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Homeless man blames NY subway victim for tragedy

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Dec 12, 2010
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NEW YORK (AP) — The homeless man charged with shoving a man to his death as a train barreled into a Times Square subway station says the victim instigated the confrontation.

Naeem Davis, 30, was arraigned Wednesday night on a second-degree murder charge and ordered held without bail in the death of 58-year-old Ki-Suck Han on Monday.

As he walked past reporters, Davis said, "He attacked me first. He grabbed me."

Prosecutor James Lin told the judge that Davis watched the train strike Han before leaving the station.

But Davis' Legal Aid lawyer, Stephen Pokart, said outside court that his client reportedly "was involved in an incident with a man who was drunk and angry."

Davis is due back in court on Dec. 11.

While New York City straphangers pondered what they would do in a similar nightmare situation, authorities charged a homeless man in the death of a Queens resident pushed in front of an oncoming subway train and killed as onlookers watched.

"I would certainly try to do whatever I possibly could," said Denise Martorana, 34, as she waited for the "A'' train at Penn Station on Wednesday evening.

"I certainly wouldn't be able to stand there and watch, that's for sure," she said.

Naeem Davis, 30, was arraigned Wednesday night on a second-degree murder charge and ordered held without bail in the death of 58-year-old Ki-Suck Han on Monday. He is due back in court on Dec. 11.

Davis has several prior arrests in New York and Pennsylvania on mostly minor charges including drug possession.

Han's death got widespread attention not only for its horrific nature, but because he was photographed a split-second before the train trapped him and seemingly no one attempted to come to his aid.

Han's only child, 20-year-old Ashley, said at a news conference Wednesday that her father was always willing to help someone. But when asked about why no one helped him up, she said: "What's done is done."

"The thought of someone helping him up in a matter of seconds would have been great," she said.

A freelance photographer for the New York Post was waiting for a train Monday afternoon when he said he saw a man approach Han at the Times Square station, get into an altercation with him and push him into the train's path.

The Post photo in Tuesday's edition showed Ki-Suck Han with his head turned toward the train, his arms reaching up but unable to climb off the tracks in time.

The photographer, R. Umar Abbasi, told NBC's "Today" show Wednesday that he was trying to alert the motorman to what was going on by flashing his camera.

He said he was shocked that people nearer to the victim didn't try to help in the 22 seconds before the train struck.

"It took me a second to figure out what was happening ... I saw the lights in the distance. My mind was to alert the train," Abbasi said.

"The people who were standing close to him ... they could have moved and grabbed him and pulled him up. No one made an effort," he added.

In a written account Abbasi gave the Post, he said a crowd took videos and snapped photos on their cellphones after Han was pulled, limp, onto the platform. He said he shoved them back as a doctor and another man tried to resuscitate the victim, but Han died in front of them.

Ashley Han and her mother, Serim Han, met reporters Wednesday inside their Presbyterian church in Queens. The family came to the U.S. from Korea about 25 years ago. They said Han was unemployed and had been looking for work. Their pastor said the family was so upset by the front-page photo of Han in the Post that they had to stay with him for comfort.

"I just wish I had one last chance to tell my dad how much I love him," Ashley Han said.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Han, "if I understand it, tried to break up a fight or something and paid for it with his life."

The suspect's last known address was in a working-class neighborhood in Queens. The only neighbor who even vaguely remembered Davis was Charles Dawes, 80, who stays with his son two doors down.

Davis "came and went, came and went, and he always looked serious," Dawes said. "But I haven't seen him for three or four months."

Subway pushes are feared but fairly unusual. Among the more high-profile cases was the January 1999 death of Kendra Webdale, who was shoved to her death by a former mental patient.

Straphangers said they were shocked by Han's death but that it's always a silent fear for many of the more than 5.2 million commuters who ride the subway on an average weekday.

"Stuff like that you don't really think about every day. You know it could happen. So when it does happen it's scary but then what it all comes down to is you have to protect yourself," said Aliyah Syphrett, 23, who sat on a bench as she waited at Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan.

If she saw someone fall or be pushed, "I would try to help them, and also inform them that at the end of the platform there are steps.... If you can run to the other end you can come right back up the steps. But I guess at that moment you're panicked."

Diana Henry, 79, a Long Island resident, was waiting for a train at 34th Street. She stood as far from the platform as possible — about a dozen feet back, leaning against the wall.

"I'm always careful, but I'm even more careful after what happened," she said. "I stand back because there are so many crazies in this city that you never know."

Homeless man blames NY subway victim for tragedy - Yahoo! News

Ordinary racism. People witnessing this tragedy just watched and took photos while they had 22 seconds to pull this man out and saved him. But as he looked like Chinese, nobody helped, they just got the pleasure to witness the death of a person live by taking photos. These persons should have been charged for non-assistance and they are as guilty as the man who pushed this Korean.

I was also victimed of racism. Being given that I look a little like Chinese from my father, I was hatred by the white girlfriend of my black friend. She hatred me just because I look like Chinese. She mingled with black and Iranians just for dating. She refused to shake my hand as if I got leprosy; she refused that I sat next to her and just put her handbag on the chair; she refused to walk next to me; when travelling by car, she either sat in front or at the back just to avoid sitting next to me; at the Japanese resto, she never put her crude food in the same boiling plate; she refused to take photo with me even if there are other people surrounding me, etc. I knew other white people who behave exactly like this racist white woman. This racist person thinks that she is superior and looks down on Chinese alike people. For her all East Asians looking should be servants and maids. Why such racist behavior while she is herself a very bad person, her lifestyle is like a slut, a high risk HIV infected person, she dates youngsters while she is 35 yrs old, she is also a fake, a bimbo and a theft. This person should have been reported to the Police and Interpol in view of conducting an investigation on her wrongdoings and malversations.

For those who would like to know this racist, just message me.

I would never visit EU or Germany or the US or any white majority people country.While in China, Malaysia, etc, I can walk freely in the evening, I cannot do this in a white country. The skinheads would wait for me to kill and stab me just because I look like Chinese or have chinky eyes or lightly yellow skin. Moreso, in metros and in railway station, a white person could push me in the rail just to get the pleasure to see me my death live and post it on youtube. Moreover I would be bullied and be victimed of racial abuse in any white country.
Local crimes done by a mentally challenged guy is not world news @Oscar
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Well, this Korean guy confronted the mentally troubled black homeless man who was harassing other passengers, and the black homeless man took his revenge by pushing the Korean guy at the platform.

Typical of Korean reaction toward injustice or those in trouble.
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