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How Bangladeshis see India

Urdu is not our language still we speak it... why couldnt the bangalis? for what i have heard india was behind the urdu-bangali dispute... whats ur take on it?

England imposing taxes on USA in 1776.

Similarly pak-ban Separated by 1600 km of land and teaching them Urdu.

That’s how the Bengalis kind of felt like who are we to teach them different language without thought or concern??

East p was neglected to an extent because it was considered a lose game.

The generals had the idea that sooner or later it will be lost and better to defend mainland pak then east p.

Urdu is great language for common communication but methods used were not appropriate.

President of Pakistan just a figurehead right?

Well he is the de facto head of the country and is more powerful than the prime minister.

Look at Gardari even with all his limitations he is more powerful than the prime minister.

This position of who is stronger PRES vs PM keeps changing every government.

Last time Nawaz sharif carried all authority till 99 as PM until brought down by Pervez.

Total BS the 1st president of Pakistan was Bengali

And it wasn’t all Punjabis ; at the time most army high command was dominated by pukhtoons and political stage set by the ppp party of “Sindhi” Bhutto .

Their own self greed was to blame for the mess.

And sheikh mujib wasn’t an angel either I dread to think what he would have done if he had gotten control of pak considering his brutal rule in Bangladesh till 75.

Bengali are a proud people sure, but they also have many flaws like hasina and khaleda…….


That is a very flimsy argument . President of Pakistan was simply a figurehead. The main establishment of note i.e Pakistan Armed forces practiced large scale discrimination against recruiting ethnic Bengali's due to their not being perceived as "martially inclined " ....all based on the flawed "martial races" theory implemented by the British .

Again Bengali officers were discriminated against in matters of placement , promotions even though they be more capable than their West Pakistani counter parts.

As far as civilians were concerned , due to cultural habits like dressing , Saris , celebrating Bengali new year festivals, pride in their language etc ...the Bengalis were considered under considerable "Hindu" influence and thus very much mistrusted by the Punjabis and Pakhtuns .

Its West Pakistan's history of imposing their own culture and refusing to recognize and respect the Capabilities of Bengalis that was responsible for the conflict and nothing else.
@DADU ... england imposing taxes vs urdu-bengali? wierd example... east n west both were the same country! where only 7-8% people were native urdu speakers yet only bangalis had issues with urdu not us other Pakistanis,why?

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

That is a very flimsy argument . President of Pakistan was simply a figurehead. The main establishment of note i.e Pakistan Armed forces practiced large scale discrimination against recruiting ethnic Bengali's due to their not being perceived as "martially inclined " ....all based on the flawed "martial races" theory implemented by the British .

Again Bengali officers were discriminated against in matters of placement , promotions even though they be more capable than their West Pakistani counter parts.

As far as civilians were concerned , due to cultural habits like dressing , Saris , celebrating Bengali new year festivals, pride in their language etc ...the Bengalis were considered under considerable "Hindu" influence and thus very much mistrusted by the Punjabis and Pakhtuns .

Its West Pakistan's history of imposing their own culture and refusing to recognize and respect the Capabilities of Bengalis that was responsible for the conflict and nothing else.

All of this was indian propoganda... urdu speakers of karachi also wear sarees n stuff yet many of them are serving in the PA!
That is a very flimsy argument . President of Pakistan was simply a figurehead. The main establishment of note i.e Pakistan Armed forces practiced large scale discrimination against recruiting ethnic Bengali's due to their not being perceived as "martially inclined " ....all based on the flawed "martial races" theory implemented by the British .

Again Bengali officers were discriminated against in matters of placement , promotions even though they be more capable than their West Pakistani counter parts.

As far as civilians were concerned , due to cultural habits like dressing , Saris , celebrating Bengali new year festivals, pride in their language etc ...the Bengalis were considered under considerable "Hindu" influence and thus very much mistrusted by the Punjabis and Pakhtuns .

