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Hindutva Indian Companies slowly destroying lives in Bangladesh

Jamati islamists and their dreams. 🤣🤣🤣

Look at that @Bilal9 , it didnt take long to prove my point from yesterdays duscussion on a similar topic.


The sure way to spot a chetonabadi and Sanghi is how fast they label somone jamati. Funny isnt it? Its hard for Indians to believe, but Jamat or any other religion based party dosent have that big voterbase in BD. But still they see jamati here jamat there, everywhere.

But can the same be said about India? No! Not at all!! BJP is not a marginal party. It has 200 million members and countless shakas where they learn to hate muslims. It enjoys huge voter base all over India and systematically works to eradicate islamic culture and heritage. It is the ruling party where its PM is a psycho mass murderer of totally innocent muslim countrymen.

Could anyone imagine Jamat being voted into BD parliament majority, on the promise of targeting hindu temples and force converting hindus? Or promising to kill hindus in mass rallies just like Modi, Shah and other disgusting BJP rats promise to do with indian muslims? Even in hypothetical situation Can anyone imagine any Jamati leader being selected for PM of Bangladesh, knowing he has massacred thousands of his own bengali countrymen, just because they werent muslim?

Well i can spek for my self; I and every bengali i am familiar with, would never do that. The BD people, establishment and Army would never allow that. For a good reason too.

Why arent Indians ashamed to have this despicable PM and his RSS offshoot «political party» as the rulers of their country? Can you call a people guilt free when 50% of population knowingly votes for a mass murderer?
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Look at that @Bilal9 , it didnt take long to prove my point from yesterdays duscussion on a similar topic.


The sure way to spot a chetonabadi and Sanghi is how fast they label somone jamati. Funny isnt it? Its har for Indians to believe, but Jamat or any other religion based party dosent have that big voterbase in BD. But still jamati here jamat there.

But can the same be said avout India? No! BJP is not a marginal party. It has 200 million members and countless shakas where they learn to hate muslims. It enjoys huge voter base all over India and systematically works to eradicate islamic culture and heritage. It is the rulig party where its PM is a psycho mass murder of totally innocent muslim countrymen.

Could anyone imagine Jamat being voted into BD parliament majority, on the promise of targeting hindu temples and force converting hindus? Or promising to kill hindus in mass rallies like Modi, Shah and other disgusting BJP rats do? Even in hypothetical situation Can anyone imagine any Jamati leader being selected for PM of Bangladesh, knowing he has massacred thousands of his own bengali countrymen, just because ghey werent muslim?

Well i can spek for my self; I and every bengali i know would never do that. The BD establishment and Army would never allow that. For a good reason too.

Exactly. Could not have spoken better myself.

How could Bangladesh be better than India ?

How dare you not believe "Mera Bharaat Mahaan!" ?

Hindutva screaming is the only way India will become a superpower. India doesn't need infra, they don't need to work hard to add value, Sanghis need to just scream using the one thousand fake Godi Media outlets. Screaming about fake things will make Bharat mahaan!

Even though under Modi - economic situation is worse than Bangladesh and in hunger index they are below everyone (close to Sub-Saharan Africa). Their PM does a few show-case projects and every Sanghi in India is duped in with the propaganda.

They have to keep propagating lies. Indian Media is already either muzzled or in their pocket.

The truth hurts too much I guess.

I'm here just for the comedy. :lol:

Your country under Modi - is the biggest source of comedy in the world.

Don't make me start posting pictures.

You know what the biggest joke is ? Your Sanghi buddy bad mouthing us an LDC - but your Sanghiland per capita nominal GDP is even WORSE!

What do we call you then? sub-LDC? Lower than LDC? :rofl:

You can jump up and down all day bad mouthing the Chinese - but they don't care about responding.

Because you are not even in the same league. You don't even matter.

You are now in OUR LEAGUE, because your per capita GDP nominal is lower than ours, and will remain that way for the near future.
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Jamati islamists and their dreams. 🤣🤣🤣
If economic freedom of Bangladesh is the concern, I would say almost all Bangladeshi people are jamatis then and are proud to be jamati!
Poor Rajakaar. You are graduating from LDC, not us
Why an Indian will call a Bangladeshi a razkar? Who are you calling a Bangladeshi as Razakar? Who the fuk give you the right to call a Bangladeshi as Razakar? How dare you!

Whats the definition of a razakar? Someone who want a truly independent Bangladesh from Indian dominance?

Well then I'm the biggest razakar in this forum , and I am proud of it!
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Calling me (or everyone in Bangladesh) names will not improve sales of Indian products in Bangladesh.

People avoid them like the plague - not because they are India-made, but generally the quality is sub-par....

I am lobbying for enhanced tariffs on ALL Indian products until Indians stop putting tariffs on our exports to India illegally.

This is a crying need of the day and is going in, slowly but surely.

You are welcome. Walaiqum Tafaat.
Starts thread with Hindutva, gets panties in a bunch for being called a Rajakaar.

First cry most Indian companies have their largest overseas sales from BD, then boast how people are shunning Indian products.

Marico BD posted 15% yoy growth in revenue and 17% yoy growth in profits. If this is how people are "avoiding them like plague", then may they keep avoiding them more. :dirol:

We can very well guess the quality of your lobbying efforts when you claim Cadbury as an Indian company.
Probably what BD needs is better alternatives instead of 1 taka worth of so called "lobbying" on defence dot pk.
But you are too useless for that!
Here in this thread I will detail which Indian Sanghi companies are expanding operations in Bangladesh to affect entire populations in Bangladesh.

