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How can a small country like Sweden develop fighter jets with only a few million people?


Actually cold weather makes you PREPARE IN ADVANCE TO OVERCOME THE HARSHNESS OF FREEZING. Every year, you started ahead of time to live through the winter.

So whatever product that you manufactured---had to be beyond GOOD---every single time all the time---because the consequence was being frozen to death. Perfection at every stage.

You can survive extreme heat----but one mistake in cold---and the person or the family is gone.

I agree. Hot climate is difficult to live, but is livable. Florida, California, Texas, the south states are considered some of the best states in the US to live. Canada cannot develop because it's too cold. Russia can barely develop. The USSR was powerful because of Belarus and Ukraine, which have much warmer climate than Russia and much more population than Russia. Europe has very warm climate due to the Gulf Stream. France, the UK, Germany only snow a couple of days per year.
With the way that things are going, by 2030, Asia will be again on top.
Not possible, U.S.A and Europe will remain on top. They just create almost everything, and whole world follows it. They will remain decade ahead in the technology.
Draken, Viggen, Gripen, they've made some of the best in the world. Viggen had the first digital computer avionics I think. :o:

mate who said Sweden is small, when U.K @ 94,000 sq mi can make typhoon, jaguar, HMS Queen Elizabeth class air craft carriers, rolls Royce Trent jet engines then why cant Sweden ? Sweden is 173,732 sq miles or 449,964 sq km that's a quiet a good size to be honest, its size is larger then industrial giants like Japan & Germany
& capabilities are not determined by the size of a country . the U.K a country the size of an Indian province like Utter Pradesh, had literally beat the living crap out of the Mughal's, Marathas, & the Sikhs & some more, captured their land & ruled the entire Indo-Pak subcontinent with style ! , now that's what I call a bu!t kicking power house ! & history is full such bright examples ' be it the Arab/Israeli wars or Alexander's Greece single handily capturing Egypt ,Iran & Northern India & many more along the way'

fools & shallow are those..... who built their perceptions of power by just looking @ the map !
because geo-strategy my dear Watson'..... is a bit more complicated then that '
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many Europeans see you as a parasite, you suck the country dry and then move away to another country to suck dry, like a vampire with no patriotic loyalty to the country you live in. In a war between Bangladesh and England which side would you fight for? No need to lie I already know the answer judging by your previous posts.


It is not for smarts but for money---all these european countries were chasing after wealth in south asia a few centuries back. They came---they saw---they conquered---they looted---they plundered---they sucked us dry.

Like for UK---world war 1 and 2 were fought on the economies of their colonies in asia.

Now it is pay-back. Ain't that a bit-ch. Don't be upset now.
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I agree. Hot climate is difficult to live, but is livable. Florida, California, Texas, the south states are considered some of the best states in the US to live. Canada cannot develop because it's too cold. Russia can barely develop. The USSR was powerful because of Belarus and Ukraine, which have much warmer climate than Russia and much more population than Russia. Europe has very warm climate due to the Gulf Stream. France, the UK, Germany only snow a couple of days per year.

You're like.....wrong.
I can't comment on Canada, but i can comment on USSR presumption you put forth. Look at them now, Belarus and Ukraine, the former on a lifeline from Moscow, the latter just about to get one if the new government is to Putin's liking, or if not, they'll get some from EU.
Snow couple of days per year might be the case now, but 20 years ago there were proper winters. With lots and lots of snow.

As for the heat, i can give you an example from southern Italy (break is called riposo), Spain (break is called siesta) and Greece (dont know how it's called but they definitely stop working). Business stops from 1 pm (generally after lunch) to about 5pm in the afternoon because it's so hot people stay indoors and don't go out, so shop owners close up for a few hours. Now imagine this on a nationwide scale.
Like for UK---world war 1 and 2 were fought on the economies of their colonies in asia.

Dude, total war.
If you pitch less then what you can/have, you will loose, if you pitch all that you have, there's no guarantee you won't loose either. Existential threat is one of the greatest catalysts. Please understand this, any country would do the same.

and this is only an answer to what i quoted, not for your whole post, which deals with colonialism for which i have no defense.
Draken, Viggen, Gripen, they've made some of the best in the world. Viggen had the first digital computer avionics I think. :o:
European country with Easy accesses to European & U.S technology.
Availability of Military hardware without any sanction,
no need for long period research & development because no new invention is mention in Swedish Gripen
because after all it IS a figher jet as all others.
Probably because we were constantly at war. And Swede are very innovative to try and prevent this, by any means necessary.

Many people mistook that Sweden is a tiny peaceful Nation that almost neutral in everything. Our name have been echoed with Switzerland all the time and people's general view is that we are peaceful. We are nothing but peaceful.

In Sweden, prior to 2010, Military service were required for every swede that's over the age of 18, women are no exception prior to 1995, while we can serve in subordinate branch like Home Guard (Hemvärnet) like the National Guard in the US, in 1995, we have over 100 battalions in reserve for mobilisation.

Currently structure is dying down and we are aiming at an all volunteer force in the 2019/2020 window. Still we are a force to be regonised with.

The success of swede could probably trace to our attention to detail and our presistence, once we have set a goal, we will do everything we could to achieve it. The degree any swede spent to square things out is out of anyone imagination. That's why we can apply realpolitik thru power and force both allied and germany to leave us alone during WW2.

You can say we are a simple minded people, we don't have alot, we don't think alot, when we have given a task, we would carry it out until it's over. That's the key of Swedish success
Probably because we were constantly at war. And Swede are very innovative to try and prevent this, by any means necessary.

Many people mistook that Sweden is a tiny peaceful Nation that almost neutral in everything. Our name have been echoed with Switzerland all the time and people's general view is that we are peaceful. We are nothing but peaceful.

In Sweden, prior to 2010, Military service were required for every swede that's over the age of 18, women are no exception prior to 1995, while we can serve in subordinate branch like Home Guard (Hemvärnet) like the National Guard in the US, in 1995, we have over 100 battalions in reserve for mobilisation.

Currently structure is dying down and we are aiming at an all volunteer force in the 2019/2020 window. Still we are a force to be regonised with.

The success of swede could probably trace to our attention to detail and our presistence, once we have set a goal, we will do everything we could to achieve it. The degree any swede spent to square things out is out of anyone imagination. That's why we can apply realpolitik thru power and force both allied and germany to leave us alone during WW2.

You can say we are a simple minded people, we don't have alot, we don't think alot, when we have given a task, we would carry it out until it's over. That's the key of Swedish success
Members Introduction

welcome to the forum! kindly post an intro in this section.

I had read a while back that the aircraft development in sweden for short unprepared roads was not just because of high living and education standards but also out of necessity .. particularly against russia. Is this info correct?
Members Introduction

welcome to the forum! kindly post an intro in this section.

I had read a while back that the aircraft development in sweden for short unprepared roads was not just because of high living and education standards but also out of necessity .. particularly against russia. Is this info correct?

First of all, sorry for missing the introduction

And it's true, Russian being our main enemy from the Napoleonic time to Cold War, we still remember that it's the Russian took Finland away from US, honestly we do not have a good relation with Russian at all

Recently they flew close to our border for some flight exercise and that literally make our population pee in their pants. We are currently expecting another overhaul to our armed force.

The majority of our defence plan lay on force concentration and force multiplication. We know we can't defend on equal term with Russia, hence we displace our airforce and create our defensive line according to our forrest and mountain instead of trying to go head to head, toe to toe with the Russian in any city, junction and road.

Most of our force are posted in a defensive in nature and also focus on mobility and alertness. That's how we fight anyone, be that Russian or UK or French or the American :)
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