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Hindus are insecure in India: Togadia


Sep 20, 2014
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BHOPAL: Two days after Barack Obama nudged India to uphold religious freedom, Vishwa Hindu Parishad working president Praveen Togadia said India is no longer a nation of Hindus.

Addressing a rally in Morena on Thursday, he said Hindus are being evicted from their homes in Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhopal. "Hindus are not secure anywhere in the world, including India," he said.

He said state governments have been providing financial aid to aged and infirm Muslims. "Minorities are also being given financial aid for education and Haj pilgrimage while poor, aged Hindus are being ignored," he said.

When reporters asked how Hindus were unsafe when BJP governments were in power at Centre and in most states, he said, "I am not here to defend BJP or criticize Congress."

When asked to react on Obama's remarks on religious freedom, Togadia said Obama was "misinterpreted".

After Obama's speech, Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh had tweeted — Will Modi take his friend Obama's advice and ask his friends in VHP to shut up?

He also tweeted, "Thank you Mr President Barack Obama for speaking up for Indian citizen's rights to profess practice and propagate his religious belief."

Hindus are insecure in India: Togadia - The Times of India
I am not sure which part of the country he is living in , but where i live everyone is secure and loves to live in harmony.
Well, Every Kuffar ,not just Hindus, feel and need to feel concerned about Islam and Muslims.

Apart from the fact that they would be massacred by Ghazis (if Ghazis have enough power) , their glorious civilization would also be destroyed by Islamic hordes, if they lose military advantage over those hordes. There is an inverse mathematical relation between Islam and Civilization. Islam in,Civilization out. Any knowledge that is not in consonance with Koran would be destroyed ,which means pretty much all of Science. This is the reason why all the libraries and universities of Alexandria, Nalanda and vikramshila. which contained kuffar knowledge were destroyed.

If Islam gets majority, people may say goodbye to civilizational advancement in general.
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Well, Every Kuffar ,not just Hindus, feel and need to feel concerned about Islam and Muslims.

Apart from the fact that they would be massacred by Ghazis (if Ghazis have enough power) , their glorious civilization would also be destroyed by Islamic hordes, if they lose military advantage over those hordes. There is an inverse mathematical relation between Islam and Civilization. Islam in,Civilization out. Any knowledge that is not in consonance with Koran would be destroyed ,which means pretty much all of Science. This is the reason why all the libraries and universities of Alexandria, Nalanda and vikramshila. which contained kuffar were destroyed.

If Islam gets majority, people may say goodbye to civilization advancement in general.

To certain extent you are right based on historical testimonials ......
But Togadia must stop his ranting .... We are pretty secure under the social-cultural -geographical -religious identity called " Indian" n not here to buy your hating skills .....
To certain extent you are right based on historical testimonials ......
But Togadia must stop his ranting .... We are pretty secure under the social-cultural -geographical -religious identity called " Indian" n not here to buy your hating skills .....

I am not saying we should support Togadia, instead i believe that yapping your jaws (like togadiya and lot of bajrangis do) about this issue is bad tactic. What I am advocating is keffars should have a general prevasive concern regarding Islamic threat, and shoupld do something to contain it, like promoting promoting condoms and sterelization among muslims to limit their population growth and conversions. Approach of ranting .like that of togadiya, is more of a hindrance in achieving our goals. Kuffars need to learn techniques of deception from missionaries and marxists for achieving this goal.

Only people completely ignorant of History could be cool with increase in proportion of muslims to total population.Islam throughout it's history has acted like parthenium for civilization, whether Eastern or Western.
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Edit your post, else you are in trouble....... People here consider kerala as a communal country...... By the way Nice to find another mallu in PDF @seiko @kurup @gslv mk3 @SpArK @levina @SrNair
Nair, I dont think Togadia was very wrong. A friend of mine often says that as the majority in India, hindus dont get any special privileges(unlike other countries where majorities have an upper hand) and that we suffer from an inferiority complex.
And we can not deny how the higher castes in kerala were harrassed in the past.
Also reservations for minority and lower classes fuels up this issue further.
Despite all this, hindus 're liberals, so all's well for the time being.
IMO government should remove reservation as candidates should not be selected on the basis of their caste and religion. Everyone should be treated equally!!
Nair, I dont think Togadia was very wrong. A friend of mine often says that as the majority in India, hindus dont get any special privileges(unlike other countries where majorities have an upper hand) and that we suffer from an inferiority complex.
And we can not deny how the higher castes in kerala were harrassed in the past.
Also reservations for minority and lower classes fuels up this issue further.
Despite all this, hindus 're liberals, so all's well for the time being.
IMO government should remove reservation as candidates should not be selected on the basis of their caste and religion. Everyone should be treated equally!!

About time , but no political party will touch a matter that sensitive .
Nair, I dont think Togadia was very wrong. A friend of mine often says that as the majority in India, hindus dont get any special privileges(unlike other countries where majorities have an upper hand) and that we suffer from an inferiority complex.
And we can not deny how the higher castes in kerala were harrassed in the past.
Also reservations for minority and lower classes fuels up this issue further.
Despite all this, hindus 're liberals, so all's well for the time being.
IMO government should remove reservation as candidates should not be selected on the basis of their caste and religion. Everyone should be treated equally!!

That is a larger issue, and knowing Thogadia, this was not what he was discussing......

It is true to an extent that majority has been taken for granted....How do we come to such conclusion???? Based on the privilege provided to certain section of our society...... Reservations are provided based on religion, caste...... These reservations were made based on the condition of these sections in few decades back....... Over a period of time lot has been changed, and we still follow the old yardstick to measure.......... There should be a total change in approach towards reservation, be it a caste or a religion......

But you think its gonna happen???? Never, especially when you have parties based on religion and caste......
Another gem from an idiot...... I dono why these people take idiots like him and owaisi seriously......Ignoring them are the best treatment you can give it to them......

Hindus are not secure in India, just like Muslims are not secure in Middle East, Christian are not safe in Europe/America..!!

WTF is wrong with people these days? Are they eating their own shit back??

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