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historic nightmare for US, Iran's retaliation wont be a single operation


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Gen. Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council revealed new info about upcoming retaliation against US forces in middle east.

"So far, 13 retaliation scenarios have been offered to this council, and even consensus on the weakest scenario will be a historic nightmare for Americans."

"For the time being, we cannot provide more details to media, but we promise Iranian heroic nation this much that revenge operation wont be in the form of a single operation, because based on the supreme leader's key statement, all resistance forces shall avenge martyr gen Suleimani."

Full interview:
شمخانی: ضعیف‌ترین سناریو از 13 سناریوی انتقام، یک کابوس تاریخی برای آمریکاست | خبرگزاری فارس

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Iran MUST collaborate with Taliban. They need to forget ther differences and work with each other. Iran must provide weapons like Missiles (maybe Russia and China can also provide different types of weapons) to Taliban. That could be nightmare for US in Afghanistan
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Iran MUST collaborate with Taliban. They need to forget ther differences and work with each other. Iran must provide weapons like Missiles (maybe Russia and China can also provide) to Taliban. That could be nightmare for US in Afghanistan

Its very risky, we dont know if they will use the weapons against us in the future
Iran MUST collaborate with Taliban. They need to forget ther differences and work with each other. Iran must provide weapons like Missiles (maybe Russia and China can also provide) to Taliban. That could be nightmare for US in Afghanistan

Taliban are not mercenaries. They are focused on Afghanistan, right now they have a ceasefire which they won't break as a peace deal is approaching.

ALLAH Hu Akabar may God Almighty be with you iranian brothers. And whoever among you iranians or americans is the evil doer be destroyed in coming days Ameen.

Iran in the end is still one of those countries which sheltered Baloch Militants and R&AW agents. How about we choose neither unless forced to choose.
Nobody could be foolish enough to not know trump is criminally insane and would use nukes if Iran does not have nuke.

Iran must have nukes.
I was commenting on arming Taliban. I agree on Iran needs to gets nukes and ICBM, no point having nukes without ICBM
Many americans will be bleeding very soon ...
You do realize that US is no joke when it comes to warfare?

Word is that heavy American firepower is arriving in Diego Garcia, a massive military base completely out of reach Iranian strike options at present. Word is that nukes are also coming there.

This might be the last war that Iranian Mullahs will fight in modern times. Best of luck.
Supreme Leader said response should be military and open.

No response from Iran will be viewed as sign of weakness and will invite more pressure.

So probably Iran will attack US and US will respond and there will be a war that will last for a short period of time, because neither side wants FULL ESCALATION.

US can't invade Iran due to costs of invasion and a million troops required that US doesn't have
but US can devastate Iranian economic infrastructure by airstrikes.

Since US weak place is its economy and oil---Iran can destroy oil infrastructure inflicting trillions of dollars of loses to USA

So USA can destroy Iranian infrastructure with airstrikes and Iran can inflict trillions of dollars of loses to USA by destroying oil infrastructure of the region.
So neither side wants FULL ESCALATION

So maybe this will be a shoot out that will last for weeks and then will be finished: Iran will attack US forces, ---US will attack 52 Iranian targets,---Iran in response will attack more US bases and ships and US will conduct another strike with Tomohawks and aircrafts---- and then a third party will propose a ceasefire that will be accepted by both sides, since no one wants a full out war
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Supreme Leader said response should be military and open.

No response from Iran will be viewed as sign of weakness and will invite more pressure.

So probably Iran will attack US and US will respond and there will be a war that will last for a short period of time, because neither side wants FULL ESCALATION.

US can't invade Iran due to costs of invasion and a million troops required that US doesn't have
but US can devastate Iranian economic infrastructure by airstrikes.

Since US weak place is its economy and oil---Iran can destroy oil infrastructure inflicting trillions of dollars of loses to USA

So USA can destroy Iranian infrastructure with airstrikes and Iran can inflict trillions of dollars of loses to USA
So neither side wants FULL ESCALATION

So maybe this will be a shoot out that will last for weeks and then will be finished: Iran will attack US forces, ---US will attack 52 Iranian targets,---Iran in response will attack more US bases and ships and US will conduct another strike with Tomohawks and aircrafts---- and then a third party will propose a ceasefire that will be accepted by both sides, since no one wants a full out war


This war might turn completely unpredictable for Iran. More like Iran will suffer Trillions of dollars of damage with its entire country reduced to ruins.

Be careful about what you wish for. Tall claims and posturing does not make US weak.

Even Turkey has advised maximum restraint to Iran in a recent telephonic conversation. Heed Erdogan's advice at the least.


This war might turn completely unpredictable for Iran. More like Iran will suffer Trillions of dollars of damage with its entire country reduced to ruins.

Be careful about what you wish for. Tall claims and posturing does not make US weak.

Even Turkey has advised maximum restraint to Iran in a recent telephonic conversation. Heed Erdogan's advice at the least.
If Iran destroys Saudi, Kuwaiti, UAE and Qatari oil facilities with ballistic missiles, and closes the Strait of Hormuz---oil price will rise so high that USA will suffer trillions of dollars of losses---that is why they don't want full out war

US is powerful, but Iran keeps oil infrastructure of the region as hostage
By 2021-22, there is the chance that Iranian ADS are going to be outdated. So Iran has a short window to retaliate.

There is going to be war if Democrats lose in 2020, Iran is going to be cornered into another conflict in Spring 2021 or Spring 2022.

Nuclear bombs are perhaps unvirtuous, not having them is criminal, and even worse.

If everybody evil has them, and the good refuse to make them, those without morals are going to threaten the good people into slavery though nuclear blackmail.

Nukes are protectors of freedom.
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