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Hope fades away for Hazaras of Pakistan

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Jan 31, 2010
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Hope fades away for Hazaras of Pakistan | DAWN.COM


At least 60 people belonging to Hazara community living in Quetta have been killed in targeted attacks, including suicide, remote-controlled and timer device bombings and firing,” says a report published in this newspaper, following a brutal attack on Shia pilgrims belonging to the Hazara community.

Thursday’s bomb attack in the Hazarganji area on the outskirts of the provincial capital of Balochistan was not the first such attack of the year. Not even the first of the month. The Hazara community has been targeted, with great impunity, by outlawed militant organisations on at least six occasions in the current year. While all attacks have claimed precious lives, one of worst attacks against the community came last September, when a bus carrying Hazara passengers was stopped by assailants heavily armed with rocket launchers and Kalashnikovs. They identified Hazara men, took them off the bus and slaughtered them one by one within half a kilometre from a security check post. A similar incident was repeated a few days later in Akhtarabad area of Quetta. Some unconfirmed reports say “over 800 Hazaras have been killed in 24 incidents of mass-murder and 131 targeted ambushes since 2001.”

Murderous motives
Responsibility for most of these attacks has been claimed by outlawed group Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, who have gone as far in their hate preach as declaring the community “wajib-ul-qatl” or deserving of death in their edicts handed out in the Balochistan province. Moreover, the community has been warned that its settlements in Hazara Town and on Alamdar Road will be transformed into graveyards as the war against them continues, according to a column published in this newspaper.

The killings have received mixed reactions and analyses from government officials, politicians and Hazara community leaders. Some blame security forces and intelligence agencies for the killings. Others point the fingers at the sectarian fanatics, Taliban and land mafia while some people even suggest a complex amalgam of all the aforementioned factors.

The Hazaras are being systematically killed because they are anti-Taliban
Role of security forces
While there is little doubt that all the attacks have been unprovoked and unidirectional without any apprehensions for many years, for Hazaras, the failure of security forces to protect their community remains an unanswered question.

“They have not failed. They have rather no intentions to protect us from the terrorists” explains Sardar Saadat Ali Hazara, a community leader.

Members of the community allege that Hazara killings are designed as a counterinsurgency campaign to divert attention away from the activities of security forces in Balochistan.

“The Hazaras are being systematically killed because they are anti-Taliban and because they do not agree with the policy of strategic depth towards Afghanistan,” says Tahir Khan Hazara, a political activist.

“They consider the Hazaras as pro-Northern Alliance and suspect our patriotism,” says Zaman Dehqanzada of the Hazara Democratic Party (HDP).

Dehqanzada alleges that his community’s ‘refusal to fight the Baloch’ has led them to become targets of unabated violence. “We are not going to destroy our relations with our brothers in Balochistan,” he adds.

Meanwhile, a former chief sectary Balochistan revealed on the condition of anonymity that the state policy towards the Hazaras has dramatically changed since 2001. “They are kept away from sensitive administrative posts both in the armed forces and civil bureaucracy as they are considered, albeit falsely, pro-Iran and Pro-Northern Alliance just because they are Farsi-speaking Shias,” the official said.

According to a recent report on the killings of Hazaras, the Frontier Corps (FC) believes that “the Hazaras are receiving funding from Iran to incite Shia revolution in Pakistan,” a statement refuted by the community. How can a small community, they say, surrounded by military cantonment bring about Shia revolution in Pakistan?
Only hope for Hazaras is to flee away from Pakistan and take asylum in Western countries :cry:.. otherwise in few years- there will not be any hazaras left on the face of earth...
Hazaras have long running animosity with local tribals due to land issues - nothing religious here..but we condemn loss of innocent human life anyways!
Hazaras have long running animosity with local tribals due to land issues - nothing religious here..but we condemn loss of innocent human life anyways!

