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How India's 300 Million American Enemies Will Die



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Oct 14, 2013
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How India's 300 Million American Enemies Will Die

First a note about hate: In army training, for example in bayonet practice, you are taught to hate the enemy; it is essential if you are to survive and win. On Bharat Rakshak forum, the operatives of CIA-RAW, through the numerous anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistan threads they nurture, direct the aggression of Indians toward other Indians while they suppress any mention of the necessity to defend against the real enemy -- the ’white man’ and the most powerful ’white country’, the United States. In a letter to the press in 1998, just before Atal Behari Vajpayee assumed office as the Prime Minister of India, I wrote, referring to IK Gujral’s statement as prime minister about the necessity for Indians to inculcate the scientific spirit in themselves, about the necessity for Indians to inculcate in themselves “hatred for the white man (and woman),” to which Vajpayee replied, “hate is not on the agenda,” to which I replied that this amounted to saying “defence is not on the agenda.” The agenda remains unfulfilled. It will move ahead with the destruction of New Delhi with a nuclear detonation and will be fulfilled with the delivery of 10,000 nuclear warheads to the United States.

(January 10, 2008) According to the post office that serves the area where a lot of politicians live, the AIDS woman (Sonia) gets over 50,000 letters per month. Manmohan Singh and Advani get less than 2,500 each. Vajpayee, when prime minister, got less than 1,000. The sole reason for this is that she is white. The terrorization and subjugation to the white man that Indians underwent through the holocaust perpetrated by the British after 1857, killing over 10 million in 10 years (see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'), is responsible for this fact (see my Press Release dated September 27, 2008 titled "Source of Manmohan Singh's 'deep love' for Bush" in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'). The result is the inferior Indian niggers, criminal blackie slaves -- unfit even to be made into dog food -- that the Indians named Chetan and Nikhil who have posted comments (on a blog of mine elsewhere) exemplify. Nigger blackie slaves like these were blown by the British from the mouths of cannons. Do you think they would have dared to call the British any such names? They are unfit even to be made into dogfood but they can be ground up and made into fertiliser, to grow onions, stinking onions.
The most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, whose toe nail clippings are worth more to India and the world than the rest of the billion plus Indians combined, does not get even one letter.
A report in The Telegraph of January 10, 2008 says “Sonia....looked pale but the dimples were in place“. No reporters were allowed in her room; how did he know “the dimples were in place“? Like all the other Indian niggers, this bugger would like to dive under her petticoats (see my blog referred to above ) when he is not dreaming of her dimples (this ugly piece of dog-faeces has dimples-- so what? Well, he will answer: SHE IS WHITE!!!!!!!). Vajpayee 'withdrew' as BJP's prime ministerial candidate because of my disclosures that he is a life-long agent of first the British then the C.I.A., that the C.I.A. staged the Kargil war to make him win the election that was pending, etc. (see my blog referred to above). So, grateful to be the BJP's traitor-in-chief after Vajpayee, Advani wrote the current traitor-in-office Manmohan Singh (see same blog ) asking him to give Vajpayee a Bharat Ratna. Instead, all of them (Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh, Advani) should be split in two lengthwise with an axe on three successive days, their two halves hollowed out, then the AIDS woman should be asked to defecate in their hollowed out torsoes on the three successive days. Before they are split in two, they should be allowed a last wish -- specify what the AIDS woman should eat the day before she defecates in their hollowed out torsoes; they can specify chicken or daal roti or whatever. After sewing the two halves shut, the torsoes should be roasted, sliced into thin slices and served with tea to all the RAW employees (see my blog titled 'What You Should know About RAW') as a Republic Day-eve treat. And don't forget to let cabinet ministers Manishankar Aiyar, Health Minister Ramadoss and Science and Technology Minister Sibal, who sit at C.I.A.-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against India's greatest scientist and the greatest living Indian, partake of the treat (roasted traitor-torsoes stuffed with dog-faeces). Like all the RAW employees, these criminals will be machine gunned and bulldozed into trenches, which will also be the actual punishment of Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh and Advani along with other politicians (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy for india Over U.S.').
After I posted the above, RAW decided that the Bharat Ratna will not go to any politician but to some “renowned” person in some other field. But the Indian whose accomplishments exceed the combined accomplishments of all other Indians is unknown to the public due to the crimes against him by C.I.A.-RAW (see same blog). RAW is just nigger blackie slaves of the Americans. Only India's nuclear supremacy over the United States and the death of three hundred million American enemies (see same blog) will bring him recognition (not that he gives a fig for recognition by criminal blackie slaves or their soon to be vapourised white masters; well, not all will be vapourised; many will be irradiated and eaten by their compatriots who in turn will be eaten by their other compatriots till no one remains alive).
George Bush Sr. said before the first invasion of Iraq that he wanted to restore America's “credibility“ in the Middle East; his son did that with the pictures of Saddam Hussein hanging from a rope, his neck broken. B. F. Skinner, whose plagiarism I exposed ( see my web page, Psychotherapy dot eBoard dot com ), with the help of the C.I.A., the American government and media and all Americans, successfully got the cooperation of Indian blackie slaves -- India's government, not just RAW, politicians, cabinet ministers, media, etc. -- in the most heinous crimes against the greatest living Indian. Shifting from open hostility and abuse from their Indian lackeys to “Sirjee“, etc., or various equivalents of 'honey traps', is not going to save them from being machine gunned and bulldozed into trenches. And Bush Sr. may no longer be around to be eaten by his compatriots but Bush Jr. certainly will be. Boy, are the Americans going to have fun! You can depend on it.

(January 22, 2008) What if the United States makes a nuclear first strike on India well before India has developed a first strike capability against it -- such as making a nuclear strike on India this year? Such 'counterproliferation' nuclear strikes have been part of the United States' policy for many years and there is nothing really new in the above recommendation. For many years now, India has had nuclear-armed submarines capable of obliterating the United States' largest cities on its coasts within striking range of its coastal cities at all times, so the United States can make a 'counterproliferation' strike on India only at the cost of losing its largest cities. I have said that India can win an arms race with the United States; India produces about half a million engineering graduates per year against the United States' seventy thousand and I have shown how India has an unlimited amount of investment capital for the necessary research, development and production, which will also greatly benefit its economy as a whole, via my proposal about money in my blog Nuclear Supremacy for India over U.S. . As I have said in this blog, India has no alternative but to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States and eliminate this threat. All that is needed is a clear cut national commitment to this objective.

(January 24 ‘08) The same behavior can have more than one possible explanations; my assertion of the role of race (white/non-white) in determining the United States' behavior toward Indians and India is based on observations made as a behavior scientist in the United States where I have lived for 41 years. What you refer to as beneficial American 'aid' is actually poison; it is neither needed nor desirable and keeps India from developing its own capabilities. In the nuclear deal, it is not even aid but slavery. The aggressiveness of the United States toward non-white countries is such that there is no option for India but to attain nuclear supremacy over it and put this mad dog to sleep (meaning death). This is the reality and there is nothing very surprising about it. There is no need for India to be another Iran; India has four times the population of the United States and produces 7 times the number of engineers per year that the United States does. It is the effect of a thousand years of slavery and the British rule because of which Indians think of India as an Iran which needs to be afraid of the United States.
To repeat: geopolitics, so far as it concerns India and the West, is all about white vs. non-white. The role of race within India can be seen from this: according to the post office that serves the area where a lot of politicians live, Sonia gets over 50,000 letters per month. Manmohan Singh and Advani get less than 2,500 each. Vajpayee, when prime minister, got less than 1,000. The sole reason for this is that she is white. The terrorization and subjugation to the white man that Indians underwent through the holocaust perpetrated by the British after 1857, killing over 10 million in 10 years (see my blog Letters to the Press ), is responsible for this fact. The result is the inferior Indian niggers, criminal blackie slaves that Kipling and others wrote about -- and their writings are still prescribed reading in Indian schools! Indians by and large think of themselves as inferior Indian niggers in relation to the white man and this is evident in a thousand ways from their behavior (after I had made this posting, I found in The Telegraph of January 25 '08, a column by Swapan Dasgupta beginning with a quotation from Kipling and he says in this column: "it is undeniable that India’s perceptions of Britons were couched in terms of admiration, reverence, awe and a tinge of fear. This was as true for Anglophiles as they were for those who suffered and fought for freedom. Of course, there was a flip side too. The white man was felt to be lacking in personal hygiene and his food habits were completely suspect. Nevertheless, on balance, the sahib came out of the encounter as someone who had earned the right to forge an empire. It, therefore, followed that if Indians were to usurp that right they would have to imbibe the virtues of hard work, forbearance, team spirit, enterprise and sacrifice. A minority of Indians also wanted fair play and decency to be tagged to the attributes of good character". India's "leaders" that you thank God for are more or less the inferior Indian niggers this columnist is). This will only change after India attains nuclear supremacy over the most powerful white country and eliminates the threat it poses to countries like India.

