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How do Hotan locals see Aksai Chin area?

Our don't care attitude comes from the fact we can steam roll everyone we have a dispute with. Except Japan, that'll be a hard won battle.

We know about the Sino japanese why? We were defeated and we want revenge, that and Japan was superior for so many decades even after the war.

We know about Korea why? Against America we pretty much lost again, at least in terms of loses and stuff not result.

Vietnam? Less and less young people know about that one now, though it is still known cause it was more recent.

It's like do Indians protest Pakistan Indian disputed territories? If you do then sorry didn't know.

The Indians are obsess with the 1962 war because that is the biggest humiliation since independent. Many Indians constantly regard Chinese no different than their schedule tribe north easterner. To be defeated by China is equivalent to get their behind handed to them by a schedule tribe, an inferior people according to their world view.
So you mean, Hotan locals have so much confidence on your military that they don't bother thinking about losing Aksai Chin? Or do they?

There can be two explanations: either your govt sucks at manipulating public opinion if there is no "J" word and fails to manufacture public anger and agitations at the periphery or the local populations have no support to your army and are fully indifferent minded about what happens to Chinese territory.

If the former is true, then recruit me with a handsome salary, because I an do that job.... just joking Lol

Thanks for the replies... will talk to you later.

What he is saying is that there is no way in hell that India is capable of invading Tibet and occupy it. And most Chinese don't care of occupying any Indian territory, even Chinese claim ones. So Indian conflict is a none issue for most Chinese. Kapish?
The Indians are obsess with the 1962 war because that is the biggest humiliation since independent. Many Indians constantly regard Chinese no different than their schedule tribe north easterner. To be defeated by China is equivalent to get their behind handed to them by a schedule tribe, an inferior people according to their world view.

That's true. According to Hinduism, a Brahman or Kshatriya can never be defeated by a Tribal or Shudra, not even in dreams. That will result in the victory of Adharma because Aryans as the Vedas imply, are as much as invincible as what the Nazi SS thought of themselves for example.
What he is saying is that there is no way in hell that India is capable of invading Tibet and occupy it. And most Chinese don't care of occupying any Indian territory, even Chinese claim ones. So Indian conflict is a none issue for most Chinese. Kapish?

Even if there are less chances of invasion from either side, still why don't the Hotan Locals be seen doing the same like Ladakh Locals?

A conflict, a bloody one, between India and China is inevitable if Chinese don't make compromises. This is a fact. In conflicts, soldiers die and its natural. In India local civilians show solidarity with the military in case of conflicts but interestingly in China nothing occurs as if there is no local civilian left in China.

What is the fact behind this mystery?
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