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Hit it Where it Matters !

Had the folks in Pakistan concentrating more on improving their economy rather than bringing down the economy of India, Pakistan would have been in better shape.
instead of trying to "kill" FDI into India, maybe you can improve FDI inflow into Pakistan? why should it always be "destroy the other guy" why cant it be "lets get better than him"?
thankfully, economies are not zero sum games. we can all improve and get better without destroying or killing any one
instead of trying to "kill" FDI into India, maybe you can improve FDI inflow into Pakistan? why should it always be "destroy the other guy" why cant it be "lets get better than him"?
thankfully, economies are not zero sum games. we can all improve and get better without destroying or killing any one
In the past India did the same make every body look bad to get all the FDI ,there are no two ways of doing ,Economic wars are as dirty as full fledged war
In the past India did the same make every body look bad to get all the FDI ,there are no two ways of doing ,Economic wars are as dirty as full fledged war
I am neither rejecting nor accepting your statement. But do tell me the year/years when India did it and how India did it. What propaganda they spread about Pakistan? And why ISI didn't retaliate? And in what industry did India do that? I am curious.

A link to a related thread. Please look into it.


We do not need to do anything, MODI himself is doing great

Look at Indain Share markets, they got hit around a bit of shy 500 points in a day on these so called strikes..

more war clouds they are putting up in south asia the more risk is to indain economy
I am neither rejecting nor accepting your statement. But do tell me the year/years when India did it and how India did it. What propaganda they spread about Pakistan? And why ISI didn't retaliate? And in what industry did India do that? I am curious.

A link to a related thread. Please look into it.


Yes these are some of the facts for you
Sri Lanka
You know where it started so these are some of the facts
In the past India did the same make every body look bad to get all the FDI ,there are no two ways of doing ,Economic wars are as dirty as full fledged war
what are you talking about? any source for this?
Since you understand FDI Then please tell me about the planned FDI in CPEC by China.

Why Pakistan has given sovereign guarantee of assured returns on Chinese Investments ?

Isn't your government taking loans at a very high rate from China to build roads for China and providing security to Chinese. All this on the assumption that Chinese will build something for your betterment !!!!!
Chinese loans r on average interest rate of 1.5 o 2 % very favorable i have read some Indian claiming of 15% but it’s ridiculous Google it
Chinese loans r on average interest rate of 1.5 o 2 % very favorable i have read some Indian claiming of 15% but it’s ridiculous Google it
FIRST Make up your mind

Is China Investing of Lending Money :azn:

Nobody in Pakistan knows any Agreement details about any CPEC project.

and you are suggesting Googling :D
In wake of recent escalation and threats from our Eastern neighbour .We have to understand the enemy and its weakness ,going nuke is some thing childish and probably the end .Obviously as muslims we all have to die and with recent surveys conducted shows that we mean it .But im thinking of something different which really hit them where it matters i.e FDI just to share with some audience who didn't have finance related background . Current Indian GDP is steroided due to FDI

as basic Economci principle is
GDP = FDI (Rising) + Exports (Falling) + Govt spending in infrastructure projects (Increasing) + Consumer spending (Increasing)





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Our target is not military basis or dams but FDI of India ,Kill them here we can get what ever we want

For once, I agree with you! I say the same to my Indian friends and the government.

Raise the hostilities along the proposed CPEC route in the disputed areas of Occupied Kashmir so much that the viability of the whole CPEC is seriously questioned and compromised! India is totally justified in her actions since it is a disputed territory and also it is Pakistan that usually initiates violations along LoC with such impunity either with their cease-fire violations or sending hired-guns to do their bidding in India.

Surgical strikes to kill a few dozen brainwashed religious nutjobs are neither worth our effort nor the risk involved.

Instead, hit where it really matters.
For once, I agree with you! I say the same to my Indian friends and the government.

Raise the hostilities along the proposed CPEC route in the disputed areas of Occupied Kashmir so much that the viability of the whole CPEC is seriously questioned and compromised! India is totally justified in her actions since it is a disputed territory and also it is Pakistan that usually initiates violations along LoC with such impunity either with their cease-fire violations or sending hired-guns to do their bidding in India.

Surgical strikes to kill a few dozen brainwashed religious nutjobs are neither worth our effort nor the risk involved.

Instead, hit where it really matters.
Yea ! lolz @ at your comments ,Now i will be factual

1. First China is doing investment/Loan or what ever you want to say about it for them this is life line so punching there life line will have two effects on India ,you will see growing Chinese incursion plus reduction in Chinese FDI in India .
2. YOur dream about sabotaging is never going to be fulfilled reason its already factored in. ALready there are many personnel died during your funded attacks in Balochistan but progress continues
3. THe most important one In India there are no strategic investment but only commercial ones

SO smarty pants lets see who will have to pay more and whose FDI are going to be hit
Chinese loans r on average interest rate of 1.5 o 2 % very favorable i have read some Indian claiming of 15% but it’s ridiculous Google it
the easiest way to settle the argument on interest rates is to release the documents
when you keep such information from the Pakistani public you have to wonder what is happening

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