(February 27 ‘08) DRDO are India's real warriors, not the military. In the old days, the sword-makers could make the swords, but warriors had to wield them. Even today's tanks and fighter planes need warriors to drive or fly them. But DRDO, along with the nuclear scientists and production units such as Bharat Dynamics, can make nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles and the people who do the research and development and production can also push the button to send them off to obliterate the enemy. The military muscle from nuclear-tipped ICBMs is milllions of times greater than the power of tanks and fighter planes. The scientists and engineers are also the real soldiers. They should have their hand on the nuclear button, not the military or the politicians. The military simply obey the politicians and India's politicians are all traitors on the payrolls of the C.I.A. etc. The military are not needed to launch the nuclear-tipped ICBMs; that can be done by scientists and engineers pushing a button sitting at a desk. The tanks and fighter planes the military can drive/fly are insignificant and nearly worthless in the military power they provide. Since they (the military) also obey the traitor politicians and civil servants, they are worse than worthless. It is time scientists and engineers are recognised for what they are -- the true defenders and guardians of the country.
The military should obey and take orders from DRDO; the same for civil servants and politicians. This can be done by amending the Constitution; if the politicians don't agree to amending the Constitution, it can be done in other ways.

(March 5 ‘08) Sometimes killing traitors within the country is necessary before an external enemy can be dealt with. In this nuclear age, a nuclear solution can deal with traitors within the country. A single nuclear detonation, arranged by DRDO and the nuclear scientists, centered on RAW headquarters will rid India of RAW, the traitor politicians and civil servants and the top brass of the worse than worthless military. Since there are very few DRDO and nuclear installations around New Delhi, India’s military and economic strength will not be damaged.

MARCH 30, 2008: DRDO’s task:
DRDO's central task is delivering thousands of pure fusion bombs ( see my article in Cental Chronicle, Bhopal: centralchronicle dot com slash 20080329/2903307 dot htm ) or other thermonuclear weapons to the continental United States territory. DRDO will fulfil this task. Equally important is DRDO's task, along with the nuclear scientists', of ridding India of traitors. As I have said, a single nuclear detonation, centered on RAW headquarters, will rid India of RAW, the traitor politicians and civil servants and the top brass of the worse than worthless military. A skeletal staff of just a few dozen based in Hyderabad can perform the functions of the Central Government -- giving instructions to and answering questions from the State governments and other entities and providing them with funds in accordance with my proposal about money ( described in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.' ). Insofar as there is the slightest uncertainty about the yield and reliability of India's thermonuclear weapons -- or even if there is not -- further testing should be done.

APRIL 13, 2008: DRDO’s Task (contd.) : Efficiency of a single nuclear detonation in removing traitors:
Not all traitors are alike. Indian traitors are nigger blackie slaves of the white man who are comfortable in an inferior, master-slave relationship to the white man. As I have said (same blog) regarding the couple dozen non-politicians including six former service chiefs, in India such inferior Indian niggers are the rule rather than the exception. Instead of shooting them, it is efficient to get rid of such obstructors of India’s nuclear supremacy over the United States by means of a single nuclear detonation centered on RAW headquarters.

(July 6, 2008) After the destruction of New Delhi, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO. As I have said (in blog referred to above), a skeletal staff of just a few dozen, based in Hyderabad, can perform the functions of the Central Government -- giving instructions to and answering questions from the State governments and other entities and providing them with funds in accordance with my proposal about money ( described in my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.').

(July 19, 2008) The rule is: anyone in government who is not oriented toward and committed to supremacy over the United States -- the most powerful white country -- is oriented toward and committed to slavery to the United States and is a traitor deserving death. The orientation toward and commitment to supremacy over the United States must be vocal and explicit. At present India’s government -- for example all civil servants from the top to the bottom -- consists of traitors.

JULY 25, 2008: Destroying New Delhi:
Who will be destroyed by the nuclear bomb in New Delhi besides the Laloo Yadavs and Chatterjees (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.')? A bent old man who bent even lower to the Yadavs the day after he recorded the Yadavs, with bags of money, facilitating the invasion of India by firangis and was himself recorded, with folded hands, paying obeisance to the Yadavs. The military and the civil servants who have always been loyal to the firangis (see same blog). The population of Delhi/New Delhi which, by the hundreds of thousands, stood and watched silently India’s emperor, after surrendering his sword, arrested and led away by a lone Englishman with “fifty black sowars” -- the Englishman sent the Indian emperor’s jewel-encrusted sword to the British monarch -- though, as the Englishman wrote home to England, anyone of them -- his fifty black sowars -- could have brought him down with a single shot.
Why did the Indian emperor have to surrender his sword to the lone firangi and submit to being arrested? He had a sword but he lacked supremacy in arms. Today supremacy in arms is nuclear supremacy. No one in Delhi/New Delhi wants nuclear supremacy for India. These are the people who will be destroyed.

(August 1, 2008) The B. J. P. says it is going to boycott a firangi-controlled TV news channel for suppressing the video recording of members of parliament being bought by the firangis through their Indian agents. But all Indian media are controlled by the firangis. What I said (in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.') bears repeating:

The refusal by pieces of filth such as Advani to recognise the United States as India's number one enemy is sustained by thousands of C.I.A.-RAW-inspired headlines in India's media such as "Indian-American becomes Governor of Louisiana" which should instead say "Indian rewarded for conversion to Christianity with governorship: As reward for conversion to Christianity at age 18, as Americans themselves admit and his numerous published essays and articles on his conversion, Indian made Secretary of Louisiana's Health and Hospitals at age 24, President of the University of Louisiana system at age 27, then Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services in Bush Administration, then member of U.S. Congress and now youngest Governor in U.S. at age 36" ( http://cenlamar.wordpress.com/about...y-jindal-the-story-they-dont-want-you-to-read ). Even more important are the thousands of headlines that are missing from India's media, thanks to C.I.A.-RAW, the story they really don't want anyone to know, saying "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed, kept in forced poverty and ‘neutralized’ and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved: The most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, a living Incarnation, plans nuclear supremacy for India in near future, to destroy India's number one enemy, the United States, with ten thousand nuclear-armed missiles and will machine gun and bulldoze into trenches all traitors who stand in the way."
Since then I have said that, instead of being machine-gunned and bull-dozed into trenches, the traitors in New Delhi will be eliminated with a single nuclear bomb explosion.

(August 14, 2008) In India, the military and civil servants have always been loyal to the firangis, as I showed in the addendum dated July 25, 2008, titled 'The Day India's Emperor Was Arrested By A Lone Englishman' in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.' . In addition, as I said in the same addendum, "No one in Delhi/New Delhi wants nuclear supremacy for India" (see my article titled 'Why Nuclear Supremacy?' in addendum dated July 19, 2008, same blog ) and thus the entire population of Delhi/New Delhi consists of traitors. That is why killing off the politicians, the military, the civil servants and the rest of the population of Delhi/New Delhi with a nuclear bomb is necessary to save India as a whole; the ban against the firangis can then be enforced in the rest of India till India has ten thousand nuclear warheads and can kill off the entire population of the most powerful firangi country.

Like the recent bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad and the firing along the Line of Control in J & K, the Amarnath land row, "the worst communal flare-up … since 1947" (Hindustan Times), has been instigated by C.I.A.-RAW to take attention away from the firangi enemy and his invasion of India with the IAEA inspections, etc. -- just as the communal riots in 1947 were instigated by the Intelligence Bureau which, as I have said, remained loyal to the British after 1947, so the stupid Indians killed one another by the millions while keeping the top firangi, Mountbatten, Governor General of "independent" India. As I have repeatedly said (see my letter dated May 15, 2004, same blog) "No more than about 80,000 British, women and children included, ruled India for centuries. Nothing that can be said about the stupidity and slavisheness of Indians will be an exaggeration.” But, with a nuclear bomb killing a few million of these stupid Indians in Delhi/New Delhi, India as a whole can be saved (see my articles 'Imminent End Of Firangi Rule Over India' in the addendum dated July 19, 2008 and 'After The Destruction Of New Delhi' in addendum dated July 30, 2008, same blog ).

India’s media have continued to shut out the views of India’s greatest scientist while the mediocre Indian who was given the Nobel prize as a dummy substitute for him ( see addendum dated July 30, 2008, same blog) is going to address India’s parliament, according to Indian press reports. Such goings on cannot be allowed.
In the addendum dated August 1, 2008, same blog, I referred to “thousands of headlines that are missing from India’s media”. But theirs are not simply crimes of omission; some of them participate in the crimes they are covering up. As I said in the addendum dated August 1, 2008, all Indian media are controlled by the firangis. The media people in Delhi/New Delhi will also die in the nuclear explosion that will destroy Delhi/New Delhi.

The participation by the media in these crimes has had the direst consequences for India, economically, militarily and strategically. A columnist (Tavleen Singh) two decades ago referred to the rewards for such participation such as “senior journalists” being given, “virtually free”, government accomodations in New Delhi that would rent at a minimum of fifty thousand rupees per month at market rates (now they would rent at several lakhs per month) -- upon which she was sent on C.I.A.-RAW-sponsored junkets to the United States to see how well mediocre Indians (like Amartya Sen) were doing at U. S. universities and now she has been an enthusiastic participant in these crimes for many years -- but such participation extends all across the media, from “lifafa” journalists (a term used on Bharat-Rakshak for journalists who receive envelopes full of cash from the American embassy) to those who simply aspire for a green card. Others participate without any specific inducement. But the participation is universal. A non-specific destruction of New Delhi by a nuclear bomb -- except that it will be centered on RAW headquarters -- will destroy the media also non-specifically.

