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historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation

Another (missile) attack against US terrorist forces in coming hours is highly plausible!
IRGC general: dozens have been killed & injured in our operation against the US

The air force commander said the missile attack fire on one of the most important US bases in the context of Operation Martyr Suleimani was the beginning of a major operation that would continue throughout the region.

Reporting to reporters describing Martyr Suleimani's missile attack on US military base in Ein al-Assad, Commander of Air Force Commander Sardar Hajizadeh said: "Missile strikes at one of the most important US bases in the context of Operation Martyr Suleimani were the start of a major operation that It would continue throughout the area, and that was a must move.

How many missiles did we shoot at the US base?
Film / Hajizadeh : Assassination of Haj Qassim was America's biggest mistake

** Dozens have been killed in the attack on Ain al-Assad

He added: "We did not seek to kill anyone in the operation, although tens of people were killed and wounded and were carried by C-130 aircraft." If we were looking to kill, we could design the operation to kill in step 1, and if they responded as conditions changed and had no duty to save the lives of US troops, in steps 2 and 3 within 6 hours. They killed between two and three thousand.

** 9 Flight Report for the transport of the injured

Haji Zadeh continued: They say they had evacuated the base, while at the time we carried out the operation there were 7,000 to 6,000 troops at the base. Following Operation Corps, at least three flight types of C-3 were transported to Jordan and occupied Palestine, and a number of Shinok helicopters transported them to a hospital in Baghdad.

Referring to the Americans' readiness for the attack, the US Air Force Commander said the Americans themselves had said they were on alert for several days and had been tasked with reconnaissance, surveillance and combat operations before their four aircraft, including four MQ-9s. He does, and the 2-4 drones and their own drones were anxiously waiting. We thought the guards were attacking, but we saw that they were waiting for a flood and were getting some relief when they ate.

** We fired 13 missiles at US bases

"We fired 13 missiles at US bases, but we were ready to shoot several hundred missiles in the early hours," said Hajizadeh, referring to the air force's readiness to confront the US. Conflicts would continue for only a few days to a week if the two sides did not restrain themselves. We had prepared several thousand missiles for these conditions.

"All missiles hit the target, and not a single shot was fired at our missiles, despite the fact that the Americans had a large number of planes in flight," he said.

** Bases involved in the assassination of Haj Qasim

"During the early hours, we were able to identify bases that were involved in the assassination of Martyr Suleimani, who was involved in the operations of Taji, Ain al-Assad, Jordan's Martyr Ma'far and Ali al-Salem Kuwait in the assassination plot of Sardar Suleimani," said the air force commander.

Hajizadeh continued: "Our first option to counteract this revenge was to select al-Taji base, and as the first option, we changed the target a few hours before the operation, and chose Al-Assad.

** We changed the target an hour before the operation

"Because al-Taji was close to Kashmir and a joint venture between Iraqis and Americans, and we were worried that missile strikes and missile explosions would interfere with civilians, we were discouraged and al-Assad, the largest US base in Iraq," he said. We chose Iraq and maybe the region.

** Ein al-Assad Command Center destroyed

The air force commander emphasized: "The base is 5 kilometers from Baghdad, and the targets we chose were actually aimed at hitting the US war machine, the US Command Control Center, and hitting major US drone and helicopter units. The operation also destroyed the main building of their headquarters in al-Assad.

"In the design we did, we designed a wave as the first wave of the operation; depending on how the enemy acted, our invasion of Iraq could be limited, or it could even be limited to other US bases in the region," said Hajizadeh. To expand.

** Operations were carried out with the Conqueror-7 missiles and the uprising

He added: Asin al-Asad was the largest and most remote base on the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran and we used missile-conqueror-to-revolt missiles in this operation to destroy predetermined targets,

** Details of electronic attack on American drones

"The operation we have not named so far was after the missile operation, and with the special equipment we had already prepared, we launched an important electronic warfare approximately 15 minutes after the operation, and all the aircraft without We pulled out of a flight over the Ein Al-Assad area for a moment, leaving the Americans in control and destroying their communication links and video links that terrified the Americans.

"When the missile strikes, the most important need for Americans was to understand how much damage was being observed at the moment by the 8 MQ-9 UAVs that were flying over the area," he said. It was transmitted and when the planes went out of control, the shock they had suffered was unaffected by missile operations.

"The blood of our martyrs is a very high price that we cannot afford, of course, in return for the blood of their lives; hitting American bases or shooting down their planes or even killing the trumps is not worth it," the Army Corps commander continued. Their real bloodshed, as the supreme leader has emphasized, is the total deportation of America from the region.

** After World War I, there was no record of a state firing a shotgun against the US

After World War II, it was unprecedented for a shotgun to be fired against the United States and a country to accept responsibility, and a missile attack in response to the cowardly assassination of Commander Suleimani in all groups of people Accurate and calculated calculations set a new leaf in the history of regional developments.

"We are telling the Arab countries that they have not seen Americans," he said. "I urge the American people to learn from these recent operations and pressure their leaders to get out of this region at a low cost." They did not go to war because of you, and they will not in the future, but they did not enter the war for their own sake.

"Naturally, all nations and resistance groups that will try to expel Americans, we hope that governments will move forward as well, as the Iraqi government and parliament approved the plan to withdraw US troops," said Hajizadeh. , Other countries move forward, otherwise nations forcefully expel Americans from the region.

Interview in Persian language: https://www.mashreghnews.ir/news/1029458/ضربه-موشکی-به-عین-الاسد-آغاز-یک-عملیات-بزرگ-بود-آمریکا-در-صورت

Some of numbers and words are translated wrongly caused by google translation.
Flag of resistance forces behind Gen. Haji Zadeh
Iran Revolutionary Guards Fire Missiles at US Military Base in Iraq

"" at least 270 death toll have been reported so far ""


The news deleted after an hour and the tweeter accounts which were reporting yankee casualties were suspended.

American style of freedom ...
War has already started by US, and as we have said earlier, you can define it's start, not end.

You define start by admitting killing hundreds of troops during the Gulf War 2. So Iran really did started.
You define start by admitting killing hundreds of troops during the Gulf War 2. So Iran really did started.
And US was killing Iranian by giving chemical weapons to Iraq, by running coups in Iran way way before Gulf war.
And US was killing Iranian by giving chemical weapons to Iraq, by running coups in Iran way way before Gulf war.
And taking over the US embassy which is why your general died because you reminded Trump what Iran did before.
By 2021-22, there is the chance that Iranian ADS are going to be outdated. So Iran has a short window to retaliate.

There is going to be war if Democrats lose in 2020, Iran is going to be cornered into another conflict in Spring 2021 or Spring 2022.

Nuclear bombs are perhaps unvirtuous, not having them is criminal, and even worse.

If everybody evil has them, and the good refuse to make them, those without morals are going to threaten the good people into slavery though nuclear blackmail.

Nukes are protectors of freedom.
Are you Nostradamus?!
what i'm seeing is not analsyses but prediction.
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