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Why is anti islam on the rise in Oz any reason? answer that question and you will have your answer

coz there are muslims here in this country that are anti-western, anti-democratic and anti-jewish

people such as sheikh feiz mohammed
anti Islam is everywhere so its uncalled for to single out only Australia. there are many reasons for that some valid some invalid .

But apparently there is NO such reason for anti-Indian sentiments in Oz so why are Indians an object of attacks in recent years when we did not hear any such attacks in the past ??

dont take my word on this i heard some attacks were because indians were taking low wage jobs in melbourne , some perhaps racial , one faked , the then protests by indian students lead to some further racial attacks by different ethnic groups and then the fact that indian media blew it up.
How do you say we have a pathetic police service?because they cant watch everybit of land?

Weird i thought we would have had one of the best police services in the world.

I believe you have institutional racism in your police force from what I have seen, im not saying all the police there are racist but the email incident proved yet again this runs deep into Oz society.
First off dont put all the blame on australians until everything becomes clear in sydney particular there is alot of minority crime particularly by lebanese/middle eastern gangs which drive byes are characteristics of.(ofcourse it might not be them)

The term 'Australian' includes Lebanese citizens as well; they are also 'Australian'.
It's precisely racists and bigots like you who give Australia a bad name.

On topic, most Australians are decent, but the Australian media is undoubtedly one of the most racist. They treat hardcore racists and bigots such as Pauline Hanson like an eccentric celebrity. The message is not lost on the xenophobes, to whom she is a hero.
Officers were accused of calling the youths "monkeys" and "black c--- s", of repeatedly arresting and questioning them, and, in one case, of removing their uniforms to beat up a group in a public park.

Being understaffed is one thing but if you wear the uniform it comes with certain amount of responsibilities and standards to uphold I don't know the vetting procedure in Oz but officers in this incident failed to maintain any sort of decent human standard at all.
I believe you have institutional racism in your police force from what I have seen, im not saying all the police there are racist but the email incident proved yet again this runs deep into Oz society.

Personally in australia people always joke about race we all make fun of eachother in a freindly way which has to do with us being more layed back(unlike America were race has to be carefully spoken about or someone will get offended)the cop thing though i doubt was racial hatred but was taken abit to far and unprofessional.(i think your talking about the picture story)
The term 'Australian' includes Lebanese citizens as well; they are also 'Australian'.
It's precisely racists and bigots like you who give Australia a bad name.

On topic, most Australians are decent, but the Australian media is undoubtedly one of the most racist. They treat hardcore racists and bigots such as Pauline Hanson like an eccentric celebrity. The message is not lost on the xenophobes, to whom she is a hero.

The same media which was circulating compromising images of Pauline Hanson?:lol: I wouldn't call the media racist, its just sensationalist, like media the world over.
The term 'Australian' includes Lebanese citizens as well; they are also 'Australian'.
It's precisely racists and bigots like you who give Australia a bad name.

On topic, most Australians are decent, but the Australian media is undoubtedly one of the most racist. They treat hardcore racists and bigots such as Pauline Hanson like an eccentric celebrity. The message is not lost on the xenophobes, to whom she is a hero.

Ask them and see if they say there australian or lebanese.

And i recall pauline hanson being called a racist many times.once again developer always biased to one side of the argument and thinks muslims get unfairly treated like the time when you said the cronulla riots started because white guys were jelous?

Dont have time to argue with you gonna go watch banged up abroad cya sweetheart.
anti Islam is everywhere so its uncalled for to single out only Australia. there are many reasons for that some valid some invalid .

But apparently there is NO such reason for anti-Indian sentiments in Oz so why are Indians an object of attacks in recent years when we did not hear any such attacks in the past ??

in recent years there has been a huge increase in indian students into this country, these indians are mostly from rural areas of india where street crime almost doesnt exist.
They move to these big cities of australia where street crime happens all the time, And these indian students choose to live in low income areas where rent is cheap. But the down side is these areas have a high crime rate, and these indians who come from rural areas don't know how to act in a western urban city, and present themselves as easy targets to these criminals. These crimes are merely opportunistic crimes...Not racist!!!!
im not going to denie there isnt 1 and the answer is the articles i just posted to you and the failure to intergrate into australian culture.Which is also a problem in Europe.

The Western media has legitimized anti-Islam bigotry so people like you can hide behind excuses justifying your bigotry.
This whole 'integration' canard gets busted when put under scrutiny. As Petro Georgiou, the Australia MP said in response to the usual hate mongering by the Liberal Party, his Greek grandparents never learned to speak English or do other Australian things, yet nobody accused them of 'not integrating'.

coz there are muslims here in this country that are anti-western, anti-democratic and anti-jewish

people such as sheikh feiz mohammed

As usual, the Indians can't wait to jump on the anti-Islam bandwagon.
The same media which was circulating compromising images of Pauline Hanson?:lol: I wouldn't call the media racist, its just sensationalist, like media the world over.

hehehe Australian media mocks Pauline Hanson

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The same media which was circulating compromising images of Pauline Hanson?:lol: I wouldn't call the media racist, its just sensationalist, like media the world over.

Do you really think that if she had warned about Jews flooding the country or admonished Australians against letting their daughters date Jews, she would be treated like such a celebrity? Invited on shows like 20-to-1 or Dancing with the Stars?

Ask them and see if they say there australian or lebanese.

No different from tenth generation Irish/Italian/Chinese/you-name-it Australians calling themselves by their ethnicity. People who live in Australia know that it is common practice for people to identify themselves ethnically.
Do you really think that if she had warned about Jews flooding the country or admonished Australians against letting their daughters date Jews, she would be treated like such a celebrity? Invited on shows like 20-to-1 or Dancing with the Stars?

No different from tenth generation Irish/Italian/Chinese/you-name-it Australians calling themselves by their ethnicity. People who live in Australia know that it is common practice for people to identify themselves ethnically.

i no i said i was going but i cant resist

this is just straight up lie.

i have asian , indian , white , eskimo freinds all say there australian and if that was the case i wouldnt say i was aussie which i do.

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