Arun Shourie, after he was no longer chief editor of the Times Of India, said “Akhbar nahin, sarkar hai” (it is not a newspaper, it is the Government). But the same applies to the media as a whole. Shourie first received documentation of the crimes against India’s greatest scientist in 1982, sent by Indians at a U.S. university who knew of Shourie’s fame. With a Ph.D. in Economics from a U.S. university, he was undoubtedly a member of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Strategy that Vajpayee formed to steal my proposal about money (see same blog). His columns against the nuclear deal do not make him any less of a participant in the above crimes. I received ‘coverage’ from a reporter from The Asian Age who was waiting to interview me, of all the candidates, after I filed my nomination from the East Delhi Lok Sabha constituency in 1996, to learn my “strategy” for winning and, after the election, the provincial head of the Congress Party showed knowledge of the fruits of that interview -- not because it was published -- and commented to me on the futility of my running since I was not known to the public. The media people who will die in the nuclear explosion that will destroy Delhi/New Delhi will include both those who are known and those who are unknown to the public.

Of all the PILs to the Supreme Court regarding the nuclear deal, only mine had asked for the removal from office and prosecution of Manmohan Singh for treason and violation of his oath of office by failing to uphold India’s sovereignty and the Supreme Court has failed to act on my PIL (I have pointed out in addendums below that whereas the Supreme Court has dismissed various PILs regarding the nuclear deal on various grounds, it cannot dismiss mine because my PIL points to violations of specific provisions of the Constitution by specific acts by a specific individual and seeks a specific remedy; so it has simply failed to act on mine). In doing so, the Supreme Court is also participating in the cover up of the above crimes against India’s greatest scientist and the greatest Indian of all time that were pointed to in the PIL and is, thus, participating in those crimes. The loyalty of the judiciary, no less than that of the military and the civil servants, has always been to the firangi and the judiciary in all its aspects -- from robes and language to the enforcement of British-made laws -- is a flagrant continuation of firangi rule over India. The nuclear bomb explosion in New Delhi/Delhi that will destroy firangi rule over India will destroy the Supreme Court also.

The criminals of the Supreme Court, loyal as they are to the firangis (above), could not give a hoot for India’s sovereignty and they show it in their behaviour. India’s Parliament, from the Speaker to individual MPs, has also shown its indifference to India’s sovereignty. The surrender of India’s sovereignty by the Executive is known to everyone. India’s sovereignty rests only in me. I am India’s sovereign.

Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially when it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his only reference to India in his 'Mein Kampf', Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people did that from various countries for a thousand years.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as an avatar is above ordinary mortals.

PRESS RELEASE August 17, 2008: The Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

The peril to India -- the invasion of India in the form of IAEA inspections etc. and being bound in the deepest slavery -- requires the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi, not tanks and fighter planes. The RAW-organized “Azadi” rally in Kashmir this week with the RAW-mouthpiece, Times of India, carrying a celebratory headline of “azadi in air” as did other Indian media, not in Kashmir but in New Delhi/ Delhi itself (the celebratory headlines about the nuclear deal are similarly RAW-inspired) and the failure of the armed forces to destroy RAW -- a branch of the C.I.A. against India -- represent the depth and duration of C.I.A. control of India which requires a nuclear explosion to destroy. About a decade ago, when the Indian Air force was sending planes to Sri Lanka to deal with the LTTE, I wrote that it should bomb and destroy the RAW headquarters in New Delhi instead and the problem in Sri Lanka will automatically be solved. This is also true of all separatist movements in India, all terrorism and will remove the principal impediment to India’s technological, economic and military strength. But the military itself is loyal to the firangis, as are politicians, the civil servants and the people of New Delhi/ Delhi. The four million inhabitants of the Kashmir Valley -- who have driven out all the Hindus, in an act of ethnic cleansing, into refugee camps where they remain -- could in principle be herded into an extermination circle and killed with a nuclear explosion but that would not destroy firangi rule over India or rule by C.I.A.-RAW which requires the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi itself.

PRESS RELEASE August 19-21, 2008: Why Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi Rather Than of Separatists, etc.?

It needs to be emphasized that the traitor politicians and others in New Delhi need to be destroyed more than the separatists in Kashmir, for example, because the separatism in Kashmir and elsewhere, with its ancillary problems, is a product of and under the control of C.I.A.-RAW and the politicians, by keeping silent about this, are collaborating in it. The same about terrorism and all of India’s economic problems. By keeping silent about the central role of the United States in engendering -- through C.I.A.-RAW -- separatism and terrorism in India and in keeping India economically and militarily weak and by collaborating, by silence or otherwise, in bringing India into the deepest slavery to the United States through the nuclear deal, the politicians are collaborating with India’s number one enemy, the United States, which bribes them and keeps them, in and out of office, as its puppets. If the postponement of the Parliament session is to enable the nuclear deal to go through first, the politicians are not filling the jails (‘Jail Bharo’) against the imposition of this slavery to the United States by an illegitimate government but on ancillary issues -- such as Amarnath -- which are simply byproducts of American-inspired, through C.I.A.-RAW, separatism timed to take attention away from the invasion and enslavement of India through the nuclear deal. If the postponement of the Parliament session is to avoid dying in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, that only shows that the politicians are aware of their own treason. With a thousand year history of slavery, treason and slavery come naturally to Indians and, since the Indians in New Delhi/Delhi are the ones obstructing a change in this state of affairs, they are the ones who have to be destroyed with the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi. This objective will be achieved even if they stay away from New Delhi/ Delhi. An indefinite postponement of the Parliament session does not mean postponement of the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi.
Despite what I said in the addendum dated July 30, 2008 below about the mediocre Indian (Amartya Sen) being the firangis’ dummy substitute for me and in the press release of August 7 ‘08 about India’s media shutting out the news and views of India’s greatest scientist, that mediocre Indian was brought to address India’s Parliament which, though in recess, was summoned for this purpose by calling meetings of all 20 or so of its committees on that day. This is only the latest in the series of crimes -- the worst in the history of mankind -- going on for the past three decades. As I said on August 7 ‘08, this cannot be allowed.
As I have said before, after India’s nuclear first strike on the United States, the Americans will be eating each other, including skin, innards and bones, till no one remains alive. Indians will not be eating each other; after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi, they will leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones.
Killing a few million Indians in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi is nothing more than killing cockroaches. It will not make even a dent in India’s economic or military strength. On the other hand, it will open the flood gates to both economic prosperity for India and its nuclear supremacy over the United States and enable India to eliminate its number one enemy.
In the press release dated August 17 ‘08 below, I referred to Hindus in Kashmir having been driven out in an act of “ethnic cleansing”. But ethnically Kashmiri Hindus are identical to Kashmiri Muslims who are simply converted Hindus, converted by militarily stronger invaders. The same is true of the rest of the subcontinent’s Muslims. The separatism in Kashmir now or elsewhere in the subcontinent in 1947 is and was simply a consequence of Indians’ failure to have military supremacy. The cockroaches in New Delhi/ Delhi, who do not want military, that is nuclear, supremacy for India now cannot be exterminated soon enough. I am the only one calling for nuclear supremacy for India and pointing out that the so-called nuclear deal is utterly incompatible with India’s nuclear supremacy over the United States. The cockroaches of the media who are failing to report what I am saying and the rest of the cockroaches in New Delhi/ Delhi who are collaborating in the cover up of the news and views of India’s greatest scientist and the greatest living Indian, all deserve and will get the swiftest death.
The conversion of Hindus to Muslims occurred because of the failure of Indians to have military supremacy over the Muslim invaders. But the separatism in 1947 and now was and is a consequence of Indians’ failure to have military supremacy over the firangis; as I have said, the communal riots, aimed at breaking up India, in 1947 were instigated by the Intelligence Bureau which remained loyal to the British after 1947 and the separatism in Kashmir and elsewhere now is instigated and controlled by RAW which functions as a branch of the C.I.A. against India. All of the government policies, including the nuclear deal, which keep India technologically, economically and militarily weak and enslaved to the firangi, are dictated by C.I.A.-RAW which controls the politicians, the civil servants, the military and the media and, through the media, controls the population. India’s independence now requires military, that is nuclear, supremacy over the firangis. The firangi and, in particular, the most powerful firangi country, the United States, is the enemy to destroy now. This requires first destroying the firangi’s agents in New Delhi/ Delhi -- the politicians, the civil servants, the military and the media. The people of New Delhi/ Delhi, like the residents of Delhi in 1858 who, by the hundreds of thousands, silently stood and watched the arrest of India’s emperor by a lone firangi (described below), are also collaborators in India’s slavery to the firangi and will be destroyed.
I have referred to a few million Indians dying in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi. In fact even a twenty kiloton blast, which will kill fewer, can be effective in destroying the firangi rule over India, so long as it destroys the RAW headquarters and the main government complexes. The point is that it is better to kill too many, right up to the entire population of New Delhi/ Delhi, than too few. Some of the newspaper offices are on Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, technically in Old Delhi. Because of the sprawling nature of New Delhi, Akashvani and Doordarshan offices, for example, are a fair distance from the main government complexes. Convenience decides the size of the blast.

PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless of the Empty Noises of the Political Parties

In the addendum of December 12 ‘06 to January 9 ‘07, below, I wrote “Mukherjee’s confidence that despite some “political flak” the deal will get through was based on knowing that the BJP and the Left leaders also will obey their American bribe-givers..”. For over three years, I have suggested below numerous ways, both inside and outside Parliament, some of them extremely easy any one of which would have instantly blocked the deal. The treachery of the BJP and the CPI(M) is even more treacherous than that of the Congress party because whereas the latter’s treachery is open and visible, the former have been making noises against the nuclear deal for over three years while shunning any effective steps to block the deal that were available to them and, in fact, supporting the deal with the other side of their mouths (welcoming IAEA inspections in the case of the CPI(M), “strategic partnership” with the U.S. and letting the deal go through & simply renegotiating it if we come to power, in the case of the BJP). A former director of RAW wrote that the CPI(M) waited to withdraw support until alternative support from the Samajwadi Party was available for the nuclear deal to the Congress party. For the BJP traitors, British colonial rule over India in which millions of Indians fought for the British in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), in North Africa, in China in the Opium Wars to impose opium imports on China, against India’s emperor in 1857, etc., was a “strategic partnership”. Calling bribery of MPs “horse trading” (horse trading is legal; bribery is not), proceeding at a snail’s pace in the parliamentary committee inquiry to let the deal go through first, failing to file a criminal complaint or to directly go to the Supreme Court demanding dismissal of the prime minister for failing to uphold his oath of office or putting the deal on hold till the inquries are complete, etc., are part of the hundreds of ways the political parties have been collaborating in letting the deal through. The media and others are participating in this. The noises being made now by the political parties opposing the nuclear deal are no different from the noises they have been periodically making in the past; the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will take place regardless of such noises.

Excerpt from PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 6, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless of Whether the Nuclear Deal Goes Through

As I have repeatedly said (see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'), if the nuclear deal does not go through, the United States will try to take out India’s nuclear weapons program in other ways, from counter-proliferation strikes, nuclear and other, to enforced budget cuts, etc. and, without the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi, India will continue to remain technologically, economically and militarily weak and will continue to slide into slavery to the United States. As I said below, through the nuclear deal, the United States is saying “Drop dead or I’ll kill you”. If India does not drop dead, the United States will pursue other options; the nuclear deal was simply among the ‘peaceful’ options; bribery and the control, through RAW and otherwise, of politicians, civil servants, the military and the media enable it to pursue numerous other ‘peaceful’ options; the nuclear deal was just one prong of the July 18 ‘05 joint statement and the defence framework agreement signed a few weeks before that. New Delhi/ Delhi’s politicians, civil servants, military, the media and population will continue to submit and collaborate in those other options; if the nuclear deal does not go through, it will not be for any lack of cooperation from the Indians in their own slavery which is multi-faceted and long-existing and is best illustrated by the Indians‘ collaboration, to the hilt, in the United States‘ crimes for the past 31 years against India‘s greatest scientist and greatest living Indian; a nuclear weapons program aimed at nuclear supremacy, which I urged in a letter to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in December, 1982 which led to the start of the Integrated Guided Missiles Program, the Center for Advanced Technology, etc., simply threatens the United States’ ability to bring and keep India in a comprehensive state of slavery. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will go ahead even if the nuclear deal does not go through.

Without an end of the cover up regarding the above scientist India cannot be free. The traitors in New Delhi have to die for the cover up to be ended.

It needs to be emphasised that, because of the nature of the United States, India has no options other than to kill or be killed/enslaved. Failing to adopt nuclear supremacy as India’s objective wastes invaluable time and those who cover up what I have been saying about this are as much India’s enemies as the United States itself.

PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 8-13, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction Of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless Of Public Awareness In Advance

The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi is easy. The main task is to ensure that the people in India and outside know i) that it is going to occur and, so, are not surprised; ii) that, after the blast, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO. For that, these press releases of mine have to be disseminated both inside and outside India. With the Internet and E-mail, that is also easy. I have sent these to thousands of media organs inside and outside India. The more widely they are disseminated, the better. All those who are against India’s slavery to the firangis should pitch in. This includes all those against slavery to the firangis in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Doing so and contributing their bit to the task of ending firangi rule over India will be infinitely more effective in stopping firangi attacks on Pakistan, for example, -- which, as I have said, are attacks on India -- than anything else they could do. About a decade ago, in letters to the press, I had urged Pakistan to disseminate nuclear technology, materials and even weapons to other Muslim countries as widely as possible and I have said below (in the addendum of August 4 ‘07 to December 6 ‘07) that Article 51 of India’s Constitution which says “The State shall endeavour to … maintain just and honorable relations between nations” implies it will do so also “by assisting victims of imperialism acquire necessary weapons, including nuclear weapons”. Disseminating these press releases by the Internet and E-mail is much easier. The people of China should also contribute in this task (note that in the press release dated September 3 ‘08 below, I have added “in China, in the Opium Wars to impose opium imports on China”) because the United States is the common enemy of mankind. The media in India are under almost total control of C.I.A.-RAW. But, with the Internet and E-Mail, individuals can wield the same power as newspapers, radio and TV. It is time that individuals against slavery to the United States in India and outside start exercising this power.

The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will, however, go ahead regardless of public awareness in advance. The politicians, the civil servants, the military, the media and the people in New Delhi/ Delhi will, of course, have been destroyed in the blast. The rest of India and the world outside can be informed of what has occurred, where the Indian government is and how to contact it, etc., by E-Mail and the Internet right after the blast.

Ideally, everyone in New Delhi/ Delhi will have been killed in the blast. In fact, however, there will be a gradient of destruction radiating from ground zero. If the media had carried these press releases, those killed would have been mainly the hard core traitors. As I have said in the press release of August 19-21, 2008 below, even the destruction of RAW headquarters and the main government complexes can be effective in destroying firangi rule over India, but it is better to kill too many, right up to the entire population of New Delhi/ Delhi, than too few. How many are actually killed depends on the media and those who control the media, mainly RAW and the media and RAW have made the choice not to inform the public before the blast. Either way, it makes little difference to the objective of the blast.

As I have said, the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi will be the first such use of nuclear weapons -- within the country, against agents of a foreign power -- and the next step, after the firangi rule over India has been destroyed, will be to attain nuclear supremacy over the firangi enemy and destroy it. India’s enemies, both in and outside the country, are rushing to avoid this fate. But a nuclear blast destroying New Delhi/ Delhi takes no time and, no matter how much they rush, they cannot avoid it.

As I have said, the United States cannot be deterred, only destroyed and nuclear supremacy requires a minimum of ten thousand nuclear warheads. To get the fissile material for these, all of India’s reactors will be run in the military mode. No IAEA safeguards will be allowed on any reactors or anywhere else. No light water reactors will be imported. No nuclear technology needs to be imported and none will be. Nuclear warheads will be tested to their full yields and missiles to their full ranges.

For India, this is a life and death issue which subsumes within it all other issues, whether of security or prosperity. For the main Opposition party, the nuclear deal is not even in its list of four election issues (The Telegraph, September 14 ‘08, Internet). It is time to put an end to firangi rule over India.

PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 1, 2008 Instructions to State Governments and Other Entities Regarding the Impending Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

As I have said, after the nuclear blast in New Delhi, the dead will be left to leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones. Those who are far away from ground zero and survive will flee to the surrounding areas in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan. There is not much the governments of these states can do to prepare themselves for the influx except be aware that it is going to occur and tell the people of their states to expect it. All state governments should know that, after the destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO in Hyderabad; further instructions will be provided by E-mail after the destruction of New Delhi. They will be funded by the new Indian government in accordance with my proposal about money; in the period immediately after the destruction of New Delhi, they should continue their normal functions so far as possible. The same for other entities that are part of or supported by the Central government. To avoid panic, the state governments should inform their personnel and the people of their states of the impending destruction of New Delhi/Delhi or face the consequences of not doing so.

PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 2, 2008 Timing of the Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

The government offices are closed today but the timing of the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, which will aim to kill the maximum number of traitors in the RAW headquarters and other government complexes as well as outside and will best be done when they are in their offices during working hours on a working day, will be determined by convenience and no day or time is ruled out.

(Expanded) PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 11, 2008 After the Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi and Before the New Government of India in Hyderabad Begins Functioning

After the nuclear destruction of New Delhi, till India’s new government in Hyderabad starts functioning, questions and enquiries from the state governments and other entities should be sent to me by E-Mail at satchandra24@hotmail.com .

Those who would like to leave the New Delhi/Delhi area are free to do so; as I have said, the nuclear explosion will be just as effective in destroying firangi rule over India even if the entire population and all politicians, civil servants, military, the media, etc., leave New Delhi/Delhi before the explosion. However, the nuclear explosion will not wait for them to leave.

Beyond the nuclear destruction of New Delhi lies the economic prosperity and military supremacy of India and the nuclear destruction of the United States. There are costs -- time is the most important -- and no advantage in waiting for anything.
[Quote = "Kaal123 post: 5580648, member: 150130"] How India's 300 Million Americans Will Die enemies

First a note about hate: In army training, for example in bayonet practice, you are taught to hate the enemy; it is essential if you are to survive and win. On Bharat Rakshak forum, the operatives of CIA-RAW, through the numerous anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistan threads they nurture, direct the aggression of Indians toward other Indians while they suppress any mention of the necessity to defend against the real enemy -- the ’white man’ and the most powerful ’white country’, the United States. In a letter to the press in 1998, just before Atal Behari Vajpayee assumed office as the Prime Minister of India, I wrote, referring to IK Gujral’s statement as prime minister about the necessity for Indians to inculcate the scientific spirit in themselves, about the necessity for Indians to inculcate in themselves “hatred for the white man (and woman),” to which Vajpayee replied, “hate is not on the agenda,” to which I replied that this amounted to saying “defence is not on the agenda.” The agenda remains unfulfilled. It will move ahead with the destruction of New Delhi with a nuclear detonation and will be fulfilled with the delivery of 10,000 nuclear warheads to the United States.

