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* HOME * CITY Bukhari’s invite to Pak PM draws fire from within community


Nov 6, 2013
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Lucknow: From the common Musalmaan on the street to the head of Asia's most important Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband (DuD), several sections of the minority community condemned and questioned the decision of Maulana Ahmed Bukhari to overlook Indian PM Narendra Modi and invite his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Shareef for the coronation of his son as the next Imam of Delhi Jama Masjid.

"There is no scope for controversies in issues of Sharia," Mohtamim of DuD Maulana Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani said, questioning the very need of inviting political individuals to any religious event. "We don't address political issues as we are a purely religious entity. Hence I will prefer to say no more on this issue," he said.

Other top clerics were more direct and strong in their criticism. "Instances like these bring the entire Muslim community under scrutiny. How can anyone even think of overlooking the Indian PM and go ahead with inviting Pakistan PM at a time when Pakistani soldiers are chopping the heads of our soldiers on the borders," questioned Maulana Khalid Rasheed, Imam of the Lucknow Idgah and member of the executive committee of the All India Muslim Law Board (AIMPLB) - the highest body of Muslims in India on issues of Sharia.

Maulana Yasoob Abbas said the move must be condemned with all the due emphasis. "People like these give the world an opportunity to point fingers at the Muslims. The irony is that such individuals have hardly any say within the community hence they resort to such tactics, which is deplorable," Maulana Yasoob Abbas said.

"Such individuals cannot even afford to win a corporator's election, even if the people living around Delhi Jama Masjid are taken into account," says Dr Naim of King George's Medical University in Lucknow. "The Bukharis have made a dynasty of Imamshiip at Jama Masjid. If Ahmed Bukhari is so sure of the support from Muslims, then let him take a voice vote at any of the Friday prayers at the Jama Masjid itself and see where he stands," he added.

Others called the move anti-national and a desperate attempt to secure political significance at the cost of the identity of the entire Muslim community in India. "Such clerics declare themselves as the leaders of Muslims and then trade the name of their community for vested interests," said Mohammed Asad, an engineer who retired from a top post in government of UP.

Mazhar Alvi, a leading chattered accountant, said: "I am sure that Nawaz Shareef, if he has even a little more sense than Bukhari, will not attend the event after this controversy. I am sure Bukhari too must be aware of it and hence deliberately orchestrated the entire controversy," he said.

@nair @abjktu @kurup @SpArK @jarves @acetophenol @TejasMk3 @Abingdonboy and all othrs.
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Imaan bhatak jaye toh banda Bikhari baan jata Hai. Agar Immam bhatak Jaye toh banda Bukhari baan jata hai. :D

People who want special treatment should waaaaiiitttttt for Congress Government which in current situation is a distant dream. :lazy:
Just goes to show the average Indian is more sensible than what people give them credit for.
This mullah should to deported along with his half a dozen wives and a few dozen off springs to mullah land.
This mullah should to deported along with his half a dozen wives and a few dozen off springs to mullah land.

He is citizen of India. Hence, can't be deported elsewhere. Don't you know he has first right on India-Indian Resources? :D
well wy the hoopla

hit is his function

he is free to decide - whom to invite and whom not to invite

but by not inviting Modi he has solved modis quandry - wether to attend the function OR not to attend the function
well wy the hoopla

hit is his function

he is free to decide - whom to invite and whom not to invite

but by not inviting Modi he has solved modis quandry - wether to attend the function OR not to attend the function

He wanted his 15 mins of fame and guess what? Thanks to MSM which has nothing better to air he had his wish full filled.

But the fact remains, nobody even from his own community gives a flying f**k about him
Imaan bhatak jaye toh banda Bikhari baan jata Hai. Agar Immam bhatak Jaye toh banda Bukhari baan jata hai. :D

People who want special treatment should waaaaiiitttttt for Congress Government which in current situation is a distant dream. :lazy:

Not people only their leaders like this Imam.
They will snatch the benefits of appeasement policy of Congress but their followers will remain in poverty .
Why did you delete your first post? :unsure:
He just shot himself in the foot ..... :lol:

Lol I also thought that.Now clerics in higher position than him began to criticise his action
Imaan bhatak jaye toh banda Bikhari baan jata Hai. Agar Immam bhatak Jaye toh banda Bukhari baan jata hai. :D

Not people only their leaders like this Imam.
They will snatch the benefits of appeasement policy of Congress but their followers will remain in poverty .
Why did you delete your first post? :unsure:

These appeasement policies have kept Secular Community in Ghetto along with their Heard Mentality. If they continue blindly follow these Imaams, would live in Ghetto till eternity.

I've posted that PIC again.:D

Some Pakistani members were very happy in the other thread, and were talking as if this Bukhari represented all muslims.

Good that the community have spoken out and told them otherwise.
Good move...They should realize and fight against those who are discrediting the name of patriotic Muslims of India.

Some Pakistani members were very happy in the other thread, and were talking as if this Bukhari represented all muslims.

Good that the community have spoken out and told them otherwise.

He doesn't. Which ever Party he tell's Muslims to vote for in General Election looses. Hence, proved.:girl_wacko:
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