Its West Pakistan's history of imposing their own culture and refusing to recognize and respect the Capabilities of Bengalis that was responsible for the conflict and nothing else.

We did add bit of fuel to the fire though?:P
Urdu is not our language still we speak it... why couldnt the bangalis? for what i have heard india was behind the urdu-bangali dispute... whats ur take on it?

You heard it wrong. You yourselves are responsible for the mess you created.

As far language is concerned its a very sensitive issue. You can't just force a group of people to suddenly speak a language alien to them one fine morning. Thats why in India eventhough Hindi is considered official language , its not enforced on Indians.

PS: It may a irony that a lot of Bangladeshis now speak Hindi/Urdu due to influence of Bollywood. Pakistanis should have just waited it out instead of imposing Urdu suddenly.
Urdu is not our language still we speak it... why couldnt the bangalis? for what i have heard india was behind the urdu-bangali dispute... whats ur take on it?

It's hard to fathom for you, bengalis put their language on a personal high pedestal. And why won't they, a bookshelf in any local library in bengal worth more than whole literary history of your native language! :lol:

also during partition west pakistanis already knew urdu as unlike bangali, their native language is lot closer to urdu.
Urdu is not our language still we speak it... why couldnt the bangalis? for what i have heard india was behind the urdu-bangali dispute... whats ur take on it?

Its up to you if you found Urdu a more suitable language because of cultural and heritage reasons but for some ethnic groups , their mother language and Culture are far more important than any foreign language . It is a cultural phenomenon , which is the characteristic of only a very few ethnic groups of the world.

---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 AM ----------

We did add bit of fuel to the fire though?:P

Yes , we did take geo-political advantage . Indira didn't miss a Golden opportunity to weaken her enemies .

We didn't start the conflict , but we certainly involved ourselves in it tooth and nail :)
All of this was indian propoganda... urdu speakers of karachi also wear sarees n stuff yet many of them are serving in the PA!

Its not just sarees, Bangladeshi attitude of putting their Bengali heritage before anything else may be not in favor with many West Pakistanis at that time.
All of this was indian propoganda... urdu speakers of karachi also wear sarees n stuff yet many of them are serving in the PA!

No its not , all these details were got from official statements made by military leaders like Ayub Khan , Yahya Khan....

Zulfiquer Ali Bhutto showed the same tendencies when Sheikh Mujib presented to him the six point formula.

In West Pakistan, the movement was seen as a sectional uprising against Pakistani national interests and the founding ideology of Pakistan, the Two-Nation Theory.[24] West Pakistani politicians considered Urdu a product of Indian Islamic culture, as Ayub Khan said, as late as 1967, "East Bengalis... still are under considerable Hindu culture and influence."
This is so unfortunate.

We Indians should learn to be better masters. If our BD'ian subjects want something from us, we should certainly consider their demand. The least we can do is give them the impression that we are considering it even if we are not.

We have to be better masters to the BD'ians than the British were to us.
All of this was indian propoganda... urdu speakers of karachi also wear sarees n stuff yet many of them are serving in the PA!

Not all of it is Indian propaganda, we must look to our own past and re-examine the situations.

But clever India did not waste an opportunity to break Pakistan.

However some exaggerations by AL and mother India supporters that Pakistanis kept Bangladeshis as house pets i.e.

No dog, no Bengali allowed is absolute B*******

There were whole barracks in mainland Pakistan that catered for Bangladeshi personnel, their families and children many of whom even attended local schools.

After 1971 many of them were sent back to Bangladesh for obvious reasons

I know this because my grans brother who we call baba ji used to be in the navy and remembers the experience with Bengali ppl well. He also has old letters from Bengali friends and Eid cards from them too.

think about indias neighbours..

india always see anti indian activities in china.

india always see anti indian activities in pakistan.

india always see anti indian activities in Bangladesh.

Bhutan is a pet country to india.

