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how can they say China isn't transparent?!


Mar 26, 2013
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We got a celebrity military reality show going on.

who else has a celebrity military experience reality show? BTW, this was created to help with enlistment, sort of, the military doesn't want idiots we can have plenty of that, but the aim is some to full post secondary education.
Is it really wise just to draft people with degrees unless it's for a non combat role? You still need people who are willing to fight in the front line should there be a conflict. I doubt many univesity grads are willing to do that.
Is it really wise just to draft people with degrees unless it's for a non combat role? You still need people who are willing to fight in the front line should there be a conflict. I doubt many univesity grads are willing to do that.

Yes they would, education means they are fighting for ideal, for country for the people. Did you know the Russian mafia in US are highly educated, many of them even hold masters and PHD.

WW2, Chang finally called for 100,000 students, 100,000 soldiers, as a final call to defend their country, tons of students were sent to India to be trained as new first and new sixth army.

They crushed the Japanese elites.

Education means greater individual soldier effectiveness, means a more effective army, and one of the most important things, means a truly national army that cannot be privatized.

How can you teach a uneducated moron how to use all the latest tech?
We got a celebrity military reality show going on.

who else has a celebrity military experience reality show? BTW, this was created to help with enlistment, sort of, the military doesn't want idiots we can have plenty of that, but the aim is some to full post secondary education.
You have a wrong and immature concept of what is 'military transparency'.

Try this for starter...

Why Isn’t China’s Military More Transparent? | The Diplomat
You have a wrong and immature concept of what is 'military transparency'.

Try this for starter...

Why Isn’t China’s Military More Transparent? | The Diplomat

it's a joke dude, obviously this isn't what they are talking about.

But in terms of motivation for the military spending, we do give reasons for why we spend it. To safe guard our interests. Now you may say that's ambiguous, but what does protect our allies mean?

protect them from who? Is it protection if they strike first? Is it protection if they are wrong?

Could we be more transparent, yes, but America don't admit to all the things either. military is suppose to be secretive.

I also won't quote the diplomat, unless you also agree, Chinese second artillery can't afford cars and helicopters and thus have to ride horses.
it's a joke dude, obviously this isn't what they are talking about.

But in terms of motivation for the military spending, we do give reasons for why we spend it. To safe guard our interests. Now you may say that's ambiguous, but what does protect our allies mean?

protect them from who? Is it protection if they strike first? Is it protection if they are wrong?

Could we be more transparent, yes, but America don't admit to all the things either. military is suppose to be secretive.

I also won't quote the diplomat, unless you also agree, Chinese second artillery can't afford cars and helicopters and thus have to ride horses.
The article I gave is to give you just the basic understanding of what is 'transparency' in general, not about how much technical or operational secrets ANY military should divulge. That is not what 'transparency' is supposed to be. So for your immature mind, the article would indeed be a joke.
The article I gave is to give you just the basic understanding of what is 'transparency' in general, not about how much technical or operational secrets ANY military should divulge. That is not what 'transparency' is supposed to be. So for your immature mind, the article would indeed be a joke.

my thread is a joke, not the article. This is obviously for fun, being American I thought you would appreciate a good joke.

And I just said what I thought of transparency. No one would give the other the bottom line, or else it would just give the other a basis to work around it.

If US had said as long as Tokyo is not bombed US would not intervene then we can attack all cities other than Tokyo. This doesn't mean the US won't do anything, but it does make it more difficult.

I'm sure the US doesn't want us to know exactly what their bottom line is.
my thread is a joke, not the article. This is obviously for fun, being American I thought you would appreciate a good joke.
Fine...So am a fuddy-duddy...

And I just said what I thought of transparency. No one would give the other the bottom line, or else it would just give the other a basis to work around it.

If US had said as long as Tokyo is not bombed US would not intervene then we can attack all cities other than Tokyo. This doesn't mean the US won't do anything, but it does make it more difficult.

I'm sure the US doesn't want us to know exactly what their bottom line is.
Transparency is about expressing intentions and goals. Sure, Imperial Japan was not going to say: 'Our intention is to invade mainland China and colonize Manchuria.' But IF Imperial Japan was transparent, the statement would say something similar to: 'Our intention is to modernize the military and expand our national interests for...blah...blah...blah...because of blah...blah...blah...' Then all regional powers would conduct high level meetings between politicians and military leaders to discuss the negatives and positives of what Imperial Japan want to do. Yes, Japan could be generous and divulge Zero fighters manufacturing capacity, reorganization of the forces, new recruitments, etc...etc...And in the interests of transparency, those would be good things to divulge without affecting national goals.

