I was at school. Honestly, Pakistan has been the second biggest loser to Iran itself trhanks to the mullahs. Pakistan and this region would have been a differant if not for the darned 1979. Forget about USA being a threat. Pakistan would have been a alliance with Iran enjoying multiple economic benefits and as Iran would have been still part of the US order we would be safe.
I have looked on at this Iran thing pan out since the revolution in 1979 when I was at school. Honestly, Pakistan has been the second biggest loser to Iran itself trhanks to the mullahs. Pakistan and this region would have been a differant if not for the darned 1979. Forget about USA being a threat. Pakistan would have been a alliance with Iran enjoying multiple economic benefits and as Iran would have been still part of the US order we would be safe.

Maybe you are right about that alternate scenario, maybe we would have been better off. BUT I'm not so sure if it's a good idea NOW to have a regime change in Iran. The US has already chosen India as its most favored regional ally to contain China. A Indo-US friendly puppet government in Iran is the last thing we want.

Regime change in Iran is good for Gulf Arabs though, no doubt.
Great Propaganda

At the end of the day the Caspian Sea is still not fully resolved. Once Iran is free of the shackles of sanctions it will resolve the Caspian Sea. As US has shown any “agreements” can easily be backtracked on international stage.

But Iran cannot just take whatever it wants because any issue will go to Internaional Court and their the courts rule on past precedent when it comes to sea rights (see ongoing issue in South China Sea)

If the role was reversed and Iran was broken up into 3 independent countries would Iran consider it “fair” to have to share its 50% share with the other two post Persia states while USSR kept 50%?
Great Propaganda

At the end of the day the Caspian Sea is still not fully resolved. Once Iran is free of the shackles of sanctions it will resolve the Caspian Sea. As US has shown any “agreements” can easily be backtracked on international stage.

But Iran cannot just take whatever it wants because any issue will go to Internaional Court and their the courts rule on past precedent when it comes to sea rights (see ongoing issue in South China Sea)

If the role was reversed and Iran was broken up into 3 independent countries would Iran consider it “fair” to have to share its 50% share with the other two post Persia states while USSR kept 50%?

your share cant go from 50% to 10% either.... do you think a country like the US would have agreed to such an arrangement of getting stiffed by azerbademjan….?

Iran and Russia had a 50/50 agreement on the Caspian. Russia cant unilaterally come and say "sorry were many countries now, you have to split your share now among 5 states... oh and by the way your 50% is now 10%"

Iran up to now has been busy with its geopolitical war with the US to really concentrate on the Caspian... But with azerbademjan exploiting more and more of it. its time to give it a look
By Simon Watkins - Jun 13, 2019, 6:00 PM CDT
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Underlying the one-year anniversary in mid-August of the signing of the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ is one of the greatest oil industry swindles in recent years. When representatives of the five Caspian littoral states meet on the 11th and 12th of August, Iran intends to seek some redress from Russia on Moscow’s manoeuvring last August. The Islamic Republic believes that it was robbed of its historical rights in the Caspian, conned out of a US$50 billion per year income, and left without Russia’s support against the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions.

Little of any apparent consequence was decided last August when the five Caspian littoral states – Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan – signed the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’. The limited publicity that surrounded the signing stated only that the agreement stipulated that relations between the littoral states would be based on the broad principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity, equality among members, and the non-use of threat of force.

It refrained from specifically going into details about share allocations in the Caspian Sea resource and talked only vaguely about giving the area ‘a special legal status’. However, a senior oil and gas industry source who works closely with Iran’s Petroleum Ministry told OilPrice.com that there was a secret second part to the deal that has proven explosive for the perennially fractious relations between the Caspian states.

