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History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

I got four out of five negative ratings for saying the same thing (by indian TTA of course) ........... though the manner of me saying this was bit you know .............
Negative ranking are sometimes frustration by those tta. So dont value them.
I am not sure how useful Gwadar is for Russia despite hearing about the news of warm water one of the key cause for Russia's intervention into Afghanistan.

Russia is too far from Pakistan and there are only few states of Russia which can really benefit from Gwadar. They are welcome to invest in Pakistan and be part of CPEC however the trade route of CPEC is economically not viable for Russia. They would have imported oil from middle east but they already have it in abundance so what exactly are they going to transport from Gwadar... not very much if nothing
we are forgetting about Iran gas and oil pipe line which had to reached up to Russia in its final stage plus Iran is making mega oil city at Gawadar and we all know Iran and Russia are close allies this will make oil purchase easy for Russia plus Russia can provide navy assistance to Iran much quickly from Gawadar and dont forget Russia invade afgandistan for these warm waters
Dear i am more interested in knowing how you registered in 2007 and uptil now in almost a decade you have made only 27 posts :) @The Sandman @Mentee and then there are you people active everywhere & on every thread. :p:

When you folks celebrate defence pacts, economic deals and whatnot on civil threads , both of we and our team engage sanghis and other belligerents at multiple fronts :mad:

And don't worry about that guy. Webmaster habitually roam around with duplicate I.d's :D

just like you who got nothing do with us humans but still popped out of the underworld ------- zayyyyyyyybiiiiiiiiiinaaaaaaat :P

Bro even after I let you use my avatar :( :cry:

@The Sandman ------------ sandy PDF da jin kadi-ay :lol:
The pakistan government gave an official statement saying that Russia has been granted access to CPEC as per request. Foreign dignitaries don't Travel alone. They have an entourage.

Pak government wouldn't be granting approval to imaginary requests
i did not deny that sir
Russia indeed has been included in CPEC
do all dignitaries travel with intel chiefs?
do putin take him everywhere?
Russia has been trying to expand strategically and for quite some time trying to penetrate the regional politics and after US's support for India in AFghanistan, Pakistan has been trying to involve China and Russia
you just wait for some time and it will all start to make sense
we will be discussing the same on upcoming threads here which will be based on reputed western news sources like Foreign policy and Guardian and i will be tagging you sir

for that lets both wait and watch
Finally what the Soviets couldn't achieve by an armed interference in Afghanistan, has been achieved by better strategic play by Putin.
This will affect the whole ex Soviet block and not just Russia.

I hope Ukraine can benefit from this some how...
Russia will not sell to Pakistan, RD-93 for JF-17s and contract for Helis...

There will be no exercise, Russians were here and spent good time with PA.

Russians will not participate in any project inside Pakistan against the wish of India as where the money would come from, see they are here and participating even without that so-called money through defence purchases.

Just imagine that money is not spent by Russia but compensated through a different mean as it could be a THING valuing such as contracted money. (just saying)...

Also, we gifted a nice pair of pistols to Russian Intelligence Officer, for what, indeed to silent any whining mouth.


Where are those people who were making fun of me when I was telling that Russia wants to join CPEC. I can't remember exactly but there were several members who were busy making fun of me. So are you still going to doubt me or what ?
@Arsalan @Horus @Path-Finder

Acha munnay mian itna hulla kion mucha rahay ho :D ...
That was a very good insight of you and I was truly expecting it as it had been kicked off.
And when you comes in with your thoughts I was assured this gonna happen because as per baba Anil Kapoor in Karma
"Baijo bhaiya yeh Do Harami aik jaisa kaisay soch laitay hain" :rofl::rofl:
That confirms its gonna happen :enjoy:
Many Congratulation to Pakistan. No body can isolate Pakistan.
Finally! China Pakistan Russia alliance are commencing...
Great diplomatic and strategic move by Pakistan
i think now we can expect visit of putin too. Where are those who were dancing that russia refused SU35 :D
India have been too much interfering in Pakistan's internal matter since the creation of Pakistan. If India signed defence pact (LEMOA) with US and invite them to use there bases then it is not their sovereignty problem. But if Pakistan sign any strategic and economic alliance, then India says we sold our sovereignty and become a colony of China. DOUBLE STANDARD
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