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How do you feel about no-Palestine?

No differant from -

  • USA
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • to a degree South Africa
Thus my view is Israel should be treated like these countries. pakistan recognizes USA despite the illegal occupation, genocide of natives, ditto Australia with aborigol genocide, ditto New Zealand the occupation of Maori land. South Africa is partial failure and Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] is total failure. Kenya was half hearted attempt tht never went anywhere.

Israel is only unique in that it is the latest example of colonization and the victims are predominantly Muslim. But the injustice applies to other as much. With regards to injustice in our times Kashmir trumps West Bank easily as the scale of terror and force of repression is far greater in occupied Kashmir with over half a million Indian occupying forces over few million Kashmiri's. Which is why EU until India became a important economic market termed the vallley as the 'largest open prison in the world'.

The only thing missing is Indian settlement of the valley. If Modi's policies are to be read it looks like that might be the next repression as the special laws that give J&K special status are repealed and millions of Bihari settlers are unleashed into the valley.

However I notice amongst most ex-pat Pakistani's in UK, Kashmir is not fashionable cause and they much prefer Palestine. No idea why considering a good chunk of the muppets who I have seen standing outside McDonalds demonstrating 'Free Palestine' are from Azad Kashmir. Zionism seems to be the in thing with them. While the Hindutwas are given free pass despite the latter humping their brethren back in Kashmir.


Most uk pak are from azad kashmir more than rest of pak. so portion is higher from this region. No one from azad Kashmir ever sold out pak. who says hindutwas ever given free pass maybe rest of pakistanis give free pass and talk culture brotherhood but not azad kashmir paks of course we have few here and there. When nawaz sharif arrives in uk he suddenly feel frightened and knows azad kashmiri are his nightmares. Like of tommy robinson came to my town few yeas ago and had his car rammed.
@Solomon2 - the other day you remarked about how many wells could be dug for the cost of a nuclear bomb or an Al-Khalid tank. How many wells would it take to keep Palestinians in Palestine?
Since neither Israeli Jews nor Arabs are fleeing either Israel nor Gaza your set-up question is based on false premises. Why should anyone trust you? And if you don't change, why should you believe in yourself?

On the broader question of economic development: Israelis did make efforts to leave behind a productive export-oriented infrastructure when they left Gaza for Gazans' exclusive benefit. It was immediately destroyed, along with a lot of other industry, because these compete with terror groups for recruits and manpower.

Our bombs and tanks mean that even hungry and thirsty, we get to be Pakistani.
Even with bellies full, when your heads are filled with and expound falsehoods, doesn't that mean your souls are either empty or filled with baseless hatred? Why not fill your soul with greater meaning by forcibly rejecting the lies and brainwashing and becoming an avid and unqualified supporter of Israel?
Since neither Israeli Jews nor Arabs are fleeing either Israel nor Gaza your set-up question is based on false premises. Why should anyone trust you? And if you don't change, why should you believe in yourself?

On the broader question of economic development: Israelis did make efforts to leave behind a productive export-oriented infrastructure when they left Gaza for Gazans' exclusive benefit. It was immediately destroyed, along with a lot of other industry, because these compete with terror groups for recruits and manpower.

Even with bellies full, when your heads are filled with and expound falsehoods, doesn't that mean your souls are either empty or filled with baseless hatred? Why not fill your soul with greater meaning by forcibly rejecting the lies and brainwashing and becoming an avid and unqualified supporter of Israel?

Palestinians are in the worldest largest concentration camp. They cannot leave, instead they are being killed one by one every day, until there aren't any more.

Israel was created through the betrayal of the Caliphate and is maintained through the massacre of Muslims. Its very existence is a matter of shame for every Muslim leader. No Muslim with dignity will ever support it.
It's the harsh truth no one wants to hear.
As for israelis they are anglo imperialists nothing hebrew about them.They won't stop at palestine,The thought of native brownies and darkies in the middle east bothers those european immigrants. They want to make earth fully caucasian, Suwar is a better creation than them.
Lol, Israelis seem to be getting darker as the sun is tanning them, so it can't be due to colour.
. . .
It's in Palestinian favor to merge with Israel and live in peace.

Such was also Gaddafi's idea of Isratin - a unified and democratic Israel and Palestine.

Such will be also the idea of a unified North Korea and South Korea.

Couldn't care less. Palestinians are not the problem of Pakistan or Pakistanis. Kashmir is, which is suffering a far greater oppression than the Palestinians are. Do the Palestinians/Arabs give a damn about Kashmiris/Pakistanis?

One issue at a time.
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One issue at a time.
These are highly motivated religious people. Sometimes we need to use them, As we know we armed them against soveit union.
Sometimes we need them on front line because we already don't need them. Why not use them like shield in case you already having 7 times bigger enemy :DThey are waste anyway.
These are highly motivated religious people. Sometimes we need to use them, As we know we armed them against soveit union.
Sometimes we need them on front line because we already don't need them. Why not use them like shield in case you already having 7 times bigger enemy :DThey are waste anyway.

You are evil. :D

But seriously, sure they are waste but when you used them against USSR, they later turned against you. Whether it be the Peshawar APS attack or whether it be the Lal Masjid affair, the villains were previously built by you.
Who said there’s no Palestine ?

To Muslims , Palestine if of the utmost importance it is land of prophets of Allah and in the holy Quran , what it say ?

يَا قَوْمِ ادْخُلُوا الْأَرْضَ الْمُقَدَّسَةَ الَّتِي كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَلَا تَرْتَدُّوا عَلَىٰ أَدْبَارِكُمْ فَتَنقَلِبُوا خَاسِرِينَ

Oh my people! Enter the holy land which Allah has written to you, and do not turn back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.

You hear that now go fold up under your bathroom Lino and hide there when they come for you next .

You must have a rotten sick black heart to even contemplate this .
Who is going to teach Arabs like the Omanis that Arabs made a mistake with the Israel, i.e. not recognised it and facilitated it.
These stupid Arabs have actually mentally accepted Israelis hegemony in the area. Saudis, Emirates, Omani, Jordanians, Egyptians, Moroccans, etc. have accepted that Palestinian cause is not worth pursuing.
Soon, they are going to face Israelis on their doorstep, let them get rid of Palestinian issues, they will come for other Arabs soon enough, until they get their greater Israel dreams fulfilled.
Stupid mugs.
What does a post-Palestine world look like?

Now that Israel has chosen to integrate the West Bank into its territory, its not long until Gaza also succumbs. How do members feel about a no-Palestine situation ? Does it really matter?
I really feel bad total massacre of Israeli population.
But, they don't deserve any mercy.
Lol, Israelis seem to be getting darker as the sun is tanning them, so it can't be due to colour.
suwar likes to mask itself in mud. It's always about color with anglo-imperialists, Look at the way they behave with ethiopion hebrews. They even stated israel belongs to the white man.
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