At stake is the massive Caspian Sea hydrocarbons resources prize that has been fought over since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 resulted in three additional partners – Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan - to the original partnership of Russia and Iran. Prior to the fracturing of the USSR into its constituent independent states, Iran and the USSR had struck the original agreement in 1921 to split all ‘fishing rights’ in the Caspian area 50-50. This was amended in 1924 to include ‘any and all resources recovered’, meaning in practical terms that all hydrocarbons resources would be shared equally between Russia and Iran. “Iran should have said back then that Russia should have shared its Caspian stake with the three former USSR states, but it [Iran] was content to wait for the official legal dispute to be settled,” underlined the Iran source. Related: Chinese Rare Earth Exports Tumble As Trade War Accelerates

At stake is the allocation of revenues from the wider Caspian basins area, including both onshore and offshore fields, that is conservatively estimated to have around 48 billion barrels of oil and 292 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas in proved and probable reserves. Around 41 percent of total Caspian crude oil and lease condensate and 36 percent of natural gas exists in the offshore fields, with an additional 35 percent of oil and 45 percent of gas estimated to lie onshore within 100 miles of the coast, particularly in Russia’s North Caucasus region.

The remaining 12 billion barrels of oil and 56 Tcf of natural gas are believed to be variously located further onshore in the large Caspian Sea basins, mostly in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. The area accounts for an average of 17 percent of the total oil production of the five littoral states that share its resources, on average totalling 2.5-2.9 million barrels per day (mbpd).

Before the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ agreement was signed last August, oil output targets for each country were set three months in advance, with all revenues paid into a central Caspian oil account, which was then split in equal proportions of 20 percent between the five littoral states, said the Iran source. The revenues, at least prior to the re-imposition of sanctions against Iran by the U.S. late last year, usually comprised 95 percent U.S. dollars and Euros, but with some local currencies in the mix.

Against this backdrop, the legal designation of the Caspian as either a ‘sea’ or a ‘lake’ would have far-reaching repercussions on the assignment of revenues from it. If it was designated a sea then coastal countries would apply the ‘United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’ (1982), in which event each littoral state would receive a territorial sea up to 12 nautical miles, an exclusive economic zone up to nautical 200 miles, and a continental shelf. In practice, this would mean that countries such as Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan would have exclusive access to offshore assets that Iran would not be able to access.

If it was designated a lake – and this was the informal designation before the August agreement – then the countries could use the international law concerning border lakes to set boundaries, by which each country effectively possesses 20 percent of the sea floor and surface of the Caspian.

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In the preparations for the signing of the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ last August, Iran had engaged lawyers to challenge the established 20 percent share that each littoral state had informally agreed upon, based on the fact that Russia should have used its own original 50 percent share to make good stakes for its former USSR states.

Iran was confident at that point that Russia would show some flexibility as, after the U.S. pulled out of the nuclear deal last May, Moscow immediately made a deal with Iran that would effectively have given it control of all of Iran’s oil and gas resources. Specifically, the deal was that Russia would hand Iran US$50 billion every year for at least five years. This would cover all of Iran’s estimated US$150 billion of costs to bring all of its key oil and gas fields up to Western standard, with US$100 billion left over for the build-out of other key sectors of its economy.

“Russia also pledged to veto all attempts in the United Nations Security Council [UNSC] to have sanctions against Iran increased or to have the terms of the original nuclear deal re-drawn to include further sanctionable actions such as missile testing or not allowing snap inspections of all military facilities, which it could do as it is as one of just five Permanent Members on the UNSC,” said the Iran source.

In exchange for this, Iran, in addition to giving Russia preference in the oil and gas sector, was also to tighten its military co-operation with Russia, including buying Russia’s S-400 missile defence system, allowing Russia to expand its number of listening posts in Iran and doubling the number of senior ranking Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) officers that are seconded in Moscow for ongoing training, to between 120 and 130. Related: Russian Energy Minister: Oil Could Still Drop To $30

The catch for Iran was that, under the terms of the agreement, there was no clause that allowed Iran to impose any penalties on any Russian developer firm for slow progress on any field for the next 10 years. The Russians, though, during this entire 10-year period, would still have the right to dictate exactly how much oil was produced from each field, when it was sold, to whom it was sold, and for how much it was sold. Russia also had the right to be able to buy all of the oil – or gas – being produced from fields that their companies were supposedly developing at 55-72 percent of its open market value for the next 10 years.

