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How important are Pakistan's nuclear weapons?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
Recent events with North Korea makes one think how important are nuclear weapons.
For north korea,their nuclear weapons saved them from an all out attack and from a suffocating embargo.The type of embargo saddam's iraq suffered for a decade.
Many people are against Pakistan's nuclear weapons,but they serve Pakistan well.
Pakistan does not have an economic barrier such as Japan or many other countries have.
Japanese currency floats in the international currency market and the world will suffer economic losses and for that reason and many other reasons nobody will want to attack japan,and many countries will offer military help.
Same story with saudi arabia,their oil is traded in international market and they are the ones responsible for projecting US dollar as the main trading currency internationally.House of Saud made deal with Americans that they will sell their oil only in USD and no other currency.A deal that stands today and saves them from American invasion despite Osama bin laden being Saudi.
Pakistan has none if that luxury.Its not a well connected country.The world wont miss anything on economic frontier if Pakistan ceases to exist.
For all those reasons Pakistan's nuclear weapons are important for the country's existance.
The world wont want Pakistan in North korea's situation.When they felt threatened they only had one option,to go for a nuclear war as they dont have conventional fire power.
But even USA sells weapons to Pakistan so that Pakistan has an option to fight a conventional war instead of having only a nuclear option like north korea.
So in Pakistan's case nuclear weapons are vital for country's existance.
What other safety we got from an all out attack? Or a crippling embargo? Not much.
For north korea,their nuclear weapons saved them from an all out attack ....

Or perhaps North Korean nukes were responsible for "INVITING" an all out attack to begin with.

When a bhooka nanaga (pauper) waves a deadly daang (nukie dildo) in your face, the least you can do is slap him on the head.

Unfortunately so many in Pakistan are hell bent on turning Pakistan into the pauper, bhooka nanaga, muflis country like North Korea.

--- In some ways we are almost there if it was not for the sensible leadership our army generals.

And that's sad.

Pakistan has always had the drive and will to be a prosperous technical and economic power like South Korea.

But our Islamists and communists won't let that happen,

And continue sucking us to be North Korea.

If Pakistan didnt have those weapons..India had 'tried it' long ago.
It the scare of tit for tat stopping india.

India has advantage in conventional force, why would it try to nuke pakistan. We have it longer than you (at least capable of making a dirty bomb) and what greater provocation/opportunity than 80s (khalistan period).

But yes, you are right that it stops India from attacking pakistan. :)
If Pakistan didnt have those weapons..India had 'tried it' long ago.
It the scare of tit for tat stopping india.


Indian won't attack us directly.

You gotta have some confidence in our military. They are not bunch of Iraqis sitting and waiting to surrender after an Indian attack, And India is not America either.

Indians will always rely on bad economy of Pakistan where Pakistanis themselves are ready to self-destruct.

Just study some military history first.

instead of spreading 4th grade Mutala-e-Pakistan sarkari school type arguments. Sadly!

Indian won't attack us directly.

You gotta have some confidence in our military. They are not bunch of Iraqis sitting and waiting to surrender after an Indian attack, And India is not America either.

Indians will always rely on bad economy of Pakistan where Pakistanis themselves are ready to self-destruct.

Just study some military history first.

instead of spreading 4th grade Mutala-e-Pakistan sarkari school type arguments. Sadly!

India did attack in 71 knowing fully well the capability of pakistani army. It may not repeat the success but attacking a non-nuclear pakistan for domestic political reason is not really a streach of imagination.

Its very much a deterrent against conventional war.
Recent events with North Korea makes one think how important are nuclear weapons.
For north korea,their nuclear weapons saved them from an all out attack and from a suffocating embargo.The type of embargo saddam's iraq suffered for a decade.
Many people are against Pakistan's nuclear weapons,but they serve Pakistan well.
Pakistan does not have an economic barrier such as Japan or many other countries have.
Japanese currency floats in the international currency market and the world will suffer economic losses and for that reason and many other reasons nobody will want to attack japan,and many countries will offer military help.
Same story with saudi arabia,their oil is traded in international market and they are the ones responsible for projecting US dollar as the main trading currency internationally.House of Saud made deal with Americans that they will sell their oil only in USD and no other currency.A deal that stands today and saves them from American invasion despite Osama bin laden being Saudi.
Pakistan has none if that luxury.Its not a well connected country.The world wont miss anything on economic frontier if Pakistan ceases to exist.
For all those reasons Pakistan's nuclear weapons are important for the country's existance.
The world wont want Pakistan in North korea's situation.When they felt threatened they only had one option,to go for a nuclear war as they dont have conventional fire power.
But even USA sells weapons to Pakistan so that Pakistan has an option to fight a conventional war instead of having only a nuclear option like north korea.
So in Pakistan's case nuclear weapons are vital for country's existance.
What other safety we got from an all out attack? Or a crippling embargo? Not much.