What about Turi Pashtun Shia fleeing the country. You may read about the boat accident off Australia coast where 76 Pashtun Shias died.
They should flee to neighboring Afghanistan or Iran . There they will be relatively safer

Same as how Muslims in India should flee to Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, BD, they are relatively much safer there.

And North East Indians should migrate to Nepal, Bhutan, they are much safer there, and Tamil Indians migrate to Sri Lanka, they are much safer there... Now STFU and stop the trolling.

What about Turi Pashtun Shia fleeing the country. You may read about the boat accident off Australia coast where 76 Pashtun Shias died.

You are talking to one. :)
They should flee to neighboring Afghanistan or Iran . There they will be relatively safer

are you mad?

Afghanistan is free for all.. Americans wont stop to check if the guy is a shia or a sunni and they will just just kill a "potential" terrorist.
Taliban, TTP and BLA are known to have residence in Afghanistan and they will just thank their lucky stars that there wont be anyone counting how many shias they kill

Iran? well the favourite American anthem "bomb bomb Iran" is on the lips of American leadership.. fleeing to Iran wont do any good.

the Shia's will have to stand and fight for themselves. almost every hazara I know has lost at least one of his relative to sectarian terrorism. security forces have a dismal record of protecting them anyway, we see a lot of tears flowing over the blockade of Palestinians by the Israelis but there are many shia communities (like one in Kuram/ parachinar) that are literally under the siege of the "faithful".. and they dont spare anyone.. women, children, young old all are fair game. Taliban have even burnt alive Sunni drivers who were bringing food for the communities under siege.

TTP is a mutated form of the sipah sahabah / Lashker Jhangvi.. although TTP are not discriminating among their targets now but they always come back to their original habit of shia culling. its like double bonus points for them. best part is.. the rest of us Muslims Sunnis take a sign of relief that we are safe for now.. because every bomb or bullet spent on only killing a shia or an ahmedi means one less sunni is killed in terrorism.

shocking as it sounds but thats how we feel now. you can forget about the political parties doing anything about it. religious parties actually justify these killing saying that shias actually dishonor our religious personalities so their killing is understandable.
the so called main stream secular parties try to shy away or make a half hearted statement showing regret but careful not to offend the votebank of the “faithful” . except the Dictator Musharraf or Imran Khan, no politician in the current times has openly condemned the killing of shias and shown his support and expressed his condolences to them.

some time ago sipah sahabah killed a former Pakistani Olympian who was a hazara boxer, his cousin was my class fellow and he used to train together. I didn’t even dare to go to him and express my grief because it would have meant nothing to him. These guys are really fed up.

BLA is definitely going to use this situation to their advantage and offer "protection" from Taliban radicals.

By the way.. watch this space and expect a “retaliatory” attack on some Sunni congregation which will be automatically blamed on hazara people and will be followed up with yet another more brutal attack. TTP is a declared anti Pakistan state entity and it wont spare any chance to instigate a sectarian unrest by killing people of both communities. It will ease the pressure of the security forces on itself.
are you mad?

Afghanistan is free for all.. Americans wont stop to check if the guy is a shia or a sunni and they will just just kill a "potential" terrorist.
Taliban, TTP and BLA are known to have residence in Afghanistan and they will just thank their lucky stars that there wont be anyone counting how many shias they kill

Iran? well the favourite American anthem "bomb bomb Iran" is on the lips of American leadership.. fleeing to Iran wont do any good.

the Shia's will have to stand and fight for themselves. almost every hazara I know has lost at least one of his relative to sectarian terrorism. security forces have a dismal record of protecting them anyway, we see a lot of tears flowing over the blockade of Palestinians by the Israelis but there are many shia communities (like one in Kuram/ parachinar) that are literally under the siege of the "faithful".. and they dont spare anyone.. women, children, young old all are fair game. Taliban have even burnt alive Sunni drivers who were bringing food for the communities under siege.

