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Historic uprising of Bangladesh silent majority

When Awami League commits genocide killing 20 some people. shoot people in point blank range where was indian Muslim aspiritions????? Don't present yourself as fake and digusting than you already are.

With these kind of scum, police I'm sure had no option but to shoot them before they start butchering innocent people. And do you really think I want a character certificate from you.
Why? Do you think those animals are regular muslims? I don't think so, I think these people are some kind of cult followers. Real muslim would NEVER do this, don't you think?

Indians are in no position to give certificate who is Muslim and who is not. Indians hijacked majority Bangladeshi population aspiration with indian branded "secular" "atheist" mantra but people in Bangladesh overwhelmingly rejected that.

Awami thugs are committing genocide with indian supplied arms and support, indians never thought of Islam when committing genocide against Bangladeshis. Bangladeshi people specially majority population has every right for resitance against indian sponsored and Awami League executed terror and genocide. That is exactly what happened in Chittagong when 300 or so Awami League terrorist armed indian supplied weapons attacked remote village, villagers unitedly confronted and resited indo-Awami League terror.

Indians killing Bangladeshis at border every other day never thought of humanity BUT talking rubbish on behalf of Indo Awami League terror like these.




See the full clip . Its great How these Jamatis are chanting "Allah -o- Akhbar " While slaughtering people . Viewer Discretion is recommended .


Funny fact, thousands of armed chapati league members were moving to attack them first. Too bad only a few of them died though. These thugs should be burned mercilessly after all the atrocities they have been doing on people and specially the women. The world doesn't change by talk but with action. Direct action :taz:
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But spending sometime on Various Bangaldeshi forums I have seen how the folks hate jamaat and hifajet or whatever that groups name it . Some support it as well but on this forum ratio is Inverse .

...Which blogs ? Those few Awami Blogs? Waacak. Thuu.

…Further posters in these forums are writing whatever their distorted mind and stinking impulse drive them to within the sanctuary of their homes---that, too, in Dhaka only, the last bastion---awaiting grimly for the dreaded “ultimate”.

The wide countryside----from Teknaf to Tentulia---is under the full influence of Hefazat, BNP and JeI. What these few forums matter ?

Better read the 'daily prothom alo article by Hasnat Abdul Hye' in the link, and realize the lives of those unfortunate volunteers working behind the blogs. LINKhttp://www.prothom-alo.com/detail/date/2013-04-13/news/344709

Lol Prothom alo eta ki chaapaaylo???
@Loki @animelive @PlanetSoldier @kalu_miah @aazidane

Shahbag er female protesterder to dhuiya saaf kore dilo ..............

টিà¦*ি ক্যামেরার সামনে মেয়েটি - প্রথম আলো

জমির চাচা নিজেই একদিন নিয়ে গেলেন তার বাসায়। প্রায় জোর করেই ড্রিংক করালেন ড্রয়িংরুমে বসে। সেদিন বেশিই খাওয়া হয়ে গিয়েছিল, তারই চাপে। ড্রিংকের পর পোলাও-কোর্মা খাওয়া হলো। খুব ফুর্তি লাগছিল। অমন মজা করে খাইনি অনেক দিন। তিনি যখন অনেক রাতে বললেন, দেরি হয়ে গিয়েছে। এখন হোস্টেলে যাওয়া ঠিক হবে না। থেকে যাও এখানে।
তাঁকে বেশি করে বলতে হলো না। থেকে গেলাম প্রায় স্বেচ্ছায়। সেই শুরু। তারপর বেশ কয়েক দিন হয়েছে অমন, একসঙ্গে ড্রিংক করা, খাওয়া আর ঘুমানো। দলের ছেলেরা তো বোকা না, টের পেয়ে গিয়েছে। ঠাট্টা করেছে, মিসট্রেস বলে। গায়ে মাখিনি। এমন ভাব করেছি, যেন শুনতেই পাইনি। ওরা ঠাট্টা করা বন্ধ করেনি।
জমির চাচাকে কেন বলিনি ওদের কথা? এই জন্য বলিনি যে জমির চাচা ওদের কিছু বলবেন না। তাদের নিয়ে কাজ করতে হয় তাকে।
তিনি রাস্তার দিকে তাকিয়ে আছেন, অনেক জায়গাজুড়ে মঞ্চ। রাস্তায়, ফুটপাতে মানুষের ভিড়। অল্প বয়সের ছেলেমেয়েই বেশি। স্লোগান উঠছে থেকে থেকে, কোলাহল বাড়ছে। তিনি সীমার দিকে তাকিয়ে বললেন, তুমি মঞ্চে যাবে না আজ? স্লোগান দিতে?
না। ছাত্রনেতারা পলিটিকস করছে আমার সঙ্গে। বলছে, তাদের খাদ্য হতে হবে। শুধু জমির চাচার একার খাদ্য হলে চলবে না। রাতের বেলা মঞ্চের আশপাশে তাদের সঙ্গেও শুতে হবে। তাহলেই হাতে মাইক্রোফোন দেবে, নচেৎ নয়।
শুনে তিনি অবিশ্বাসের চোখে তার দিকে তাকান। রাস্তার স্লোগান ক্রমেই জোরালো হয়। তিনি সীমা নামের মেয়েটিকে বলেন, মাইক্রোফোন ওরা কন্ট্রোল করে? ওরাই ঠিক করে কে কখন স্লোগান দেবে?