“The Iranians naively thought this meant that they had entered into a genuine two-way partnership with Russia but Russia didn’t see it that way,” the Iran source said. “In the Russian way of seeing things, once it had secured Iran in this deal, effectively making it a client state, it had no reason to honour any other of its previous obligations,” he added. “The situation was also worsened for Iran by the fact that Russia had its own problems with U.S. sanctions and didn’t want to make things worse by siding so thoroughly with Iran,” he highlighted.

Given these considerations, and the fact that Russia wanted to strengthen its relations with the previous USSR states, Moscow was the prime mover in having the Caspian designated as a sea, not a lake. This was on the basis that because Russia had opened up the channel from the Volga River into the Caspian to prevent the levels dropping, the Caspian no longer conformed to the legal definition of a lake, which is that it is a localised water deposit standing independent of any river that serves to feed it.

“This meant, effectively, that Russia could divide up the shares as it saw fit, and the way it saw fit was to benefit its existing ally, Kazakhstan, which was assigned a 28.9 percent share, and its wished-for ally, Azerbaijan, which secured a 21 percent stake, while Russia saw a slight increase, to 21 percent, while Turkmenistan’s share goes down to 17.225 percent, as it is seen as a softer touch by Russia, and Iran’s share goes down to just 11.875 percent,” said the Iran source. “This switch from 50 percent to just over 11 percent means that Iran will lose at least US$3.2 trillion in revenues from the disputed and lost value of energy products going forward,” concluded the Iran source.

By Simon Watkins for Oilprice.com

Any actual proof of any of these claims?.
I mean for a start where are the russians going to get the 50 billion per year to pay iran from exactly?,also 50 billion what?,dollars,euros?,rubles[LOL!!].Also buying an s400?,whens this supposed to happen exactly?.
I`m no fan of the russians or rouhani,far from it in fact,but claims of this magnitude require some serious cast iron-gold standard proof in order to be taken even slightly seriously,not just some unnamed supposed "senior oil and gas industry source".
your share cant go from 50% to 10% either.... do you think a country like the US would have agreed to such an arrangement of getting stiffed by azerbademjan….?

Iran and Russia had a 50/50 agreement on the Caspian. Russia cant unilaterally come and say "sorry were many countries now, you have to split your share now among 5 states... oh and by the way your 50% is now 10%"

Iran up to now has been busy with its geopolitical war with the US to really concentrate on the Caspian... But with azerbademjan exploiting more and more of it. its time to give it a look

More propaganda

First of all that agreement was in freaking 1920’s aka holds zero validity in this day and age.

Second Russia isn’t “determining” anything. It’s called basic sea rights governed on the continental shelf of a country and how far that extends “out”.

So Iran agreeing in principle is likely due to the fact that it’s lawyers know that the International Court will rule AGAINST Iran.

And since this is not the 1920’s Iran cannot just rule by fist. No country in the world will accept that.

So the only way for Iran to resolve this is to stop negotiations and not agree to terms and force the other countries to each give up a few % in order to give Iran 20% share to close an agreement.

But forget about Iran getting 30-50%. That is a dream.
More propaganda

First of all that agreement was in freaking 1920’s aka holds zero validity in this day and age.

Second Russia isn’t “determining” anything. It’s called basic sea rights governed on the continental shelf of a country and how far that extends “out”.

So Iran agreeing in principle is likely due to the fact that it’s lawyers know that the International Court will rule AGAINST Iran.

And since this is not the 1920’s Iran cannot just rule by fist. No country in the world will accept that.

So the only way for Iran to resolve this is to stop negotiations and not agree to terms and force the other countries to each give up a few % in order to give Iran 20% share to close an agreement.

