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History of China

Chinese history i like include three kingdoms period and Kublai Khan.

Oh and when the Mongols invaded.

Lu Bu !

I think what he means by "hundred countries" actually is "a hundred Viet /Yue" in Qin dynasty. "A hundred Viet/Yue" was what Qin dynasty called all the tribes in southern China as a whole. The Viets today are descendants of a single tirbe. I dont see any more kinship between Vietnam and the "a hundred Viet/Yue". It is a baseless conclusion that the "a hundred Viet/Yue" turns out to be Vietnam.

It could be.

In, around or even later than Qin, South was a generally very uncivilized area compared with the Middle Land. The South only possessed preliminary technologies such as planting rice in paddy fields, etc.

南蛮means "Southern Barbarians". That's what it was.

I tend to believe that today's Vietnam might be formed from a couple of ancient "Hundred Viets". Maybe.
The hundreds yue are different from the vietnam today. Infact the name vietnam itself means 'south of yue'

Do you mean today's Viet Nam is "South of Hundred Yue"?

Viet Nam could also mean Yue in the South.

About Yue, here is another story:



If you look at Dai Viet map posted by some hilarious Viet friends recently, you'll see it covers this Yue State.
There could be an overlap of people in those regions. Viet ancestors includes Qin soldiers, sent by Qin Shi Huang to maintain order in newly conquered territories. When Qin dynasty collapsed, the general in charge of viet territory decided to make himself king and his troop choosed to stay where they are instead of returning north. The new king of vietnam made a deal with the first emperor of Han dynasty to be an independent tributary, at least at the start.
Vietnamese today are successors of the remnants of those called "Hundred Yue". In ancient time when the Han's civilization spread out from the Yellow delta to the Yangtze delta and southward, those "Hundred Yue" people live in the Southern of Yangtze river have been defeated one by one. Part of them still lived in and integrated into Chinese, the rest moved to the South of today Vietnam.

But the "Yue kingdom" in the Warring Stated period got nothing to do with Vietnamese.

"Vietnam" does mean: "country of the Viet people in the South"
Star√ation;1892504 said:
Vietnamese today are successors of the remnants of those called "Hundred Yue". In ancient time when the Han's civilization spread out from the Yellow delta to the Yangtze delta and southward, those "Hundred Yue" people live in the Southern of Yangtze river have been defeated one by one. Part of them still lived in and integrated into Chinese, the rest moved to the South of today Vietnam.

But the "Yue kingdom" in the Warring Stated period got nothing to do with Vietnamese.

"Vietnam" does mean: "country of the Viet people in the South"

pure nonsense``modern vietnam has nothing to do with ancient chinese 'bai yue' people,

a han chinese name Zhao Tuo went to modern northern vietnam and created Vietnam, and Vietnam in Chinese means a land south to the Yue (not country of the Viet people in the South, thats a chinese language drop out interpretation)

because lack of their own history so vietnam had to steal the chinese terminology of 'yue'='viet' to boost its own subjective history.
Star√ation;1892504 said:
But the "Yue kingdom" in the Warring Stated period got nothing to do with Vietnamese.

"Vietnam" does mean: "country of the Viet people in the South"

I dont think so, Vietnam is basically a geographical term while Viet and Vietnamese are sociological ones, so "country of the Viet people in the South" does not mean "Yue/Viet kingdom" got nothing to do with Vietnamese.
I have read The Ancient History of Vietnam by Dao Duy Anh, the remnants of "Yue/Viet Kingdom" fled to and scattered southern of Yangtze River. After the migration and civilization there is the term "Hundred Yue".
LuoYue as the ancestor of Vietnamese are probably some remnants of "Yue/Viet Kingdom", those lived in China either intergrated into Han Chiese or stayed autonomously in remote areas as Zhuang Chinese did. BTW, the Zhuang Chinese maintain their religion pretty well.
pure nonsense``modern vietnam has nothing to do with ancient chinese 'bai yue' people,

a han chinese name Zhao Tuo went to modern northern vietnam and created Vietnam, and Vietnam in Chinese means a land south to the Yue (not country of the Viet people in the South, thats a chinese language drop out interpretation)

because lack of their own history so vietnam had to steal the chinese terminology of 'yue'='viet' to boost its own subjective history.

Vietnam today is one of the "Hundred Yue/Viet", this is the something to do with, acient LuoYue people and Zhuang Chinese owns the broze drum culture.