(January 10, 2008) According to the post office that serves the area where a lot of politicians live, the AIDS woman (Sonia) gets over 50,000 letters per month. Manmohan Singh and Advani get less than 2,500 each. Vajpayee, when prime minister, got less than 1,000. The sole reason for this is that she is white. The terrorization and subjugation to the white man that Indians underwent through the holocaust perpetrated by the British after 1857, killing over 10 million in 10 years (see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'), is responsible for this fact (see my Press Release dated September 27, 2008 titled "Source of Manmohan Singh's 'deep love' for Bush" in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'). The result is the inferior Indian niggers, criminal blackie slaves -- unfit even to be made into dog food -- that the Indians named Chetan and Nikhil who have posted comments (on a blog of mine elsewhere) exemplify. Nigger blackie slaves like these were blown by the British from the mouths of cannons. Do you think they would have dared to call the British any such names? They are unfit even to be made into dogfood but they can be ground up and made into fertiliser, to grow onions, stinking onions.
The most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, whose toe nail clippings are worth more to India and the world than the rest of the billion plus Indians combined, does not get even one letter.
A report in The Telegraph of January 10, 2008 says “Sonia....looked pale but the dimples were in place“. No reporters were allowed in her room; how did he know “the dimples were in place“? Like all the other Indian niggers, this bugger would like to dive under her petticoats (see my blog referred to above ) when he is not dreaming of her dimples (this ugly piece of dog-faeces has dimples-- so what? Well, he will answer: SHE IS WHITE!!!!!!!). Vajpayee 'withdrew' as BJP's prime ministerial candidate because of my disclosures that he is a life-long agent of first the British then the C.I.A., that the C.I.A. staged the Kargil war to make him win the election that was pending, etc. (see my blog referred to above). So, grateful to be the BJP's traitor-in-chief after Vajpayee, Advani wrote the current traitor-in-office Manmohan Singh (see same blog ) asking him to give Vajpayee a Bharat Ratna. Instead, all of them (Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh, Advani) should be split in two lengthwise with an axe on three successive days, their two halves hollowed out, then the AIDS woman should be asked to defecate in their hollowed out torsoes on the three successive days. Before they are split in two, they should be allowed a last wish -- specify what the AIDS woman should eat the day before she defecates in their hollowed out torsoes; they can specify chicken or daal roti or whatever. After sewing the two halves shut, the torsoes should be roasted, sliced into thin slices and served with tea to all the RAW employees (see my blog titled 'What You Should know About RAW') as a Republic Day-eve treat. And don't forget to let cabinet ministers Manishankar Aiyar, Health Minister Ramadoss and Science and Technology Minister Sibal, who sit at C.I.A.-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against India's greatest scientist and the greatest living Indian, partake of the treat (roasted traitor-torsoes stuffed with dog-faeces). Like all the RAW employees, these criminals will be machine gunned and bulldozed into trenches, which will also be the actual punishment of Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh and Advani along with other politicians (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy for india Over U.S.').
After I posted the above, RAW decided that the Bharat Ratna will not go to any politician but to some “renowned” person in some other field. But the Indian whose accomplishments exceed the combined accomplishments of all other Indians is unknown to the public due to the crimes against him by C.I.A.-RAW (see same blog). RAW is just nigger blackie slaves of the Americans. Only India's nuclear supremacy over the United States and the death of three hundred million American enemies (see same blog) will bring him recognition (not that he gives a fig for recognition by criminal blackie slaves or their soon to be vapourised white masters; well, not all will be vapourised; many will be irradiated and eaten by their compatriots who in turn will be eaten by their other compatriots till no one remains alive).
George Bush Sr. said before the first invasion of Iraq that he wanted to restore America's “credibility“ in the Middle East; his son did that with the pictures of Saddam Hussein hanging from a rope, his neck broken. B. F. Skinner, whose plagiarism I exposed ( see my web page, Psychotherapy dot eBoard dot com ), with the help of the C.I.A., the American government and media and all Americans, successfully got the cooperation of Indian blackie slaves -- India's government, not just RAW, politicians, cabinet ministers, media, etc. -- in the most heinous crimes against the greatest living Indian. Shifting from open hostility and abuse from their Indian lackeys to “Sirjee“, etc., or various equivalents of 'honey traps', is not going to save them from being machine gunned and bulldozed into trenches. And Bush Sr. may no longer be around to be eaten by his compatriots but Bush Jr. certainly will be. Boy, are the Americans going to have fun! You can depend on it.

(January 22, 2008) What if the United States makes a nuclear first strike on India well before India has developed a first strike capability against it -- such as making a nuclear strike on India this year? Such 'counterproliferation' nuclear strikes have been part of the United States' policy for many years and there is nothing really new in the above recommendation. For many years now, India has had nuclear-armed submarines capable of obliterating the United States' largest cities on its coasts within striking range of its coastal cities at all times, so the United States can make a 'counterproliferation' strike on India only at the cost of losing its largest cities. I have said that India can win an arms race with the United States; India produces about half a million engineering graduates per year against the United States' seventy thousand and I have shown how India has an unlimited amount of investment capital for the necessary research, development and production, which will also greatly benefit its economy as a whole, via my proposal about money in my blog Nuclear Supremacy for India over U.S. . As I have said in this blog, India has no alternative but to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States and eliminate this threat. All that is needed is a clear cut national commitment to this objective.

(January 24 ‘08) The same behavior can have more than one possible explanations; my assertion of the role of race (white/non-white) in determining the United States' behavior toward Indians and India is based on observations made as a behavior scientist in the United States where I have lived for 41 years. What you refer to as beneficial American 'aid' is actually poison; it is neither needed nor desirable and keeps India from developing its own capabilities. In the nuclear deal, it is not even aid but slavery. The aggressiveness of the United States toward non-white countries is such that there is no option for India but to attain nuclear supremacy over it and put this mad dog to sleep (meaning death). This is the reality and there is nothing very surprising about it. There is no need for India to be another Iran; India has four times the population of the United States and produces 7 times the number of engineers per year that the United States does. It is the effect of a thousand years of slavery and the British rule because of which Indians think of India as an Iran which needs to be afraid of the United States.
To repeat: geopolitics, so far as it concerns India and the West, is all about white vs. non-white. The role of race within India can be seen from this: according to the post office that serves the area where a lot of politicians live, Sonia gets over 50,000 letters per month. Manmohan Singh and Advani get less than 2,500 each. Vajpayee, when prime minister, got less than 1,000. The sole reason for this is that she is white. The terrorization and subjugation to the white man that Indians underwent through the holocaust perpetrated by the British after 1857, killing over 10 million in 10 years (see my blog Letters to the Press ), is responsible for this fact. The result is the inferior Indian niggers, criminal blackie slaves that Kipling and others wrote about -- and their writings are still prescribed reading in Indian schools! Indians by and large think of themselves as inferior Indian niggers in relation to the white man and this is evident in a thousand ways from their behavior (after I had made this posting, I found in The Telegraph of January 25 '08, a column by Swapan Dasgupta beginning with a quotation from Kipling and he says in this column: "it is undeniable that India’s perceptions of Britons were couched in terms of admiration, reverence, awe and a tinge of fear. This was as true for Anglophiles as they were for those who suffered and fought for freedom. Of course, there was a flip side too. The white man was felt to be lacking in personal hygiene and his food habits were completely suspect. Nevertheless, on balance, the sahib came out of the encounter as someone who had earned the right to forge an empire. It, therefore, followed that if Indians were to usurp that right they would have to imbibe the virtues of hard work, forbearance, team spirit, enterprise and sacrifice. A minority of Indians also wanted fair play and decency to be tagged to the attributes of good character". India's "leaders" that you thank God for are more or less the inferior Indian niggers this columnist is). This will only change after India attains nuclear supremacy over the most powerful white country and eliminates the threat it poses to countries like India.

(February 27 ‘08) DRDO are India's real warriors, not the military. In the old days, the sword-makers could make the swords, but warriors had to wield them. Even today's tanks and fighter planes need warriors to drive or fly them. But DRDO, along with the nuclear scientists and production units such as Bharat Dynamics, can make nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles and the people who do the research and development and production can also push the button to send them off to obliterate the enemy. The military muscle from nuclear-tipped ICBMs is milllions of times greater than the power of tanks and fighter planes. The scientists and engineers are also the real soldiers. They should have their hand on the nuclear button, not the military or the politicians. The military simply obey the politicians and India's politicians are all traitors on the payrolls of the C.I.A. etc. The military are not needed to launch the nuclear-tipped ICBMs; that can be done by scientists and engineers pushing a button sitting at a desk. The tanks and fighter planes the military can drive/fly are insignificant and nearly worthless in the military power they provide. Since they (the military) also obey the traitor politicians and civil servants, they are worse than worthless. It is time scientists and engineers are recognised for what they are -- the true defenders and guardians of the country.
The military should obey and take orders from DRDO; the same for civil servants and politicians. This can be done by amending the Constitution; if the politicians don't agree to amending the Constitution, it can be done in other ways.