There is a wealth of publicly available historical information and commentaries on what is 'transparency' but I guess finding, reading, and thinking about them is tooooooooo much work for you.
Fine...So am a fuddy-duddy...

Transparency is about expressing intentions and goals. Sure, Imperial Japan was not going to say: 'Our intention is to invade mainland China and colonize Manchuria.' But IF Imperial Japan was transparent, the statement would say something similar to: 'Our intention is to modernize the military and expand our national interests for...blah...blah...blah...because of blah...blah...blah...' Then all regional powers would conduct high level meetings between politicians and military leaders to discuss the negatives and positives of what Imperial Japan want to do. Yes, Japan could be generous and divulge Zero fighters manufacturing capacity, reorganization of the forces, new recruitments, etc...etc...And in the interests of transparency, those would be good things to divulge without affecting national goals.

There is a wealth of publicly available historical information and commentaries on what is 'transparency' but I guess finding, reading, and thinking about them is tooooooooo much work for you.

First of all that article says nothing of what America actually wants to know, now that I read it. All it does is give reasons why he thinks or others thinks of not revealing things.

Let's take a look, I gather one of three things, don't want to deter because want war, military hardware not actually good, and surprise first strike.

btw, this is his last sentence, he CHOOSE to believe we just suck based on nothing. It could be true, but he gave no credible reasons for why and you want me to use this as guide line?! In fact if it was me writing the article I could have named a few reasons why the PLA sucks based on FACTS, and not I thinks so because I hope so.

Not a strategic force, some forces are still using obsolete weapons, doesn't have nuclear submarine in number, carrier not operational, aircraft engines not up to task, not enough nukes, Beidou not finished, and a whole host of things, this article just shows he knows nothing about Chinese forces and clearly doesn't follow it as much as me, even though it's his job.

I tend to believe that this last possibility is probably the most likely. However, as noted above, it is impossible to know the truth with any degree of certainty. This is what makes military opaqueness potentially so dangerous, as a lack of knowledge allows potential adversaries to come to a host of very different conclusions.

Now our version of pearl harbor attack? That's for certain, we are a weaker force, of course we will try to knock out as many as possible before the actual war. The US clearly knows and thinks this as I have heard, US is considering eventually retreating to Guam to not suffer this.

As to don't want to deter because we want war? That's ludicrous, Americans will look at our economy second in the world and say it's a hoax, and I have SEEN Americans saying Chinese weapons are just for show and don't work even though it was on Youtube and it was a video. Also have you seen the internet lately? China sucks theory is no longer a theory it's a "fact". Not based on actual facts, but it's a "fact."
[deleted, wrong quote

Yes they would, education means they are fighting for ideal, for country for the people. Did you know the Russian mafia in US are highly educated, many of them even hold masters and PHD.

WW2, Chang finally called for 100,000 students, 100,000 soldiers, as a final call to defend their country, tons of students were sent to India to be trained as new first and new sixth army.

They crushed the Japanese elites.

Education means greater individual soldier effectiveness, means a more effective army, and one of the most important things, means a truly national army that cannot be privatized.

How can you teach a uneducated moron how to use all the latest tech?

Those 'uneducated'. electricians, mechanic, plumbers, are part of the maintenance crew that repair and maintain the navy fleet. Having a degree does not mean you can operate an air gun. Not sure where you get those crazy ideas from.
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Those 'uneducated'. electricians, mechanic, plumbers, are part of the maintenance crew that repair and maintain the navy fleet. Having a degree does not mean you can operate an air gun. Not sure where you get those crazy ideas from.

First of all those people are educated. The days of a uneducated person that would do that is over. It's just the degree of education.

I never asked for all university degrees, we still need these people in the work force.

Now why do I say this?

For example, we will never fight inside China again, so a second language is always a good choice. Our naval fleet operates "Chinese Aegis" destroyers and frigates, they need to be operated by people with a degree of education. We have our own naval college and such. It's no longer physical labor anymore that's key. You are not pointing a cannon and firing.

One of the reasons we suffered so much in WW2 because of the stupid troops. We pretty much sent them to their death. When they first arrived in Shanghai they try to light their cig with a light bulb because they never seen a ligh bulb before. They don't duck when a cannon fires or plane arrives.

Their trenches are not deep, so it offers no protection, and all kinds of stupid stunts because they don't know how to fight and weren't trained to do so.

Is it a wonder that educated troops always perform better in wars.
Secrecy is human's nature.

Your wife always has something you don't know and vise-visa.

That's how we knew F-117/B-2, Area51 from a perfect democracy nation ---- USA. All American taxpayer did not know how they paid the huge budget from their, their son's, their 50-years-later-born grandson pockets.

Anyway, China has more secrets than any other nations in this planet.

And, it's not so bad.
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