Not only are these companies controlled by Sanghis (as reported by my friends in Dhaka), their products are completely against Halal principles and moreover contain contraband items banned internationally. Especially for skincare creams.

These are mainly FMCG (Food, skincare, haircare, personal care) product companies but there are huge operations of food, snack and beverage companies in Bangladesh too such as Britannia and Cadbury India.

I'd suggest fellow Bangladesh spread the word about boycotting these Indian companies (and their products - which I will show here) because they finance Indian Hindutva from their profits gained in Bangladesh.

In the first series - I will detail some FMCG product companies, Marico, VLCC, Cavinkare, ITC, Emami and Dabur.

Make sure you tell your family and friends to boycott these Indian products.

ভারতীয় পণ্য বর্জন করুন। দেশের উন্নয়ন নিশ্চিত করুন।

Cavinkare (Chennai, TN based company),

Bangladesh Regd. Office: CavinKare Bangladesh Pvt Limited Awal Center (Level-4), 34, Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Banani C/A, Dhaka-1213 Bangladesh

Bangladesh-Factory: CavinKare Bangladesh Pvt Limited Plot No.B/66 BSCIC Industrial Estate, Kanchpur District-Narayanganj Bangladesh

Just look at their level of Hindutva propaganda. Why are they even in Muslim Bangladesh??


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Are you against Indian companies make money doing business in your country? Or your angst is that India is getting richer by total domination over your local brands? Or is it the quality of these products that you are unhappy about. Please clarify, so we can understand. You are all over the place without identifying what or who is a hindutva or sanghi affiliate.
Bangladesh must carefully tread between independent economic policies and Indian designs for economic exploitation.
Bangladesh must carefully tread between independent economic policies and Indian designs for economic exploitation.
The main products that India exported to Bangladesh are Raw Cotton ($700M), Non-Retail Pure Cotton Yarn ($657M), and Electricity ($425M). During the last 25 years the exports of India to Bangladesh have increased at an annualized rate of 8.46%, from $1.04B in 1995 to $7.91B in 2020.

Very low volume to term it has Indian exploitation . In contrast Chinese exports to India has been growing in double digits. Yet we have avoided using the term exploitation when it comes to China.

China's exports to India last year went up by 46.2 per cent to USD 97.52 billion while India's exports to China grew by 34.2 per cent to USD 28.14 billion. The trade deficit for India grew by USD 69.38 billion in 2021.
The main products that India exported to Bangladesh are Raw Cotton ($700M), Non-Retail Pure Cotton Yarn ($657M), and Electricity ($425M). During the last 25 years the exports of India to Bangladesh have increased at an annualized rate of 8.46%, from $1.04B in 1995 to $7.91B in 2020.

Very low volume to term it has Indian exploitation . In contrast Chinese exports to India has been growing in double digits. Yet we have avoided using the term exploitation when it comes to China.

China's exports to India last year went up by 46.2 per cent to USD 97.52 billion while India's exports to China grew by 34.2 per cent to USD 28.14 billion. The trade deficit for India grew by USD 69.38 billion in 2021.

Are you against Indian companies make money doing business in your country? Or your angst is that India is getting richer by total domination over your local brands? Or is it the quality of these products that you are unhappy about. Please clarify, so we can understand. You are all over the place without identifying what or who is a hindutva or sanghi affiliate.

Indian customs needs to stop blocking Bangladesh exports on flimsy pretexts.

I don't want to discuss it though. It's like beating your head against a wall. Feel free to Google and knock yourself out.

Only thing Indians will understand is even heavier tariffs and NTBs on Indian imports, and that is where things are going and which will resolve most problems.

Your HC running after our ministers and PM and begging will be ignored completely then...

Just another day @ PDF :D

Stop leaving useless chai-biscuit posts of zero value. Too many Indian posters have this disease.
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How much of jute products can you export to India?.

Even if India removed the anti dumping ban on your jute products, trade imbalance will still be skewed in our favor. That is the nature of trading with big country.

Just like China has trade imbalance with rest of the world, you have to live with implications of international trade with big economies. When you start manufacturing at our economy of scale,this trade imbalance will persist for foreseeable future to come.
Indian customs needs to stop blocking Bangladesh exports on flimsy pretexts.

I don't want to discuss it though. It's like beating your head against a wall. Feel free to Google and knock yourself out.

Only thing Indians will understand is even heavier tariffs and NTBs on Indian imports, and that is where things are going and which will resolve most problems.

Your HC running after our ministers and PM and begging will be ignored completely then...

Stop leaving useless chai-biscuit posts of zero value. Too many Indian posters have this disease.
When you start exporting high end products at a competitive price that we don't already then you have a chance to balance the trade deficit. There is some scope for less tariffs and duties on your exports but not at the cost of hurting our local business.
How much of jute products can you export to India?.

Even if India removed the anti dumping ban on your jute products, trade imbalance will still be skewed in our favor. That is the nature of trading with big country.

Just like China has trade imbalance with rest of the world, you have to live with implications of international trade with big economies. When you start manufacturing at our economy of scale,this trade imbalance will persist for foreseeable future to come.

A fair chance must be provided to out set the imbalance which India does not allow due to her exploitative behaviour.
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