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How did Israel's network of connections become the most desirable in the global high-tech industry?


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How did Israel's network of connections become the most desirable in the global high-tech industry?
World Updated 21:54 29/11/2016
Rumi Neumark
Emek Israel: Does the vibrant community of Israelis in Silicon Valley cover the longing for home and the difficulties of emigrating to a new place? "In Israel we are one on the other and here we are one for the other"

In the high-tech capital of the world in Palo Alto, California, there is an impressive colony of tens of thousands, individuals and families that have a supportive Israeli network. The convenient working hours are just one of the reasons why the brightest minds and the successful ideas made in Israel choose to settle there.

How different is the Israeli community in Palo Alto from Los Angeles, New York or Seattle? Probably in its homogeneity. Many of the Israelis who came there work in the headquarters of the big corporations, study or teach at Stanford and are generally satisfied with life.
For additional articles in the series:
Why are women discriminated against in high-tech companies in Silicon Valley?
What really happens in Silicon Valley? The Israelis who followed the dream discover reality
This is how it is in the region that embraces the programmers and the successful businessmen of the entire world, from whatever origin. Not less than 70 percent of Silicon Valley software developers are foreigners who are not US citizens.
One of them is Lior Ron, who in less than a year since leaving Google and setting up the start-up for autonomous trucks, Ober decided to buy Otto for $ 680 million - and he became one of the most sought-after people in the valley.
"A very warm community." Lior Ron, CEO and founder of Otto
"A very warm community." Lior Ron, CEO and Founder of Otto Photo: News 10 - Screenshot
"It's a very warm, very supportive community, very much like in Israel," he explains, "especially the ability to take off the mask and talk face-to-face.

Zohar Levkovitz Entrepreneur and investor was already in this exit. Four years ago he also sold a good idea, several hundred million dollars. "In Israel we are one on the other and here we are one for the other," he says.

After ten years, the glamor, Aya and the children have already ticket back with a date. But the flow of Israeli families into the valley does not stop. Nevertheless, after meeting with dozens of Israelis in Silicon Valley, none of them stated clearly that he was there to stay.
Maybe it was because of the camera and the fear of the family's reactions in Israel, and perhaps it's that simple: in the spacious houses of the Jezreel Valley in the California version, and with the warm back of the community, despair becomes more comfortable
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