There are 200+ countries, less than 10 have any nuclear weapons.

If your hypothesis were correct, the 190 countries would be at war with each other now. That's not the case. In fact, some of them, eg. South Korea, are doing remarkably well.

In pakistan's case, many believe nuclear weapons are a deterrent against India. I don't. If India wanted to annihilate Pakistan, it could've done so right after 1974's Smiling Buddha test... Yes, the yield was < 10kT, but with their expertise they could've easily built a 100 kT one within 1980 if they really concentrated on it. I still believe India's nuclear weapon yield (at least their potential yield) is much higher than reported. Pakistan simply doesn't have the scientific talent pool that India has. Even it's chief nuclear scientist is involved in smuggling nuclear materials to Iran and North Korea.
Well Pakistan is only capable to fight conventional war with india...with the help of Army,Navy and Airforce...if that case comes with any other country like Israel pak can't fight conventional war that way because in that case the Army would be useless coz no border matchin...so in that case the country should have well equipped Airforce or Navy! which Pak don't have as compare to Israel...so in that type of case Pakistan Nuclear weapons and Missiles are very important....And i think we should focus on our Nuclear & missiles program which we are doing...n i am fully satisfy with that!! :pakistan:
1974 smiling budha was a device not a bomb.
Same as bikini atoll hydrogen bomb was a device the size of a warehouse unfit for firing on an adversary.
Plus at the time india did not have enough uranium for making enough bombs for 'annihilating' Pakistan.
Then at the time tough sanctions were put on india at least on any equipment which could be used in a nuclear bomb..
So india wasnt being generous by not putting nuclear bomb in the equation....they simply didnt have any.
1974 smiling budha was a device not a bomb.
Same as bikini atoll hydrogen bomb was a device the size of a warehouse unfit for firing on an adversary.
Plus at the time india did not have enough uranium for making enough bombs for 'annihilating' Pakistan.
Then at the time tough sanctions were put on india at least on any equipment which could be used in a nuclear bomb..
So india wasnt being generous by not putting nuclear bomb in the equation....they simply didnt have any.

Yes, it was not a nuclear bomb, but is there any reason to believe they would not have built a deliverable nuclear bomb within 10 years? I think it is reasonable to expect that they would've been able to.
1974 smiling budha was a device not a bomb.
Same as bikini atoll hydrogen bomb was a device the size of a warehouse unfit for firing on an adversary.
Plus at the time india did not have enough uranium for making enough bombs for 'annihilating' Pakistan.
Then at the time tough sanctions were put on india at least on any equipment which could be used in a nuclear bomb..
So india wasnt being generous by not putting nuclear bomb in the equation....they simply didnt have any.

Your idea that India will try to 'annihilate' pakistan is just your own fear, there is no reason given why would India attemp to do so. What will it achieve?

If at all India would have faught, it will be to achieve certain objective. That could have been done using conventional weapon without inviting international condemnation that even russians could save us from.

There was no war from 71 till pakistan detonated nukes. It appears only thing that was stopping a war was confidence of pak generals and not India's wait for enough fissile material to annihilate pakistan.
Detonating Nuclear weapon is not a matter of joke as bunch of ignorant folks jump in PDF saying detonate nuke detonate nuke.
It feels almost like a unknowing Child over obsessed with his new toy.

And why should India detonate Nuke. India is not that dumb to do that in this 21st Century. Only chance of detonating is during a retaliatory attack else the chance is 0%. That is why India has the no first use policy. That much awareness is present at least within the Moderate class of India (which is a majority nowadays) that detonating nuke on a neighboring country will have a widespread adverse effect on India itself.
lol. what if we catch them and throw back at you.. we got rajanianth... mind it.. :P


Dude have you seen our punjabi movies. The hero in those movies does impossible acts that will put Rajnikant to shame. So if throws back the bomb, our hero will bounce it on his right knee then his left knee and then bounce it on his head and again bounce it on his right knee and then kick it so hard that it will land in New Dehli.
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