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How Africa has become a major buyer of Chinese weapons


Apr 28, 2011
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Most security analysts agree that the quality of weapons being manufactured in China has improved vastly and that several African countries are seeking them because they are priced well.


Written By:

Zee Media Bureau

Jul 08, 2018, 17:41 PM IST
Trending News

At a time when the African continent as a whole reduced its imports of arms and ammunition from foreign countries, China has emerged as a major player - increasing its weapons exports to the continent by 55% between 2013 and 2017 as compared to the previous five years.

A report published by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has highlighted that while Africa's arms imports fell 22% in the last five years, the share of weapons imported from China grew exponentially. Previously, Russia was one of the major sources from where African countries purchased arms but the imports fell 32% in the last five years - paving the way for the Chinese to step in and make big bucks. The United States accounts for 11% of all arms and ammunition sold here.

Security analysts believe the surge of Chinese weapons in Africa is largely due to Beijing's push to make the country a major weapons manufacturing hub. This has helped President Xi Jinping not just modernise China's military but create a surplus which is exported in the international market including Africa.

According to a report published in South China Morning Post, some of the high-profile weapons that China sells to African nations are:

* Battle tanks and armoured vehicles - Tanzania, Chad, Ghana, Namibia, Rwanda, Gabon, Mozambique and Burundi are some of the major buyers.

* Combat aircrafts and drones - Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe are some of the countries that have purchased combat aircrafts from China. US restrictions on selling drones has made China's path easier.

* Missile systems: Morocco, Sudan and Yemen are some of the key buyers.

* Artillery systems: Congo, Ghana, Sudan, Cameroon, Tanzania, Niger and Rwanda are some of the countries to have purchased artillery systems made in China.

Reports suggest that China's participation in peace-keeping operations in the continent as well as setting up a millitary base in Djibouti has further helped the country gain a strong foothold in the continent. With expansion and modernisation of its military being carried out rapidly back home, China's exports are likely to only increase in the times to come.

This report is a plagurised one; it was on one of the defence newspapers. typical indians.
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