But forget about Iran getting 30-50%. That is a dream.

where do you come up with this crap of " agreements signed in the 1920s have zero validity in this day and age"? what is lifespan of agreements in international relations exactly?

do they arbitrarily expire after 10 years? 20 years? 50 years??? whats the number? stop making statements out of your *** please... and secondly the biggest issue is the status of the caspian

even if we agree that Russia turned into 5 countries and now iran has to ignore its signed agreement with Russia and accept the new countries.. lets take that for granted.

the new issue is what is the Caspian?> is it a sea? or a lake? ? this is HUGE because if its a lake then everyone gets an equal share of the resources regardless of coastline.

technically speaking the Caspian is a lake. since its enclosed and has no access to open seas. it fits the definition of a lake much more then a "Sea" (look at the great lakes splitting Canada/US for a precedent to this)

so now Iran has to both ignore its signed agreement with Russia, and accept the disputed term of the caspain being a "sea" for it to accept its 10% share and let azerbademjan have hundreds of billions of dollars worth of energy reserves to themselves.

im glad "patriots" like you are not the ones negotiating Iranian policy and agreement.

and don't forget the #1 of diplomacy. Might makes right (followed closely by the second rule "de facto possession is a lot more important then de jure claims)

Iran can say it considers it a lake. And legally defend its rights accordingly (and forcefully) if need be. I doubt American and euro oil companies would want to do business in a lake that's claimed by a regional power who has naval assets deployed there.
where do you come up with this crap of " agreements signed in the 1920s have zero validity in this day and age"? what is lifespan of agreements in international relations exactly?

do they arbitrarily expire after 10 years? 20 years? 50 years??? whats the number? stop making statements out of your *** please... and secondly the biggest issue is the status of the caspian

even if we agree that Russia turned into 5 countries and now iran has to ignore its signed agreement with Russia and accept the new countries.. lets take that for granted.

the new issue is what is the Caspian?> is it a sea? or a lake? ? this is HUGE because if its a lake then everyone gets an equal share of the resources regardless of coastline.

technically speaking the Caspian is a lake. since its enclosed and has no access to open seas. it fits the definition of a lake much more then a "Sea" (look at the great lakes splitting Canada/US for a precedent to this)

so now Iran has to both ignore its signed agreement with Russia, and accept the disputed term of the caspain being a "sea" for it to accept its 10% share and let azerbademjan have hundreds of billions of dollars worth of energy reserves to themselves.

im glad "patriots" like you are not the ones negotiating Iranian policy and agreement.

and don't forget the #1 of diplomacy. Might makes right (followed closely by the second rule "de facto possession is a lot more important then de jure claims)

Iran can say it considers it a lake. And legally defend its rights accordingly (and forcefully) if need be. I doubt American and euro oil companies would want to do business in a lake that's claimed by a regional power who has naval assets deployed there.

Why are you so dense?

The agreement was signed by USSR, USSR does not exist. Russia is not USSR. Thus the agreement can be voided.

When Shah fell, The Islamic Republic of Iran voided many agreements with other countries and vice versa.

So again, stop crying about an agreement signed 100 years ago. US just tore up a 100 year agreement like it was nothing.

Obviously if Iran thought it had a case it would take the case to International court and try to force Russia to uphold a country signed by its predecessor. But it CANT.

Now you can sit and cry Caspian Sea vs Caspian Lake. But again switching to a lake isn’t going to get Iran 50% so like I said, best Iran will get is 20-25% if it holds out and the other countries get tired.

And don’t underestimate the tenacity of oil companies they are operating in war zones and dangerous areas and they know Iran won’t do anything.

You should first go see similar disputes over water and what the precedent is. So while the misinformed want to cry that Rouhani “sold out” and the Islamic Republic is “thief” and “traitors”. The truth is Iran doesn’t have a lot to stand on. It doesn’t have as much coastline as some of the other countries. And that’s where the problem lies.

People continue to think in Imperial terms because Iran existed prior to some of these countries and at one point OWNED these countries that it means it automatically is entitled to more. That might have worked 200 years ago, but not in this day and age of international relations.

Russia is still considered to be illegally occupying Crimea even though that land has always been in Russian possession and it “gifted” that land to Ukraine.

So it seems you are just talking in circles, at one point you say Iran should get 50%, but then you concede the point that the 10% amount makes sense under international law if definition of sea is upheld.

Then you say Iran should say Caspian Sea is actually a lake which would just entitle it what? 20%? so basically you just agreed with what I said.

Case closed
Why are you so dense?

The agreement was signed by USSR, USSR does not exist. Russia is not USSR. Thus the agreement can be voided.