In summary, this is story about Shabagh icon girl Lucky who was featured at height of fascist and atheist mob in Shahbagh.Saddest part of the story is Lucky who came from rural town for better education and future was forced to sleep with leaders of Shabagh gathering instigated by india, Awami League and their media cloud. Few days ago indians, Awami league and secular media was jumping up and down with false flag woman reporter issue but it is now crystal clear Awami and secular "woman policy" is to use and abuse them as working girl. That is what captain planet and madx were shouting to accomplish and propagating here.
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Why? Do you think those animals are regular muslims? I don't think so, I think these people are some kind of cult followers. Real muslim would NEVER do this, don't you think?

......Sorry. one can not be equivalent to the 'poster' of such 'posting' by replying it in equal standard---this should be reported . So, the actual reply has to be suppressed. After all, you can bit a dog even if you got bitten by it.

fateh71.......why not you read (or get read by someone) this article by Sanjeeb Chowdury " Hefajat e Islam, Hefajat e Insan ? LINK ??????? ?????, ??????? ?????8

Sanjay is a long time journalist who worked in several dailies over last long-period. He is very well-known and close to the leaders of Hindu and Budhist communities.

A 'MUST READ' for all
...Which blogs ? Those few Awami Blogs? Waacak. Thuu.

…Further posters in these forums are writing whatever their distorted mind and stinking impulse drive them to within the sanctuary of their homes---that, too, in Dhaka only, the last bastion---awaiting grimly for the dreaded “ultimate”.

The wide countryside----from Teknaf to Tentulia---is under the full influence of Hefazat, BNP and JeI. What these few forums matter ?

Better read the 'daily prothom alo article by Hasnat Abdul Hye' in the link, and realize the lives of those unfortunate volunteers working behind the blogs. LINKhttp://www.prothom-alo.com/detail/date/2013-04-13/news/344709


Many had / could not read that article “That girl in front of TV Camera” by Hasnat Abdul Hye (a famous writer of Kolkata) befere ‘Prothom Alo’ removed that from their paper and even the Server---as their master ordered so after realizing how this article has effectively allowed realistic glimpse into the sad life of the ‘political’ (servant / captive) Shahbagi activists.

If you too have missed, then read now before it is too late, again. Read LINK : http://www.bdtoday.net/newsdetail/detail/48/20378

These “Jameer Chacha”s and their cadres “Imran"s are lurking every where in this arena of leftist & awami politics---mentored by ‘dada’s . Locate them and resist them. Sympathize, though, with unlucky ‘Luckys’---- the simpleton gullible.

