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How India's growth will outpace China's - The Economist

My question is, the Chinese have much better exposure to facilities, their cities and building look futuristic. But they aren't really prepared to facing the world yet. Pardon me if I am simplistic. Is it something to do with the media or the government?

But Indians come from fi1thy cities where access to a lot of facilities including training in the respective field is difficult. but they are much prepared to face the world. May be its something to do with the difficulty of getting things done in India. Unless you fight for it, you won't get it. So if you survive in India, you can survive anywhere.

Again, its just an observation. No offense to anyone.

Not at all offended but I would ask that you clarify what you mean by "face the world"
If China started in 1978 and 12 years of it was spent on catching up par against India, then start early clearly wasn't that much of an advantage.

After reforms it take the time. It took time for both China and India. China did it in 1978 and got the result starting from ~1990. India did that in 1992 and we have seen good sustained growth from ~2000. But when the Chinese economy reach a maturity level, the growth will be be reduced.
After reforms it take the time. It took time for both China and India. China did it in 1978 and got the result starting from ~1990. India did that in 1992 and we have seen good sustained growth from ~2000. But when the Chinese economy reach a maturity level, the growth will be be reduced.

That's right, it took some time for the reforms to kick in.

Chinese growth will slow in the future, but 8% growth at such a large base economic size is good enough for me. Plus I think the CCP have a card up their sleeves, they are building so much infrastructure that I think we will be able to sustain 10%+ growth for quite a while longer.

India is now entering a demographic window that will see some enormous growth rates in the next few years. With proper planning, that kind of demographic window could last for a VERY long time. Definitely something to watch for.
Not at all offended but I would ask that you clarify what you mean by "face the world"

They keep to themselves and seem to be introverts. Not participating in discussions , not putting forth their opinion, etc.. Even the ones with a fairly good English knowledge. In some fields, ability to advertise yourself is as important as being good at what you do. That ability to advertise and being assertive seems to be missing in them.
They keep to themselves and seem to be introverts. Not participating in discussions , not putting forth their opinion, etc.. Even the ones with a fairly good English knowledge. In some fields, ability to advertise yourself is as important as being good at what you do. That ability to advertise and being assertive seems to be missing in them.

Ah, I see what you mean. Yes it's true that overseas, "many" Chinese people tend to stick together in groups. Two reasons for that:

1) Language barrier
2) Chinese cultural familiarity

People tend to stick together, it's a fact of human nature. Look at the early Italian/Irish immigrants to America for example. It takes a while before new immigrants start to feel more comfortable in a new country.

Once you meet more Chinese people in person, then you will realise that this does not apply to all of us. Like all such generalizations, it does not paint a complete picture.
They keep to themselves and seem to be introverts. Not participating in discussions , not putting forth their opinion, etc.. Even the ones with a fairly good English knowledge. In some fields, ability to advertise yourself is as important as being good at what you do. That ability to advertise and being assertive seems to be missing in them.

I suspect they were just intimidate by such a new environment. Again I think it has more to do with comfortable than anything.
Once you meet more Chinese people in person, then you will realise that this does not apply to all of us. Like all such generalizations, it does not paint a complete picture.

That's true.I have quite a few Chinese friends here and they are great. I am actually thinking of visiting China with them in December. :)
That's true.I have quite a few Chinese friends here and they are great. I am actually thinking of visiting China with them in December. :)

Same I have quite a few Indian friends in Hong Kong too. And I hope you have a great time when you visit us in December. :cheers:
I hate to stereotype but sadly, I have witnessed things first hand which have forged the opinion.
I am a concept art student here in US. I have seen the Chinese students being very good technically. But they would always design things that are based on existing stuff. I don't know if it is due to their lack of understanding people's taste or they are not trained to think out of the box. On the other hand , Chinese Americans have amazing creativity. Which I think is because they are hard working due to cultural reasons and they know American culture and tastes better.
That said, historically a county or an artist learns by copying others before becoming creative. We know Japanese products were regarded as low quality replicas in the past but now it is considered the hot bed for innovation . So is the case with Koreans. So I believe China will become a better innovator in near future.

My wishes to China!

all i have to ask is:

science is not art. our engineers and scientists have solved extremely difficult biological, civil engineering and telecommunications problems just to be able to deliver food and electricity to every village. do you know that most of chinese soil is either extremely wet, extremely high, or extremely hard and dry? building a railroad across variable terrain is difficult. or take food. how do you achieve industrial rice production with many small farmers (hint, you engineer the rice itself, we achieved that in 1970's).

these are problems that "creative" americans would faint over. in fact, an american engineered wheat (instead of rice) using Yuan's methods, later than Yuan, and got a nobel prize, while Yuan didn't.

we also were the first people to chemically synthesize a peptide hormone (insulin).

the thing about chinese being brainwashed commies is ridiculous. our insulin group was totally native, during the Mao era (1959!). we did not recieve a nobel prize due to western racism and they even admit it.
False-flags have a way of "backfiring" severely.

Problem is that we don't know where he is from in South Asia.