Nepal is also coming out of indian circle.

but china, pakistan, and bangladesh including nepal does not have any problem within themselves.

To have a conflict you should be capable of having a conflict.

China/PakistanVisit this forum's Pakistan war, US foreign policy or World affairs Section.You would find Pakistanis arguing that chinese would turn out to be their Knight in shining armour and save then from USA's wrath.Pakistani's suffer from terrible inferiority complex resulting from the scarring of their Psyche due to 1971 war which lead to creation of bangladesh.(Inferiority complex was propounded by Alferd Adler.A classic symptom of Inferiority complex is a petulant desire for bringing down your powerful rival).This is because of their inferiority complex that pakistan support terrorists(since they believe that they cannot win a conventional war with India),Surrender their soveriegnty to highest bidder whether it is China or USA (When mumbai was attacked Pakistan requested china to conduct its foreign policy with India on its behalf).Heck they even ceded their territories to china.How can anyone have problem with it's Benefactor.

China/Bangladesh You do not share a common border and you are not strong enough to cause problem to chinese.

Nepal/China Nepal is not strong enough to stand up to china.

Bangladesh/Nepal and Bangladesh/Bhutan You do not share common border.If you want to have a conflict with Nepal you could have it with solomon island,narua and fiji also.

Bangladesh/pakistan If bengalis are so misty eyed about Pakistanis why did they pressed for independence in 1971.:undecided::undecided::undecided:

Nepal/Pakistan and Bhutan/Pakistan Nepal is 29th state of India and Bhutan is 30th :azn:.They are friendly to Pakistan only in Razakar's Dream.

now analaysing India's relation with its neighbour

India/china Well India and China are two fastest growing countries.There is going to be a scramble for resource between them. hence they are destined to be rivals.You cannot be friend to your principal competitor.Also we have an unresolved border dispute with china.

India/Pakistan I cannot go on typing.See China/Pakistan

India/nepal and India/Bhutan I don't know what makes a bangladeshi an authority over Nepal or Bhutan when they do not have an iota of understanding about these two countries.

With Nepal we have an open border.People of both countries do not require visa to travel to into each other's country.Also goods are not taxed upto a minimum limit and some goods are not taxed altogether.
Indian currency is accepted all over nepal except for governmental transactions.
Head priest of man nepali temples including Pashupatinath temple have traditionally been indians and nepalis are head priest of many temples in Varanasi.
In military field one of India's most decorated regiment Gurkha regiment is constituted of Nepalis.
The military chief of Nepal has traditionally been a graduate of NDA.Add to this the fact that Bhutan is legally an Indian protectorate.
Nepalis,Bhutanis and Tibetan Refugee's who arrive to India before 1st january1962 are provided special status in India.They are considered at par with Indian citizens in every matter pertaining to central government.They are eligible for Civil Services of India except IAS and IPS(Since they have state cadre rather than central).They are eligible to become foreign Secretary,Governor of RBI,Director General of Income tax or Custom and other post in Public and Private sector.(Visit UPSC for enquiring about eligibility of CSE)

They are enemy of India only in Razakar's Dream.


Internet has a reputation of providing most vociferous platform to Hate mongers and the rejected Scums of society.This being a Pakistani forum would naturally attract Razakar's (idune,MBI munshi and Al-Zakir being prominent)whose wet dream was to blow themselves up in a girls school but were ***** enough not to do it hence they vent their frustration on Internet.They do not represent Bangladesh.
This moron writer thinks our destiny lies within India. Women....

Well you are surrounded on three sides with India.With whom do you think your destiny lies.Somalia??:undecided::undecided::undecided:

Add to it India is world second fastest growing major economy and Bangladesh do not have any strategic importance like pakistan.
Thats what an indian would perfer giving importance to out touch and cultivated opinion. I dont fall for indian tricks and give importance by writing response to some opinion that has no substence and no connection to Bangaldeshi people.

And who are you Prime minister of Bangladesh????

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