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How 20 million Pakistanis defeated 500 million indians in 2 wars (1948, 1965) captured from them a territory larger then Austria or Czech Republic

looks like I ruffled some feathers of an old fart :lol:
Open a dedicated thread on it to get a proper evidence based reply or am just wasting energy here

Or can just troll, whatever suits best

Do you talk to your daddy like that. Or get a chapet.

Now you will give me peaceful Sufi kumbaya stories of mass acceptance.

And I will introduce you to my friend highly respected high born Syed Muslim scholar and lawyer and social commentator Dr. Syed Rizwan Ahmed.

Another good looking super fit alpha "old fart" like me and Rahul, of the same vintage.

Go for it.
vedic culture is an ancient form of Hinduism (not Hinduism, just the earliest form of it) which of course we reject as a religion but like Iranians developed Zoroastrianism and have a historical relationship with it, purely in a historical sense nothing weird to have a historical relationship with Vedic culture to understand our region and its tribes, what shaped the modern society around you

What "Hinduism??"

Ah...here we go .. I understand we're better than Indians (only a little) in Behavior but seriously? Aryans and bla bla. Bruh you gotta visit Rural Pakistan which is 70 percent of Pakistan. They're not your fair complexion Aryans living there.

Meanwhile Gilgit Baltistan was liberated by the brave Gilgitis themselves and gifted to we Pakistanis in a golden plate. We didn't even bother to assist them with troops.

Superiority in what? Look at our streets and towns they're full of garbage and shit. We are a failed nation with no manners and sense of cleanliness. Idk what garbage are you eating nowadays.
I do love the “we were in Lahore quotes” what they forget to tell you is that they were in pieces…. Their forward units had lost their entire armour with just infantry. Although they had more tanks many were old and not combat effective and wouldn’t serve any purpose in another thrust. They also still had to face significant Pakistani forces before Lahore and risked being bogged down and destroyed.
That being said plenty of Pakistani blunders which would have been catastrophic had conditions been right.
Since the 1965 war was based on a big lie and was presented to the nation as a great victory, the Army came to believe its own fiction and has used since, Ayub as its role model and therefore has continued to fight unwanted wars — the 1971 war and the Kargil fiasco in 1999.
Mubarak ho - Taalian peeton..

Mulk aik bar toot chuka, ab tabah ho kar aur tootne ki baatien ho rihi hain aur yehan bawlay kuttay se kattay howay afeemchion ki tarah jhoot bol bol ke apne mun mian mithu raks ho raha hai
Superiority in what?

You are toxic shia and it is showing clearly lately. You would gather watch Pakistan drawn and you only post bitter stuff.. You come off as if Pakistan raped you or something..

India doesn't have anything near as perfect infras wise as Islamabad they live in a effing slums nor do they have better road infras then us and talking about cleanness it is not us shxting on the streets..

Proto Aryans expanded into them that is just a historical and genetic reality...

You can't deny that Pashtuns, Balochis, Punjabis etc etc are different from the remaining of the indian continent
Mubarak ho - Taalian peeton..

Mulk aik bar toot chuka, ab tabah ho kar aur tootne ki baatien ho rihi hain aur yehan bawlay kuttay se kattay howay afeemchion ki tarah jhoot bol bol ke apne mun mian mithu raks ho raha hai
Lol I don't know the whole f-ing world have nationalists who say wild crap, you usually ignore em as whatever, move on to better things

It's only in Pakistan where you see people just going berserk mode on em, cursing em, cursing the country, shitting on the country and countrymen like actually bothering to reply and that too with similar intensity, rage, I don't what complexes y'all have @peagle, in most countries around the globe you let it be unless it's actually going out of hand or something

I usually ignore his threads, it's whatever instead of meeting his intensity/energy from the other direction
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Lol I don't know the whole f-ing world have nationalists who say wild crap, you usually ignore em as whatever, move on to better things

It's only in Pakistan where you see people just going berserk mode on em, cursing em, cursing the country, shitting on the country and countrymen like actually bothering to reply and that too with similar intensity, rage, I don't what complexes y'all have @peagle, in most countries around the globe you let it be unless it's actually going out of hand or something

I usually ignore his threads, it's whatever instead of meeting his intensity from the other direction

That individual was the one who was constructing a fairytale hyberbole thread kissing India.. I think that person has passionate connection to India..

But all that shxt vanishes in the face of reality like a ballon of water..

He is the type who kicks himself everyday and every night that the Tughlaq's and Ghoris were overlords of this lands for thousand of years or so..
video to hum nhi dekhty jo bolna hai ap bolo

Debunking the myth of "peaceful" Sufiism. By a Syed scholar.

Might probably not be news to you guys. But was quite an eye opener for our secular Hindu Dargah Ajmer Sharif junta.
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