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How India targets Pakistan.

1.) India goes on blabbering about terrorism simply because India is facing terrorism.

So as Pakistan, We also facing the same terrorism.

...2.) India points the finger at Pak, at the least it is because the Pak government including Musharaf openly say that they support the Kashmiri freedom fighters;
India point fingers at Pakistan even if someone Spit in Bomaby :P its not new.
AS far as Kashmir is concerned everyone knows its disputed area which needs to be resolved.

...as for the multi-million dollar arms stocks that the terrorists hold... i'm not going to mention those, because then you'll say i'm
pointing fingers too... lets just say they dropped from the sky... .

They dont use multi-million weapons like missiles or rockets if u call rifles as multi-million weapons thn you are right.

While we are facing Indian sponsored terrorism in Balochistan and also NWFP.
In Balochistan the terrorists are holding stocks of weapons including missiles and rockets to landmines provided by India., You will say im pointing fingers lets just say they popped up from the ground;)

...no... India is strenghtening her defenses not to fight terrorism in Kashmir but to be ready to fight a possible conventional/nuclear war against Pakistan or China... ..

Against China or Pakistan ?? :what:

Indians never tired of saying that there is no matcj between Pakistan and India regarding millitary weapons and streangth and Indian build-up isnt Pakistan centric than why shez engaged in further millitary build up

Tronic home ground ho yah abroad hum manerism nahi chortae ray ap ki tarah.

Zeeshan S are you super mod :P
So as Pakistan, We also facing the same terrorism.
No we are not, how often do the terrorists in Pakistan use RDX to kill common people??
India point fingers at Pakistan even if someone Spit in Bomaby :P its not new.
The feeling is mutual. Just do a search on Indian consulates in this very own forum, and you'll see it all over.
AS far as Kashmir is concerned everyone knows its disputed area which needs to be resolved.
Its perception, yours differ with mine.
They dont use multi-million weapons like missiles or rockets if u call rifles as multi-million weapons thn you are right.
Honestly, did you had a straight face while typing that?
While we are facing Indian sponsored terrorism in Balochistan and also NWFP.
In Balochistan the terrorists are holding stocks of weapons including missiles and rockets to landmines provided by India., You will say im pointing fingers lets just say they popped up from the ground;)
Honestly its not very difficult in tracing a mine like that. Do you have any ounce of proof that the so called mines were made in India??
In all these years, you shud be able to get that piece of info.
Against China or Pakistan ?? :what:
Dont be so naive, why do you think Pakistan is shoring up its defenses? To fight the tribal sardars?

Indians never tired of saying that there is no matcj between Pakistan and India regarding millitary weapons and streangth and Indian build-up isnt Pakistan centric than why shez engaged in further millitary build up
I dont understand, if you mean that Pakistan cannot be compared with India conventionally, I do agree on that.
No we are not, how often do the terrorists in Pakistan use RDX to kill common people??.
If only using RDX comes under terrorist activities thn whats using bombs and missiles and rockets ???

The feeling is mutual. Just do a search on Indian consulates in this very own forum, ??.and you'll see it all over.

Our consulates in Afghnistan make sense we bordering them and need these there for routin work as we have thousands of Afghans here as refugees, While Indian cousulates are in such areas or provicnes of Afghanistan where these are not required and onyl aimed at sabotage activities and destabalising Pakistan.

Its perception, yours differ with mine.

Kashmir is on UN resolution its another thing that now you dont accept it, or for that matter due to toothless UN body some may say it has no weightage.

Do you have any ounce of proof that the so called mines were made in India??In all these years, you shud be able to get that piece of info.

Manufacturing of mines or weapons is another thing while providing these to terrorists is another.
Provison of such weapons or stuff by India to miscreants in Pakistan dosnt mean that these will also be made in India :)

I dont understand, if you mean that Pakistan cannot be compared with India conventionally, I do agree on that.
Its not me who is saying that its the cherish dream of urs who always say that we have nothing to do with Pakistan millitary build up. and now i was replying to that post where ur countryman said that India was building millitary to counter war by Pakistan.

You are a journalist.

Check you archives and see whaqt the Defence Minister George Fernandes had said.
India point fingers at Pakistan even if someone Spit in Bomaby :P its not new.
yea??? thats just your misconception... maybe you're confused because their simply have been so many attacks on India

AS far as Kashmir is concerned everyone knows its disputed area which needs to be resolved.
or is it simply an issue that the Pak army needs a reason to even exist???

They dont use multi-million weapons like missiles or rockets if u call rifles as multi-million weapons thn you are right.
yes they have used missiles and rockets in the past... but what I meant was multi-million stockpiles of weapons... there are hundreds thousands of Ak-47s alone in Kashmir, then all the other small arms, bombs, grenades, etc, etc... don't tell me all those weapons they bought for a rupee each... :rolleyes:

While we are facing Indian sponsored terrorism in Balochistan and also NWFP. In Balochistan the terrorists are holding stocks of weapons including missiles and rockets to landmines provided by India., You will say im pointing fingers lets just say they popped up from the ground;)
sure, the Pak government can point the fingers aswell, but that won't change anything unless solid evidence has been shown to the International community... we have gotten a right to point fingers because India has presented much evidence even during Kargil... and some of the evidence is quite obvious because the ammunition used mostly has the name printed on the ordinance factory it was produced from... now, when Pakistan shows such evidence that the weapons in Baloch, NWFP come from India only then will you have the right to point fingers...

