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How Directorate S, ISI’s most Potent branch, outsmarted US in Kabul, continued subverting India

“The heart of Kayani’s offer to Karzai,” Coll records, “was ‘We can help you sort out the insurgency, we can turn it off’”. In exchange, he writes, Pakistan would expect an end to Indian influence in Afghanistan.
Why everyone is busy writing books about ISI? . There are several other spy agencies and no one write about them.
I'm in the process of reading the book as well and I agree with what Zaid Hamid has to say here. ISI is just doing its job. Intelligence agencies work in the shadows and engage in extra legal behavior to protect the country's national interests, so why not ISI?

Steve Coll is a noted journalist and his book is well researched and documented, including interviews with many Pakistanis. You may disagree with his conclusions, but doesn't make him a 'scumbag' or has an ulterior motive.

From what I've read so far, the book actually clarifies Pakistan's position on Afghanistan and ISI's role in it. If anything, it makes the US looks even worse. The war in Afghanistan was half-hearted, at best, the Bush Administration was more keen on invading Iraq than destroying Al-Qaeda. Then there was the mission creep of nation building that has gone arye. Afghanistan is no more being a nation than it was in 9/11, arguably even less so.

In essence, US has no idea what it's doing in Afghanistan, no plan, and no exit plan.

I agree. It should read why US failed in Afghanistan and will continue to fail.

The article was for Indian audiences, so don't worry if he's failed to convince you. It's Pakistan's failure to convince the world otherwise. As for the book, it's natural Pakistanis will hate it, but it wasn't written to convince them.
He has mixed fact and fiction to produce an overly biased and twisted report of what really happened in Afghanistan.

Gary Schroen, the CIA’s ranking expert on Afghanistan, attacked Grenier, saying the “push to allow the Pakistanis back into the Afghan game was disturbing and a real mistake”.


Other than breaking things and getting a good kicking what did they intend to achieve?

Right after 9/11 the U.S. claimed their goal was to take out Al-Qaeda. After 17 years of conflict their new claim is to create a stable government (puppet government) & accept that as victory.

The sane world thinks: The U.S. goal is to create military bases to spy on China, Iran, Pakistan, & Russia. Thus, train recruits for ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) to destabilize Iran & Pakistan first, and then China & Russia.

Long story short America want's world domination & these are the last 4 great powers that stand in it's (U.S.) way.
I'm in the process of reading the book as well and I agree with what Zaid Hamid has to say here. ISI is just doing its job. Intelligence agencies work in the shadows and engage in extra legal behavior to protect the country's national interests, so why not ISI?

Steve Coll is a noted journalist and his book is well researched and documented, including interviews with many Pakistanis. You may disagree with his conclusions, but doesn't make him a 'scumbag' or has an ulterior motive.

From what I've read so far, the book actually clarifies Pakistan's position on Afghanistan and ISI's role in it. If anything, it makes the US looks even worse. The war in Afghanistan was half-hearted, at best, the Bush Administration was more keen on invading Iraq than destroying Al-Qaeda. Then there was the mission creep of nation building that has gone arye. Afghanistan is no more being a nation than it was in 9/11, arguably even less so.

In essence, US has no idea what it's doing in Afghanistan, no plan, and no exit plan.

I agree. It should read why US failed in Afghanistan and will continue to fail.

The article was for Indian audiences, so don't worry if he's failed to convince you. It's Pakistan's failure to convince the world otherwise. As for the book, it's natural Pakistanis will hate it, but it wasn't written to convince them.

And you think ISI would have been like;

Sure lil jimmy , we will let you just stroll into our HQ, interview our peeps... and give you our trade secrets ... coz what the heck.. we love middle americans writing books to defame us..


And the words of afghan officials are gold...

Ill quote one for ya “If the soldiers dont **** boys... what will they fuk.. their grandmas k...”.
- Afghan General - This is what winning looks like - Documentary by VICE.
Another day, another monkey spreading false, fabricated news. In fact, any fair-tale would sound more logical than this arse-wipe's storyline.
He has mixed fact and fiction to produce an overly biased and twisted report of what really happened in Afghanistan.