(March 5 ‘08) Sometimes killing traitors within the country is necessary before an external enemy can be dealt with. In this nuclear age, a nuclear solution can deal with traitors within the country. A single nuclear detonation, arranged by DRDO and the nuclear scientists, centered on RAW headquarters will rid India of RAW, the traitor politicians and civil servants and the top brass of the worse than worthless military. Since there are very few DRDO and nuclear installations around New Delhi, India’s military and economic strength will not be damaged.

MARCH 30, 2008: DRDO’s task:
DRDO's central task is delivering thousands of pure fusion bombs ( see my article in Cental Chronicle, Bhopal: centralchronicle dot com slash 20080329/2903307 dot htm ) or other thermonuclear weapons to the continental United States territory. DRDO will fulfil this task. Equally important is DRDO's task, along with the nuclear scientists', of ridding India of traitors. As I have said, a single nuclear detonation, centered on RAW headquarters, will rid India of RAW, the traitor politicians and civil servants and the top brass of the worse than worthless military. A skeletal staff of just a few dozen based in Hyderabad can perform the functions of the Central Government -- giving instructions to and answering questions from the State governments and other entities and providing them with funds in accordance with my proposal about money ( described in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.' ). Insofar as there is the slightest uncertainty about the yield and reliability of India's thermonuclear weapons -- or even if there is not -- further testing should be done.

APRIL 13, 2008: DRDO’s Task (contd.) : Efficiency of a single nuclear detonation in removing traitors:
Not all traitors are alike. Indian traitors are nigger blackie slaves of the white man who are comfortable in an inferior, master-slave relationship to the white man. As I have said (same blog) regarding the couple dozen non-politicians including six former service chiefs, in India such inferior Indian niggers are the rule rather than the exception. Instead of shooting them, it is efficient to get rid of such obstructors of India’s nuclear supremacy over the United States by means of a single nuclear detonation centered on RAW headquarters.

(July 6, 2008) After the destruction of New Delhi, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO. As I have said (in blog referred to above), a skeletal staff of just a few dozen, based in Hyderabad, can perform the functions of the Central Government -- giving instructions to and answering questions from the State governments and other entities and providing them with funds in accordance with my proposal about money ( described in my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.').

(July 19, 2008) The rule is: anyone in government who is not oriented toward and committed to supremacy over the United States -- the most powerful white country -- is oriented toward and committed to slavery to the United States and is a traitor deserving death. The orientation toward and commitment to supremacy over the United States must be vocal and explicit. At present India’s government -- for example all civil servants from the top to the bottom -- consists of traitors.

JULY 25, 2008: Destroying New Delhi:
Who will be destroyed by the nuclear bomb in New Delhi besides the Laloo Yadavs and Chatterjees (see my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.')? A bent old man who bent even lower to the Yadavs the day after he recorded the Yadavs, with bags of money, facilitating the invasion of India by firangis and was himself recorded, with folded hands, paying obeisance to the Yadavs. The military and the civil servants who have always been loyal to the firangis (see same blog). The population of Delhi/New Delhi which, by the hundreds of thousands, stood and watched silently India’s emperor, after surrendering his sword, arrested and led away by a lone Englishman with “fifty black sowars” -- the Englishman sent the Indian emperor’s jewel-encrusted sword to the British monarch -- though, as the Englishman wrote home to England, anyone of them -- his fifty black sowars -- could have brought him down with a single shot.
Why did the Indian emperor have to surrender his sword to the lone firangi and submit to being arrested? He had a sword but he lacked supremacy in arms. Today supremacy in arms is nuclear supremacy. No one in Delhi/New Delhi wants nuclear supremacy for India. These are the people who will be destroyed.

(August 1, 2008) The B. J. P. says it is going to boycott a firangi-controlled TV news channel for suppressing the video recording of members of parliament being bought by the firangis through their Indian agents. But all Indian media are controlled by the firangis. What I said (in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.') bears repeating:

The refusal by pieces of filth such as Advani to recognise the United States as India's number one enemy is sustained by thousands of C.I.A.-RAW-inspired headlines in India's media such as "Indian-American becomes Governor of Louisiana" which should instead say "Indian rewarded for conversion to Christianity with governorship: As reward for conversion to Christianity at age 18, as Americans themselves admit and his numerous published essays and articles on his conversion, Indian made Secretary of Louisiana's Health and Hospitals at age 24, President of the University of Louisiana system at age 27, then Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services in Bush Administration, then member of U.S. Congress and now youngest Governor in U.S. at age 36" ( http://cenlamar.wordpress.com/about...y-jindal-the-story-they-dont-want-you-to-read ). Even more important are the thousands of headlines that are missing from India's media, thanks to C.I.A.-RAW, the story they really don't want anyone to know, saying "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed, kept in forced poverty and ‘neutralized’ and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved: The most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, a living Incarnation, plans nuclear supremacy for India in near future, to destroy India's number one enemy, the United States, with ten thousand nuclear-armed missiles and will machine gun and bulldoze into trenches all traitors who stand in the way."
Since then I have said that, instead of being machine-gunned and bull-dozed into trenches, the traitors in New Delhi will be eliminated with a single nuclear bomb explosion.

(August 14, 2008) In India, the military and civil servants have always been loyal to the firangis, as I showed in the addendum dated July 25, 2008, titled 'The Day India's Emperor Was Arrested By A Lone Englishman' in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.' . In addition, as I said in the same addendum, "No one in Delhi/New Delhi wants nuclear supremacy for India" (see my article titled 'Why Nuclear Supremacy?' in addendum dated July 19, 2008, same blog ) and thus the entire population of Delhi/New Delhi consists of traitors. That is why killing off the politicians, the military, the civil servants and the rest of the population of Delhi/New Delhi with a nuclear bomb is necessary to save India as a whole; the ban against the firangis can then be enforced in the rest of India till India has ten thousand nuclear warheads and can kill off the entire population of the most powerful firangi country.

Like the recent bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad and the firing along the Line of Control in J & K, the Amarnath land row, "the worst communal flare-up … since 1947" (Hindustan Times), has been instigated by C.I.A.-RAW to take attention away from the firangi enemy and his invasion of India with the IAEA inspections, etc. -- just as the communal riots in 1947 were instigated by the Intelligence Bureau which, as I have said, remained loyal to the British after 1947, so the stupid Indians killed one another by the millions while keeping the top firangi, Mountbatten, Governor General of "independent" India. As I have repeatedly said (see my letter dated May 15, 2004, same blog) "No more than about 80,000 British, women and children included, ruled India for centuries. Nothing that can be said about the stupidity and slavisheness of Indians will be an exaggeration.” But, with a nuclear bomb killing a few million of these stupid Indians in Delhi/New Delhi, India as a whole can be saved (see my articles 'Imminent End Of Firangi Rule Over India' in the addendum dated July 19, 2008 and 'After The Destruction Of New Delhi' in addendum dated July 30, 2008, same blog ).

India’s media have continued to shut out the views of India’s greatest scientist while the mediocre Indian who was given the Nobel prize as a dummy substitute for him ( see addendum dated July 30, 2008, same blog) is going to address India’s parliament, according to Indian press reports. Such goings on cannot be allowed.
In the addendum dated August 1, 2008, same blog, I referred to “thousands of headlines that are missing from India’s media”. But theirs are not simply crimes of omission; some of them participate in the crimes they are covering up. As I said in the addendum dated August 1, 2008, all Indian media are controlled by the firangis. The media people in Delhi/New Delhi will also die in the nuclear explosion that will destroy Delhi/New Delhi.

The participation by the media in these crimes has had the direst consequences for India, economically, militarily and strategically. A columnist (Tavleen Singh) two decades ago referred to the rewards for such participation such as “senior journalists” being given, “virtually free”, government accomodations in New Delhi that would rent at a minimum of fifty thousand rupees per month at market rates (now they would rent at several lakhs per month) -- upon which she was sent on C.I.A.-RAW-sponsored junkets to the United States to see how well mediocre Indians (like Amartya Sen) were doing at U. S. universities and now she has been an enthusiastic participant in these crimes for many years -- but such participation extends all across the media, from “lifafa” journalists (a term used on Bharat-Rakshak for journalists who receive envelopes full of cash from the American embassy) to those who simply aspire for a green card. Others participate without any specific inducement. But the participation is universal. A non-specific destruction of New Delhi by a nuclear bomb -- except that it will be centered on RAW headquarters -- will destroy the media also non-specifically.

Arun Shourie, after he was no longer chief editor of the Times Of India, said “Akhbar nahin, sarkar hai” (it is not a newspaper, it is the Government). But the same applies to the media as a whole. Shourie first received documentation of the crimes against India’s greatest scientist in 1982, sent by Indians at a U.S. university who knew of Shourie’s fame. With a Ph.D. in Economics from a U.S. university, he was undoubtedly a member of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Strategy that Vajpayee formed to steal my proposal about money (see same blog). His columns against the nuclear deal do not make him any less of a participant in the above crimes. I received ‘coverage’ from a reporter from The Asian Age who was waiting to interview me, of all the candidates, after I filed my nomination from the East Delhi Lok Sabha constituency in 1996, to learn my “strategy” for winning and, after the election, the provincial head of the Congress Party showed knowledge of the fruits of that interview -- not because it was published -- and commented to me on the futility of my running since I was not known to the public. The media people who will die in the nuclear explosion that will destroy Delhi/New Delhi will include both those who are known and those who are unknown to the public.

