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Hit it Where it Matters !

WRONG. Under the CONgress it was India which refused to engage with China.

Under the BJP, India is in FULL throttle for engaging with China. The effects are already visible. Both w.r.t dwindling chinese support to pakistan and chinese funding flowing into India.

I said you won't understand ............................ under congress Pakistan was suffering the worst but fortunately and thanks to devoted modi indians like you now matters / things are much more easier and transparent for Pakistan. You won't understand because you have devoted yourself to modi rather than your country.

Dwindling Chinese support to Pakistan please do tell me about it.
Hi Im ordinary Pakistani
I'm ordinary Pakistani too and can really get a meaning out of this^^ . A brilliant idea I must say!

From the ashes of old India and Pakistan, will rise a country so powerful that asia would bow to them the country would pakhindsthan.....
You can even raise your Pakhandistan without Pakistan. It would only create problems for you.
*Thinking about our dear neighbors!
I said you won't understand ............................ under congress Pakistan was suffering the worst but fortunately and thanks to devoted modi indians like you now matters / things are much more easier and transparent for Pakistan. You won't understand because you have devoted yourself to modi rather than your country.

Dwindling Chinese support to Pakistan please do tell me about it.

No need to tell you about china's ambiguous stand on pakistan, you can see it all around if you really wanted to see the truth.

Also, Modi exist to serve ME, No Indian exist to serve Modi :lol: (Nor has he ever asked for it)

Modi is king, because he knows he is first and foremost a servant to all Indians. He is the Finest democracy has to offer.
I'm ordinary Pakistani too and can really get a meaning out of this^^ . A brilliant idea I must say!

You can even raise your Pakhandistan without Pakistan. It would only create problems for you.
*Thinking about our dear neighbors!
Lol india toh hai hi pakhandistan!!!
On topic : understand this, until and unless you eradicate each one of those terrorist factions in your country, you cannot expect FDI to flow in your country, so zero terrorism and 100% fdi should be your goal, not good terrorist and bad terrorist...
No need to tell you about china's ambiguous stand on pakistan, you can see it all around if you really wanted to see the truth.

Let Chinese reply to this ............. @Chinese-Dragon @Sinopakfriend

Also, Modi exist to serve ME, No Indian exist to serve Modi :lol: (Nor has he ever asked for it)

Well we don't see him serving you.

Modi is king, because he knows he is first and foremost a servant to all Indians. He is the Finest democracy has to offer.

King and democracy in the same sentence ........... well didn't I tell you, you won't understand.
Lol india toh hai hi pakhandistan!!!
On topic : understand this, until and unless you eradicate each one of those terrorist factions in your country, you cannot expect FDI to flow in your country, so zero terrorism and 100% fdi should be your goal, not good terrorist and bad terrorist...
And I think Zarb e Azb has been carried out to eradicate terrorism.
To some extent I agree....The major reason of India's confidence is its economy....India's economy attracts friends and enemies.....

What are the strength of this economy??? Any limited war and a few missles falling on indian economic centers will erode economic confidence and devalue Indian currency....so Pakistan should prepare a large missle force which can launch 2000-2500 rockets at once..at various targets in India...
No need to tell you about china's ambiguous stand on pakistan, you can see it all around if you really wanted to see the truth.

Also, Modi exist to serve ME, No Indian exist to serve Modi :lol: (Nor has he ever asked for it)

Modi is king, because he knows he is first and foremost a servant to all Indians. He is the Finest democracy has to offer.
Modi is the "finest" that your country's democracy has to offer??? I can see that clearly in Kashmir :dirol:
Such negative though process. Instead of asking your own government, why your FDI level is less than Bangladesh, exports slumping and even more questions, you plan on how to disrupt Indian FDI. I will just say this thing, short of an all out war, nothing will disrupt FDI in India. Even the Mumbai incident didn't stop the flow. Please understand economics and demand.
if we divert whole satluj, Ravi & Beas & stop 20% of water by building dams on others I bet Pakistan economy will go down by 150 billion $ at mimimum ,what do you say @VivasvatManu
It will ignate an ultimate and final war and forget about economy both country will see the dooms day. Indians remain always in delusion. Wakeup man.
:crazy::crazy:Iam of this Thread Carry on With your Mental Magic
Care to elaborate some facts on this ?

Is China buying Pakistani Roads. if Not then what is Pakistan selling. WRONG Comparison !!!

I just asked you why China is seeking assured returns on Investments if its FDI. To me it looks like Loan
For any Govt to Govt projects yes they are the biggest stake holders in this project

Can you explain / elaborate this remark.
Yes its related to events of war .
How do you propose this is achieved ?
Better offering from India ,e.g India FDI contributors are

Singapore: 23,320
2. Mauritius: 13,236
3. Netherlands: 4,123
4. USA: 3,959
5. Germany: 3,497
6. Japan: 2,916
7. France: 877
8. UK: 755
9. Cyprus: 608
10. Switzerland: 598

Segment Wise

Its not really hard to attract/divert these FDI ,you need to have following in order

Utilities (Electricity)
Law & Order
Skilled Manpower
Documented Economy

In the past Pak failed to attract these due to following but things are changing fast and already with better infrastructure things are bound to do well .Its the focus which has to be diverted

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