Against China or Pakistan ?? :what:

Indians never tired of saying that there is no matcj between Pakistan and India regarding millitary weapons and streangth and Indian build-up isnt Pakistan centric than why shez engaged in further millitary build up
It isn't only Pak centric, read China..... the new missiles being produced like the Agni-III are to counter Chinese nuclear deterence not Pak's... the current missiles already cover entire Pak landmass... and the other weapons being purchased are mosty to upgrade our old arsenal...

Tronic home ground ho yah abroad hum manerism nahi chortae ray ap ki tarah.

arre, iss mamele koh personal kyune bana rahi hoh??? menne toh nahin multiple id's banake tum pe humla kiya... jaise tumne hum pe kiya... tab kahan thee tumhari mannerism???
arre, iss mamele koh personal kyune bana rahi hoh??? menne toh nahin multiple id's banake tum pe humla kiya... jaise tumne hum pe kiya... tab kahan thee tumhari mannerism???

Tronic i know u can not help but resort to ur basic habit.

I did not and all those who know me know this very well and its enough for me.
Jana and Tronic,

Cut the personal crap and get back to topic!



India is not Pakistan centric, even though that is the popular perception.

The Pakistani Cantonments are just along the border. In every war, there is doubt that Pakistan, thus, has had the initiative. And if one sees the Sino Indian border, the Chinese are quite far. Therefore, the deployment is more prominent on the Indo Pak border.

Next, each war except possibly the 1971 War has been initated from across the border. The tribals in 1947, Op Gibralter, Kargil are cases in point. Obviously, one would appear a trifle chary. Further, because of the belligerent noises out of Islamabad and Delhi, possibly more for effect than actual, it does give the impression that India is Pakistan centric and vice versa.

I have not ever felt we were Pakistan centric. It fact, it would be better to say we are equipoised based on the threat perception.

The Indian media finds Pakistan a more exciting arena and vice versa. China,being too secretive and too ambiguous in their proclamation, has been a bland subject for the media.

Why is the tourist traffic so heavy to Thailand and not say, Taiwan? Obviously, Thailand has more to offer to the tourist. More bang for the buck to use an Americanism.

Pakistan likewise has more to offer in terms of excitement than say China and vice versa.

In 2002 Janes Defence published an article in respect of Israeli and Indian intentions towards Pakistan.

The article stated that India's RAW and Israel's Mossad were in the process of setting up new joint units to target Pakistan.

The task of these new units would be to destabilise Pakistan and thus 'Balkanise' it, this would be done by creating and feeding sectarian and ethnic tensions in Pakistan.

Since the Taliban were removed from power in Afghanistan, India has built 7 terrorist training centres/consulates in Afghanistan, all of which are within a stones throw from Pakistan's border.

It is not mere coincidence that ethnic and secretarial violence has increased exponentially in Pakistan since 2002.
So, you are stating that Janes decides India's policies?


Nex time, I shall vote for Janes in the General Election, if Janes wishes to stand!

Since the Taliban were removed from power in Afghanistan, India has built 7 terrorist training centres/consulates in Afghanistan, all of which are within a stones throw from Pakistan's border.

And the US is standing by and clapping their hands with glee, right?

And Abizaid comes and says Musharraf is doing a great job !


And Pakistan is a frontline ally of the US! :confused:
If only using RDX comes under terrorist activities thn whats using bombs and missiles and rockets ???
Count the number of innocent civilians killed in Pakistan wrt India and the number of attacks that resulted in casulaties.
Even a 10yr old can make a bomb unlike using RDX. And Pakistan has been attacked with missiles?? What kind? There is prolly more rockets in Kashmir than the rockets in entire Pakistan.
Our consulates in Afghnistan make sense we bordering them and need these there for routin work as we have thousands of Afghans here as refugees, While Indian cousulates are in such areas or provicnes of Afghanistan where these are not required and onyl aimed at sabotage activities and destabalising Pakistan.
Thats a funny analysis. Consulates are not only processing visas, these consulates also take care of personnel and GoI sanctioned aid. Do you know GoI is one of the largest donor for aid in Afghanistan??
Kashmir is on UN resolution its another thing that now you dont accept it, or for that matter due to toothless UN body some may say it has no weightage.
Pakistan failed to complete all the pre-requisites required to implement the UN resolution. Much water has passed, its almost 50 years and we are still waiting on Pakistan. Meanwhile Pakistan has comfortably wiped out the entire opposition in its side of Kashmir.
Manufacturing of mines or weapons is another thing while providing these to terrorists is another.
Provison of such weapons or stuff by India to miscreants in Pakistan dosnt mean that these will also be made in India :)
Ofcourse these are 2 different things. Now since you have agreed that these mines are not made in India, can you explain how you came to conclusion that these mines are indeed supplied from India??
and now i was replying to that post where ur countryman said that India was building millitary to counter war by Pakistan.
Just remember this, Pakistan is not the only neighbour for India.
It is unfortunate that these terrorist activities are happening on both sides of the border.

One wonders who and how they started and then became some sort of a profession for the unemployed and social malcontent and then proliferated the world over and in our neighbourhood!

There is no doubt that there is a crying need for all to ensure that this type of a wild rodeo is stopped for the sake of having a better world.

There is no doubt that a better form of education is put in place to make these social malcontents responsible citizens instead of wayward bombers.

The sad part is - anyone listening?

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