Of all the PILs to the Supreme Court regarding the nuclear deal, only mine had asked for the removal from office and prosecution of Manmohan Singh for treason and violation of his oath of office by failing to uphold India’s sovereignty and the Supreme Court has failed to act on my PIL (I have pointed out in addendums below that whereas the Supreme Court has dismissed various PILs regarding the nuclear deal on various grounds, it cannot dismiss mine because my PIL points to violations of specific provisions of the Constitution by specific acts by a specific individual and seeks a specific remedy; so it has simply failed to act on mine). In doing so, the Supreme Court is also participating in the cover up of the above crimes against India’s greatest scientist and the greatest Indian of all time that were pointed to in the PIL and is, thus, participating in those crimes. The loyalty of the judiciary, no less than that of the military and the civil servants, has always been to the firangi and the judiciary in all its aspects -- from robes and language to the enforcement of British-made laws -- is a flagrant continuation of firangi rule over India. The nuclear bomb explosion in New Delhi/Delhi that will destroy firangi rule over India will destroy the Supreme Court also.

The criminals of the Supreme Court, loyal as they are to the firangis (above), could not give a hoot for India’s sovereignty and they show it in their behaviour. India’s Parliament, from the Speaker to individual MPs, has also shown its indifference to India’s sovereignty. The surrender of India’s sovereignty by the Executive is known to everyone. India’s sovereignty rests only in me. I am India’s sovereign.

Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially when it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his only reference to India in his 'Mein Kampf', Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people did that from various countries for a thousand years.

A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).

I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as an avatar is above ordinary mortals.

PRESS RELEASE August 17, 2008: The Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

The peril to India -- the invasion of India in the form of IAEA inspections etc. and being bound in the deepest slavery -- requires the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi, not tanks and fighter planes. The RAW-organized “Azadi” rally in Kashmir this week with the RAW-mouthpiece, Times of India, carrying a celebratory headline of “azadi in air” as did other Indian media, not in Kashmir but in New Delhi/ Delhi itself (the celebratory headlines about the nuclear deal are similarly RAW-inspired) and the failure of the armed forces to destroy RAW -- a branch of the C.I.A. against India -- represent the depth and duration of C.I.A. control of India which requires a nuclear explosion to destroy. About a decade ago, when the Indian Air force was sending planes to Sri Lanka to deal with the LTTE, I wrote that it should bomb and destroy the RAW headquarters in New Delhi instead and the problem in Sri Lanka will automatically be solved. This is also true of all separatist movements in India, all terrorism and will remove the principal impediment to India’s technological, economic and military strength. But the military itself is loyal to the firangis, as are politicians, the civil servants and the people of New Delhi/ Delhi. The four million inhabitants of the Kashmir Valley -- who have driven out all the Hindus, in an act of ethnic cleansing, into refugee camps where they remain -- could in principle be herded into an extermination circle and killed with a nuclear explosion but that would not destroy firangi rule over India or rule by C.I.A.-RAW which requires the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi itself.

PRESS RELEASE August 19-21, 2008: Why Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi Rather Than of Separatists, etc.?

It needs to be emphasized that the traitor politicians and others in New Delhi need to be destroyed more than the separatists in Kashmir, for example, because the separatism in Kashmir and elsewhere, with its ancillary problems, is a product of and under the control of C.I.A.-RAW and the politicians, by keeping silent about this, are collaborating in it. The same about terrorism and all of India’s economic problems. By keeping silent about the central role of the United States in engendering -- through C.I.A.-RAW -- separatism and terrorism in India and in keeping India economically and militarily weak and by collaborating, by silence or otherwise, in bringing India into the deepest slavery to the United States through the nuclear deal, the politicians are collaborating with India’s number one enemy, the United States, which bribes them and keeps them, in and out of office, as its puppets. If the postponement of the Parliament session is to enable the nuclear deal to go through first, the politicians are not filling the jails (‘Jail Bharo’) against the imposition of this slavery to the United States by an illegitimate government but on ancillary issues -- such as Amarnath -- which are simply byproducts of American-inspired, through C.I.A.-RAW, separatism timed to take attention away from the invasion and enslavement of India through the nuclear deal. If the postponement of the Parliament session is to avoid dying in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, that only shows that the politicians are aware of their own treason. With a thousand year history of slavery, treason and slavery come naturally to Indians and, since the Indians in New Delhi/Delhi are the ones obstructing a change in this state of affairs, they are the ones who have to be destroyed with the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi. This objective will be achieved even if they stay away from New Delhi/ Delhi. An indefinite postponement of the Parliament session does not mean postponement of the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi.
Despite what I said in the addendum dated July 30, 2008 below about the mediocre Indian (Amartya Sen) being the firangis’ dummy substitute for me and in the press release of August 7 ‘08 about India’s media shutting out the news and views of India’s greatest scientist, that mediocre Indian was brought to address India’s Parliament which, though in recess, was summoned for this purpose by calling meetings of all 20 or so of its committees on that day. This is only the latest in the series of crimes -- the worst in the history of mankind -- going on for the past three decades. As I said on August 7 ‘08, this cannot be allowed.
As I have said before, after India’s nuclear first strike on the United States, the Americans will be eating each other, including skin, innards and bones, till no one remains alive. Indians will not be eating each other; after the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi, they will leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones.
Killing a few million Indians in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi is nothing more than killing cockroaches. It will not make even a dent in India’s economic or military strength. On the other hand, it will open the flood gates to both economic prosperity for India and its nuclear supremacy over the United States and enable India to eliminate its number one enemy.
In the press release dated August 17 ‘08 below, I referred to Hindus in Kashmir having been driven out in an act of “ethnic cleansing”. But ethnically Kashmiri Hindus are identical to Kashmiri Muslims who are simply converted Hindus, converted by militarily stronger invaders. The same is true of the rest of the subcontinent’s Muslims. The separatism in Kashmir now or elsewhere in the subcontinent in 1947 is and was simply a consequence of Indians’ failure to have military supremacy. The cockroaches in New Delhi/ Delhi, who do not want military, that is nuclear, supremacy for India now cannot be exterminated soon enough. I am the only one calling for nuclear supremacy for India and pointing out that the so-called nuclear deal is utterly incompatible with India’s nuclear supremacy over the United States. The cockroaches of the media who are failing to report what I am saying and the rest of the cockroaches in New Delhi/ Delhi who are collaborating in the cover up of the news and views of India’s greatest scientist and the greatest living Indian, all deserve and will get the swiftest death.
The conversion of Hindus to Muslims occurred because of the failure of Indians to have military supremacy over the Muslim invaders. But the separatism in 1947 and now was and is a consequence of Indians’ failure to have military supremacy over the firangis; as I have said, the communal riots, aimed at breaking up India, in 1947 were instigated by the Intelligence Bureau which remained loyal to the British after 1947 and the separatism in Kashmir and elsewhere now is instigated and controlled by RAW which functions as a branch of the C.I.A. against India. All of the government policies, including the nuclear deal, which keep India technologically, economically and militarily weak and enslaved to the firangi, are dictated by C.I.A.-RAW which controls the politicians, the civil servants, the military and the media and, through the media, controls the population. India’s independence now requires military, that is nuclear, supremacy over the firangis. The firangi and, in particular, the most powerful firangi country, the United States, is the enemy to destroy now. This requires first destroying the firangi’s agents in New Delhi/ Delhi -- the politicians, the civil servants, the military and the media. The people of New Delhi/ Delhi, like the residents of Delhi in 1858 who, by the hundreds of thousands, silently stood and watched the arrest of India’s emperor by a lone firangi (described below), are also collaborators in India’s slavery to the firangi and will be destroyed.
I have referred to a few million Indians dying in the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi. In fact even a twenty kiloton blast, which will kill fewer, can be effective in destroying the firangi rule over India, so long as it destroys the RAW headquarters and the main government complexes. The point is that it is better to kill too many, right up to the entire population of New Delhi/ Delhi, than too few. Some of the newspaper offices are on Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, technically in Old Delhi. Because of the sprawling nature of New Delhi, Akashvani and Doordarshan offices, for example, are a fair distance from the main government complexes. Convenience decides the size of the blast.

PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless of the Empty Noises of the Political Parties

In the addendum of December 12 ‘06 to January 9 ‘07, below, I wrote “Mukherjee’s confidence that despite some “political flak” the deal will get through was based on knowing that the BJP and the Left leaders also will obey their American bribe-givers..”. For over three years, I have suggested below numerous ways, both inside and outside Parliament, some of them extremely easy any one of which would have instantly blocked the deal. The treachery of the BJP and the CPI(M) is even more treacherous than that of the Congress party because whereas the latter’s treachery is open and visible, the former have been making noises against the nuclear deal for over three years while shunning any effective steps to block the deal that were available to them and, in fact, supporting the deal with the other side of their mouths (welcoming IAEA inspections in the case of the CPI(M), “strategic partnership” with the U.S. and letting the deal go through & simply renegotiating it if we come to power, in the case of the BJP). A former director of RAW wrote that the CPI(M) waited to withdraw support until alternative support from the Samajwadi Party was available for the nuclear deal to the Congress party. For the BJP traitors, British colonial rule over India in which millions of Indians fought for the British in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), in North Africa, in China in the Opium Wars to impose opium imports on China, against India’s emperor in 1857, etc., was a “strategic partnership”. Calling bribery of MPs “horse trading” (horse trading is legal; bribery is not), proceeding at a snail’s pace in the parliamentary committee inquiry to let the deal go through first, failing to file a criminal complaint or to directly go to the Supreme Court demanding dismissal of the prime minister for failing to uphold his oath of office or putting the deal on hold till the inquries are complete, etc., are part of the hundreds of ways the political parties have been collaborating in letting the deal through. The media and others are participating in this. The noises being made now by the political parties opposing the nuclear deal are no different from the noises they have been periodically making in the past; the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will take place regardless of such noises.