When Shah fell, The Islamic Republic of Iran voided many agreements with other countries and vice versa.

So again, stop crying about an agreement signed 100 years ago. US just tore up a 100 year agreement like it was nothing.

Obviously if Iran thought it had a case it would take the case to International court and try to force Russia to uphold a country signed by its predecessor. But it CANT.

Now you can sit and cry Caspian Sea vs Caspian Lake. But again switching to a lake isn’t going to get Iran 50% so like I said, best Iran will get is 20-25% if it holds out and the other countries get tired.

And don’t underestimate the tenacity of oil companies they are operating in war zones and dangerous areas and they know Iran won’t do anything.

You should first go see similar disputes over water and what the precedent is. So while the misinformed want to cry that Rouhani “sold out” and the Islamic Republic is “thief” and “traitors”. The truth is Iran doesn’t have a lot to stand on. It doesn’t have as much coastline as some of the other countries. And that’s where the problem lies.

People continue to think in Imperial terms because Iran existed prior to some of these countries and at one point OWNED these countries that it means it automatically is entitled to more. That might have worked 200 years ago, but not in this day and age of international relations.

Russia is still considered to be illegally occupying Crimea even though that land has always been in Russian possession and it “gifted” that land to Ukraine.

So it seems you are just talking in circles, at one point you say Iran should get 50%, but then you concede the point that the 10% amount makes sense under international law if definition of sea is upheld.

Then you say Iran should say Caspian Sea is actually a lake which would just entitle it what? 20%? so basically you just agreed with what I said.

Case closed

what I am saying that the 1920 agreement is completely valid from a legal standpoint. and Russia is legally considered the USSR successor. they held onto the USSR's UN VETO, but also inherited the debt.

the US and Cuba have an agreement older then that from the 19th century. When the Cuban government was an American vassal and US imposed an unequal agreement on it that gave them a virtual unlimited lease on Guantanamo bay. the agreement stipulates that both sides must agree to end it.

that means despite decades of the Cuban government begging the US to leave. the US just cites the "agreement" and forcefully stays. might makes right.

i gurantee you if the US and Russia had a 50/50 agreement and russia morphed into 5 countries. The US would not be sharing a trillion dollars of energy reserves with those new "countries" GUARANTEE .

now Iran has conceded the 1920 agreement being void. As it stands today the artificial countries that morphed out of "Russia" "ussr" (or whatever that entity happened to be called) are claiming that its a sea and therefore Iran deserves only 10% of the Caspian and entitled to only the energy reserves in Irans ECC area.

as it stands now Iran is being shafted. mostly by the artificial entity called azerbademjan. what I do not understand is why your parroting the azeri line on this and not the official Iranian line?

if Caspian is a sea. then Iran gets nothing. it only has a tiny coast line with it that holds no energy reserves. Out of 50% to 0. This is worth going to war over. its hundreds of billions of dollars of potential Iranian wealth being stolen by azerbademjan.

Case closed.

oh and btw. Crimea is also another good example of possession being 90% of the battle. There is no way that Ukraine is ever going to get crimea back. the population sees themselves as Russian, and crimea and Sevastopol are essential to Russian national security.

its only a matter of time before most countries acknowledge this reality in some sort of grand peace bargain with Russia eventually.
Last edited:
This is another grave blunder on part of ruling clerics who sold out national interest just so they can stay in power hoping that the Russians will protect them. Decades of lost revenue and development sacrificed for an ideology which resulted in constant friction and war with neighboring countries.

“The Iranians naively thought this meant that they had entered into a genuine two-way partnership with Russia but Russia didn’t see it that way,” the Iran source said. “In the Russian way of seeing things, once it had secured Iran in this deal, effectively making it a client state, it had no reason to honour any other of its previous obligations,” he added. “The situation was also worsened for Iran by the fact that Russia had its own problems with U.S. sanctions and didn’t want to make things worse by siding so thoroughly with Iran,” he highlighted."

Russia has continuously back stabbed Iran from Treaty of Gullistan, and Turkmenchay to this disastrous treaty.
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