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Hong Kong NETs – foreign teachers of English – forced to take allegiance oath


Jan 20, 2010
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Foreign English-language teachers working in Hong Kong government schools will need to swear allegiance to the city, officials have ordered, as fears grow about the territory’s ability to retain educators in the face of increasing restrictions.

Hong Kong’s education bureau said on Saturday that native-speaking English teachers (NETs) and advisers working in government-run schools must sign a declaration by 21 June in order to continue working.

Since 2020, Hong Kong has applied oath-taking requirements to an increasing number of jobs, mainly those in the public sector, as a way to fulfil Chinese government demands of loyalty.

NETs must declare they will bear allegiance to Hong Kong and uphold the Basic Law – the city’s constitutional text – as well as being responsible to the government.

“Neglect, refusal or failure” to sign the declaration would lead to contract termination, authorities said.
That's too lenient.

Most federal government jobs in Australia require citizenship and a Baseline security clearance which checks applicant's residence for last 15 years plus other factors.
They aren't forced to take any oath of allegiance, are they?
For foreign born, you take the oath when you get your citizenship.
For everybody, you need to fill out various forms online every year which remind you of the security requirements of working in the federal government.
And that's clearly not the case here. They are employees who are being forced to take an oath.

All countries require you to take some kind of oath when you take their citizenship.
They aren't forced to take any oath of allegiance, are they?
So India allows people who oppose your government legitimacy to teach your children at school? Just wait until your schools and universities are filled with Maoist rebels as educators. Or maybe those people who have affiliated with Jamaah Islamiah, ISIS, or Al Qaeda educators. I'm sure your future generation of students will be so colorful with interesting ideology that can make the future of your country more colorful and lovely to watch.

Just wait until your university students form interesting ideological groups that see your government as enemy. It will be interesting that your cities will be very busy with massive demonstration all years around. Until at least your government got toppled and replaced with another government with new ideology / belief.

Who know that we will see a new country called "People Republic of India" or a country based ISIS ideology replaced your country government in the future.

Freedom can be interesting, isn't it? Ideology is a massive weapon that can become your strength or your weakness.
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Take an oath or sign your name on a legal document. They are both legally binding.

Sure. No one forces an employee to sign or take an oath if he is a foreign nation and isn't giving up his / her original citizenship. Except China, looks like it. Don't know about North Korea or some African countries which might be ruled by the likes of Idi Amin.

So India allows people who oppose your government legitimacy to teach your children at school? Just wait until your schools and universities are filled with Maoist rebels as educators. Or maybe those people who have affiliated with Jamaah Islamiah, ISIS, or Al Qaeda educators. I'm sure your future generation of students will be so colorful with interesting ideology that can make your government "busy".
Lol. Of course. About 70% of Indians didn't vote for the BJP. A considerable amount of them are very vocal about that. That's how democracies work.
Lol. Of course. About 70% of Indians didn't vote for the BJP. A considerable amount of them are very vocal about that. That's how democracies work.
90% Indian population vote for poverty and backwardness.
Sure. No one forces an employee to sign or take an oath if he is a foreign nation and isn't giving up his / her original citizenship. Except China, looks like it. Don't know about North Korea or some African countries which might be ruled by the likes of Idi Amin.

Lol. Of course. About 70% of Indians didn't vote for the BJP. A considerable amount of them are very vocal about that. That's how democracies work.
It is not about the vote or which political party rule your country. It is more of changing your country into another country. For example, change your country into some kind of Khilafah or communist country. Just wait until your country has massive of Maoist believers and it will be interesting to watch.
Sure. No one forces an employee to sign or take an oath if he is a foreign nation and isn't giving up his / her original citizenship. Except China, looks like it. Don't know about North Korea or some African countries which might be ruled by the likes of Idi Amin.

Lol. Of course. About 70% of Indians didn't vote for the BJP. A considerable amount of them are very vocal about that. That's how democracies work.
The oath is definitely not about teachers being loyal to CCP. They are not required to be loyal to anyone but not to violate HK's law. So what the big deal?
Sure. No one forces an employee to sign or take an oath if he is a foreign nation and isn't giving up his / her original citizenship. Except China, looks like it. Don't know about North Korea or some African countries which might be ruled by the likes of Idi Amin.

Lol. Of course. About 70% of Indians didn't vote for the BJP. A considerable amount of them are very vocal about that. That's how democracies work.
In India they just strap them to the jeep and parade them around. Lololol
This is the oath of the American naturalization ceremony. Take a look for yourself:
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

The USA allows multiple nationalities, but it still requires naturalized Americans to give up their loyalty to other countries. China does not allow multi nationality, and of course it is more qualified to demand loyalty.
As for whether there will be a shortage of teachers in Hong Kong, there is no need for Indians to worry. China has never been short of talents, not to mention Hong Kong, which has a per capita GDP of 50000 US dollars.
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90% Indian population vote for poverty and backwardness.
No, CCP isn't a registered political party with the Election Commission of India.

Whether you take an oath or sign a contract, they are both legally binding. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
This isn't related to taking citizenship. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
I already told you that even local born citizens who took no citizenship oath have to sign documents that they will follow certain procedures. Government jobs often have additional clauses about respecting national interests.

In sensitive jobs like working for the Space Agency perhaps. But for teaching? Teaching is meant to be about open exchange of ideas. Now I don't know how things work in China or certain countries in Africa but I am talking about the democratic world.
I told you that almost every job in the Australian federal government requires a Baseline clearance. This includes janitors.

There are only a handful of exceptions.
I am not talking about clearance. Please read the article again
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