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Homeland Grilled On Abu Dhabi Travel Clearance

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Homeland Grilled On Abu Dhabi Travel Clearance

WASHINGTON, Feb 27, (RTRS): US lawmakers questioned Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Wednesday over a new federal program that allows airplane travelers arriving from Abu Dhabi in the Gulf to bypass domestic screening when they land in the United States.

Democratic and Republican members of the Homeland Security Committee of the House of Representatives expressed concern over a so-called preclearance center that opened last month at Abu Dhabi International Airport in the United Arab Emirates. US Representative Bennie Thompson, the ranking Democrat on the committee, asked Johnson whether there was a provision to rescreen travelers who had been identified for advanced screening, known as selectees, once they were on US soil. “Can you assure this committee that the process TSA has implemented would somehow allow the selectees to be more than just passed through? That once they touched down in the US, there would be some kind of rescreening of that individual once they are here?” he asked, referring to the Transportation Security Administration. “That is something that is important that I intend to look at,” replied Johnson, who assumed his post in December and was making his first appearance before the committee.

But Johnson emphasized the value of preclearance sites for securing what happens when a plane is in the air, citing the failed airline bombing attack over Detroit on Dec 25, 2009. “I believe it’s a homeland security imperative that we improve that security in one way or another” at airports that send flights into the United States, Johnson said. “And I think preclearance is a good way to do that.” In addition to Abu Dhabi, the United States has nine preclearance centers in Canada, four in the Caribbean and two in Ireland, run by agents from US Customs and Border Protection, part of the Department of Homeland Security. The centers were set up to prevent terrorism and intercept people before they can board flights to the United States, and also to reduce congestion at major US airports. The Abu Dhabi center has drawn opposition from airline groups that say it encourages travelers to choose non- American airlines. The Air Line Pilots Association said no US carrier flies between Abu Dhabi and the United States, so passengers from Asia or Europe could choose that route, rather than book on US airlines, to avoid long customs lines in the United States.

The lawmakers at the hearing cited security. “There’s still a lot of concern about allowing passengers once they get here not to be rechecked while they’re in this country,” said Democrat Donald Payne of New Jersey, whose district includes Newark’s large international airport. Republican Paul Broun of Georgia took issue with Abu Dhabi preclearance but also took aim at TSA performance. “We’ve seen TSA allow people who are on the no-fly list get on airplanes TSA has not in itself prevented one terrorist attack,” Broun said. “I think TSA has been a total failure as the way it’s set up now.” The congressman said he looked forward to working with Johnson to reform TSA — or to get rid of it altogether. Other questions at the hearing ranged from traffic jams at border crossings to disaster relief and staffing choices. The new secretary presented his priorities, which included cybersecurity, the threat from militants being trained in Syria, border security and improving management and morale. More than 100 congressional panels have jurisdiction over the department, which was formed after the attacks of Sept 11, 2001, and employs more than 200,000 people.
June 8, 2014


The National puts US pre-clearance at Abu Dhabi Airport to the test
In January, Abu Dhabi airport opened its new pre-clearance border security post designed to improve security and to speed up the process of clearing red tape in the USA. However, after reports of lengthy waiting times, it was revealed last week that the US authorities were working to reduce delays.

So today, on a flight to Los Angeles, I tried out the facility to see for myself how the whole thing worked.

5.55am: Arrive at the airport having been told to allow plenty of time

6am: Check in at the premium check-in desk and given a US security form to fill in, which includes purpose of visit and place of stay in the United States. I was told to arrive at the gate 90 minutes before boarding time. I prepare myself for a long time waiting in queues.

6.05am: Still, with a bit of time to spare, I walk through to Etihad’s plush business class lounge and grab a quick coffee and a bite to eat. I might as well prepare myself. The woman at the lounge check-in says I have to be at the gate an hour before boarding which sounds a little better.

6.49am: I finally drag myself away from the delights of the business class lounge and proceed to the special USA flights gates where I find another man giving out security forms.

I enter the UAE security checks area where I bypass a small queue of perhaps 10 to 15 people waiting in line. It seems like it is moving quite quickly.

6.54am: I enter the US border security section which is weirdly like having arrived in the US without having taken a flight. The desks are all staffed by US border staff and the hall is emblazoned with the US security logo and a picture of the president Barack Obama. The hall is massive and roped off in queue lines as though the authorities are expecting a large number of people. At the time I arrive, however, there is just one other person waiting.

7.01am: I proceed to US pre-clearance security. It is all very high-tech. My finger prints are taken electronically on a green light pad and my photograph is taken with a small digital camera. Then the lady points to a picture of my suitcase which I checked in and asks me to identify it – very exciting. She also asks me the purpose of my visit to the US, and my return date and whether I am bringing any fruit or rice. I risk a poor joke about hoping they have food in the US. She doesn’t laugh. Then my passport is stamped with a US arrival stamp with the point of entry marked as AUH.

7.10am: I clear US pre-clearance security and arrive at the gate where I am now 50 minutes early for the official boarding time and nearly two hours early for my flight. There really isn’t much to do here. The gate has one small coffee stand and bizarrely an out of order gold bar vending machine like the one at the Emirates Palace. Both of these are sectioned off so we can’t get to them. I am very thankful there is Wi-Fi. The waiting area is surrounded by perspex panels and overlooked by a long corridor from which UAE soldiers, Etihad staff and security staff stare down at the prematurely arrived passengers. We all look suitably cowed. The Wi-Fi is very slow.

7.43am: Nearly five minutes before we are due to board and the Etihad staff are still making announcements requesting passengers travelling to LA to proceed to security.

7.57am: Still getting requests for passengers to head to the security check. Thinking about all the nice coffee I could be drinking in the premium lounge.

8.23am: I am informed that flight has been delayed. The new boarding time is now 9.20am.

8.52am: An announcement confirms that boarding will commence within 10 minutes. There are lots of grumpy-looking people and shrieking children at the gate.

8.58am: Yay - finally boarding.

US pre-clearance at Abu Dhabi Airport: how long does it take to get through? | The National
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