Gary Schroen, the CIA’s ranking expert on Afghanistan, attacked Grenier, saying the “push to allow the Pakistanis back into the Afghan game was disturbing and a real mistake”.


Other than breaking things and getting a good kicking what did they intend to achieve?

Initially, the American goal in Afghanistan was simple: destroy Al-Qaeda and capture its senior leaders. It failed on both counts. It's failure to seal off Tora Bora caused not only to let many Al-Qaeda members escape. It simply had too few resources on the ground.

Somewhere along the way it decided to engage in nation building a country that has little experience in being a nation...and here we are.

And you think ISI would have been like;

Sure lil jimmy , we will let you just stroll into our HQ, interview our peeps... and give you our trade secrets ... coz what the heck.. we love middle americans writing books to defame us..


And the words of afghan officials are gold...

Ill quote one for ya “If the soldiers dont **** boys... what will they fuk.. their grandmas k...”.
- Afghan General - This is what winning looks like - Documentary by VICE.

But Pakistani military officials did talk to the author. They didn't have to, of course, but they did. If only to provide their perspective regardless of the author's biases or goals. You need to get your narrative across no matter what. This is something Pakistan is very poor at.
Why everyone is busy writing books about ISI? . There are several other spy agencies and no one write about them.
Right after 9/11 the U.S. claimed their goal was to take out Al-Qaeda. After 17 years of conflict their new claim is to create a stable government (puppet government) & accept that as victory.

The sane world thinks: The U.S. goal is to create military bases to spy on China, Iran, Pakistan, & Russia. Thus, train recruits for ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) to destabilize Iran & Pakistan first, and then China & Russia.

Long story short America want's world domination & these are the last 4 great powers that stand in it's (U.S.) way.

I was on a security course last week in US and the presenter (white US citizen) shows a photo of the pentagon attack aftermath and says look, no engine, no wings , no aircraft parts, if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit. He then says the whole US intelligence community knows this was fake. There were gasps in the audience with muttering why they weren't told , how despicable etc etc. So the point is the Al-Qaeda thing doesn't hold. As for having a military base in landlocked terrain surrounded by hostile locals and hostile states doesn't hold either. It's laughable that a country they would want to destabalise provided the logistics and supply goods for the US army, so that doesn't make sense either. The predictable happened, so there must be something we are missing. Either the Pentagon guys are super genius and they have cloaked their achievements and we are all blinkered or it was another great money making scam/heist with around $30,000,000 spent for every US soldier killed.
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President Pervez Musharraf asserted that “al-Qaeda could not have done this”. “They live in caves,” he explained to the United States ambassador in Islamabad, Wendy Chamberlain. “They don’t have the technology to do something like this.”

Was Musharraf wrong?

That war was a precursor of Imperial conquests of the Middle East. Using terror and waging war against it, US and its allies have ravaged countries. Musharraf was right. Al Qaeda was only an excuse. The hijackers did not come from Afghanistan. If they really were flying planes, they were trained quite well to glide or fly the jetliners. Not just that flying, they were able to navigate the planes.

Looking back in time, I think the world was fooled. 9/11 attack was a planned, well rehearsed terror hoax. An excuse to incite wars, plan conquests and reconfigure strategic regions.

This book on 'Directorate S' looks like a screenplay for an impending Hollywood movie. Lots of fluff, lots of rubbish and so full of over the top exaggeration.

In spite of its title, ‘Directorate S’ isn’t, in fact, about Directorate S—the Inter-Services Intelligence wing responsible for covert action in India or Afghanistan.

There you go!! This is a typical line to frame Pakistan and its army to be involved in activities distasteful to the imperial master and its new found watch dog in the region. Its that type of line on which US media in concert with State Department builds a case to destroy nations. We have been there and seen that.
its just a propaganda. they planned Pakistan as a scapegoat for their failures.
major amir said on record that CIA was actually leading operations inside FATA, but US forgot all of our sacrifices. But let us remind them that the war is still not over and there is a long way to go. We won't help u anymore.
Pakistan a country mired in corruption, held hostage by a system that serves interests of its leaders at the expense of state, a country that takes loans to pay off loans, has such a strong intelligence that outsmarts the most powerful nation of the earth that can fight a war continents away for 17 years!

Can someone shut this baloney down please!

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