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How general Bajwa was abusing his position


Jul 28, 2010
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According some army brats here on PDF, we shouldn't question army leadership for its abuse of power. Questioning this is unpatriotic and lowers the morale of the army.

Well guess what? The long term effect on army's fighting capabilities and the trust nation has in its defenders is deeply compromised if army leadership is allowed to abuse its position and is not held accountable.

We all want a strong army. And army can only be strong if people trust it and army leadership stays out of politics. For now, we don't trust our army leadership as it doesn't want to be held accountable for its misdeeds against its own people.

According some army brats here on PDF, we shouldn't question army leadership for its abuse of power. Questioning this is unpatriotic and lowers the morale of the army.

Well guess what? The long term effect on army's fighting capabilities and the trust nation has in its defenders is deeply compromised if army leadership is allowed to abuse its position and is not held accountable.

We all want a strong army. And army can only be strong if people trust it and army leadership stays out of politics. For now, we don't trust our army leadership as it doesn't want to be held accountable for its misdeeds against its own people.
Nobody said this or suggested that people cannot question the army over its abuse of power. It is the way you go about abusing the national institution and then what is worse is the disowning of all of your own/your party's responsibility in enabling the establishment in the abuse of power. If you are a PTI supporter, then do take a look at how you used the military against your own political opponents. Unless your propaganda machinery completely inhibits you from realizing this, the rot was allowed to continue under the PTI government. So why are you going about it as if it is someone else's fault?

I am not sure what we are to take from the link above. Can you provide a direct link to this expose please?
The Army top command, the corps commanders, three star top brass are feeling the heat with a deluge of criticism, ridicule and hatred for the Army use and abuse of power, in throwing out the popular elected govts to hegemony on all civilian institutes and matters, contol and coercion, politcial engineering and deceit.

When was the last time the Mil-Estab. was rocked and mocked this intensely, so it all adds up. The reason of huge dissent in rank and file with news(if true) of about close to 5000 armymen submitting resignation. There must be upheaval, trust deficit among soldiers and sepoys too.

The pressure is not just from the public, but from their own family members, spouse to children, relatives, friends, they don't live in a cacoon.
Nobody said this or suggested that people cannot question the army over its abuse of power. It is the way you go about abusing the national institution and then what is worse is the disowning of all of your own/your party's responsibility in enabling the establishment in the abuse of power. If you are a PTI supporter, then do take a look at how you used the military against your own political opponents. Unless your propaganda machinery completely inhibits you from realizing this, the rot was allowed to continue under the PTI government. So why are you going about it as if it is someone else's fault?

I am not sure what we are to take from the link above. Can you provide a direct link to this expose please?
Nobody said this or suggested that people cannot question the army over its abuse of power. It is the way you go about abusing the national institution and then what is worse is the disowning of all of your own/your party's responsibility in enabling the establishment in the abuse of power. If you are a PTI supporter, then do take a look at how you used the military against your own political opponents. Unless your propaganda machinery completely inhibits you from realizing this, the rot was allowed to continue under the PTI government. So why are you going about it as if it is someone else's fault?

I am not sure what we are to take from the link above. Can you provide a direct link to this expose please?
the issue is that this PTI fan club is spoiling every thread which is not related to politics.
then like a hivemind they start their rants like NPCs .
they have really degraded the PDF as if this forum and its team has had a hand in the sacking of Imran Khan.

When was the last time the Mil-Estab. was rocked and mocked this intensely, so it all adds up. The reason of huge dissent in rank and file with news(if true) of about close to 5000 armymen submitting resignation. There must be upheaval, trust deficit among soldiers and sepoys too.

The pressure is not just from the public, but from their own family members, spouse to children, relatives, friends, they don't live in a cacoon.
absolute bullshit of a story. where did you hear this ridiculous story of 5000? I hope its not a tweet by some PTI troll account..
the issue is that this PTI fan club is spoiling every thread which is not related to politics.
then like a hivemind they start their rants like NPCs .
they have really degraded the PDF as if this forum and its team has had a hand in the sacking of Imran Khan.
To be very frank, it is very hard to separate defence from politics or economy or stability.
However, threads like 27 Feb or military strategies or missile tests should be spread.
To be very frank, it is very hard to separate defence from politics or economy or stability.
However, threads like 27 Feb or military strategies or missile tests should be spread.
Its not even the rants. It is the outright personal, abusive nonsense (Case in point PradoTLC's despicable post above) that has rendered this forum a political soapbox for PTI from which they can attack, abuse and pontificate to anyone disagreeing with them.

Those that have contrarian views from the PTI are NOT attacking you personally here. Keep your posts civil.
enabling the establishment in the abuse of power.
right, we always forget how PTI put the establishment in power starting in 1958.
take a look at how you used the military against your own political opponents.
Ah yes, mah poor army. BAD PTI used it against it's opponents against the army's will.
the rot was allowed to continue under the PTI government.
lol, as if PTI had a choice sitting in a razor thin majority govt. PTI hasn't even been able to name the fker until his retirement even with this massive public support, possibly unprecedented in the history of Pakistan. But sure, PTI allowed the establishment's f*ckeries to continue.
the issue is that this PTI fan club is spoiling every thread which is not related to politics.
then like a hivemind they start their rants like NPCs .
they have really degraded the PDF as if this forum and its team has had a hand in the sacking of Imran Khan.
My dude here insulting democracy lmao.

Everyone is free to form their own opinions, and unlike the paid shills on PDF who regurgitate PML-N propaganda that mind you is financed through corruption ENABLED by the establishment, IK's followers criticise him for his useless decisions as well.

And if you haven't noticed, everything goes back to the economy that was FUBARED by the establishment due to them backing criminals for their own petty power games.

And no, we don't care what the army thinks about the economy. We've been asking for ages why the common soldier is blown to smithereens in Balochistan on GODDAMN HILUXES but we get no answer because cha-chinng: the COAS is drowning in power trips in the capital.
they have really degraded the PDF
Well sir, the whole nation has been degraded so you'd be wrong to blame just the ones on PDF.

as if this forum and its team has had a hand in the sacking of Imran Khan.
What makes you think that people are somehow taking revenge from this forum and its team.
Besides, the forum is nothing without the people in it. Much like democracy, no?
My dude here insulting democracy lmao.
The first thing I thought. Misinformed youth voicing their misinformed opinions, spoiling these venerated forums where songs were once sung in the praise of our uniformed overlords

Everyone is free to form their own opinions, and unlike the paid shills on PDF who regurgitate PML-N propaganda that mind you is financed through corruption ENABLED by the establishment, IK's followers criticise him for his useless decisions as well.
Apparently, those paid PML-N shills haven't degraded the quality of PDF at all, since they seem to be more than welcome here, sharing leaks and all.

And no, we don't care what the army thinks about the economy. We've been asking for ages why the common soldier is blown to smithereens in Balochistan on GODDAMN HILUXES but we get no answer because cha-chinng: the COAS is drowning in power trips in the capital.
THIS x100

that has rendered this forum a political soapbox for PTI from which they can attack, abuse and pontificate to anyone disagreeing with them
That's democracy for you, bro.
Don't like it, get a platform where you convince people of your views.
Or, convince the generals to come out the shadows and do away with the farce (won't take much of an effort, where we stand)
Apparently, those paid PML-N shills haven't degraded the quality of PDF at all, since they seem to be more than welcome here, sharing leaks and all.
Checking irfan Balochis rant in another thread as well, army is feeling the heat as they are the enablers of these criminals. Now serving officers are putting up criticism pieces on PDF LMAO. They're cornered and are feeling the heat.

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