Viet Nam and Nam Viet are totally different in Chinese, just like Africa and South Africa.
Vietnam today is one of the "Hundred Yue/Viet", this is the something to do with, acient LuoYue people and Zhuang Chinese owns the broze drum culture.

Viet Nam and Nam Viet are totally different in Chinese, just like Africa and South Africa.

thats why those vietnam i said they were talking nonsense about vietnam is the authentic desendants of ancient 'bai yue'```they need to steal some chinese culture/identity to boost their pony history`
The modern Vietnamese is the descendant of Luo Yue, but their ancestors never once lived within the territory of the modern China.
The modern Vietnamese is the descendant of Luo Yue, but their ancestors never once lived within the territory of the modern China.

I beg to differ completely the second part: "but...".

There are many research works. Let me just quote this blog. I think it may not be 100% accurate, but is mostly what we know so far. It's pretty long, but I enjoy spending time on it. :agree:

雒越是个伟大的民族 ?????????_???_????

第一节 百越释义


雒越,作为族称,史前就已经存在。春秋战国之前,统称为雒越或“于越”。公元前333年,楚灭越后,越以此散,越国王室的一些成员及部落首领,各自率部散居东南沿海、西南山区,于是出现了许多部落与国家,形成“扬汉之南,百越之际”的局面(《吕氏春秋.恃君篇》)。 (Note by gpit: "公元前333年,楚灭越后" this Yue is the Yue kingdom of Warring States that was in today's Zhejiang province, which annihilated Wu Kingdom in Jiangsu province via 卧薪尝胆, etc. :bounce: For 楚灭越, see http://www.dfzb.suzhou.gov.cn/dfwh/195525.htm).

在诸多的历史学、民族学典籍中,对“百越”有许多不同的称谓,常见的有:雒越(骆越)、于越、扬越、濮越、荆越、瓯越、吴越、闽越、赣越、滇越、东鶗越、夷越、南越、东越、巴越、夔越等。对越人的称谓有:夷人、雒民、更民、荆民、黎民、苗民、濮人、庸人、僚人、俚人、旦人、伶人等,这些称谓缘何而生?含义如何?有何相干?其中哪个称谓是百越民族的族称?笔者拟从人类学、历史学、民族学、民俗学、语言学的角度和材料进行诠释,并重点对“夷越”、“雒越”、 “濮越 ”“更越”(今侗族)进行研究。


吴越。 周初,古公颤父(太王)长子吴太伯居今江苏无锡梅里,至十九世孙寿梦始兴盛称王。春秋时期传至夫差,建都吴县(今苏州市),后因江苏简称为吴。













东鶗越。史称江、浙一带为内越,广东、广西、福建、海南、台湾、香港、彭湖诸岛为外越(见《越绝书》卷二卷八)。《汉书.地理志.下.吴地》记载:“会稽海外有东鶗人,分二十余国,以岁时来献见云。”。“海外居住的疍人,分布在澶州和夷州等海岛上,其称为东鶗人。”(罗香林《唐代疍人考》上篇)。海外指的是外越地区,确切地说是指福建、广东、浙江、广西沿海诸岛。东鶗人是水上人家,以渔为业,常居舟中,漂泊生涯。笔者在2OO8年10月到海南旅游,发现三亚猴岛下的海湾 里有一个非常壮观的“海上舟城”,城市功能齐全,“大街”、“小巷”整齐有序。“楼台”建筑栉次鳞比,城里住的都是古代疍民,现在称黎族。对疍人(也写作蜑、旦)的流源,史学界、民族学界有不同观点,有的说古南越语称艇为“疍”,疍是艇的音译。广州市滨江街文化站长谢棣英认为:疍可能是战争的败落者逃到海岛上避难的越人。这个观点是可取的。公元前333年的楚越之战和公元前223年的秦越之战,均有许多越民从内地逃到“海外”避难。为此,楚、秦王朝均采取“禁海”政策,防止越人外逃。同时还采取“徙民”政策,将沿海之越人迁到江淮地区加以控制。春秋时期,荆楚之地有“伶人”、“仡覧”人(也写作敢、榄),“疍”与“览”谐音,“疍人”可能是从荆楚之地逃往沿海诸岛上躲避战祸的“仡览人”。