That is why ‘Jameer Chacha’, “Irman” & “dada” (and their patrons and Godfathers) alike can not tolerate 13 points of HeI which speaks of ‘Dignity of women’. In fact, anti-Islamists will never even understand the concept. They misunderstand or willfully misrepresent this as anti-feminine ‘forced protection’---because that sense only comes from purity & holiness of ‘mind’ which only stems from “purity of Iman”
In summary, this is story about Shabagh icon girl Lucky who was featured at height of fascist and atheist mob in Shahbagh.Saddest part of the story is Lucky who came from rural town for better education and future was forced to sleep with leaders of Shabagh gathering instigated by india, Awami League and their media cloud. Few days ago indians, Awami league and secular media was jumping up and down with false flag woman reporter issue but it is now crystal clear Awami and secular "woman policy" is to use and abuse them as working girl. That is what captain planet and madx were shouting to accomplish and propagating here.
AMI JODI AL HOTAM:Utter rubbish. This girl is a prostitute.she's lying.her father is hard core jamati.her grandfather was a ra za kr.she took money from BNP to lie about AL.we are the best.everybody loves us .we are more famous then BNP.my father is bonggobondhu(my own fthr kicked me out).give vote to us(if you give us money we will not kill you).JOY BANGLA.

This is an excellent article. Very touching. I learned a lot from it. The settings are so familiar to me, as I grew up in this area.

In a few words, this article describes the existing political culture in Bangladesh and how it is destroying and sacrificing the economic and social fabric of Bangladesh, on the alter of party politics.

kobiraaz, thanks for posting this article.
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Many had / could not read that article “That girl in front of TV Camera” by Hasnat Abdul Hye (a famous writer of Kolkata) befere ‘Prothom Alo’ removed that from their paper and even the Server---as their master ordered so after realizing how this article has effectively allowed realistic glimpse into the sad life of the ‘political’ (servant / captive) Shahbagi activists.

If you too have missed, then read now before it is too late, again. Read LINK : http://www.bdtoday.net/newsdetail/detail/48/20378

These “Jameer Chacha”s and their cadres “Imran"s are lurking every where in this arena of leftist & awami politics---mentored by ‘dada’s . Locate them and resist them. Sympathize, though, with unlucky ‘Luckys’---- the simpleton gullible.

That is why ‘Jameer Chacha’, “Irman” & “dada” (and their patrons and Godfathers) alike can not tolerate 13 points of HeI which speaks of ‘Dignity of women’. In fact, anti-Islamists will never even understand the concept. They misunderstand or willfully misrepresent this as anti-feminine ‘forced protection’---because that sense only comes from purity & holiness of ‘mind’ which only stems from “purity of Iman”

Yes, Prathom Alo removed the article and its there in the link you gave above. The link below is clickable, I include it here because the link in your post above is not clickable:


This incident shows how revealing this article was about behind the scenes sordid reality of our political culture and what they will do to try to hide it, even if someone is honest about it and it passes through the editorial filter due to some rare accidental slip.
Many had / could not read that article “That girl in front of TV Camera” by Hasnat Abdul Hye (a famous writer of Kolkata) befere ‘Prothom Alo’ removed that from their paper and even the Server---as their master ordered so after realizing how this article has effectively allowed realistic glimpse into the sad life of the ‘political’ (servant / captive) Shahbagi activists.

If you too have missed, then read now before it is too late, again. Read LINK : http://www.bdtoday.net/newsdetail/detail/48/20378

These “Jameer Chacha”s and their cadres “Imran"s are lurking every where in this arena of leftist & awami politics---mentored by ‘dada’s . Locate them and resist them. Sympathize, though, with unlucky ‘Luckys’---- the simpleton gullible.

That is why ‘Jameer Chacha’, “Irman” & “dada” (and their patrons and Godfathers) alike can not tolerate 13 points of HeI which speaks of ‘Dignity of women’. In fact, anti-Islamists will never even understand the concept. They misunderstand or willfully misrepresent this as anti-feminine ‘forced protection’---because that sense only comes from purity & holiness of ‘mind’ which only stems from “purity of Iman”

These scums have politicized every single thing. When our Education system is a politics, we wil never move ahead. Cadres will be chosen instead of knowledgeable students. It takes 10 years to graduate from DU because of politics. There is no other way except purifying the core of the system to save our nation.
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