Excerpt from PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 6, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless of Whether the Nuclear Deal Goes Through

As I have repeatedly said (see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.'), if the nuclear deal does not go through, the United States will try to take out India’s nuclear weapons program in other ways, from counter-proliferation strikes, nuclear and other, to enforced budget cuts, etc. and, without the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi, India will continue to remain technologically, economically and militarily weak and will continue to slide into slavery to the United States. As I said below, through the nuclear deal, the United States is saying “Drop dead or I’ll kill you”. If India does not drop dead, the United States will pursue other options; the nuclear deal was simply among the ‘peaceful’ options; bribery and the control, through RAW and otherwise, of politicians, civil servants, the military and the media enable it to pursue numerous other ‘peaceful’ options; the nuclear deal was just one prong of the July 18 ‘05 joint statement and the defence framework agreement signed a few weeks before that. New Delhi/ Delhi’s politicians, civil servants, military, the media and population will continue to submit and collaborate in those other options; if the nuclear deal does not go through, it will not be for any lack of cooperation from the Indians in their own slavery which is multi-faceted and long-existing and is best illustrated by the Indians‘ collaboration, to the hilt, in the United States‘ crimes for the past 31 years against India‘s greatest scientist and greatest living Indian; a nuclear weapons program aimed at nuclear supremacy, which I urged in a letter to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in December, 1982 which led to the start of the Integrated Guided Missiles Program, the Center for Advanced Technology, etc., simply threatens the United States’ ability to bring and keep India in a comprehensive state of slavery. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will go ahead even if the nuclear deal does not go through.

Without an end of the cover up regarding the above scientist India cannot be free. The traitors in New Delhi have to die for the cover up to be ended.

It needs to be emphasised that, because of the nature of the United States, India has no options other than to kill or be killed/enslaved. Failing to adopt nuclear supremacy as India’s objective wastes invaluable time and those who cover up what I have been saying about this are as much India’s enemies as the United States itself.

PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 8-13, 2008 The Nuclear Destruction Of New Delhi/ Delhi Will Go Ahead Regardless Of Public Awareness In Advance

The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi is easy. The main task is to ensure that the people in India and outside know i) that it is going to occur and, so, are not surprised; ii) that, after the blast, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO. For that, these press releases of mine have to be disseminated both inside and outside India. With the Internet and E-mail, that is also easy. I have sent these to thousands of media organs inside and outside India. The more widely they are disseminated, the better. All those who are against India’s slavery to the firangis should pitch in. This includes all those against slavery to the firangis in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Doing so and contributing their bit to the task of ending firangi rule over India will be infinitely more effective in stopping firangi attacks on Pakistan, for example, -- which, as I have said, are attacks on India -- than anything else they could do. About a decade ago, in letters to the press, I had urged Pakistan to disseminate nuclear technology, materials and even weapons to other Muslim countries as widely as possible and I have said below (in the addendum of August 4 ‘07 to December 6 ‘07) that Article 51 of India’s Constitution which says “The State shall endeavour to … maintain just and honorable relations between nations” implies it will do so also “by assisting victims of imperialism acquire necessary weapons, including nuclear weapons”. Disseminating these press releases by the Internet and E-mail is much easier. The people of China should also contribute in this task (note that in the press release dated September 3 ‘08 below, I have added “in China, in the Opium Wars to impose opium imports on China”) because the United States is the common enemy of mankind. The media in India are under almost total control of C.I.A.-RAW. But, with the Internet and E-Mail, individuals can wield the same power as newspapers, radio and TV. It is time that individuals against slavery to the United States in India and outside start exercising this power.

The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will, however, go ahead regardless of public awareness in advance. The politicians, the civil servants, the military, the media and the people in New Delhi/ Delhi will, of course, have been destroyed in the blast. The rest of India and the world outside can be informed of what has occurred, where the Indian government is and how to contact it, etc., by E-Mail and the Internet right after the blast.

Ideally, everyone in New Delhi/ Delhi will have been killed in the blast. In fact, however, there will be a gradient of destruction radiating from ground zero. If the media had carried these press releases, those killed would have been mainly the hard core traitors. As I have said in the press release of August 19-21, 2008 below, even the destruction of RAW headquarters and the main government complexes can be effective in destroying firangi rule over India, but it is better to kill too many, right up to the entire population of New Delhi/ Delhi, than too few. How many are actually killed depends on the media and those who control the media, mainly RAW and the media and RAW have made the choice not to inform the public before the blast. Either way, it makes little difference to the objective of the blast.

As I have said, the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi will be the first such use of nuclear weapons -- within the country, against agents of a foreign power -- and the next step, after the firangi rule over India has been destroyed, will be to attain nuclear supremacy over the firangi enemy and destroy it. India’s enemies, both in and outside the country, are rushing to avoid this fate. But a nuclear blast destroying New Delhi/ Delhi takes no time and, no matter how much they rush, they cannot avoid it.

As I have said, the United States cannot be deterred, only destroyed and nuclear supremacy requires a minimum of ten thousand nuclear warheads. To get the fissile material for these, all of India’s reactors will be run in the military mode. No IAEA safeguards will be allowed on any reactors or anywhere else. No light water reactors will be imported. No nuclear technology needs to be imported and none will be. Nuclear warheads will be tested to their full yields and missiles to their full ranges.

For India, this is a life and death issue which subsumes within it all other issues, whether of security or prosperity. For the main Opposition party, the nuclear deal is not even in its list of four election issues (The Telegraph, September 14 ‘08, Internet). It is time to put an end to firangi rule over India.

PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 1, 2008 Instructions to State Governments and Other Entities Regarding the Impending Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

As I have said, after the nuclear blast in New Delhi, the dead will be left to leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones. Those who are far away from ground zero and survive will flee to the surrounding areas in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan. There is not much the governments of these states can do to prepare themselves for the influx except be aware that it is going to occur and tell the people of their states to expect it. All state governments should know that, after the destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO in Hyderabad; further instructions will be provided by E-mail after the destruction of New Delhi. They will be funded by the new Indian government in accordance with my proposal about money; in the period immediately after the destruction of New Delhi, they should continue their normal functions so far as possible. The same for other entities that are part of or supported by the Central government. To avoid panic, the state governments should inform their personnel and the people of their states of the impending destruction of New Delhi/Delhi or face the consequences of not doing so.

PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 2, 2008 Timing of the Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi/Delhi

The government offices are closed today but the timing of the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi, which will aim to kill the maximum number of traitors in the RAW headquarters and other government complexes as well as outside and will best be done when they are in their offices during working hours on a working day, will be determined by convenience and no day or time is ruled out.

(Expanded) PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 11, 2008 After the Nuclear Destruction of New Delhi and Before the New Government of India in Hyderabad Begins Functioning

After the nuclear destruction of New Delhi, till India’s new government in Hyderabad starts functioning, questions and enquiries from the state governments and other entities should be sent to me by E-Mail at satchandra24@hotmail.com .

Those who would like to leave the New Delhi/Delhi area are free to do so; as I have said, the nuclear explosion will be just as effective in destroying firangi rule over India even if the entire population and all politicians, civil servants, military, the media, etc., leave New Delhi/Delhi before the explosion. However, the nuclear explosion will not wait for them to leave.

Beyond the nuclear destruction of New Delhi lies the economic prosperity and military supremacy of India and the nuclear destruction of the United States. There are costs -- time is the most important -- and no advantage in waiting for anything.[/quote]

Boothi changi nahi ho te baat changi karni chahiye ... aur baat changi na kar sako ... toh mooh band rakhna chahiye. :sick:
Bhai, kuch to seekho is chu+iye se....ki trolling kaise kiya jaata hai aur spam kaise maara jaata hai. :D

Lekin thoda drugs bhi chahiye aise sochne ke liye...Pakistan me to mil jayega, lekin Spain me thoda mushkil hoga:sarcastic:....Tum Spain me kya kar rahe ho?

This is not trolling, uncle have a point. Hindutvas need to realize that every Indian can have his own opinion. Stop bullying sane Indians on pdf otherwise i will come back in my original avatar again and then crying will start.
Now pls go and Die. @Oscar @Aeronaut any special reason to let this troll trolling dispite reporting by other members number of times?
This is not trolling, uncle have a point. Hindutvas need to realize that every Indian can have his own opinion. Stop bullying sane Indians on pdf otherwise i will come back in my original avatar again and then crying will start.
Sab ka ek hadd hota hai....lekin yeh itne lambe spams daalta hai ki scroll karte karte haath thak jaati hai.:angry:
btw, isn't this your original avatar? Or was it Nuri?:azn:
I just had a Subway, the bread was hearty Italian and had a Chicken and Bacon ranch filling. For salad I had lettuce, red onions and Jalapeños. The sauce was BBQ. I managed to get 1/4 off because my friend had coupons in his wallet. It was nice.
I have and just replied to you :) just checked my emails for the first time today and what a pleasant surprise that was ;)

Just checked your email now. :) I am practicing Te Amoo, soon going to re-record it to and would share it with you. :enjoy:
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