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How do u see Pakistanis?

How do you see Pakistanis?

  • not rational

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • rational

    Votes: 8 9.0%
  • partly rational and partly emotional

    Votes: 45 50.6%
  • only emotional

    Votes: 27 30.3%

  • Total voters
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How do I see Pakistanis - I see them as a heterogeneous mix of people from varying from very rational to very emotional and some extreme cases who go somewhere beyond the definition of irrational.

I think voting for a single option would be a massive generalization which I believe should be avoided.

Though pleading guilty for the same here are my observations:
Overall the most prominent quality of all Pakistanis is Passion, which if channelized (in extreme cases) correctly leads to unexpected success and if channelized incorrectly (again extreme cases) leads to destruction.

On religious issues again most are very emotional and it has more to do with the foundation on which the nation was formed(or so they believe).

On Political issues (specially domestic scenario)- I think Pakistan is very self critical and the level of anger against establishment is among the highest for a democratically elected government. They expect nothing short of exemplary performance from their leaders.

On International affairs: Generally Pakistanis are quite rational with exception of relations with India (Maybe my opinions are biased being an Indian). Example is how America is an accepted evil (from Pakistani perspective). How Pakistanis have maintained their relations with Arab nations, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh(despite 1971) etc demonstrates rational decision making and its acceptance with Pakistanis.

On social Issues: Generally Pakistanis are emotional but in a very positive way. I see some very genuine sympathy from Pakistanis for socially backward classes. I am not backing up with data but simply based on my understanding of Islamic principals - Pakistanis are more charitable than what Indians are. It is part of their religious profile to donate to poor and needy.

On a personal level: Pakistanis I have observed are most generally fun loving people and Pakistani guys are the only segment which is more obsessed with girls than average Indian is.

I hope I have worded my sentiments correctly and take no offense.

Wow! You are unbelievably accurate in most of your descriptions specially the bold part but i guess both nations have ego problems when it comes to interact with each other.
There is not much difference between ordinary Indian and ordinary Pakistan citizens thinking's,may be because we were one before 63 years
How do I see Pakistanis - I see them as a heterogeneous mix of people from varying from very rational to very emotional and some extreme cases who go somewhere beyond the definition of irrational.

I think voting for a single option would be a massive generalization which I believe should be avoided.

Though pleading guilty for the same here are my observations:
Overall the most prominent quality of all Pakistanis is Passion, which if channelized (in extreme cases) correctly leads to unexpected success and if channelized incorrectly (again extreme cases) leads to destruction.

On religious issues again most are very emotional and it has more to do with the foundation on which the nation was formed(or so they believe).

On Political issues (specially domestic scenario)- I think Pakistan is very self critical and the level of anger against establishment is among the highest for a democratically elected government. They expect nothing short of exemplary performance from their leaders.

On International affairs: Generally Pakistanis are quite rational with exception of relations with India (Maybe my opinions are biased being an Indian). Example is how America is an accepted evil (from Pakistani perspective). How Pakistanis have maintained their relations with Arab nations, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh(despite 1971) etc demonstrates rational decision making and its acceptance with Pakistanis.

On social Issues: Generally Pakistanis are emotional but in a very positive way. I see some very genuine sympathy from Pakistanis for socially backward classes. I am not backing up with data but simply based on my understanding of Islamic principals - Pakistanis are more charitable than what Indians are. It is part of their religious profile to donate to poor and needy.

On a personal level: Pakistanis I have observed are most generally fun loving people and Pakistani guys are the only segment which is more obsessed with girls than average Indian is.

I hope I have worded my sentiments correctly and take no offense.
Mere bhai, tumne to pura essay hi likh daala.:lol:
Wow! You are unbelievably accurate in most of your descriptions specially the bold part but i guess both nations have ego problems when it comes to interact with each other.

Not just ego, there is still thousands of dead bodies, the pains of Partition and wars we've faught which stand in the way when we interact (or try to). Ego definitely is a huge reason, also present is the mutual trust deficit. This is for another topic in another thread, for now lets stick just to what our perception of Pakistanis is.
To add my two pennies worth to what was already posted..

I have found Pakistanis to be quite like Indians, we lead sort of double lives - one inside the sub continent (SC) and another outside the SC.

Our behavior , thoughts, actions - everything gets tempered by two things - where we are at that point in time & whom we are directing our words to.

Outside the SC I have had some wonderful friends / associates. Professionally very competent and helpful to the extreme.Religious but not fanatical .We make great friends & have discussions but no acrimony.All in all good people to be with.

Once in the SC Pakistanis ( like Indians ) change.
lets see wat members think of pakistanis after their experience with us here on this forum and else where as well. though many pakistanis will vote themselves gud but we will discount it at some later stage.......

Even though I voted for 'partly rational and partly emotional', I'd have loved to vote for 'rational and partly emotional'. But the option is not there.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever read on this forum. :angry:
you are not patriotic pakistani...you live in US....:lol:

Hussain haqqani Pakistani ambassador also lives in US. he is also not patriotic. All Pakistani are not patriotic. Only Indians are :lol:
pakistanis are very emotional....
mostly their first priority is there religion
pakistanis are very emotional....
mostly their first priority is there religion

And to show emotions means you have a healthy mind :P
I picked option three.
I see my pakistani friends as 'partly rational and partly emotional' and same is true for Indians as well.. people from Indian subcontinent behave in a way in their country and behave differently outside subcontinent.. For example... Here on forum sitting from India I may say so many points against Pakistan but I will never forget my dinners in Pakistani restaurnts in abroad.. gosh.. I love them :)
The problem with this poll is that most of us will judge based on the Pakistani members here, not the average Pakistani citizen. And since most members here are highly patriotic, they will tend to be more emotional on certain issues than rational.

This holds true for patriotic netizens of all countries. Since internet offers anonymity and is devoid of personal contact, people will act more emotionally than in a real life situation. Also, a mob effect does tend to prevail when a majority of people have a similar line of thought. If a small group start a conversation of highly emotional content, others often join in, and either support or oppose the thread starters vehemently, with passion prevailing over reason.

I myself voted for option 4 before reconsidering. Most pakistanis I know outside the internet, the common persons of everyday life, is very different. These people are a mix of rational and emotional, just like most human beings.

These are my personal views based on my perceptions.
From my personal experience with Pakistanis, and not from my experience here on the forum i think (and there are exceptions) that those pakistanis with an armed forces background tend to be irrational in their nationalism.

This is something i've not found in indians with an armed forces background as much.

Other than that, yes a bit emotional, a bit too defensive about nationhood and generally pretty normal people.Strong family bondings. Sometimes irrational too, see how this thread is going and how a similar tread abt indians had to be closed down because some pakistanis started attacking indians there :)
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I chose the third choice. But it wasnt a bad idea if you could added a little bit of irrationality as well with it, because there wont be shortage of some people who think irrationally(pakistani members). I like this forum although i have had a little bit rough time with some of the Mods, partly my fault and prtly not. They have banned one of my screen names and dont know the reason, so i chose this one. In general the forum is quite good and busy, i like it.

Added: I think an average pakistani need to know more about their neighbours especially Afghanistan. Their knowledge is inadequate and with some other people highly inacurate.
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Pakistani's are extremely emotional, secondly we are not a nation just a mob, the way people rioted on streets after Benazir's assassination is a proof of that( as twice her govt was dismissed on corruption charges) and look what these people did, and now people are whining about corruption, black water and all that. Their is no way that Pakistani People can be called rational. may be its the lack of good education or what but they really need to over come their lack of foresight & not repeat pasts mistakes but they never learn:hitwall:
both sides are same, no difference at all!
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