东鶗原写作“东鯷”,“鳀”字可能是“鶗”字的误写。“鳀”字,现在汉语解释为是种长三寸到四寸,侧蝙,腹部呈园柱形,眼口部大的一种小鱼。而古汉语则说 “鳀”是种大鲨鱼。许慎的《说文解字》注:“鮀,鮎也。”毛传皆曰:“鲨鮀也”,“鮎别名鳀”。可见古代的“鳀”字是指鲨鱼无疑。越王勾践说越人“水行而山处”。东南沿海越人以航海、渔猎为生,经常出没于大海波涛之中,生死难卜。殁于狂风恶浪之下,葬身鲨鱼口腹之中的事常有发生,故勾践对越人的航海辛酸史有一段悲壮的感赋:“越国西则迫江,东则薄海,水属苍天,下不知所止。交错相过,波涛濬流,沉而复起,因复相还。浩浩之水,朝夕既有时,动作若惊骇,声音若雷霆,波涛援而起,船夫不能救,末知命之所维。念楼船之苦,涕泣不止。”(《绝越书》卷四)。一部航海的血泪史,世世代代刻骨铭心。因此,他们不太可能以大鲨鱼来作为自己 ....


第三节 雒 越(母权时代的自称)



二是因武器而得族名说。钺,是越人发明的军事武器,夏朝夏少康死后,杼登帝位,他率华夏各族去打山东,有的负大弓参与战斗,有的负钺参与战斗。负弓者即称为“夷人”,负钺者即称为“越人”。这个说法显然是牵强附会。一个在当时掌握了冶炼技术,会造斧、钺、剑等武器的先进民族难道连一个族名都没有吗?如果说“越”是因为武器“钺” 而得名,那幺“钺”又从何而得名?天下万事万物都是人定的名,“钺”是越人的创造发明,越人把这种武器叫做“钺”,这才是符合情理的。










我们无法查实夏少康是不是叫“于越”,但我们可以肯定“于越”就是“雒越”, “雒越”才是百越民族的自称、始称。“雒越”早在2万年前就巳经存在。


















Today's Vietnamese are from Luo Yue. So, it is clear that Vietnamese people are the descendants of the Chinese, and like mixed with other racial.

In fact, Yue Kingdom is descendants of 禹 (when 禹 died one of his sons was looking after his tomb in Zhejiang and later became the king of Yue Kingdom), so Luo Yue is mostly 100% Chinese.

BTW, the more I read the history, the more I feel pity for those ignorant Vietnamese's posts of their history...
I beg to differ completely the second part: "but...".

There are many research works. Let me just quote this blog. I think it may not be 100% accurate, but is mostly what we know so far. It's pretty long, but I enjoy spending time on it. :agree:

Today's Vietnamese are from Luo Yue. So, it is clear that Vietnamese people are the descendants of the Chinese, and like mixed with other racial.

In fact, Yue Kingdom is descendants of 禹 (when 禹 died one of his sons was looking after his tomb in Zhejiang and later became the king of Yue Kingdom), so Luo Yue is mostly 100% Chinese.

BTW, the more I read the history, the more I feel pity for those ignorant Vietnamese's posts of their history...

Maybe, since the ancient Bai Yue was also part of the Hua Xia tribes, so this could explain why the modern Vietnamese acquired a significant portion of the O3a haplogroup.
I beg to differ completely the second part: "but...".

There are many research works. Let me just quote this blog. I think it may not be 100% accurate, but is mostly what we know so far. It's pretty long, but I enjoy spending time on it. :agree:

Today's Vietnamese are from Luo Yue. So, it is clear that Vietnamese people are the descendants of the Chinese, and like mixed with other racial.

In fact, Yue Kingdom is descendants of 禹 (when 禹 died one of his sons was looking after his tomb in Zhejiang and later became the king of Yue Kingdom), so Luo Yue is mostly 100% Chinese.

BTW, the more I read the history, the more I feel pity for those ignorant Vietnamese's posts of their history...

Vietnam historians better learn some chinese before going for their research and study, coz the reference either preserved in China or writen in chinese.
Anyway, the NanYue people have created a magnificent culture, surprisingly advanced.
Maybe, since the ancient Bai Yue was also part of the Hua Xia tribes, so this could explain why the modern Vietnamese acquired a significant portion of the O3a haplogroup.

They maybe or maybe not belong to Huaxia tribe, I would say there were integration of Huaxia descendants into Baiyue.
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