Anyone who emphasizes Pakistani Defense Forum, and tells people of other nationality that it is their previlege to post here, is most likely a Pakistani.
Ah, I see what you mean. Yes it's true that overseas, "many" Chinese people tend to stick together in groups. Two reasons for that:

1) Language barrier
2) Chinese cultural familiarity

People tend to stick together, it's a fact of human nature. Look at the early Italian/Irish immigrants to America for example. It takes a while before new immigrants start to feel more comfortable in a new country.

Once you meet more Chinese people in person, then you will realise that this does not apply to all of us. Like all such generalizations, it does not paint a complete picture.

True for the most part. But you can see many forming groups that are like the Untied nations lol. My best friends for a LONG time are a Pakistani(Punjabi), Sudanese, Dominican, and a Korean :lol:

Only in NYC! Lol..
Indeed, why? But hey, wait a moment - it is NOT. India's software exports are around 55-60 billion dollars. China's software exports account for less than 10 billion dollars!


Your deforming media inclined to paint a bleak picture of “communist” China in order to elevate your “righteous” democracy.

In fact, 78% of India’s software is export oriented. Thus Indian total software industry produces a value of 60/0.78=77 billion.

How pathetic!

Why I call your software industry pathetic? Because you and many many Indians, brain-washed by your biased media, are like a frog sitting at the bottom of a well and proclaiming the sky is this big. :lol:

Do you know how much Chinese software output is?

Bet your big-mouth media suddenly become tiny mouth and never care to tell you.

Tighten your seatbelt in case you may fall off your chair and then read this:

Yang said that China's software industry, which only made 59.3 billion yuan in 2001, has reached 997 billion yuan in 2009. From January 2010 to July 2010, the business income of the software industry has exceeded 723 billion yuan. There is no doubt that the income of the software industry will break 1.2 trillion yuan this year. China’s software industry has grown 20 times in 10 years.

Nanjing becomes China's 'Software City' - People's Daily Online

So, in US$, Chinese software industry made about 997/7=142 billion for 2009.

In contrast, India, the so-called software giant, has only a software industry that is about 50% that of China. :lol:

In addition, under US pressure, USD/RMB exchange rate is no longer 1:7. It is 1:6.6 now. Thus in 2010, Chinese software output will be 1200/6.6 = 181.8 billion! :cheesy:

And 78% of your efforts are made for foreigners, not for your own people. Whereas 80+% of Chinese software is to serve their own people.

What’s why I call your software "giant" pathetic... of course in front of the colossal.
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They keep to themselves and seem to be introverts. Not participating in discussions , not putting forth their opinion, etc.. Even the ones with a fairly good English knowledge. In some fields, ability to advertise yourself is as important as being good at what you do. That ability to advertise and being assertive seems to be missing in them.

It's not just a Chinese problem but East Asians in general. A few years ago I was reading an interview with the president of a professional associations for Asian scientists in the U.S, when asked whether there is a glass-ceiling for Asians in science career she answered yes and pointed out people tend to assume East Asians to be quiet and not wanting to lead, and simply overlook them when considering a leadership position.
Well china has its moments and so will india but like i always maintained it doesnt have to be china vs india /china or india ,but china and india.
As for implications i dont see any in short term atleast but the article only talks about growth rate,in almost every other economic parameter china is way ahead and i dont see a problem if that gap was to decrease.To give u clearer perspective china's per capita gdp[ppp] is $6500 ,indias $3100 compare that with usa's $39,000.That tells u the distance yet to be covered.

USA is 46,000 (2009 est.) down from 48,000 3 years ago.
all i have to ask is:

science is not art. our engineers and scientists have solved extremely difficult biological, civil engineering and telecommunications problems just to be able to deliver food and electricity to every village. do you know that most of chinese soil is either extremely wet, extremely high, or extremely hard and dry? building a railroad across variable terrain is difficult. or take food. how do you achieve industrial rice production with many small farmers (hint, you engineer the rice itself, we achieved that in 1970's).

these are problems that "creative" americans would faint over. in fact, an american engineered wheat (instead of rice) using Yuan's methods, later than Yuan, and got a nobel prize, while Yuan didn't.

we also were the first people to chemically synthesize a peptide hormone (insulin).

the thing about chinese being brainwashed commies is ridiculous. our insulin group was totally native, during the Mao era (1959!). we did not recieve a nobel prize due to western racism and they even admit it.

I think there has been 9 Chinese Nobel Prize winners, just none from Mainland China.

Dont think it has as much to do with racism as lack of freedom

List of Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates

With over a billion people, native Chinese do not win Scientific Nobel Prizes for the same reasons that Arabs living under Islam do not win Scientific Nobel Prizes. As for Chinese or Arabs who win Nobel Prizes in Literature, they do not live in America but they are usually despised and hated by their native countries. In the case of Gao, the Chinese government officially regards him as an exiled dissident, and all of his works are banned. In the case of the Egyptian Naguib Mahfouz who died this year, he was attacked by Muslims for his writings.

So when I said that Islam was holding back scientific progress, it applies equally to the Chinese government. It applied as well to the Soviets in the past era. Religion or Governments that deny freedom and liberty just do not create anything. They can steal it, or buy it, but they cannot create it.
List of Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates from Planck's Constant

Real Interesting article, you might want to read it.
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