TTP is a mutated form of the sipah sahabah / Lashker Jhangvi.. although TTP are not discriminating among their targets now but they always come back to their original habit of shia culling. its like double bonus points for them. best part is.. the rest of us Muslims Sunnis take a sign of relief that we are safe for now.. because every bomb or bullet spent on only killing a shia or an ahmedi means one less sunni is killed in terrorism.

shocking as it sounds but thats how we feel now. you can forget about the political parties doing anything about it. religious parties actually justify these killing saying that shias actually dishonor our religious personalities so their killing is understandable.
the so called main stream secular parties try to shy away or make a half hearted statement showing regret but careful not to offend the votebank of the “faithful” . except the Dictator Musharraf or Imran Khan, no politician in the current times has openly condemned the killing of shias and shown his support and expressed his condolences to them.

some time ago sipah sahabah killed a former Pakistani Olympian who was a hazara boxer, his cousin was my class fellow and he used to train together. I didn’t even dare to go to him and express my grief because it would have meant nothing to him. These guys are really fed up.

BLA is definitely going to use this situation to their advantage and offer "protection" from Taliban radicals.

By the way.. watch this space and expect a “retaliatory” attack on some Sunni congregation which will be automatically blamed on hazara people and will be followed up with yet another more brutal attack. TTP is a declared anti Pakistan state entity and it wont spare any chance to instigate a sectarian unrest by killing people of both communities. It will ease the pressure of the security forces on itself.

Getting even or taking out Taliban and their sympathizers who openly walk the streets of Pakistan with the full co operation of Security Agencies not that hard.

Most these ignorant bastards think they are untouchable and do what they like and get away with it but for how long how long before people that are under fire say enough is enough.

hardest part is going for it with a full force and pretty much destroying our country but unfortunately times are approaching and even not having the permission of our imams is going to stop people from starting target killings

i am willing to bet countries will stand in line to offer weapons and money to see Pakistan start to burn from inside and that's some thing dick heads in GHQ don't get they think their pets are protected and no one knows their secret.
Injustice to the fellow citizen is often the reason for downfall of numerous kingdoms
Injustice to the fellow citizen is often the reason for downfall of numerous kingdoms


well said

Arab spring is just an example

both India and Pakistan have their fair share with or without external interference
Pakistani army is taking steps against TTP.

Similarly, Army should also focus on eliminating Laskhar e Jhangvi group.

Who supports LEJ, what is its funding sources and does it recruit tribal people or foreigners?
Even if funding is stopped, the actions can be reduced to certain extent.

The immediate stoppage of indiscriminate and inhuman killings should be first priority for Pakistani politicians and people.
WTH is the government doing?

They are there for protecting the lives of people, not for protecting Jamhuriat and pasting BB's pics all over the country. They are there to make us feel secure and safe, not do siyasi istehkam. They are there for.....oh forget it.

Point is, that the government has failed miserably on the Hazara issue just as it has failed in FATA and Balochistan.

When the government does not make it's presence felt, then the scu**** like TTp and all come in, and the army tries to counter them. This creates a problem for the civilian population, because Army is not there for managing HR and taking care of the civic duties.

As we saw in FATA, after the army operation, the goverment does not come in for the re-building phase, and Army has to do that again, and then again allowing the TTP to seep in, as is happening. There was lull for some years in those areas, but again, shyte is happening there.

Point is, that the government has to poke it's head in, and impose itself, or this issue will blow up to huge scales.

The immediate stoppage of indiscriminate and inhuman killings should be first priority for Pakistani politicians...

There priority is jamhuri istehkam and pasting BB's pics all over the country, not the people.

party leader>party>jamhuriat> people. That's the hierarchy in Pakistan.
Hazaras have long running animosity with local tribals due to land issues - nothing religious here..but we condemn loss of innocent human life anyways!

Shout as much you want to shout. :angry:

Hazara problem is 100% religious problem for evidence you can watch videos when taliban kill them they shout anti shia slogans. :angry:
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